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Really tired of level 7's autoclicking chests on Ilum.


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Seen it a couple of times myself, and reported the character names to Bioware. What they did, I have no idea.


No one less than level 45, I would say, has any business on Ilum, and that is pushing it, yet I have seen level 12s? Standing next to chests and doing nothing else?

Yeah, nothing shady going on there.


Make completion of the class story on Corellia a requirement for access to Ilum, and add a secondary level requirement just to make sure.

Edited by Mithros
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These hacks are one thing, try doing a warzone between 1AM and 6AM.. Half of each team is bots. The side with less bots wins. They just run out the gate, spazz around and collide with walls, spazz against it erratically and then stand there. It's very nice. You kinda just stand there in the middle, watching your team literally run against the walls and sigh. Edited by Zerfalll
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Standing there while exploiting a invisibility game hack or hiding underneath the ground with a terrain hack to avoid anyone/anything seeing them to be able to attack/report them is obviously exploiting.
That's not the part of the post I questioned.


"level 7 can go to illum" and "level 7 can loot chests on illum" are both cited as issues, in and of themselves... and the answer to "why is that a problem" is that it's exploiting somehow.


That's not a really valid leap in logic.

Edited by ferroz
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Correct me if I'm wrong here but gold sellers and hackers aside, if you fight the champion mob can't I loot/ninja the chest from you given that I'm not in combat?


Another kind of drama would then ensue..


one major difference is the event you described is it's not against the EULA unless the offender repeatedly does it to the same individual. Not a parallel issue. Nor does said activity have a extended term impact on the game world.

Edited by BMBender
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do you realise that lvl 7s cant get there? maybe lvl 17?


How does a level 7 get to Ilum? its easy. have a high level run you through just your class quests and bam you got your own ship.


There are multihacks out there with those you can fly, teleport, probably also get invisibility. They probably just teleport to Illum.


Swtor doesnt has just a problem with speedhacks, it has a problem with overall hacks, not sure if that all got fixed with the new patch.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I noticed that a few ppl in this thread are posting that this exploit is no big deal... hmmmm maybe you are one of the hackers or maybe you feel it's okay to cheat or use exploits in a game,.. I think it shows just how weak someone's character is as well as taking away from the enjoyment of the game period. If I'm gonna pay for a game on a monthly subscription I EXPECT it's Admins to be at the very least swift in dealing with hacks and cheaters/exploiters. If you are a lvl 7 in Ilum and travel fifty feet from the spaceport without getting killed it's pretty dam obvious your cheating cause I went

there as a lvl 15 in the beta and was one-shotted from a mob 2oo feet away ( large aggro diameter ), so check the logs and do some perma-baning BW. Between the speed/shield hacks in the PvP and this it's sad to think this is the direction this games heading....Hackers : go play a singleplayer console game and put it on god mode and enjoy...get your fix that way...

Edited by Greyhorse
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The "disease" is that there are items in game that players want to buy and they don't want to farm for hours/years to buy them.


The "disease" will never be cured. On the other hand, BW can at least limit goldseller access to boxes of free money that can be easily harvested by a botting player.




What the HELL are you talking about?


My response was to someone complaining about how the level 50s who exploited to 50 aren't being punished.


The people who leveled to 50 aren't being punished because they're not the ones bot-looting chests 24/7, pulling in unnatural amounts of credits that BW has said they don't want happening.


so it isnt exploiting you dont like..just specific exploits. they will never eliminate people using exploits to supply gold sellers. Some of the suggestions in this thread would hurt legit players much more than gold sellers.


it isnt a level 7 getting a chest that is the probllem. If they fix the hacks and ban people using actual exploits it will fix more than just a temporary economic spike. if a level 12 can somehow manage to get to ilum and click a box, that isnt a problem. if he uses cheats...deal with that instead..dont just make him use his cheats somewhere else, prevent them from working anywhere.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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not as nefarious but there is also a bug with social points people using to exploit and get higher social levels faster.



when you do a quest together and you get social points for "rolling on reply's" if you roll highest your character speaks in a multiplayer quest and gets social points.


if you get you and a buddy and get to end point and speak, get a quest that has a lot of interaction speaking points with players. then before the last line press escape both of you in group press escape then talk to quest npc again then before the last line both press escape


rinse and repeat and you can sit there and power level your social levels super high since it gives you those social points even if you dont complete the quest so 2 people can constantly farm a cutscene, pressing escape before final line and restarting to get super high social levels.


I didn't know about this one till I read about a level 15 with social level 10 from farming 1 cutscene with friend.

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It's the selling the credits for RL dollars that causes problems. And that's all those bot lowbies are there for. If you can't understand how selling credits harms the game economy, then you're either dense or obtuse.


the act of selling credits harms nothing.


Thanks for proving my point.

Edited by TheSwamper
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I would love to see these bots gone since they do a lot more harm to a game and real life resources than most people understand....


But lets look at this from BW point of view as a Business.

As of now i think there are 121 servers,and if each server has 3 bots(but i'm sure most have more) they make $5445 a month on those subs or $64,340 a year.


The only way I see them ACTUALLY doing anything about these bots is if they are losing more than what the bots are paying in subs by others players leaving the game due to bots.If this was the case those bots would be gone in under 24 hours. But let's be honest here, who is actually going to unsub over bots farming chest.

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I like the cries that this will ruin the economy of this game. This game doesn't have an economy. Gear is a joke to get. Good gear is just handed to you like free candy. And for crafting, it takes next to no effort to level it up and make good mods. Honestly i am enjoying this game for what it is. But i just wish gear actually had variance and had value. Let them farm all they want, not like they will be able to spend the credits or hurt anyone.
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I like the cries that this will ruin the economy of this game. This game doesn't have an economy. Gear is a joke to get. Good gear is just handed to you like free candy. And for crafting, it takes next to no effort to level it up and make good mods. Honestly i am enjoying this game for what it is. But i just wish gear actually had variance and had value. Let them farm all they want, not like they will be able to spend the credits or hurt anyone.


Sadly I kind of agree with the first part. Money almost has no point right now =/

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Here is the response I received:


"I have received your transmission regarding your issue about a level 12 sniper camping a chest on Corellia. Thank you for sending us a report regarding this issue. However, we are not able to interfere with intended in-game mechanics"


Level requirements for planets will only delay the issue - the "farmers" will level up their character [probably using exploits] and then just go back to camping the chests.


I had a long response and realized it wouldn't pass the heavy censorship here.

This is trade theft of US intellectually property. If I explain it will get censored.

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you realize that if they have a friend with a ship, they can?

Not true, tried to get a lvl 7 friend onto my ship. She can get in my instance, but not enter my ship.


That's because you don't have the box checked in your preferences that allows it.


If you don't have your own ship, the game restricts you from entering a ship from your group. You can enter the phase of the ship but when you click the ship's door you get the message that says that you need to have your own ship in order to board a friend's ship.


@ Ferroz, stop defending the exploiters. Level 10 and below or should I say level 15 and below have absolutely no business going to Ilum or any other high level planet for that matter! If you rush your storyline to get your ship at level 7 there is something absolutely wrong and shady on the way you play the game because this action causes inconsistency in the leveling process. So if you go to Ilum at that level, it's not about galaxy exploration, it's about something else.. especially if you are somehow invisible and untargetable by other players and you are camping a chest that is intended for level 50's who kill the champion that guards it.


@ ivanthehedgehog I can't reason with you man since you so obviously refuse to accept the impact the gold sellers make to an mmo. If it was as plain as you described about your friend in City of Heroes or whatever, then it wouldn't be such a big deal. All in all, I want to point out the EULA that states that credits are the property of the developer and we have no authority to sell that property for real money. Then again the biggest lie ever in history is: "I have read and agreed on the terms of use"

Edited by dark_lord_hades
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I agree, Ilum isn't great looking. Takes forever to get to PvP area. Barely any Repubs. Lvl 11-13s camping chests and magenta crystal areas. Alot of the missions there are bugged.


Why on Earth is a sub-50 even allowed on that planet? There isn't any need for that. Why do you need to be on any planet that your skill set can't handle for that matter? Anything on Ilum should only be given or awarded to lvl 50 players. Star Wars doesn't have EXPLORERS.


Why don't every chest get guarded by a champion then where you can't loot until they are dead? Seriously, what is wrong with BW thought-process?


If I wanted to throw money away at a game I'd buy MW3 and its crappy mappacks. Seems we might be doing the same with this game.

Edited by REiiGN
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I got a simple idea:


If you loot a chest, you get a "lucky day" buff ala the companion gift buff. If you have the buff, chests wont open. To remove the buff, you must defeat a mob. No more bots and no more lamers chest farming.


It doesn't punish legit players one bit. Wouldn't punish crafters who need to find higher level nodes. Wouldn't remove the freedom of going to any planet you want. And, it doesn't remove the chests.

Edited by EternallSlumber
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Level 7's..? How?


Join a party with a 50. Go to Illum with his ship. Have him babysit you while he kills mobs on the way to the known chest spawn place. Park it there. Have some sort of program that alerts you when a chest is nearing the respawn timer. Log alt, loot, logout. Repeat.


This isn't for normal players, obviously, but the farmers (chinese or otherwise) do this.

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