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Idea: Cross-Faction Fight Club


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Hello all. I play on the Ajunta Pall server, and I recently came up with the idea to try to start a cross-faction fight/duel club.


The idea dawned to me when a guildmate and I met with a Jedi who offered to help us to get to a datacron on Tatooine. Eventually we ended up running into several other players, both Imperial and Republic, and we got a decent-sized group of players of both factions running around. Eventually we settled down and started a kind of duelling ring, where we had similar level players from opposite faction duelling each other. It was really good fun and unexpected cross-faction cooperation (and friendly competition) on a PVP server.


So then we thought, what if we can get this to work as a larger, organized event, perhaps meeting regularly?


The goal would be to provide an environment for cross-faction duels, organized world PVP, and some RP. This would provide an opportunity for a true test of skill and strength between factions, since normal world PVP is often chaotic, and fights are rarely fair due to surprise, not being at full health, etc.


The only problem is that I am on Ajunta Pall, an PVP-RP server, so there is the possibility of trolls and interference by random passer-by, which could derail the whole thing.


Therefore, I can think of 2 ways to get this to work:

1) Do it in the neutral cantina on Nar Shaddaa and just have a duelling ring. It could be like a faction competition; see which will win more fights, or a more regular tournament.


2) It could *possibly* work in open-world if we are able to get a large group with many members on both sides, then head out to a remote, secluded area during off-peak hours. This would hopefully minimize the possibility of interference, and there could be an agreement to let players of the other faction kill "trolls" who try to disrupt the event.


Anyway, that is my idea. The purpose of this thread is to get some feedback and ideas from the general community, as I am rather new to RP and organizing events in MMOs and am looking for insight as to how to make this work.


I also want to gauge interest for this kind of event and see if anyone on Ajunta Pall is interested in this and perhaps helping to get this going (as we would need Republic players too, of course).




The aftermath of a duel. Now imagine this with several times more people:


Edited by Z-ToXiN
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