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Operatives NEED something (force speed, push, pull, AOE knockback)


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Operatives do have a slightly powerful burst I agree.


But did you notice its mostly on people in PvE gear or lackthereof PvP items.

People complain they get crit for over 5k when my operative has nearly 80% surge so yes my crits should hurt. I would be fine with some minor nerfs to the burst but I have to agree operatives have no utility special to them. Try fighting a Telekenetic/Cloned Talent sorc, They knock you back your rooted, You break there shield your stunned, They Have 2 instant stuns at a distance, If your on a ledge they just knock you off, and if all that wasnt enough they can just sprint away and slow you till you die. If you consider stealth to be something special to operatives and smugglers it isnt. Shadows can stealth and vanish and the force cloak ability far surpasses evasion by leaps and bounds allowing only auto attacks to hit them. Marauders also have a vanish even if temporary. Evasion is dodge only so you only need to be behind the operative/smuggler to hit them. You can also reapply dots and such after evasion is allready up (Sticky Bomb) to prevent the vanish. Flashbang is a short ranged CC compared to a sniper. I guess most people would consider this QQ which it kind of is. But when you have no ability to jump back into a fight after being knocked off or controlled the class feels deffinitley underpowered. I wouldn't say a knockback is anything we need, I would like to see a non stun force leap type ability and I know im being cliche but something in terms of a shadowstep from wow rogues. It doesnt have to do damage or stun but something along a 25-30 second cooldown that allows us a little mobility like the rest of the classes.




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while i think huttball is a huge part of the problem, as you can perform better in the other 2 (not to say you can't perform well in huttball its just more advantageous for other classes), i don't think its simply an issue of adjusting other classes that have a distinct advantage in the warzone. its hard to believe that your simply supposed to suck it up that you're so easily removed from doing any considerable damage if you get knocked off.


as to what form of cc would help the issue of gap closing while in combat and theres a few thing i notice

-only ac with heals/dps that doesn't have a knockback. its also the only one of the 3 that operates in melee range as dps.

-cc range: 10m to 4m for every cc ability save one. that one is on a 1 minute cd.


solutions/ideas (not to say all should be done, just options)

-have high end concealment allow for evasion to provide a run speed during its 3 second duration.

-while the armor penetration buff from acid blade is active, allow for your no cost low damage ranged ability apply a slow that stacks (so you have to trade damage for cc). Much in the same way bh can spam their no cast ranged ability as a heal if they're merc and have their healing rounds on. Have this replace the talent on sever tendon for a root.

-i think lowering the cd on flashbang is gonna run into problems simply due to lethality's reduced accuracy on flashbanged targets.

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