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Delays are gone!


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As soon as I get off work I'm going to rush home and test this.




If they really fixed it so you can mount up on your speeder and start moving as soon as the cast bar is done, I'm going to be so, so, so very happy. :D:D:D


You can still trigger the mount issue, but it seems to be much more tuned now. As in, the delay before you can start moving is much shorter (I found I personally did not trigger the issue anymore unless I tried). A step in the right direction I think.

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ya, and dont forget everyone denying there was any problem to begin with. "zomg get a betta computa lolzzozlzol".



Well there actually is some logic in that as most of these changes are aimed at the medium to lower end of the hardware spectrum. It is those machines that suffer the most from these delays.


Is it nice or constructive when people tell you to "get a better computer?" Sometimes, yes it is, though none of us wants to hear it, sometimes it is simply the truth.


Sometimes the truth hurts.

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I guess all of those naysayers who quit becuase they couldnt fix the delay bug will come back in droves now.. I wish bioware could force them all to write an appology to get back into the forums.. there were far to many people ranting about the delay without giving them a chance to fix it.


To be fair to people that quit, Bioware did release the game in that condition. If anything, EA should apologize for not allowing Bioware another month to fix that problem. Looking forward to seeing if my abilities actually fire when I want during large fights. 10-15 fps will still be annoying (despite low quality textures) but at least it is manageable.

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Really dont get why so many are complaining about some ****** speeder....seriously.....a bug like that is utterly meaningless compared to the ability delay in warzones that made it COMPLETELY unplayable. 2-3 sec delays on 60 ms and 30-60 fps, felt like a 1000 ms.


You had to wait half a second after casting to actually be able to move without unmounting yourself? buhuuu. Sooo much lower on the priority list that its somewhere down in the sewer.


If they actually fixed the warzone ability delays im gonna be one happy camper. (camper as in the expression, not the corpse camper)


I think people are just using the speeder delay issue, for the most part, as an easily testable and measurable indicator of the overall delays still experienced. I think the speeder delay issue is related to some of the delays you see in combat. What we all really care about is warzone and combat in general ability delay.

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You should have had an option for 'I never had an ability delay issue'....


The poll focuses on whether or not the patch changed something for them when it comes to ability delays. If you never had ability delay issue to begin with than obviously this patch changes nothing for you.


To get a tendency out of these numbers i have to focus on the answers that are relevant in regards with todays patch.

Edited by Alianar
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Nothing changed for me.


- Still when I mount up and press to move forward directly after the casting bar finished, I dismount (easy character response test)...

- There is still a .2-.5 sec delay between skill going off and pressing button, you can feel it...

- Still abilities don't go off when I press the buttons in fight. Obviously due to Animations blocking other abilities from being used...

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On my Operative I'm noticing a huge improvement. I can chain cast and queue up abilities with ease. For instance I just did a diagnostic scan -> kolto injection -> diagnostic scan -> kolto injection -> kolto infusion -> surgical probe and it was smooth as silk. One button press for each ability, and I queue'd up the next ability before the previous cast bar had finished. Such an improvement from before it is astounding.



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On my Operative I'm noticing a huge improvement. I can chain cast and queue up abilities with ease. For instance I just did a diagnostic scan -> kolto injection -> diagnostic scan -> kolto injection -> kolto infusion -> surgical probe and it was smooth as silk. One button press for each ability, and I queue'd up the next ability before the previous cast bar had finished. Such an improvement from before it is astounding.




A bit offtopic:


Why Kolto Infusion? Why not 2 Surgical probes?

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Translation: I have low standards and believe that since other companies screw up, that makes it OK for Bioware to screw up too.


Low standards, possibly. Expecting too much, maybe. In the end, mmo's are notoriously complex and I am just pleased to see that Bioware is fixing some of the issues, and I hope to see them continue to do so.


An mmo is not like a single player game that has to be nigh on perfect on release because most people buy it and beat it the first week. I'm not saying an mmo should not be nigh on perfect if possible, it's just that in the real world, mmo's are a bit of a trickier pig to skew.

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its NOT FIXED SO FAR NO1 posted a vid showing how u think it is fixed and i posted a vid showing it still there.Prove it cause it's not fixed for me and many others.


The fix says nothing about this, so no the mount issue may still exist, which isn't even a big deal compared to delays in combat situations. The only fix here was in regard to "hectic combat situations" read the patch notes peeps.

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Yeah, the dismount at 0.5 sec still happens even if the cast bar is done.


And Mortar still fires too late and keeps firing after the channel is done.


Though, seeing the progress they made this patch I'm looking forward to get those issues fixed.

Edited by WakeXT
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Nothing changed for me.


- Still when I mount up and press to move forward directly after the casting bar finished, I dismount (easy character response test)...

- There is still a .2-.5 sec delay between skill going off and pressing button, you can feel it...

- Still abilities don't go off when I press the buttons in fight. Obviously due to Animations blocking other abilities from being used...


My only question here is, when you say there is still a .2 to .5 second delay from pressing the button to when the skill goes off, are you talking about the real ability delay issue (which is a real and important issue), or are you noticing the skill queue, which I think is set to .5 second by default unless you change it?


If you have the queue on, and you press the button before the global cooldown is done, you would certainly notice a small delay before the ability fires. Can you clarify your test to be sure?


I am actually interested in the issue. Thanks.

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but the op in this post said that they are all fixed including the mount issue.Also on my Sorc the heal spell still has like a 0.5 sec lag before u see the text show up cast the heal move forward real fast then u see the animation finish and the SCT show.This is why i think it is also the animation that is part of the problem they need to make it so the stuff fire no later then mid animation and if move/use another spell the animation cancels and blends into the new spell animation.
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but the op in this post said that they are all fixed including the mount issue.Also on my Sorc the heal spell still has like a 0.5 sec lag before u see the text show up cast the heal move forward real fast then u see the animation finish and the SCT show.This is why i think it is also the animation that is part of the problem they need to make it so the stuff fire no later then mid animation and if move/use another spell the animation cancels and blends into the new spell animation.


They didn't fix the animation issues yet. I think this patch helped, but there is more work to be done. Step in the right direction.

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The poll focuses on whether or not the patch changed something for them when it comes to ability delays. If you never had ability delay issue to begin with than obviously this patch changes nothing for you.


To get a tendency out of these numbers i have to focus on the answers that are relevant in regards with todays patch.


You're assuming that people that did not have the delay problem prior, will not vote on your poll. Thats giving people way too much credit.

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I think a lot of you are seeing what you want to see.


Just tried my speeder and you still have to wait for the animation to finish otherwise it dismounts you even if the cast bar is done. Also just did a WZ and still was spamming abilities and they weren't firing for whatever reason.


I really hope they treat this seriously and get this fixed. I would like SWTOR to do well, but I absolutely understand why serious PVP/PVE'ers would consider this unplayable. Well, that and no combat log....

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A bit offtopic:


Why Kolto Infusion? Why not 2 Surgical probes?


I was just testing the casting fluidity is all, and the improvement is massive. From what I can tell you can queue the next ability you want to use a little over halfway through your current cast.

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