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Anyone else expecting/hoping for something new and innovative?


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I realize that this game isn't a sandbox but I was really hoping for something new and innovative. Instead we get a game that is exactly like WoW in every aspect just Star Wars themed. Where is the creativity? Am I the only one who feels this way?
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Sure, some of the daily grind and the go and kill x creatures missions are pretty much the same.


But . . .


SWTOR: Five companions to pick from and gear

WOW: Some have pets and some can summon things, but


SWTOR: Companions that do crafting and gathering

WOW: Um, no


SWTOR: Space battles (sure to be expanded and improved)

WOW: Ohh, pretty stars


SWTOR: Legacy systems connecting all your alts and family trees

WOW: All my characters start with the letter "A"


SWTOR: Hey, I really like this armor and can upgrade it to make if viable the whole game

WOW: Must get next tier of armor or be left behind in stats


Are there similarities? Sure there are. But are there things that set SWTOR apart, definatly!!!!

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Not really. From everything they said beforehand I pretty much knew ahead of time what it was going to be like.


What did surprise me is how lacking some features are that far as I'm concerned should be expected in a newer mmo to launch such as refined lfg mechanics and ui customization availability.


Those are the types of things missing from this game that I find highly disappointing. Both are being worked on supposedly but frankly they should have already been present in the game.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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nope just standard stuff, hoping and expecting only lead to disapointment, I followed the game since 2006, and 2008 in the forums, and they have always said they were never out t0 re-invent the wheel.


No true next gen can ever happen until we get the next gen in internet and new hardware invoations..

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I realize that this game isn't a sandbox but I was really hoping for something new and innovative. Instead we get a game that is exactly like WoW in every aspect just Star Wars themed. Where is the creativity? Am I the only one who feels this way?


Everyone's opinions differ... but I have no idea where you're getting this from? Sure, all MMO's have similarities and now there are certain things which are just expected of MMO's but to say this is WoW with a SW skin doesn't make any sense to me.. There are a lot of major differences between WoW and SWTOR.. but I guess that's just my opinion?


Anyways - I'm sorry to hear you are displeased. Personally, I love this game. I hope you find something you like.

Edited by Eysaathe
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the wow dullards couldnt figure it out if it was different from wow.


its not really, only wow is more polished and fully featured.


Not saying its a bad thing, but mechanicswise, its pretty much a carbon copy of wow with voice acting shoved in.



personally I was hopeing for some innovation, but nm.

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If it was exactly like WoW, I wouldn't be playing it. Never could get into that game.


There must be enough subtle difference between the two that it doesn't strike me so much as a WoW clone as it seems to many others.


The stories and the way they are presented are innovative. The concept behind crafting is certainly different. I know they must be out there, but I've never played an MMO without an auto attack so that's new for me. The look and feel is different than other MMOs I've played extensively (mainly SWG, EQ2 and, to a lesser degree, Rift). But I'm not examining it overly much. It's Star Wars. It's an MMO. I'm having fun. That's good enough for me. :)


Honestly, were I to examine it, I'd have to admit that all MMOs share many features in common now. So, I wasn't really expecting anything mind-shatteringly new from SWTOR, nor will I from any MMO. Truly unique MMOs are a thing of the past.

Edited by Lunazen
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the wow dullards couldnt figure it out if it was different from wow.


I guess I'm a Rift dullard, and I can't figure out how (at the level cap) this game is any different from Rift, World of Warcraft, and any other loot treadmill out on the market.


  • Grind daily missions from commendations.
  • Grind hard mode flashpoints for commendations and a chance at a food pellet.
  • Grind operations for commendations and a chance at a food pellet.


How is this any different from World of Warcraft?


  • Grind daily quests for reputation.
  • Grind heroic dungeons for points and a chance at a food pellet.
  • Grind heroic raids for points and a chance at a food pellet.


How is this any different from Rift?


  • Grind daily quests for notoriety.
  • Grind hard mode dungeons for emblems and a chance at a food pellet.
  • Grind raids for emblems and a chance at a food pellet.


I could go on and on.


Yeah, I honestly was expecting some meaningful innovation (not invention; that's different) in regards to end game content. Instead, BioWare has shown that are yet another mediocre company who sees MMO players and mindless rodents in a Skinner box who live for the temporary feeling of satisfaction and reward that comes from getting a food pellet (loot).

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Here's a question: what's "new and innovative"?


Can you define it? RTS minigames? Completely classless play where you pick and choose and build your own skill tree from a pile of available skills? Adaptive mobs?


To me, there are some innovative things and some things that are good and some that are bad. I'm waiting for them to "wow" me with something, and they haven't yet.


And by wow I certainly don't mean that derivative garbage by Blizzard.

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they have said that they treat the ship as player housing, and it is fine and all ..........



but .........



this game has way too HUGE potential to NOT have player housing.


imagine that you have a quarters in the fleet (instanced, of course). or, somewhere coruscant. (its HUGE).


there are so many mouth watering immersion possibilities.


i would like to see player housing.


lotro is also a themepark mmo, but it is pulling player housing off very well.

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first of all I see where the comparisons to WOW are coming from. There are similarities. To say that they shouldn't have adopted so many things from wow is just stupidity. The game is really original, with some basic MMO FUNCTIONS that wow shares with a hundred other MMO's. This game is huge, especially the questing and story lines... 4 classes 2 factions, thats 8 story lines. I am at lvl 44 on my Maurader and I started a BH and it's like a brand new game dude. LOTS of emphasis went into the story line/ the questing/ flashpoints. This means that yes we don't have as many features as an MMO that has had YEARS and YEARs and YEARS of refinement. Eventually SWTOR will have everything to offer, in the meantime just play the game and enjoy it, it's good. if not.. UNSUB AND STOP POSTING.





and I really enjoy the questing btw, The class quests specifically are amazing.. I found myself thinking about it later on how awesome the Sith Warrior questline has been especially the epicness of the first Act.

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Ok if you havn't hit 50 yet, the game isn't anything like WoW. (Well there's the kill X missions, but w/e)


It's once you hit 50 that all of a sudden you hear the brakes. You realize that you now have to do several things.


1) Get in a pvp queue (run around the repub fleet while you do this, on my server the queues come up quickly, so no space missions. :( )


2) Space missions. These are fun every once and awhile, but nothing "hard-core".


3) Spam gen chat for a group.


4) Get in a guild and grind hardmode flashpoints / ops to get gear (which is just plain FUGLY, good grief... I'm sorry consulars. )


Voice acting vanishes after Illum and if you stare at your character long enough, he'll start growing bunny ears and a purple tint will appear on his skin. Really creepy..


(Last part doesn't happen... I added that... I think...)


Edit: And don't gimme that "Well, that's standard MMO fare, what'd you expect" ok umm... EVE? Innovative, although you kinda have to play 2 games at once or else you get bored quick. Warhammer? Yeah, it took from DAOC, and if it didn't flop so hard I would be playing it, so not innovative but it IS different.

Edited by Barathos
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