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Delays are gone!


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What happens is that the spell gets casted. I've tried it with revivification, dark infusion and dark heal. Is there something wrong with that?


and did You also see when the target recieves Your heal? Lemme guess...0,5-1s after You finished Your cast? yea...

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and did You also see when the target recieves Your heal? Lemme guess...0,5-1s after You finished Your cast? yea...


Actually it's between .2 and .3 seconds after I finish the cast. So far I've tried it on my companion and myself in a fight. I'll try it in a warzone later today.

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The game seemed much smoother to me yesterday than before. So there's that. Didn't really do much experimenting to be honest, but my new smuggler was a hell of a lot smoother than my agent was when she started out. With cover and attacks.
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Actually it's between .2 and .3 seconds after I finish the cast. So far I've tried it on my companion and myself in a fight. I'll try it in a warzone later today.


dude..even 0,3s is unacceptable. Thats the difference between tank living and tank dying. When Im done with cast of my heal the person needs to receive the heal. Cant argue with that...no 0,1 later, 0,2 later or 1s later.

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Actually it's between .2 and .3 seconds after I finish the cast. So far I've tried it on my companion and myself in a fight. I'll try it in a warzone later today.


Depens if there is travel time or not. Travel time count (best example is like mage fireball in wow you cast , there is the travel time THEN the damage is done) When I do kolto injection on my Ops I know th eheal isnt done after the cast but after the travel time.

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dude..even 0,3s is unacceptable. Thats the difference between tank living and tank dying. When Im done with cast of my heal the person needs to receive the heal. Cant argue with that...no 0,1 later, 0,2 later or 1s later.


and they even said they aren't done and more is to come...if you really want to try it out, go to the PTR and try it there.

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Depens if there is travel time or not. Travel time count (best example is like mage fireball in wow you cast , there is the travel time THEN the damage is done) When I do kolto injection on my Ops I know th eheal isnt done after the cast but after the travel time.


which is fine..more realistic. At least when you see some heal probe or something flying towards the target. But its usually ability delay after cast, then travel time, then heal.

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and they even said they aren't done and more is to come...if you really want to try it out, go to the PTR and try it there.


We are all on one big PTR thus far.


EDIT: But its good to know they aint done with this, cause that would be damn shame. I just want to make sure they dont drop this ball cause its far from fixed.

Edited by Riddickcz
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dude..even 0,3s is unacceptable. Thats the difference between tank living and tank dying. When Im done with cast of my heal the person needs to receive the heal. Cant argue with that...no 0,1 later, 0,2 later or 1s later.


Even in wow you get certain delay between the end of the cast time and the effect. Actually when I tried the same in wow just now on my druid I got nearly a second delay between end of the cast of the starfire and the low-level mob dying. What I found strange is that the damage numbers appeared .1 second before the mob dying.

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Even in wow you get certain delay between the end of the cast time and the effect. Actually when I tried the same in wow just now on my druid I got nearly a second delay between end of the cast of the starfire and the low-level mob dying. What I found strange is that the damage numbers appeared .1 second before the mob dying.


TRAVEL TIME, and 0.1 secodn before mobs dyign is because server is faster then the client

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Id like to emphasize this. Thats what we are talking about here. Server in here is slower then the client which causes these delays.


Yes there are delays but just always remember the fact that there is always travel time, almost all dps is accounted in 1.5 sec time frame, the problem we have is the animation sometime take longuer than 1.5 sec makin it seems there is a delay.


They must accelerate the animation to make the fit in 1.5 second, doesnt matter if the dmg is doen right when you release the button or at the end of the 1.5 sec as long as its in this time frame it will look fluid, this is what they mainly need to fix, animation time.


I am not a trooper on my main but I played one to see the problem and you start to channel mortar volley and ther is HUGE travel time instead they could make the animation start at the same time of the cast now it just feel off :S go figure its maye just travel tiem looks like this to me.

Edited by Frenzyguy
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TRAVEL TIME, and 0.1 secodn before mobs dyign is because server is faster then the client


Does it matter how you call it? Fact is moonfire takes .5 seconds from the moment the gcd starts to apply the dot and damage. My shock in tor takes between .1 and .3 seconds from the start of the gcd to damage on the mob. Starfire takes about .6 seconds after the end of the cast until the numbers appear. They don't have instantaneous effect. So why is it acceptable to have delay in wow and not in tor?

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Does it matter how you call it? Fact is moonfire takes .5 seconds from the moment the gcd starts to apply the dot and damage. My shock in tor takes between .1 and .3 seconds from the start of the gcd to damage on the mob. Starfire takes about .6 seconds after the end of the cast until the numbers appear. They don't have instantaneous effect. So why is it acceptable to have delay in wow and not in tor?


well there is obv something wrong on Your end in WoW. Cause instants were always instants for me. Meaning that the dmg appeared and was applied to the mob right after I pressed the ability.


Anyway, off from work :p ttyl guys :)

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well there is obv something wrong on Your end in WoW. Cause instants were always instants for me. Meaning that the dmg appeared and was applied to the mob right after I pressed the ability.


Anyway, off from work :p ttyl guys :)


Try making a fraps video and count the frames. Like I've said I never felt the delay in both wow and tor. Only by counting frames I've seen the difference.

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You...You...are You actually serious? I hope I dont get in raiding group with You -.-

If the animation is a 3 swing hit and that animation is 1.5 seconds, if none of the hits miss, does it matter that the DPS is done essentially as HoTs?


Or look at the damage delay in Telekinetic Throw for the JC. The delay in when the damage happens actually allows another skill to go off and make the JC burstier, which is a plus in PvP.

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Sorry Georg, but I guess I am going to have to finally get FRAPS installed on my gaming PC so I can start showing you how this didn't get any better for me and appears to have actually gotten worse. Had several issues yesterday where instant cast abilities that were off cooldown and that I had resources for would not activate. Pressed the hotkey multiple times and only on about the 5th or 6th time did it activate.
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As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.


Your feedback from the servers so far indicates that this change has had dramatic, positive impact on combat gameplay.


That said, we're not done improving combat responsiveness!


  • As mentioned in my blog a few days ago, there are some additional fixes currently on our public test server as part of patch 1.1.1, which will roll out as soon as we're satisfied with that patch.
  • We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.
  • We're looking into improving the accuracy of cast bars. Their behavior should already be significantly improved with today's patch, but we believe there is still room to improve.
  • We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation.

Again, thank you for your constructive feedback on this issue, it has been vital to us in identifying and resolving this situation.










This is very good news. I am happy with the change so far and I am happy with the acknowledgement of the 'more to come' in terms of changes.


A couple of points I was wondering if you could touch base on / acknowledge that it is being worked on.


1. Will upcoming patches have be as buggy as previous ones? Please do not release a patch that is not ready like 1.1 (regarding illum and other loading screen errors)


2. My guard ability for my vanguard is buggy. First, sometimes when myself or my guarded target dies (player) and is revived or I die and am revived, it does not allow me to re-guard my target. It says they are already guarded.


Moreover, I am not sure guard is working properly. When I guard my companion and they are being attacked, I do not take any damage for some reason. Also sometimes when I guard another player, 50% of their damage taken is not inflicted on me (the vanguard).


Is this being worked on or acknowledged as a problem?


3. As a vanguard / tank, when my shield procs, it does not always absorb damage or does not feel like it procs as much as it is supposed to ( I have 48% shielding). I notice it does not protect against tech or force based attacks, is this intended?


4. Finally, I know your post addressed "animation" conflicts with combat, I wanted to ask if it has been acknowledged by your combat team that attacks and abilities not completeing or going through if our characters are dodging attacks. For example, when I am channeling full auto and I dodge or some animation like dodge happens I do not do the full three 'tics' of damage.


I know these are difficult questions to answer as they are quite loaded, but I and I am pretty sure others would appreciate an acknowledgement of these problems


Thank you for your consideration and I hope you see this message,

Edited by Asung
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For example, when I am channeling full auto and I dodge or some animation like dodge happens I do not do the full three 'tics' of damage.


Is this not fixed for every class? Before the patch when I was channeling force storm the animation was being interrupted when I was parrying or deflecting an attack. It didn't affect my ticks but it looked silly. Now I only see combat messages about parrying or deflecting but the force storm animation remains uninterrupted.

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Sorry Georg, but I guess I am going to have to finally get FRAPS installed on my gaming PC so I can start showing you how this didn't get any better for me and appears to have actually gotten worse. Had several issues yesterday where instant cast abilities that were off cooldown and that I had resources for would not activate. Pressed the hotkey multiple times and only on about the 5th or 6th time did it activate.


That issue was not corrected in patch, but should be address in patch 1.1.1.


  • Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.

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