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Sorcerer Nerf....


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troll. It requires speccing a lot into lightning to get these talents which means a free kill for every class. They dont heal for much if they not heal specced.


He's not trolling. He's in my guild on Davik's Estate. Plays under the same name as his forum avatar here.

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First of all he did not "heal" the warzone at all, that is all shields. I do that just about every match. The more shields you spread, the more you get for "healing".


Secondly, no sorc is doing that much damage AND doing objectives...ANd he had a pocket healer.


Sorcs have very very little burst and compared to other classes, no burst at all. I consistently get HIT for 2500 all day long, and 5k crits come often. Our main attack does around (mine does) 2800 damage BEFORE MITIGATION is channeled for 2.71 seconds and yes kids, lightening is mitigated by armor. I never see my lightening hit for 933. I however do see it hit for 300 and 600 all day long.


I have 495 expertise and I still drop in seconds, usually inside of a single stun. DPS sorcs can not heal fast enough nor enough to out do melee damage. I was healing a sorc in full battle master gear yesterday who had 2 melee on him. He went from full to dead with shield and me healing him in about 5 seconds flat. Then they decimated me in about 3 seconds.


The REAL proof is in the pudding and that is every class in this game ZERGS sorcs because they know they are free kills. You can QQ all you want about sorcs kicking your butt...but if that is happening then PEBKAC.


The people who speak the real truth about sorcs all say the same thing "easy mode, and face roll to kill"

Edited by Raideen
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Well I stand corrected in this regard. Sorry the amount of pure BS i hear on these is overwhelming. Still taking it with a grain of salt since it was voidstar however.


Look, Ill admit that the hybrid spec sorcs are problematic but this is a bioware failure for not incentivising going all the way up the trees as they originally stated was their intent. What exactly do you nerf to fix this? Once they do nerf it (and looking at what they did to ops, i doubt it will be a small one) how do they pass that off to the healer builds that are already disappearing completely from the game when they will do even LESS damage than the pathetic amount already done. This will have a HUGE effect on their PVE too.


Nerf bats are not positive ways to fix a game and every single one that swings makes the general state of the game worse. Been proven over and over and over again. The easy fix is to incentivise the player to go all the way up a tree which greatly cuts down on crazy utility.

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troll. It requires speccing a lot into lightning to get these talents which means a free kill for every class. They dont heal for much if they not heal specced.


that's right!

lots of snare/roots but other than that... that's pretty much a free kill right there.

This spec is more of a pain in the ... than anything else, I'm not really sure if it stings at all.

Edited by NinjaScroll
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Congrats, you made a build that solely focuses on CC at the cost of damage output.


And while you may be getting "high damage done" each game, don't try to fool anyone...all you're doing is running around tab-dot'ing people. It's not meaningful damage, and only serves to pad the damage done meter and rack up medals.


Sorcerers are complete jokes to kill 1v1. Resolve says hello. Only way to win is to kite, and the only way to kite is if you're fighting a class without a gap closer. The only classes like that are Ops/Scoundrels and Assassins/Shadows. You're a free kill to anyone else with a brain.

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that's right!

lots of snare/roots but other than that... that's pretty much a free kill right there.

This spec is more of a pain in the ... than anything else, I'm not really sure if it stings at all.


Every class has counters for it. You are the only one QQing about this all day every day. Post some video and prove it. What? You can't? I suggest you L2P instead.

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Well I stand corrected in this regard. Sorry the amount of pure BS i hear on these is overwhelming. Still taking it with a grain of salt since it was voidstar however.


Look, Ill admit that the hybrid spec sorcs are problematic but this is a bioware failure for not incentivising going all the way up the trees as they originally stated was their intent. What exactly do you nerf to fix this? Once they do nerf it (and looking at what they did to ops, i doubt it will be a small one) how do they pass that off to the healer builds that are already disappearing completely from the game when they will do even LESS damage than the pathetic amount already done. This will have a HUGE effect on their PVE too.


Nerf bats are not positive ways to fix a game and every single one that swings makes the general state of the game worse. Been proven over and over and over again. The easy fix is to incentivise the player to go all the way up a tree which greatly cuts down on crazy utility.


dude, the healing was shields, not a castable heal...shield count as heals.. I do this all the time.


Also, the only reason he did that much damage was that he had a pocket healer. Most likely a merc. I see people do those numbers as well, and always have a healer on them and in most cases are melee.



This is a single isolated situation that completely favored the sorc in that screenshot and the OP is using it as some form of defacto standard that is simply not true.

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Congrats, you made a build that solely focuses on CC at the cost of damage output.


And while you may be getting "high damage done" each game, don't try to fool anyone...all you're doing is running around tab-dot'ing people. It's not meaningful damage, and only serves to pad the damage done meter and rack up medals.


Sorcerers are complete jokes to kill 1v1. Resolve says hello. Only way to win is to kite, and the only way to kite is if you're fighting a class without a gap closer. The only classes like that are Ops/Scoundrels and Assassins/Shadows. You're a free kill to anyone else with a brain.



^ to infinity!


And then against ops it is a dps race..and ops always win in that situation.


The only class in the game a sorc has a reasonable chance of killing 1v1 are arsenal mercs and their mirror.

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Specifically THAT hybrid spec needs to get nerfed. If you were 31 Lightning/Tele, those abilities would reasonable.


If you were 31 balance, the slow nature of your DoT DPS would make the (admittedly weak) life drains balanced.


However, your spec mixes together the best of both trees and is really not any worse off for it. Some of the utility stuff needs to go higher into the middle tree, IMO, cause that stuff is there to help Tele/Lightning sorcs get off their incredibly long cast times. Balance isn't concerned with those, heh.

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Your spec is what I see most Sorcs rolling. They always end up with 8+ medals in every warzone. The CCs available are mind boggling. As a melee class, that knockback -> root is absolutely devastating and I cannot do a damn thing against sorcs of your spec.


And don't give me any "use your gap closer!" garbage, because if they're smart they sit at the end of the leap dead zone.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Those numbers mean nothing, I see and have seen all the DPS classes put up #'s like this.


somebody wanted to see them, so he showed them. strangely enough, there was no cocky response. very strange.


also a peculiar lack in this thread of sorc/sage players making an argument how well balanced or even underpowered their class is. getting stranger by the minute!

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First of all he did not "heal" the warzone at all, that is all shields. I do that just about every match. The more shields you spread, the more you get for "healing".


Secondly, no sorc is doing that much damage AND doing objectives...ANd he had a pocket healer.


Sorcs have very very little burst and compared to other classes, no burst at all. I consistently get HIT for 2500 all day long, and 5k crits come often. Our main attack does around (mine does) 2800 damage BEFORE MITIGATION is channeled for 2.71 seconds and yes kids, lightening is mitigated by armor. I never see my lightening hit for 933. I however do see it hit for 300 and 600 all day long.


I have 495 expertise and I still drop in seconds, usually inside of a single stun. DPS sorcs can not heal fast enough nor enough to out do melee damage. I was healing a sorc in full battle master gear yesterday who had 2 melee on him. He went from full to dead with shield and me healing him in about 5 seconds flat. Then they decimated me in about 3 seconds.


The REAL proof is in the pudding and that is every class in this game ZERGS sorcs because they know they are free kills. You can QQ all you want about sorcs kicking your butt...but if that is happening then PEBKAC.


The people who speak the real truth about sorcs all say the same thing "easy mode, and face roll to kill"


Who is my Pocket healer i had the most healing done on my team...?

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Now before we even start i need to point out that I AM A SORCERER!!!!!!




I am completely unbiased on this matter and I think that Sorcerers need buffed, not nerfed. We don't even get to hit anyone with our lightsabers, bro.

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and you're not puttin gout 400k-600k a game with 70-100k healing. SCREEN SHOT POST 1.1 PLZ


My level 21 sorc puts out 250-300k damage and 100k healing with bolster. I could see a level 50 sorc in good gear doing 400-600k damage to ungeared scrubs and easily doing 100k healing.

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Five things:

#1 1500 objective points is not much. Basically, you ignored all objectives.

#2 I have seen BH/Trooper do more.

#3 If you are trying to make a point, post video instead, For all we know you were the only one in the WZ with expertise. For all we know, nobody bothered to target you.

#4 You stated you were top heals? The screen shot does not show all WZ players, so we do not know that for sure.

#5 You died 3 times and got 7 medals. This is not even slightly impressive, considering some tanks consistently get 16 medals without dying.

Edited by Darth_Vampirius
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Now before we even start i need to point out that I AM A SORCERER!!!!!!


Now i normally play PvE Corruption Spec, as i hate respecing all the time. Since the 1.1 Patch i found that healing in WZ's seem pointless, and extremely boring. As i normally get around 10 medals before the patch i find it extremely hard to break 6 (Inb4 "you are doing it wrong")


So i decided to switch to a hybrid spec Since we killed everything in the 1st 2 days of the week (GJ making Raids very easy, NM here we come :) ) Anyway my spec is 0/20/21




I have so Much utility it is absurd.

Knock back : Roots targets

Shield : Absorbs around 3000 Then when it breaks it blinds EVERYONE around you

Force speed : 20 sec CD making you nearly impossible to kill as you can get a way most of the time.

Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds.

Heal : They heal for so much, for a dps tree (But i don't even use them that much due to being healed by damaging abilities.


The Utility would be fine if i didn't push out 400-600k of damage a game with 70-100k healing. I understand what people are thinking when they say nerf sorcs. There has to be a give and take. The only classes that HARD counter me are Ops which just got nerfed... and Bleed spec Marauders.


PVP Stats:

HP: 15810

WP: 1615

Expertise: 460 (9.62%)

Crit: 26.29%

Surge: 72.39%

Alacrity: 10.03%

Bonus Damage: 673.1

Bonus Healing: 484.8



Flame On!!!


That's awesome. You know, if I posted all my Screen shots of doing 500k damage and 200k healing against horribles, this whole god damn forums would explode into a nuclear disaster.

Edited by Balmuck
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