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Pyrotech - Thermal Detonator question


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Ive kinda got my rotation down as


Incendiary Missle to get the debuff and hit it again when it needs refreshing


Then Rail Shot if it is off cooldown


Flame Burst and Rocket Punch to try and get the Rail Shot refresh thing to proc


If heat gets a problem put in some rapid shots.


But where in here do you throw in a thermal detonator (if at all)


Ta in advance



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So basically it is


Incendiary Missile (refresh when debuff has gone)

Thermal Detonator (refresh when debuff has gone)

Rail Shot

If heat isnt a prob: Flame Burst/Rocket Punch to proc Rail Shot

If heat is a prob: Rapid Shots


Proccing Trinkets and Self buffs before Thermal Detonator to make shiz go boom!!:sy_star:

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Just wondering why does no one seem to include explosive/ electro dart in their roatation? Is it just a problem with heat cause whenever i see someone in pvp i start with with explosive dart > Electro dart > Rail shot > Rocket Punch/Flameburst > IM > Rail shot etc and if heat gets too high i weave in some rapid shots. Is this a mistake and should i avoid using electro and explosive dart?
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Thats fine if your extreemly stubborn about refusing to get thermal detonator Zue but do yourself a favor and pick the skill up its a huge increase to your single target dps and your posible burst for me detonator can crit for 3.7k and combined with the 3.7k crit rail shot used at the same time sometimes targets just fall over dead. And explosive dart is good and useful but just in aoe situations. Edited by Honsous
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Just wondering why does no one seem to include explosive/ electro dart in their roatation? Is it just a problem with heat cause whenever i see someone in pvp i start with with explosive dart > Electro dart > Rail shot > Rocket Punch/Flameburst > IM > Rail shot etc and if heat gets too high i weave in some rapid shots. Is this a mistake and should i avoid using electro and explosive dart?


TD and ED share a cooldown and TD hits way harder.


I save Electro Dart for healers or for when I grapple people into the acid pit.


If you're going PT PT, the build revolves around this talent basically -> Prototype Particle Accelerator.

Edited by crunchybacon
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As others have said, right after IM. Although for long PvP fights when it will be unsynchronized with IM's DoT, you use it as a filler for when your regular rotation gives you fortunate PPA procs and brought you to below 20 heat.


Standard rotation will keep you between 20-40 heat in long-term fights, the basic stuff like rotating FB, RP, UL, IM every 18 seconds, ect. But you know how sometimes you'll get lucky or 3 PPA procs off in a row and leave you with heat to spare? Throw in a TD to sort of fill in the heat gap to capitalize on DPS.


Just like how Rapid Shots should be weaved in when you have a little too much heat, TD should be weaved in when you've got heat to spare.

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Explosive dart doesn't hit near as hard as TD and the share the same cooldown making TD the way to go.


Electro Dart is your best CC. Great for finishing healers, saving your life or stunning someone in fire/acid. It is one ability that shouldn't be wasted.

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If you aren't 31 pyro would you use ED in your normal pvp rotation or does it not do enough damage to be worth it?


I very rarely use it atm on my Parakeet PT.


Pretty much... It's an AoE ability and the few times you have a good AoE hitting situation in PvP, DFA or flamethrower will be up and do a much better job.


As others have said though PvP wise its definately good to use thermal almost on cooldown, the damage is phenomenal. If you can set it up to hit alongside a railshot people panic :p (seriously... lvl 49 blues but i can pop relic + explosive fuel and get 2.7-2.8k crits on both hitting at the same time as a few 6-700 CGC hits... if i get the expertise buff/stim they'll break 3k a piece. Not as high as some classes sure but thats no cast time or set up such as choke/stealth/full heat signatures

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I still need like 3 lvls to get Thermal Detonator, so until then I always use Explosive Dart after Incendiary Missile, it gives nice hit right between Rail Shot and Rocket Punch, plus it is aoe, so can save you from losing turret or door.
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Ive kinda got my rotation down as


Incendiary Missle to get the debuff and hit it again when it needs refreshing


Then Rail Shot if it is off cooldown


Flame Burst and Rocket Punch to try and get the Rail Shot refresh thing to proc


If heat gets a problem put in some rapid shots.


But where in here do you throw in a thermal detonator (if at all)


Ta in advance




You spec 8/5/28 and not use TD. If your next ability takes you over 40 heat, then rapid shot. If not use it.

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Bit of a different angle, consider skipping thermal detonator, putting those last points into AP and tank spec to get 9% aim and 3% crit chance. I find it's worth it and ups my overall dmg more than thermal detonator which I have to work in and which is heat heavy.
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Pretty much... It's an AoE ability and the few times you have a good AoE hitting situation in PvP, DFA or flamethrower will be up and do a much better job.


As others have said though PvP wise its definately good to use thermal almost on cooldown, the damage is phenomenal. If you can set it up to hit alongside a railshot people panic :p (seriously... lvl 49 blues but i can pop relic + explosive fuel and get 2.7-2.8k crits on both hitting at the same time as a few 6-700 CGC hits... if i get the expertise buff/stim they'll break 3k a piece. Not as high as some classes sure but thats no cast time or set up such as choke/stealth/full heat signatures




Sorry for the question, i am german player and would like to know what explosive fuel is. is this a pt talent? i thought it was the ultimate from the mid skill tree of the powertech. i am currently lvl 36. thanks!

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