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Less lightning


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I think it's less a matter of too much lightning but instead that most of the lightning looks basically the same. I think if they just mixed in some different effects, it would be enough to keep things fresh, while still keeping the basic idea of a lightning slinger.
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I actually prefer the Jedis casting animations. Hurling boulder and other sorts of debris in the face of people is just awesome.


The lightning is of course nice too bu i like Jedis better and I'm even playing Sith.


I wish my friends had chosen Republic side but hey... Gotta go with the flow

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I had to laugh at this, considering the number of threads over on the Sage side that say essentially: "Seriously? Pebbles? I throw rocks at people? Sith get awesome lightning!"


Can't please everyone =) I'm really liking the mass amounts of lightning on Sith side, it seems very thematic and flows together well, Consular attacks seem more disjointed to me.

The lightning is awesome in the story and pve, but man I would love pebbles in pvp. I simply can not dps descretly as a sorcerer when everyone and their dog notices my 30 yd force lightning streaming across the battle field.


I really think this is why there is so much sorcerer hate, people think our force lighting is doing a ton of dps while they neglect the other range shooting the back of their head.

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The lightning is awesome in the story and pve, but man I would love pebbles in pvp. I simply can not dps descretly as a sorcerer when everyone and their dog notices my 30 yd force lightning streaming across the battle field.


I really think this is why there is so much sorcerer hate, people think our force lighting is doing a ton of dps while they neglect the other range shooting the back of their head.


I think the visibility does do a lot for Sorcerer hate. I started as a Sage and just switched over to SI side to play an Assassin, and always laugh at the "Nerf Sorc!" threads with no mention of "Nerf Sage!" when they're doing the same thing...

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It's funny, I started out playing Sorcerer because I thought I'd like the story more, and it's more in line with what I liked in a character but I hated how everything looked the same and how actually playing the class was sort of dull. I switched over to Sage and was in love with the animations and the look of the class...but I HATED the story. You basically play Galactic Nurse/Babysitter, and it sucks. So then I sucked it up and now play the Sorcerer again, haha.
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After playing a elemental shaman in WoW for ages I'm glad I'm on the Republic side of things.


Though I'd love to see duel between a ele shaman and a Sorc to see who truly has unlimited power.



The thing I don't like about sage is their equivilant of force lightning is tiny pebbles being thrown constantly. I like their throwing droids and such though.


I like my pebbles. Besides... Pebbles hurt when they're going 300 miles per hour.

Edited by Cragen
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