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Which companion do you run with?


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Just want some opinions and such on what companions my fellow snipers run with.

Been running with Vector since he is pretty good dps and decent at holding aggro, also trying cap his affection for romance options. Planning on switching to Lokin after I cap Vector. The heals would be oh so nice.

Oh and is it just me or is Kaliyo just a little bit more squishy than Vector?

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Lokin, Lokin, and, oh, Lokin! Seriously, for the sniper, the doc is probably you best choice for a companion because he heals and he has some CC which is really helpful for the Sniper since we only get a CC for droids really.


not to mention debilitate, cover pulse, leg shot, flash bang......

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Lokin for me

I've experimented with all of the companions but Lokin is far more effective for me.

If I save CC and defensive buffs for when lokin gets behind on the healing I can take elites a level or two above me and my gear is very average

Edited by Ashenti
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Lokin. I don't want to use him, but he is VASTLY superior to all others. Your downtime will be much less. The only time I use Scorpio (Kaliya optional) is if I'm fighting a mega elite melee that will walk up and shred me faster than I can heal and my protections don't work on him.


I'm a cybertech with good gear for Scorpio, but it's just more downtime. Energy heals faster than health and with Lokin, you'll be down mostly energy.

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Lokin. You give him your hand-me-downs, sell his and your making money instead of spending it to keep him geared. Since youre the only dps it forces you to use all of your abilities which you may not do if other companions are also doing damage. This has really helped me figure what's energy efficient and good dps.
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I use Temple, mostly because I'm trying to score affection with her but truth be told she's not bad at all, we mow things down pretty quickly.


Its true that with Lokin your downtime reduces drastically but its just feels so unnatural as a sniper teaming up with him, I mean theres nothing more awkward than melee-tanking mobs while you snipe them from cover just a few meters away as they bash you over the head, all while the Doc slaps you with kolto packs....not exactly what I envisioned when rolling a 'sniper'.


In all honesty if I didn't care about Temples affection then I would roll with Vector all the way. He's been the best balance between effectiveness and 'naturalness', never had problems when leveling with him and he actually makes a pretty good pseudo-tank.

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Dr Lokin.


1) He's comments are awesome

2) He can transform into monster!

3) He got CC

4) He reduces your downtime by 100%. Never resting ftw

5) He uses Meduim Armor and Cunning Gear, means you NEVER need to waste money to upgrade him.




Look at my Dr Lokin, I got lvl 40 so I have LV 40 PVP Gear, while DR Lokin gets all my lvl 35 world boss items :o


Look at all the purples! Without trying!!!


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