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Delays are gone!


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That has nothing to do with ability delay. That is a specific static issue with the timing of mounts. Using that as a test of ability delay is a waste of time. The two things are not related at all. Having a speeder mount stop because you move before it is done. Again nothing to do with the ability delay issue.


Again, not using it as a test to see if it is fixed. Using it as an example of something that is still delayed.


Did you read the main ability delay thread? It is not one issue. It is a group of issues that cause a general feeling of unresponsiveness in abilities being delayed. This fits that definition exactly, I don't see how you do not understand that it is indeed one small part of the big issue.


Also, the cast bar is finished, and the mount appears then dissapears again, it is not cancelled before it is done. Other games do not have this probalem, and neither should this one.

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Nope. They only fixed half of the equation. The ability delay does help a little bit, but I have a decent computer and barely see any reasonable improvement.


The animation delay is the big thing here, as a sage.

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3. As a vanguard / tank, when my shield procs, it does not always absorb damage or does not feel like it procs as much as it is supposed to ( I have 48% shielding). I notice it does not protect against tech or force based attacks, is this intended?



As a fellow Vanguard, I seem to remember this is as intended. It will also not shield against Crits.


Stacking Defense is a better way to go, as avoidance in this case is better than mitigation.





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Nope. They only fixed half of the equation. The ability delay does help a little bit, but I have a decent computer and barely see any reasonable improvement.


The animation delay is the big thing here, as a sage.


They already said they are working on it tho.

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Any word on ability lock ups? I am unsure how it happens but usually during a period of being pushed pulled thrown stunned when its over abilities with cast times have locked up. I also noticed that my character looks stuck floating in the air which may be the cause.
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As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.


Your feedback from the servers so far indicates that this change has had dramatic, positive impact on combat gameplay.


That said, we're not done improving combat responsiveness!


  • As mentioned in my blog a few days ago, there are some additional fixes currently on our public test server as part of patch 1.1.1, which will roll out as soon as we're satisfied with that patch.
  • We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.
  • We're looking into improving the accuracy of cast bars. Their behavior should already be significantly improved with today's patch, but we believe there is still room to improve.
  • We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation.

Again, thank you for your constructive feedback on this issue, it has been vital to us in identifying and resolving this situation.








How about that? When will you fix it? Being like that since beta, you know. Now sum that to the fact that you're being constantly hit and voilà, your skill won't fire at all.


I really hope you don't stop here because the 'ability delay' problem is still present and, at least for me, didn't improve.

Edited by sac-
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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


Strange. I haven't noticed any difference at all. If I move as soon as the mount is finished casting it still dismounts me. If I chain abilities quickly, I'll often get a random GCD and no spell will actually go off. Spells off the GCD still don't activate instantly.

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It seems that ability delay is better, but still needs a LOT of work before it is completely fixed. Abilities still don't fire off right away when I press on them, and it seems the action is ignored for like 2-3 presses before it finally fires. However, I noticed that some skills did seem to respond better then others. I play a Sith Jug and this ability is much more prevalent then on my Sith Sorcerer.


For example, last night I was in PVP trying to use leap to close the gap on a target, i had to press it 3 times before it finally fired and work. However, other skills that involved swinging my lightsaber seemed to go off much quicker then before.


So, improvement, but far from being completely fixed.

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As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.


Your feedback from the servers so far indicates that this change has had dramatic, positive impact on combat gameplay.


That said, we're not done improving combat responsiveness!


  • As mentioned in my blog a few days ago, there are some additional fixes currently on our public test server as part of patch 1.1.1, which will roll out as soon as we're satisfied with that patch.
  • We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.
  • We're looking into improving the accuracy of cast bars. Their behavior should already be significantly improved with today's patch, but we believe there is still room to improve.
  • We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation.

Again, thank you for your constructive feedback on this issue, it has been vital to us in identifying and resolving this situation.






There still issues with staggering animations, which doesn't completely themselves because they were interupted possibly by ability delays or short lags, which seems to try to complete themselves, but they don't seem to be able to at least not in a reasonable window, which many times left my juggernaut a sitting duck to be hit on, while i was unable to respond with any actions aside from running like a headless chicken, or trying to get away.


Also there issues with lag still at least for me, if this due to system itself or speed hacking i can't tell, i can only confirm i often seen people right infront of me, but unable to fire off a melee hit because they circling me, and system for whatever reason can't keep up with line of sight, so i little have to jump slightly back to get a clear line of sight for my ability to hit.

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Strange. I haven't noticed any difference at all. If I move as soon as the mount is finished casting it still dismounts me. If I chain abilities quickly, I'll often get a random GCD and no spell will actually go off. Spells off the GCD still don't activate instantly.


Pretty much this. I'm not sure if the issue where when you bpe something you're animation is interupted was supposed to be "fixed" in this patch. But it still happens and the skill therefore doesn't go off but sometimes still activates the GCD. Or you just repeat the first half of the animation 3-10 times in a row futilely trying to get your skill to fire.


That said, it seems as long as nothing is hitting me that my skills do chain better....:confused:

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The Speeder-Mount-Delay ist still there. Even when the Cast-bar is full, the speeder will not appear.

After the cast bar is full you have to wait about 0,5 secs until the animation is complete, otherwise you will be dismounted immediately. (sry for my english)

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The Speeder-Mount-Delay ist still there. Even when the Cast-bar is full, the speeder will not appear.

After the cast bar is full you have to wait about 0,5 secs until the animation is complete, otherwise you will be dismounted immediately. (sry for my english)


The speeder issue has NOTHING to do with ability delay

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The speeder issue has NOTHING to do with ability delay


It is an ability... that is delayed. Your repeated insistence that it is not just shows you really arent familiar with the issue.


I'll break it down for you one more time...


"Ability Delay" is a blanket statement used to refer to the collective list of issues regarding abilities not firing as expected leading to an overall feeling of unresponsiveness of the character.


So yeah, it counts.


What each person is referring to when they say "ability delay" are the specific issues affecting their ability to play their character and enjoy the game. Perhaps what you are trying to say is "I don't care about the speeder issue" which is a perfectly valid response, although somewhat unnecessary and inconsiderate considering how many people complain about it.

Edited by DragnHntr
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Thank you BW for your work so far. Some skills feel snappier.


But the big issue and some others are still happening.


1) skill stuttering. Partial animations over and over before the skill fires or fails to fire. This is seen in many Sentinel skills. Blade storm is the easiest to notice and seems to be most affected.


2) countdown effects. Capping a point, placing a bomb, summoning a speeder. The effect still does not occur when the count is reached but a half second later.


3) misfires. When the button is pushed and nothing happens. Still occurring.


Keep up the good work! Still a long way to go.

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It is an ability... that is delayed. Your repeated insistence that it is not just shows you really arent familiar with the issue.


I'll break it down for you one more time...


"Ability Delay" is a blanket statement used to refer to the collective list of issues regarding abilities not firing as expected leading to an overall feeling of unresponsiveness of the character.


So yeah, it counts.


What each person is referring to when they say "ability delay" are the specific issues affecting their ability to play their character and enjoy the game. Perhaps what you are trying to say is "I don't care about the speeder issue" which is a perfectly valid response, although somewhat unnecessary and inconsiderate considering how many people complain about it.


It is still an issue, but I'd much rather they work on abilities for fighting mechanics first then mounting and taking off..


There are levels of survival that I'm willing to accept if the other stuff is working correctly.

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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


Your joking right????


I have never had any issues like your explaining, however since this last patch, my wife and I both are having MANY Lag, freezing, locking up, and delay issues. Unplayable on both machines. Checked at work ( about 8 or 9 players there ) and most of them are having similar issues we didn't have before. Unplayable right now for us! We have all submitted bug reports. I just hope Bioware doesn't wait for next week to fix it, it would kill all of our playtime this weekend.


I really hope you were being sarcastic. lol

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It is still an issue, but I'd much rather they work on abilities for fighting mechanics first then mounting and taking off..


There are levels of survival that I'm willing to accept if the other stuff is working correctly.


Now that is a legitimate concern, and honestly I don't disagree with you. I did have a suspicion however, that fixing the ability delays may resolve the mounting issue anyway. For example adding a buffer for spells to complete server side when they appear to be complete already client side.


Alternatively, they can simply increase the length of the cast bar by .2 seconds (the bar only, not the actual cast time) as a quick bandaid that would also resolve the issue. Shouldnt take any time from other fixes.

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BH skill Carbonize still broken if target moves. Kinda sad, since its a stun that our set bonus applies to!


Yea, I keep forgetting to look around for this issue. Haven't been able to freeze players in an even remotely close success rate in pvp. I'd say 1/15 times does a player actually get stunned by carbonize. Wondering what the issue is.

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