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Five things SWTOR got RIGHT!


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#5 Alternate advancement


Say you do not like quests and just want to PVP? Maybe you are a Star Fox or Rogue Squadron fan and want to advance through space combat? These things are doable. You can literally go from level 10-50 by PVPing. I like this because it gives you an incentive for trying PVP. That is, your character advancement won't come to a grinding crawl (ala Warcraft) just because you decided to try a few Warzones. The same can be said of space combat. Once you get your ship, you can Star Fox your heart out until the end, complete with doing a barrel roll! Other games would be wise to copy this model and reward players for experimenting with different play styles and seeing what they have to offer, without fear of missing out on advancement.


not really true, you pretty much ahve to do the class quests, you'll also gimp yourself by just pvping cuz there's only gear for lvl 20 and 40

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I didn't say anything about any game being challenging. And we are playing the same game. There's no auto attack here either. But I have gone AFK in the middle of an area I had just cleared and when I got back Xalek had killed 1 dude and was doing fine with 1 other. Again, as I like to actually PLAY my video games, I immediately killed the mobs and then went on about my day.


Nice attempt to twist my words into something they weren't though. Try a little harder next time, please.


Didn't try to twist anything.


I read it like you were saying WoW was more challenging.


Not trying to ruin your night.



Edited by Azzras
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No kidding- Blizz fanbois are out in droves today.


Funny, I'd have thought those that didn't like the game wouldn't have subbed again... that's the great part- you know now that everyone who is trolling the forums actually enjoys the game enough to be paying for it.


The funnier thing is that these people are just as bad on the WoW forums. I'll bet the same people trashing TOR here are the ones over the WoW Boards bawwing about the lack of a dance studio and calling for everyone else to get nerfed.

Edited by SamuraBob_Fl
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I don't expect crafting to be exciting but I like it better when I'm more involved. Also, paying for stuff that most other games let me get for free irks me a bit.


With TOR as it is right now, I could AFK through combat. I never did it in WoW or any other game I played and I certainly don't plan to do it in TOR. As I like to actually PLAY my video games, I would prefer it if the combat was smoother and more responsive.


Umm, ok, go afk in TOR- enjoy dying as you have no auto attack and thus even a level 1 mob would eventually kill you.


I take it you've never played WoW- because I can honestly say I have AFKed in WoW combat- the so called beloved endgame raids. It became less possible later- but leaving my computer mid fight in Molten Core was no problem- especially as a hunter where most of my dps was auto attacks.


It was also pretty easy to do so in WoW pvp- go to a node and afk, chances are, nobody would take it. Harder to do so when only one WZ has nodes- and those nodes are always fought over tooth and nail.... and should you die, if you miss even one chance to exit the shielding when it goes down, you are booted.

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Didn't try to twist anything.


I read it like you were saying WoW was more challenging.


Not trying to ruin your night.




I go to the forums for entertainment and possibly a debate or two. Sadly, nobody ever even notices me. You have made my night by quoting me.


Still not sure how one could infer that WoW is challenging from my post though....

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Umm, ok, go afk in TOR- enjoy dying as you have no auto attack and thus even a level 1 mob would eventually kill you.


I take it you've never played WoW- because I can honestly say I have AFKed in WoW combat- the so called beloved endgame raids. It became less possible later- but leaving my computer mid fight in Molten Core was no problem- especially as a hunter where most of my dps was auto attacks.


It was also pretty easy to do so in WoW pvp- go to a node and afk, chances are, nobody would take it. Harder to do so when only one WZ has nodes- and those nodes are always fought over tooth and nail.... and should you die, if you miss even one chance to exit the shielding when it goes down, you are booted.


Not trying to defend anyone, but companions can trounce a lvl 1.


Otherwise, WoW = lootship easymode.

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I go to the forums for entertainment and possibly a debate or two. Sadly, nobody ever even notices me. You have made my night by quoting me.


Still not sure how one could infer that WoW is challenging from my post though....


It was the way it was worded. You state that you can go AFK in SWTOR and be fine but never did that in WoW and other games. Maybe I misinterpreted, but it's just how it read to me.



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Umm, ok, go afk in TOR- enjoy dying as you have no auto attack and thus even a level 1 mob would eventually kill you. . .

Blah blah blah


Somebody overestimates the difficulty of this game. I already stated that I HAVE gone AFK in SWTOR and guess what, I did NOT die. Xalek killed one and was working on another.


And yes, I played WoW. More than I should have.

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#1 Art Design


#2 Ambient Sound


#3 Voice Acting


#4 Music


#5 Lore


Everything else is complete ****, and as far as I'm concerned this game is a scam because its a single player game that advertises as a mmorpg and with that charges 15 dollars a month to play.

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It was the way it was worded. You state that you can go AFK in SWTOR and be fine but never did that in WoW and other games. Maybe I misinterpreted, but it's just how it read to me.




Ahhh, I guess I could see it now. For clarification, I meant that I could go AFK in TOR just like I could in WoW. I chose and choose not to because I like to play my games.

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The best thing about this game is also the worst thing, IMO. And that is the story.


I love the story. I wouldn't play this game if it wasn't for the story. However, what is bad about the story is how everything around you detracts from the story.


You land on a planet and you get about 10 or so story quests and then you leave. But there are dozens of other side quests to be had as well. A problem I've been having is that if I spend too much time focusing on one area of the game, I will lose out on another. The only proper way to experience everything is to spread out the things you do evenly.


For example, if I spend too much time focusing on the story, I will out level the other side missions that are seen on planets and that makes it pointless to do them. The only proper way to do that is to balance class missions with side missions and flashpoints. However, doing that makes the importance of the main story dwindle and really subtracts from the overall experience.


And that's why I believe that as great an inclusion the story is, the fact that you can't really focus squarely on it makes it slightly lackluster.

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#1 Art Design


#2 Ambient Sound


#3 Voice Acting


#4 Music


#5 Lore


Everything else is complete ****, and as far as I'm concerned this game is a scam because its a single player game that advertises as a mmorpg and with that charges 15 dollars a month to play.


Um, learn to play MMOs?

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The funnier thing is that these people are just as bad on the WoW forums. I'll bet the same people trashing TOR here are the ones over the WoW Boards bawwing about the lack of a dance studio and calling for everyone else to get nerfed.


Yes, WoW has the worst forums for complaints and rage... I wonder though, perhaps that's why it does so well? Maybe all the negativity on these forums is actually a good thing.

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In this aspect, you have 8 classes, each with its own plotline spanning multiple acts and running from levels 1-50. This is your main plot. In addition, each of the 15+ planets has two separate main story lines, one for each faction, as well as one bonus quest line for each faction. So, not counting any side quests at all, SWTOR has nearly 70 unique main story lines, some of which can be completed in minutes, some hours, and some will span the entire course of the game. Each of these story lines has multiple outcomes, and many of the outcomes affect later quest lines throughout the game. At the end of the day, even the pacing is perfect. What I love is that Bioware touted story as being their strongest aspect of this game. You wonder where "the money" went? In a word, STORY!

I just want to relate my last three quest cutscenes; all three went roughly the same.


1)NPC babbles on about some nonsense; I tell him to get it together, to get to the point, insult him, or something else to that effect.

2) NPC babbles on some more, this time explaining the problem. My choices are to comment on the situation, ask him about some minor detail, or insult him again.

3) If I commented on the situation, he goes on to explain the minor detail. If I asked about the minor detail, he explains it and supplies the comment I chose not to give. I'll be honest, I've never actually insulted the NPCs extensively; I can't even imagine how boring the game becomes when you're just slaughtering any NPC who pisses you off, insulting the rest, etc.


Sometimes, I'll ask about the minor detail, but the quest will just progress forward afterwards as if I blindly accepted it. This harks upon the good/neutral/evil options, and the similar happily accept/grudgingly accept/refuse. On an unrelated note, who actually refuses a quest without just using the escape key?


I don't doubt that Empire lightside may have some of the best content, because it's not the mindless killing of darkside, but it isn't the bland "goodness" of Republic lightside. Many of my choices increase suffering. Somehow, every high ranking Sith seems to appreciate this, and only the most petulant tell me I'm doing it wrong. At the very least, Empire lightside opens the option for alternative methods of completing a quest; instead of just killing everything, you'll have to click on a few objectives. You kill enough stuff incidentally, so in that regard it's only a positive.


I have yet to see previous decisions come back to manifest themselves in the content; there seems to be no consequences to my actions beyond some nuances to the immediate quest, and often the tone of the in-game mail, possibly even the amount of credits attached (unconfirmed). I saw one quest NPC mentioned again a second time, but he never actually popped up again, even though a cutscene suggested he might. That's the closest I've come to seeing a consequence to an action. I suppose by letting most NPCs live, I open the possibility of them coming back, but I really haven't seen it yet.


I played a Smuggler to 20, and in that short time I did come across one of the better quests in the game (the black bisector nonsensical robots quests). But even in that short period of time, I got the impression there were only so many ways to say "Show me the money" before it grew stale.


As for bonus series, I'm not a big fan of them. Don't get me wrong, I do them. But they artificially segment the content available on a planet, and that creates some issues. For starters, anyone who hasn't finished heroic quests on that planet, but chooses to move on to the next planet without doing the bonus quests, won't be around to group with others to finish those heroic quests. If or when they choose to come back, they may not be interested in running those heroic quests any longer. In the case of bonus series quests which don't start until several levels after the main series quests, they've surely outleveled the rewards, and have little or no interest in running those quests.


The only bonus series I'm really comfortable with in the way their presented are the ones which pick up immediately as you're ending the main series on a planet. You're still level appropriate for the commendation rewards on that planet, and you'll possibly be interested in running some of those heroic quests that are sitting in your quest log from the main quest series.

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I just want to relate my last three quest cutscenes; all three went roughly the same.


1)NPC babbles on about some nonsense; I tell him to get it together, to get to the point, insult him, or something else to that effect.

2) NPC babbles on some more, this time explaining the problem. My choices are to comment on the situation, ask him about some minor detail, or insult him again.

3) If I commented on the situation, he goes on to explain the minor detail. If I asked about the minor detail, he explains it and supplies the comment I chose not to give. I'll be honest, I've never actually insulted the NPCs extensively; I can't even imagine how boring the game becomes when you're just slaughtering any NPC who pisses you off, insulting the rest, etc.


Sometimes, I'll ask about the minor detail, but the quest will just progress forward afterwards as if I blindly accepted it. This harks upon the good/neutral/evil options, and the similar happily accept/grudgingly accept/refuse. On an unrelated note, who actually refuses a quest without just using the escape key?


I don't doubt that Empire lightside may have some of the best content, because it's not the mindless killing of darkside, but it isn't the bland "goodness" of Republic lightside. Many of my choices increase suffering. Somehow, every high ranking Sith seems to appreciate this, and only the most petulant tell me I'm doing it wrong. At the very least, Empire lightside opens the option for alternative methods of completing a quest; instead of just killing everything, you'll have to click on a few objectives. You kill enough stuff incidentally, so in that regard it's only a positive.


I have yet to see previous decisions come back to manifest themselves in the content; there seems to be no consequences to my actions beyond some nuances to the immediate quest, and often the tone of the in-game mail, possibly even the amount of credits attached (unconfirmed). I saw one quest NPC mentioned again a second time, but he never actually popped up again, even though a cutscene suggested he might. That's the closest I've come to seeing a consequence to an action. I suppose by letting most NPCs live, I open the possibility of them coming back, but I really haven't seen it yet.


I played a Smuggler to 20, and in that short time I did come across one of the better quests in the game (the black bisector nonsensical robots quests). But even in that short period of time, I got the impression there were only so many ways to say "Show me the money" before it grew stale.


As for bonus series, I'm not a big fan of them. Don't get me wrong, I do them. But they artificially segment the content available on a planet, and that creates some issues. For starters, anyone who hasn't finished heroic quests on that planet, but chooses to move on to the next planet without doing the bonus quests, won't be around to group with others to finish those heroic quests. If or when they choose to come back, they may not be interested in running those heroic quests any longer. In the case of bonus series quests which don't start until several levels after the main series quests, they've surely outleveled the rewards, and have little or no interest in running those quests.


The only bonus series I'm really comfortable with in the way their presented are the ones which pick up immediately as you're ending the main series on a planet. You're still level appropriate for the commendation rewards on that planet, and you'll possibly be interested in running some of those heroic quests that are sitting in your quest log from the main quest series.


Is this a truly representative sample? Keep in mind the game has 8 main stories and nearly 70 main storyline quests. Given this, I say NO, your personal experience is not a representative sample of the game as a whole, and you should try something else. Unrepresentative Sample fallacy IMO.

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Breast shape. Not even joking.


gonna second that emotion, i would also like to venture a request on manhours spent getting running animations just right.


were there in-person motion capture audtions and a panel of voters? perhaps a bracket system with side by side comparisons and rankings?


type4 females. bravo sirs, bravo

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Well, as far as #5 goes, they had to. Leveling an alt character (which was said to be a whole different experience) means doing the same stuff for 90% of the time, in the same order with the same outcome.






Yeah, no. Go eat a duck.

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Is this a truly representative sample? Keep in mind the game has 8 main stories and nearly 70 main storyline quests. Given this, I say NO, your personal experience is not a representative sample of the game as a whole, and you should try something else. Unrepresentative Sample fallacy IMO.
This certainly wasn't the first time I noticed it.


Yeah, no. Go eat a duck.
Voice actors? Whatever. Slightly different responses aren't always slightly different, and I can't imagine it goes over all that well with RPers. Edited by Ansultares
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