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Delays are gone!


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Why would I post a video? Oh I'm sure if I tried to make it bug out then I could. But under normal conditions it's fine.


because honestly people saying they don't have this problem prob have a very slow reaction time would love for someone who doesn't have this problem post up a video.


funny thing is prob these same people that say there's no ability delay for them well you wouldn't if your reaction time is slow or maybe your a clicker etc etc i could go on but you can see where im going with this.

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I guess all of those naysayers who quit becuase they couldnt fix the delay bug will come back in droves now.. I wish bioware could force them all to write an appology to get back into the forums.. there were far to many people ranting about the delay without giving them a chance to fix it.


Because it should have worked to begin with. After paying for a game, you sort of expect to be able to play it. Now we all know mmos aren't perfect out of the box, but they should at least be playable. So why would you continue to stick around, paying money when that isn't possible? fanboy enthusiasm doesn't work for everyone.

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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


i still have the mounting issue...it dismounts me right after cast i have to wait like i used to, haven't had chance to try the combat in pvp yet.

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They still left in that idiotic splash/load screen.


Nothing better than to have that thing crop up in the middle of your playing, where you can't even see what you're doing. It didn't do that on release. Whomever thought that was a good idea needs to be sent packing.

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I agree with like 99% of what you have said in this thread (been reading your posts). I thought I would mention though that there is no way it is 4 to 5 seconds after the cast bar is complete. That is a long *** time in game, count the seconds out, 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 mississippi, 4 mississippi... that is way longer than the delay actually is after the cast bar is done ;)


It's not even one second. These people have no sense of time at all.

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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


the mount dismount thing still happens...

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the mount dismount thing still happens...


As it should, since that is not what the patch fixed (mount issue is not ability delay from button press, but rather animations being tied to cast timers... different issue). Not sure what OP was thinking there.

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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


OMG I am going to cry... I can't wait to get home. The mounting was the part that I would be convinced still wasn't fixed.

Edited by Starglide
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i still have the mounting issue...it dismounts me right after cast i have to wait like i used to, haven't had chance to try the combat in pvp yet.


It is funny. I have had the issue as we all have. But yesterday, I cast my speeder and actually hit the movement key after the cast had completed and before the mount appeared. I took off without the mount and it quickly appeared under me and I kept going. My character stayed on the mount, but I fell off of my chair. It was a WOW moment. So I checked my coffee to see if my wife had slipped me drugs and kept on playing.


I will test the play tonight, but feel that it will take about a week or so to see if there are any improvements in the ability delay / misfireing / firing and cooldown but no damage / etc. I am not sure about other people, but I find that the problems grouped under the title ability delay vary from day to day. Some days it is noticeable but not a huge problem and other days it makes playing a challenge. For example this weekend the delays were bad but yesterday much less so. The areas that I was in had about the same populations on the different days.


I do hope that I see some improvement. That would mean that although it may be some time before things are working right and combat is satisfying, at least BW is working on the issues and there have been positive actions taken.

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Well I havent had any delays while simpling quest, but after 3-5 warzone matches you start to feel the pain. I've had my castbars go off when the move isn't actually being deployed.


For example the Full Auto for the trooper will sometimes appear as being used but its just the cast bar being displayed.


Lots of missed and delayed healing spells as well.

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Delays haven't been fixed at all. Mounting/dismounting same delay, not to mention skills. I do not doubt they have fixed something, but i am sure as hell it has nothing to do with character responsiveness...


Did the OP just troll us?


And have half the people just been hit with a placebo effect?

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