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Canceled Subscription not a mmo


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I don't find that this game warents the high cost ($80) for the

poor amount of content it has to offer such as.

The space combat is a joke. Takes too long to find others to join up to do flashpoints (server Cho Mai). And I dont like how the leveling professions work.

It is not a challenge, nothing fun involved, it's just point and click.

The last thing would be that the maps are way too small what need is there for mounts with maps that small.

I gave my server name because I'm not sure that it is the same on all servers but I can play the game for over and hour and only come across 3 to 4 other players. Because of that, this is not a mmo (massively multiplayer online). It could have been a single player game and have all the same feel. This is a xbox 360 online game. Do yourself a favor and drop the ridicules price down to $19.99 where it should be for this quality of pay to play game because that is waht it is worth.

Edited by killernoodle
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I don't find that this game warents the high cost ($80) for the

poor amount of content it has to offer such as.

The space combat is a joke. Takes too long to find others to join up to do flashpoints (server Cho Mai). And I dont like how the leveling professions work.

It is not a challenge, nothing fun involved, it's just point and click.

The last thing would be that the maps are way too small what need is there for mounts with maps that small.

I gave my server name because I'm not sure that it is the same on all servers but I can play the game for over and hour and only come across 3 to 4 other players. Because of that, this is not a mmo (massively multiplayer online). It could have been a signal player game and have all the same feel. This is a xbox 360 online game. Do yourself a favor and drop the ridicules price down to $19.99 where it should be for this quality of pay to play game because that is waht it is worth.


Continuing my sub...Good MMO...and what

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You're right, this isn't an MMO.


Because last night I:


Ran a 4 man flash point with my guild mates

Ran a Warzone with many other people

logged out in fleet where there were 200 people standing around

Helped 2 groups of players fight an elite for a bonus quest



It's pretty clear you haven't given this game a chance. But honestly, good riddance. Go back to World of Pandas.

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inb4 fanbois get angry over anyone finding fault with the game.


He has a right to dislike a game that clearly doesn't match his preceived notions of what an MMO should be like. I'm just curious why he paid $80 for a $59.99 game.

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He has a right to dislike a game that clearly doesn't match his preceived notions of what an MMO should be like. I'm just curious why he paid $80 for a $59.99 game.


DDE, but I'm fully with him, just saying I actually got in before the raving lunatic fanboys.

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150 people on my Fleet.


80 on Nar Shadda.


Nope, definitely not an MMO. Now, if there was only me on the fleet, then maybe it would be an MMO.


....... MMO means "make my own," right? How am I going to make my own game when there's a ton of other people running around taking my monsters and stuff?!?

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inb4 fanbois get angry over anyone finding fault with the game.


Why would any reasonable person get mad? If the guy doesn't like the game, he SHOULD cancel.


Hopefully the majority of the players dont feel this way, or else everyone, including the fanboys, are in trouble.

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He has a right to dislike a game that clearly doesn't match his preceived notions of what an MMO should be like. I'm just curious why he paid $80 for a $59.99 game.


Digital deluxe maybe? Dunno, I bought the simple one and upgraded online :p

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Massively - Yeah its pretty big....ton of content, ton of leveling, ton of space to run around

Multiplayer - Yeah, i'd say playing with and along side other fits that description

Online - Yeah...I need to be connected to the internet to play

RPG - Role Playing Game this is...


What do you think MMORPG stands for?

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inb4 fanbois get angry over anyone finding fault with the game.


Heh, i'd be more concerned with the lock troopers striking. Not a fanboi, or however you spell it, but just because on your particular server you notice a lack of other players does not mean it's not an MMO. If the OP does with to use that as an argument, my server (Mind Trick) always has near full zones, and usually a couple instances of the zones at peak tomes, so it IS an MMO by that definition.


If you don't feel it worth it to pay for this game, then by all means, move along. Honestly don't concern me one way or the other, as I am enjoying the game. When I cease to, I too will move along.

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inb4 fanbois get angry over anyone finding fault with the game.


Ah I see the hate posting is going well for you?


Well OP the planets are devided up into shards. You can communicate with them through chat but you won't be able to see them unless you group up with them. So they are there.

Might be wrong about this.



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