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Really tired of level 7's autoclicking chests on Ilum.


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Just my input on this thread:


** BW should move the high level chests and have them guarded by 2-3 elites of neutral faction mobs or a champion mob.

- (in which case if its guarded by a champion, the rewards in the chest would be greater).

This would require them to actually 'play' instead of just standing there with an auto-clicking macro.


** Have a level cap for the chest, so you don't see lowbie farmers standing idly by.


** Have the chest content rewards equal to your level.

- So a lvl 7 or lvl 12 can't open up a high lvl chest and receive a blue/purple with credits to match.


** Increase spawn timers of chests, making them more "uncommon/rare" to come across.

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IMO solving this problem with some level restriction is VERY bad idea.

If you start that, where to stop ? why on Ilum only, lvl 40 ? maybe 41, or 39 ?

No, no plz. It's free world. You can fly everywhere you want and it's fine.

But some areas are ( or at least should be ) killing for low levels. That's all.

I logic world, chests should be defend, by mobs. Better chest, stronger mobs. Opening chest should agro these mobs. ( They defend their chests for god sake, right ? )

In logic, good developed world low level shoud be 1 shot killed being 20m from high level chest.

If you are 7 level and go to 50 lvl world, you should be welcome and killed fast. It's fine you can decide alone if you are prepared for particular area. Maybe 40 lvl or 44 ?

Good developed area doesn'r require lvl caps.

Lvl caps is like to say:

" Ok, our world and rules are stuipd and we know that and can't fix it, bc we are just week developers. level 5 can go to heroic instance and loot epic chest making undeserved profit. Mobs can't kill him bc we forgot to make chest be defend. But lvl 5 ??? We didn't intend it. So from next path we will make lvl caps, so only 50 lvl players can loot these undefendend chests. Additionally we will ban all players who exploit our incompetence."

Caps levels is a tool to support devs incompetence and unlogic mechanic.

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Won't help against bot a single bit. In wow bots teleported under resource nodes and collected it. Methods used in swtor are very similar to that, I believe. There even were video somewhere earlier i this thread.


But that should be done anyway, there should be at least some challenge in getting to chests/resources, not just walking past friendly npcs.


The ones botting on my server don't do this. They simply log in, harvest, log out next to friendly NPCs. Some don't even log out. But you can always see them standing there.


By putting a faction restriction, they'd have nothing to open in a safe area. If they are using exploits like this, then it needs to be fixed as a separate issue.

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Simple answer, add banks to the game and have PvP victims drop 25% of their cash on hand when killed in an open world pvp area.


If you're world pvp'ing just make sure you hit the bank and you'll at most lose a few thousand credits per death. However loot bots like these will become instant 100% pay-out superjackpot video lottery terminals. Yum, yum, yum, delicioso!

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Did you report them?


I thought Bioware made it pretty clear a few weeks ago about this sort of thing?


A lot of people from multiple servers have been reporting these bots on a daily basis for weeks. About all that gets done is forums post about this subject gets deleted.

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I've seen this hack myself on Illum but from a level 12. The guy 2 pages before presented with hard evidence on how the game's economy can be destroyed by credit-farmers.


What's more sad though is that there are ignorant people in this thread saying "who cares", "what's your beef with them since they don't disturb your gameplay experience" and more nonsense like that.


I'd go out of my way and say boldly here that whoever has no long term WoW experience cannot realize what's this thread is about and should not assume things he/she doesn't know nor understand.


I know many more big MMO's suffered from gold farmers and still do, games such as LineAge 2, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan and so on but I mention World of Warcraft as the most established game in the market from a company (Blizzard) that learned how to counter such events the hard way I might add without previous knowledge or experience.


So, as a 6 year old WoW player that never left his account "frozen" until I got into Early Game Access of TOR (and beyond that) I feel I should inform the uninformed masses.


First of all, JollyRogers really said it all on how gold sellers impact an online game's economy and focused in real life expensive and time consuming measures that have to be taken.


So here's my take on the ingame problems that will be caused once this illegal market is well established.


~If these individuals are left unchecked and unexposed, soon we will see phenomena like account thefts, whispers spamming to buy credits as cheap as 1$ per 5000 credits and so on.

~Soon enough, many people will run around with those 1.5 mil speeders. People that couldn't afford all their character skills from the trainer before buying credits online for real life money from some shady website.

~After that, we will see the prices on the Galactic Trade Network to sky rocket, not because the game allows more people to make more money than it did 2 months before, but because people now buy credits for real life money (probably with their parents credit card) thus not fully bothered that they payed 500k for a red color crystal.


If you look at WoW now, that the gold selling prices have dropped to the lowest possible and the farmers have been diminished, so the few that are left aim for the quantity over quality of their customers (they probably prefer more people buying 1000 gold for 2 dollars than a few buying 10k gold once a year) you can see the impact in the ingame market.


Blizzard tried to counter the farmers by introducing gear and enchants obtainable only with tokens and not gold. They also willingly inflated the game with gold each expansion to diminish the need of the players to buy illegal gold. They also gave the 1 hour delay on ingame mail when selling goods.


In my understanding, BioWare took notice and accumulated all of the above for TOR plus the GTN deposit that gets higher when we up the price we sell the item, but if they leave the farmers and the hackers unchecked, things can go easily out of hand.


I'm writing all this as a man who loved WoW for 6 years, who never got his account hacked, who researched the matter thoroughly both for university economic essay and to be informed on what's going on inside the game world I'm spending most of my free time in.


There was a BBC video on YouTube some years back that I used which showed under what circumstances the "illegal gold farming industry" operates but I can't find the exact one at the moment so here's a similar one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiOZpzm-Jd4.


If someone doesn't know the facts, they better open their eyes and ears and hear what the experienced have to say instead of talking out of a Bantha's behind. After all you know what they say, "do not assume, you only make an ash out of u and me"


We are here trying to help TOR reach it's potential, not to undermine it. If we have previous knowledge of a bad situation we try to voice it so it won't carry on to this great game.

Edited by dark_lord_hades
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A) Remove chests altogether.

B) Put Champion mobs next to chests.


There's already Champion mobs next to a few chests. The problem is if its an Imperial Champion NPC, I can park my lvl 12 Imperial character next to it and farm the chest all day without a worry.

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the're cropping up on a lot of servers, thing is I'm not sure why, with the crap crafting post 50 there's no economy really other than a few cash sinks ,speeders raid repairs ect there isn't lot to spend money on so why the gold farming? I just don't see em being able to do a booming buisiness seems marginal to me at best.


How can level 7's get to illium when you do no get a ship until 16+? Last I remember you need a ship to explore the galaxy, and there is no transport that takes you there.


have some1 higher lvl drag you through just your class quests

Edited by BMBender
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the're cropping up on a lot of servers, thing is I'm not sure why, with the crap crafting post 50 there's no economy really other than a few cash sinks ,speeders raid repairs ect there isn't lot to spend money on so why the gold farming? I just don't see em being able to do a booming buisiness seems marginal to me at best.


On the contrary my friend. People have demonstrated times and times again that they can't keep their ingame income intact thus not being able to break the 20k barrier at any given time with their character. I see many level 50's still using the level 25 speeder and that speaks volumes.

Plus, as a fully epic (purple) geared lvl 50 character and the slots that I use custom gear the mods are epic quality I can tell you that if I die 6 times, my repairs are well beyond that 20k barrier and it's fine since I plan this ahead and have all the credits I need to die every second if needed for the next hour but what about the majority? What about all those people who can't? They will turn to those gold sellers to unhook them from the nasty situation of not being able to raid because they can't afford the repairs and consumables.

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There's already Champion mobs next to a few chests. The problem is if its an Imperial Champion NPC, I can park my lvl 12 Imperial character next to it and farm the chest all day without a worry.

Even with all the "proof" posts (most of which make no sense or don't actually prove anything) this is the first explanation that seems to make sense: if a factioned NPC is guarding a chest, then yes, obviously same-faction people could loot it.


It seems like the solution in this case would be to make all chests have champion mobs that are enemies to everyone and also detect stealth. That way no one could get close without killing the mob.

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On the contrary my friend. People have demonstrated times and times again that they can't keep their ingame income intact thus not being able to break the 20k barrier at any given time with their character. I see many level 50's still using the level 25 speeder and that speaks volumes.

Plus, as a fully epic (purple) geared lvl 50 character and the slots that I use custom gear the mods are epic quality I can tell you that if I die 6 times, my repairs are well beyond that 20k barrier and it's fine since I plan this ahead and have all the credits I need to die every second if needed for the next hour but what about the majority? What about all those people who can't? They will turn to those gold sellers to unhook them from the nasty situation of not being able to raid because they can't afford the repairs and consumables.


ok I can see your point about the speeders but raids? lol I'm not a member of a serious raid guild in this game but I remember the metality. If a members unable to support their weeklies within the game the're not much of a raider. If they stumble over the $ portion they'll stumble on the content as well.


And non raiders generally arn't needing a whole lot of late lvl epics therefore their repair bill will be in line with the content they are running.


My point is I just don't see casuals or those with heavy work/school loads dumping alot into gold farmers. Nor do I see HC raiders or PVPers sinking a lot into it. $ grants no specific benifit in this game. IF epic gear was boe or if there were a point to crafting post 50 gear I could see the market but right now I just don't.



EDIT I'm NOT saying BW shouldn't be taking this extremely seriously and not 1-4 day bans either more like IP bans. Just in the current game state I don't see them(goldfarmers) pullling record profits

Edited by BMBender
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ok I can see your point about the speeders but raids? lol I'm not a member of a serious raid guild in this game but I remember the metality. If a members unable to support their weeklies within the game the're not much of a raider. If they stumble over the $ portion they'll stumble on the content as well.


And non raiders generally arn't needing a whole lot of late lvl epics therefore their repair bill will be in line with the content they are running.


My point is I just don't see casuals or those with heavy work/school loads dumping alot into gold farmers. Nor do I see HC raiders or PVPers sinking a lot into it. $ grants no specific benifit in this game. IF epic gear was boe or if there were a point to crafting post 50 gear I could see the market but right now I just don't.


I beg you to watch the video I posted. The video plus the majority of player that have jobs or school can give you a glimpse on how many can turn to that market even for an end game speeder if not raiding!


Lastly, thanks to our beloved WoW, raiders especially hardcore ones are all but extinct like the Jedi in the dark Palpatine times. People even in TOR only wants "epics" a mentality courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment that people can't get rid of. You know I haven't done Battle of Illum (normal) yet because "there are no epics there" so I've only done the hard mode? The mentality is in the game already and people want to raid for the epics, not for the fun of raiding that it was in classic WoW or EverQuest2.

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The only solution i can see is to put a level limit on the chests. Level 40s and above!


This would erase the problem instantly.


Agreed, or add a security spike-esque item that costs say 5 credits that is required to open illum chests and requires level 30+

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The first evening I did the quests one gets after completing the Class-Chain I found 3 guys, level 12-18, standing in caves and waiting for something. I am Republic, the caves were full of Imperial Mobs and the lowbies were Imperials, non-PvP-flagged. Now at least I know what they were doing there...


Not funny. Definitely doesnt work as intented

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Did you report them?


I thought Bioware made it pretty clear a few weeks ago about this sort of thing?


I have, multiple times, reported someone (lvl 12) doing this on Ilum on my server. I got a "thanks we'll check it out!" response. Three days later, they're still there, raking in the credits.

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