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Light Side Vanity?


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Believe it or not it's not that easy. My first post (before they shut down the old forums) had ''I think it would be cool if"


And everyone threw canon in my face as to why it would not be cool. That is why I changed the structure of this post.


I believe the real reason though is the majority of people answering are darkside and would not want to see a light side version of a bonus vanity effect they received. This is clearly a guess though.


I don't think it's that selfish. I think the only big argument against it is the canon. I'm not going to dig into that again, but for most people the main experience they have with Star Wars is in the movies. And in the movies there are major characters with sith corruption, and none with a "pure" appearance or whatever you want to call it.


You might just have to accept that you're in the minority on this one. Give it some time, I'm sure the longer the game is out, the more variation people are going to want to see in their characters so it may turn up eventually. It's fun to talk about, but either way it's not going to happen anytime soon with everything else BW is working on / has to fix.

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OP has a point here.


Granted it may or may not match up with lore, or actual legitimate storyline use. But the point isn't whether there should be a glow or not, it's a matter of giving a fair shake to the republic.


One way of looking at it would be: "The benefit of being light side is you do NOT have corruption on your face." Like Mass effect, Paragon = no scars, and Renegade has facial scars as you get more. The benefit being if you go light side you don't look all jacked-up.


In SWTOR there is no benefit, because if you are Sith, you have the option to simply turn it off. So the benefit lies solely in Empire, if you want that perk, it's ONLY available on Sith side.


I don't necessarily agree that it should be a glow, things like that can greatly affect performance all around on multiple pc's. However, there is no reason that a middle ground cannot be reached. Something like my fingernails growing ultra long so I can scratch people.(sarcasm) or something!


Point is Sith shouldn't be the only ones with an available perk, even if you don't use it; the option is there.


We are trying to get more balance on servers, why wouldn't Bioware do EVERYTHING in their power to create additional incentives to switch. More so, I am quite surprised that more people aren't pushing this concept when so many complain about server imbalance.

Edited by djsmileey
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OP has a point here.


Granted it may or may not match up with lore, or actual legitimate storyline use. But the point isn't whether there should be a glow or not, it's a matter of giving a fair shake to the republic.


One way of looking at it would be: "The benefit of being light side is you do NOT have corruption on your face." Like Mass effect, Paragon = no scars, and Renegade has facial scars as you get more. The benefit being if you go light side you don't look all jacked-up.


In SWTOR there is no benefit, because if you are Sith, you have the option to simply turn it off. So the benefit lies solely in Empire, if you want that perk, it's ONLY available on Sith side.


I don't necessarily agree that it should be a glow, things like that can greatly affect performance all around on multiple pc's. However, there is no reason that a middle ground cannot be reached. Something like my fingernails growing ultra long so I can scratch people.(sarcasm) or something!


Point is Sith shouldn't be the only ones with an available perk, even if you don't use it; the option is there.


We are trying to get more balance on servers, why wouldn't Bioware do EVERYTHING in their power to create additional incentives to switch. More so, I am quite surprised that more people aren't pushing this concept when so many complain about server imbalance.


Thanks for your support. And yeah...it does not have to be an aura...but something that can balance it out.

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Even after reading all of the arguments.... yes... ALL of them (you guys like to write novels in these forums!) I'm going to have to side with the OP here. Did you ever think that maybe Lucas just couldn't figure out how to put a glow on people back in the 70s? It's easy to put makeup on a person, but make them glow? I'm mostly joking here, but you guys are all up in arms about the lore and following the lore and ZOMG LORE! The OP made some good points about having quite a few things in the game that don't follow the lore. There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving the lightside folks a little something that makes them actually want to go lightside.


As of right now, there is no real benefit to going lightside. Going darkside makes you look bad***. But the items that require DS/LS to use have a mirror for each other. Obviously there's no item benefit to going lightside if you can get the same stuff as darkside. We don't look better, we look just like we did when we were level 1 with 0 DS/LS points (i.e. Grey). I could take an even amount of DS/LS options and I would look the exact same as I do at light 5. What's the fun in that!


So ya, I'm siding with the OP here as well.

Edited by Vellvette
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Even after reading all of the arguments.... yes... ALL of them


haha, sorry for writing a book, I know sometimes I like to rant. thanks for your support. I honestly believe lightside (much like the republic) is not very popular. It is easy for the popular side to argue why they should have more options than those of the less popular side


But I really see no reason why us lightsiders should not have some sort of vanity option much like the darksiders do.

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I thought light side players already receive some faint glowy thingie, or did they remove that too for launch...


I remember an old vid showing the dark side players with the paler skin corruption as well as getting a black/red aura that is suppose to envelope them at all times. The light side player would get brighter skin and these tiny wisps of pale blue/bright white lights that would swirl around them at times.


It could have been removed, but there were definite options for light side auras at one point so it's just a matter of it being put back in if it really was removed.


A lot of things were toned down or removed for launch, it's not that they don't have it, it's just that they don't have it in game right now.

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I thought light side players already receive some faint glowy thingie, or did they remove that too for launch...


I remember an old vid showing the dark side players with the paler skin corruption as well as getting a black/red aura that is suppose to envelope them at all times. The light side player would get brighter skin and these tiny wisps of pale blue/bright white lights that would swirl around them at times.


It could have been removed, but there were definite options for light side auras at one point so it's just a matter of it being put back in if it really was removed.


A lot of things were toned down or removed for launch, it's not that they don't have it, it's just that they don't have it in game right now.


Oh really? is there any videos of this you could point me to? That sounds awesome.

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i thought the entire point of the light side/dark side was that the LS was the "natural" path for a person, and the DS was the corrupted, sinful, destructive path and thats why many powerful sith looked like monsters.


the lightside doesnt make you pretty, its just the natural state of the force. this is what i gathered from the movies. the clearcut dichotomy between good and bad just seemed sort of dumb when expounded... the dark side doesnt need a counter. its just the corrupted "version" of the force

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i thought the entire point of the light side/dark side was that the LS was the "natural" path for a person, and the DS was the corrupted, sinful, destructive path and thats why many powerful sith looked like monsters.


the lightside doesnt make you pretty, its just the natural state of the force. this is what i gathered from the movies. the clearcut dichotomy between good and bad just seemed sort of dumb when expounded... the dark side doesnt need a counter. its just the corrupted "version" of the force


The Clone wars , on the same canon level as the movies, does show a pure light side beign having an angelic glow




this is the episode I speak of.

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On 'angelic' character:


With what options do you have to do so at the character creation screen? I saw none.

Simpel answer it balances the vanity options for both sides.


Sorry, my mistake, I should probably have said 'flawless'.


I'm sure you have played with the options for how your character looks at character creation and I assume that you will have seen that you can select your character to be free of scars and have a clear complexion? Just like you can select to have him without hair, etc.


From my point of view this would make the character look 'flawless'/'angelic'. (not the no hair part, the no scars, clear complexion part LOL)


Just to make this plain: when I said 'angelic' I didn't mean he'll have some sort of glow to him!


On lore:


"You never see non force wielders have dark side corruption yet you do in this game, thus having light side vanity options is not far-fetched. It already breaks lore to have non force wilders have dark side corruption"


So, you have already confirmed that this game doesn't stick to 'the lore' - by the way: where in 'the lore' does it say that non-force wielders can't be corrupted by the dark side of the Force? - which pretty much means it's up to BW (and potentially the blessing of LucasArts) what they want to include/do and what not.


In short: if you are looking for a 'true SW lore' game, I guess this is the wrong game for you.


Nevertheless, the point being is that people feel like they should have a 'light side' options as well.




of course it is a reward. What else would you call the darkside options? You can turn it off...so it is not a punishment.


I would actually call it a roleplaying tool.


But hey, if you want it as a reward, well, do you mind if I now call this 'Sith envy'?




The option is there if you think the dark-side corruption looks cool. Thus you are rewarded by going down the dark side with a cool vanity effect on your character.


sounds to me just like what you really want is just something to balance the option a dark side character gets to show off his '******ness'.


Ah yes:


no, a simple aura. a title, something to balance it for both sides


You want what the darksiders got, nothing more, nothing less.


Well, now here is the problem:


Also, for the record, being pure in the light side does have an angelic effect. It is in G canon. If you ever watched the clone wars animated series Anakin goes to this artificial planet where a father has two children that are the most power beings in the light side and dark side (besides Anakin himself)


The pure light side being was angelic and glowed. The pure darkside being had fiery red eyes and was rather evil looking.


Right, can I ask you a question: Have you actually ever played SWTOR? I'm not trying to troll, I'm just wondering...


because a) if you've ever gone to the 'Light side' vendor in the Republic fleet you'd have seen that the guy there is glowing! :eek:


So yes, believe me, I have no problem accepting that a person (extra unspecific whether force wielder or non-force wielder, male, female, human, alien) can be so perfectly in tune with the light side of the Force that s/he glows.


But b) have you actually ever seen someone progress thru the phases of gaining dark side and in turn dark side effects? It's progressive.


You don't start out all demonic, it develops the further you 'slip'.


And up till now all you offered is 'glow' and 'aura' and now 'title'...


Well, I never cared for titles that's why I'm not 100% sure without actually logging in whether you do get titles for advancing thru both the dark and the light side tiers but I do think so.


And if boths sides get it, well, that wouldn't really balance the dark side effects, would it?


So, what is it that you think should show the character's progress on the light side?


And please don't say that s/he starts glowing brighter and brighter!?! :rolleyes:




On why creating an ugly mofo and going to sweet as pie via light side options.

Why? If you go from normal to corrupt...logic would state you would also go from normal to angelic.


*cough* Bad guys are cool. Simple as that. So if you start out normal and go 'dark', groovy.


But starting out fuggly and then turning normal? Where is the fun in that? This ain't no Disney movie! This ain't no John Hughes flick! This ain't High School where you are finally getting rid of all those zits and now become, well, not so uncool anymore.


Sorry, unless I were to really feel a character concept that clicks perfectly with the 'let's get redeemed 'coz I'm ugly' idea, I wouldn't never go for it.


And I'm rather sure there are by far less people who'd go with that concept compared to the dark side idea.


Agreed, a simple eye glow would be awesome, I am sure most light side users would love this.


I also think that is why most people don't like this option...just like the majority are Empire...I would bet the majority are also darkside.


Argh! Why can't I think of any, hm, 'rather really good' character in movies (in general) that have glowing eyes? Or: say hello to my little Stargate... :jawa_wink:


OP has a point here.


Granted it may or may not match up with lore, or actual legitimate storyline use. But the point isn't whether there should be a glow or not, it's a matter of giving a fair shake to the republic.


One way of looking at it would be: "The benefit of being light side is you do NOT have corruption on your face." Like Mass effect, Paragon = no scars, and Renegade has facial scars as you get more. The benefit being if you go light side you don't look all jacked-up.


In SWTOR there is no benefit, because if you are Sith, you have the option to simply turn it off. So the benefit lies solely in Empire, if you want that perk, it's ONLY available on Sith side.


I don't necessarily agree that it should be a glow, things like that can greatly affect performance all around on multiple pc's. However, there is no reason that a middle ground cannot be reached. Something like my fingernails growing ultra long so I can scratch people.(sarcasm) or something!


Point is Sith shouldn't be the only ones with an available perk, even if you don't use it; the option is there.


We are trying to get more balance on servers, why wouldn't Bioware do EVERYTHING in their power to create additional incentives to switch. More so, I am quite surprised that more people aren't pushing this concept when so many complain about server imbalance.


Right, first: this is not an effect that is exclusive to Sith (warrior/inquisitor/pureblood) or Empire characters, it actually reflects on what dark side tier you (Jedi/Sith/Republic/Empire/non-force wielder/raceXYZ) are.


So, as a matter of fact, with, as far as I know, a good many Jedi characters actually being played as darksiders, the 'incentive' to play a lightsider on the Republic side would actually be countered by an incentive to play a lightsider on the Empire side.


And yes, the concept for an Empire lightsider is very much possible.


You mentioned 'The benefit being if you go light side you don't look all jacked-up.' in regards to no corruption on your face.


I brought that up already... and to be honest it would be the only 'solution' for light side effects that would make sense to me.


Alas, it also adds a huge problem: in character creation you can choose how 'messed' up you want your character to look. This does include scars, complexion, tattoos, piercings, makeup, warpaint, branding, etc.


Obviously you chose those features for a reason.


If you go 'clean face' via light side, well, you lose those features more and more the further you progress on the light side.


1. general problem: it would pretty much 'require' for you to create a fuggly character that you want to see turn good lookin'. I don't think many people will go for that.


Otherwise we are back to making the character glow... :rolleyes:


2. cultural problem: some of these features are damages, others are ritualistic markings meant to show/say something.


Imagine a Mirialan losing his/her tattoos because s/he is in tune with the light side! Afterall tattoos are actually nothing else but damages to the body...


What about Miraluka? Aside from an eye glow thing completely wasted on them, wouldn't maybe being in tune with the light side potentially mean that his/her eyeballs grow back? In the end their loss of the eyes is still just evolutionary damage.


Which means you would actually have to set filters what should be 'purged' via a light side effect and what should remain...


I honestly believe lightside (much like the republic) is not very popular. It is easy for the popular side to argue why they should have more options than those of the less popular side.


Right, frankly a few things on that: I have never (thru 5 characters) gone serious darkside, I stay either balanced or lightside (which I found pretty much impossible not to do even using my extreme womanizing smuggler - he just has too much of a heart of gold :D)


I also haven't played an Empire character yet.


I know that I will soon create 2, one most likely a true darkside IA sniper, the other, well, something lightside and Imperial...


So, really, if I were to see any reasonable point why there should be light side effects I should be the first to support it, right?


And I'm still saying no...


Random note: I had actually planned to make a full darkside Trooper, but that failed because I couldn't get the base look I wanted for my character... and no, darkside effect wouldn't have helped...



i thought the entire point of the light side/dark side was that the LS was the "natural" path for a person, and the DS was the corrupted, sinful, destructive path and thats why many powerful sith looked like monsters.


the lightside doesnt make you pretty, its just the natural state of the force. this is what i gathered from the movies. the clearcut dichotomy between good and bad just seemed sort of dumb when expounded... the dark side doesnt need a counter. its just the corrupted "version" of the force


That's actually not true. The natural state is balanced. Just consider the prophecy 'of the one who will bring balance to the Force'.


Most people will swing slightly between the first tier of light and dark side and in the end fall around neutral.


Think: you may have killed that spider crawling over the floor but also opened the door for that little ol' lady: balance.


The dark side is the path that is easily opened thru emotional turmoil: anger, hate, fear, rage, lust, obsession, etc.


The light side on the other hand is the path of inner peace, serenity, calm, complete lack of emotion.


But in the end both result in the same: for the Force to easily flow in to you and thru you.


It's obviously just much harder to find peace than giving into your base emotions.


So yes, the light side would make you 'pretty'... at least in that sense that you would get that serene look.

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, my mistake,
no problem


In short: if you are looking for a 'true SW lore' game, I guess this is the wrong game for you.

Nothing to do with my argument. I just want light side vanity effects. It is not seen often in lore. People often use lore as a reason NOT to have it.


BTW this game is perfect for anyone who wants a great game with tons of lore, and a great story.

Nevertheless, the point being is that people feel like they should have a 'light side' options as well.



3 reasons,

1) people would like to see it (those that really play light sided characters)

2) it balances it out light side/ dark side path

3) it gives insensitive to pick light side over dark.



I would actually call it a roleplaying tool.

You can use it to role play, but to say it is only used to roleplay would be wrong. Much the same as you could use lightside options to roleplay if you so wanted to


But hey, if you want it as a reward, well, do you mind if I now call this 'Sith envy'?

That's fine


sounds to me just like what you really want is just something to balance the option a dark side character gets to show off his '******ness'.

100% right. I want to show off my lightside. You do know that vanity is all over the game. Why pay a million credits for the same mount? or a pet? or the collectors edition? Because it looks cool. Why would you try to deny that.


You want what the darksiders got, nothing more, nothing less.
Crazy I know, but yes I want it balanced


Right, can I ask you a question: Have you actually ever played SWTOR? I'm not trying to troll, I'm just wondering...[/qoute]


1) You have to have an active account to be on this forums

2) I am a level 50 Jedi Guardian , almost max light side,

Guild owner of a rather large guild in belgoths beacon.


Completed EV 5/5 normal, almost all on hard (can't beat soa) KP beaten on normal, going to try hard mode this friday. Almost full set tier 1.2 gear (missing my head piece).


because a) if you've ever gone to the 'Light side' vendor in the Republic fleet you'd have seen that the guy there is glowing! :eek:

girl, and further proves my point...?


So yes, believe me, I have no problem accepting that a person (extra unspecific whether force wielder or non-force wielder, male, female, human, alien) can be so perfectly in tune with the light side of the Force that s/he glows.



But b) have you actually ever seen someone progress thru the phases of gaining dark side and in turn dark side effects? It's progressive.


You don't start out all demonic, it develops the further you 'slip'.

Still fail to see your point, it can work the same way?


the rest of your points I am going to leave out. They are a lot of opninons and that's fine. But they more or less state


"Darkside is cool, it is ok to go from normal to evil! But how lame would it be to go from normal to light side! lammeeee"


and some stuff about scaring that I never talked about. I just want it balanced. A vanity reward for the light side. That is all.



Edited by Dragonexadon
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Oh frag this, just give the effin glow to goody goodies so can spot their "holier than thou" behinds more easily on WZ's.


I bet i am not the only one with this view on the subject matter...


...and if you would turn it off on WZ's, come on, show your pride on your aligment, like I do...

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I just want light side vanity effects.




100% right. I want to show off my lightside. You do know that vanity is all over the game. Why pay a million credits for the same mount? or a pet? or the collectors edition? Because it looks cool. Why would you try to deny that.


Listen, I don't mind if lightsiders get some sort of vanity option to reflect that they are in tune with the light side of the Force.


Alas, so far you haven't brought up one good example of how these lightside effects should work!


Frankly, yeah, anybody can go and say 'I want X in SWTOR because somebody else has it', the real art comes with actually making a suggestion on how it should work!


Heck, (to go completely off topic but there is a reason) that Troopers should be able to use melee weapons (and not just Gut!) and pistols. Because other characters can use them, too.


If I were to leave it at that, well, d'oh... yeah, BW may add the corresponding abilities. But beyond 'look, I have now a base attack with my blaster pistol/vibroknife' there wouldn't be anything else. So maybe I should actually give BW some suggestions as to pistol/melee based abilities/skills that will actually add a point to using these weapons?


So, to take the thing back on track: you keep saying 'glow', 'aura', 'titles', 'eye glow'.


And as I have said before repeatedly this is not going to work!


'Look, there's a tier 1 lightsider: he glows a bit'

'Look, there's a tier 2 lightsider: he glows a bit more' etc.


Is that how you want it? Then I'd just call you a crybaby who just wants to have the 'reward' for the sake of having it: 'I want it, I want it, I want it!' *stomps feet*


Same for aura...


Title: already in place


Eye glow: Mirialan? No eyes? -> 'Wait, I'm playing a Mirialan, I can't get eye glow as a reward! I want something else as a reward!'


I have given you an example of might potentially be the most correct light side effect, as did djsmileey, and I've also explained to you why it wouldn't work without setting specific parameter as to what is lightsided on the face and what not.


the rest of your points I am going to leave out. They are a lot of opninons and that's fine. But they more or less state


"Darkside is cool, it is ok to go from normal to evil! But how lame would it be to go from normal to light side! lammeeee"


and some stuff about scaring that I never talked about. I just want it balanced. A vanity reward for the light side. That is all.


This shows me 2 things:

a) you haven't wasted a thought beyond 'I want them to glow as a reward' because yes, facial damage (e.g. scars, bad complexion, tattoos, etc.) would most likely be the first thing effected by lightsiding: you just start looking 'good'; and


b) yes, for most people the dark side is cooler.


Ask your guildies, ask here in the forum: 'if there was some sort of visual reward would you choose to start off with a bad looking character and then by progressing up thru the light side tiers (eventually) start looking normal (i.e. clear complexion, no scars, etc.) and in the end even start to glow?'


Get enough people that would say yes to it, then go from there.


But I'd bet on it that you won't find more than a handful giving you a thumbs up who are actually playing lightside.


You are more likely to run into people like Perhilion who'd actually see this more as an advantage for darksiders in PvP... :csw_redsaber:

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OP has a point, Haters gonna hate (and not gonna get dark side points for that)


And also, keep in mind that what he is SUGGESTING is light side vanity effects, HOW it is going to be implemented its a whole different story.


Jesus kids, you look like you have never played and contributed to a game before, he just set an example out there with the glow and eyes stuff (I for one wouldnt like to enter a cave and be my own lightstick). The implementation and what the effects will be is for the game devs for decide.


But let me add my 2 cents here on what I would like to see: Force spirits! It would be so friggin nice if you were light V and when you died you could show your force spirit over your body. But again it would make no sense at all to have a Trooper's force spirit lol.

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Listen, I don't mind if lightsiders get some sort of vanity option to reflect that they are in tune with the light side of the Force.




And as I have said before repeatedly this is not going to work!


'Look, there's a tier 1 lightsider: he glows a bit'

'Look, there's a tier 2 lightsider: he glows a bit more' etc.


Is that how you want it?


That's fine with me
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If you can recall, Darth Revan found how to use both sides of the force, how would you portray 2 effects on the same person. Thats why it was stated before, the natural look was the norm side effects of being a Jedi. Revan would glow slightly and have red eyes and black veins. Doesnt make sense.


And there was shield effects in the movies, some units had portable Shielding Cores on them, IE droids.


You just picked the wrong side to play thats all. Dont get mad that your universe has angelic structures, green pastures, Bright clothes ect.

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If you can recall, Darth Revan found how to use both sides of the force, how would you portray 2 effects on the same person. Thats why it was stated before, the natural look was the norm side effects of being a Jedi. Revan would glow slightly and have red eyes and black veins. Doesnt make sense.


That theory does not fit in this game at all. You can only go to the light side or darkside in this game. Where was it stated that it was a normal side effects of being a jedi? There is reference in lore of a light side "look" and darkside "look" in lore with the clone wars as I mentioned in my earlier post



And there was shield effects in the movies, some units had portable Shielding Cores on them, IE droids.

This is true but Jedis never did. It's fine they do now. As I stated clone wars does have a reference to a character looking different bassd on her being lightside

You just picked the wrong side to play thats all. Dont get mad that your universe has angelic structures, green pastures, Bright clothes ect.

Not the wrong side. I like the lightside better. Just want vanity options to be balanced. Why does one side get an option the other does not.


Edit: I also would guess that most people that don't want it are darkside players and not light side. (I would wager it goes hand in hand with the majority of players being empire)

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Edit: I also would guess that most people that don't want it are darkside players and not light side. (I would wager it goes hand in hand with the majority of players being empire)


Um, just have to point out one can play a light sider Imperial. I am. (And it is awesome. :D I love running around creatively interpreting orders and sparing people and, well, pretty much being a traitor. Too bad the Empire's too dim to notice. Or very fortunate the Empire's too dim to notice.)


I rather suspect that the people who've said that the reason there's a dark side effect and not a light side effect is because LucasArts does consider the light side more natural. Though I must say that if my traitorous Imperial Agent also glowed, it would add a whole other layer of hilarity to the Empire's obliviousness...


From the standpoint of fairness, it does seem like there should be a light side equivalent to the dark side corruption. But, like others, I'm not quite sure how one would implement it that wouldn't cause problems. A glow seems easy enough, but I have a feeling it would be hell on people with less powerful systems. I don't like the idea of erasing scars or other facial markings because I feel like that buys in a bit too much to good = pretty/bad = ugly. (Not that the Star Wars verse doesn't have issues that direction anyway.)


So I agree in general, but I'm not sure how to make it work.

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Um, just have to point out one can play a light sider Imperial. I am. (And it is awesome. :D I love running around creatively interpreting orders and sparing people and, well, pretty much being a traitor. Too bad the Empire's too dim to notice. Or very fortunate the Empire's too dim to notice.)
I know this. I was making a point that, like the empire, I would guess the majority of players play on the darkside


I rather suspect that the people who've said that the reason there's a dark side effect and not a light side effect is because LucasArts does consider the light side more natural. Though I must say that if my traitorous Imperial Agent also glowed, it would add a whole other layer of hilarity to the Empire's obliviousness...

lol. would be funny. Or just glowing blue eyes instead of glowing red eyes


From the standpoint of fairness, it does seem like there should be a light side equivalent to the dark side corruption.

100% what I am thinking


But, like others, I'm not quite sure how one would implement it that wouldn't cause problems. A glow seems easy enough, but I have a feeling it would be hell on people with less powerful systems.

Perhaps just glowing eyes? That way it would not be so taxing. and , to improve performance, have an option for everyone to turn lightside effects on or off with default off. That way whatever they decide to do, if it is taxing, people can turn it off easy


I don't like the idea of erasing scars or other facial markings because I feel like that buys in a bit too much to good = pretty/bad = ugly. (Not that the Star Wars verse doesn't have issues that direction anyway.)

Nor do I , and that was never my idea.

So I agree in general, but I'm not sure how to make it work.

Thanks for your support! And you also fill out my point that I think lightsiders , in general, would agree. While darkside people only disagree because they want the darkside to be special.

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And you also fill out my point that I think lightsiders , in general, would agree. While darkside people only disagree because they want the darkside to be special.


Well duh. Dark Siders win at life, of course they get the cooler chizz :p


Kidding. I actually wasn't aware that Light Siders have no vanity options, and reading this disappointed me greatly. I've only really put any effort into my level 38 Full-DarkSide Sith Assassin, but I was planning on making a LS Sorceror sometime this week out of sheer curiosity. I'm fairly disappointed in the lack of a LS vanity option, and fervently agree that there should be one, Canon be damned. (But hey, we do have that one angelic chick, if you feel like counting her :D)


But then rises a separate issue. One that may have been BW's reason for never implementing this in the first place... How?


I agree with some statements that a full-body glow could be problematic, and absolute hell on weaker computers... I personally have to keep my Resolution at 800x600 at all times (which makes me cry inside), or be faced with unimaginable lag.. Perhaps something more subtle, like light hints of copper in a character's cheeks, enhancing the natural colors in complexion or skin color, etc. Maybe even have slight wisps of blue force energy flowing up and down a character's hands and arms, just as long as there's SOMETHING. When you play a video game, which sounds more appealing to you? Being darker and more sinister than you normally would, or upholding your character to an even stricter moral code than you hold yourself to? Evidently, the masses have chosen the former, so let's add some form of incentive to be good people xD


Now, here's a radical idea that will probably never happen and would take months to implement. Why not have different forms of DS/LS vanity for each individual class? That way, DS Bounty Hunters don't look like corrupt Sith in battle armor, and instead just look really evil :D

... Yeah, just an idea. But nothing to do with the topic at hand, so I shall return to the point.


All in all, right now, DS and LS are unbalanced. All we want, as far as I can tell, is for that to be remedied.

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All in all, right now, DS and LS are unbalanced. All we want, as far as I can tell, is for that to be remedied.


100% this, I like your wisp idea as well. And, if any of these options are taxing, the ability to turn them off will solve it (as it is just fluff).


Thanks for your support ziggoratt.

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Anytime. I just want this game to succeed and linger in the hearts of its fans for years to come. It all starts at the little details, right?


Now, here's an idea. If creating a vanity option for LS is just an area that lacks options, why not replace it with something else? Some other option that doesn't affect gameplay, but balances things out. Something to reward you for making the effort. Titles, a wider variety of armor looks, a wider array of color crystals, etc. Just something to pat us on the back for climbing the ranks of good people :p

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Anytime. I just want this game to succeed and linger in the hearts of its fans for years to come. It all starts at the little details, right?


Now, here's an idea. If creating a vanity option for LS is just an area that lacks options, why not replace it with something else? Some other option that doesn't affect gameplay, but balances things out. Something to reward you for making the effort. Titles, a wider variety of armor looks, a wider array of color crystals, etc. Just something to pat us on the back for climbing the ranks of good people :p


All fine with me! So long as they give us some sort of vanity option that balances out the light and dark!

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