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Really tired of level 7's autoclicking chests on Ilum.


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I still think a level 52 mob:


[Killer attack rabbit] - cute and docile to anyone over level 40...39 and below, RUN...


...would solve some of the farming problems.


I think AC1 had that attack rabbit, based on monty python's Holy Grail movie.

Edited by Qoojo
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There's already Champion mobs next to a few chests. The problem is if its an Imperial Champion NPC, I can park my lvl 12 Imperial character next to it and farm the chest all day without a worry.


If they are same faction as the champion mob, then won't whoever is killing the mob be able to AOE and hit the bot farmer?

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This is rubbish. You can't possibly get to Ilum as a level 7 because you can't even get off the starting planet till level 10. You cannot travel on someone elses ship until you have your own at lvl 16.


Bad troll bad.


Have you not been listening? They can have a lvl 50 run them through their class quest, they should only hit around lvl 7 by the time they have a ship. Simple.

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Video 1:


Video 2-Literally taken 15 minutes ago? :



I have reported the same people for over 2 weeks. So yes, and almost every other 50 has reported them. You can also see them because they "unstealth" to sell to the medic. And the hack is also glitchy and they pop up for a second or so sometimes.


You can't loot a chest and stay stealthed, so squash that right now.


WOW, sound like BW has a huge problem.

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This is rubbish. You can't possibly get to Ilum as a level 7 because you can't even get off the starting planet till level 10. You cannot travel on someone elses ship until you have your own at lvl 16.


Bad troll bad.


This is a known problem/bug/hack - something needs to be done.

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This is rubbish. You can't possibly get to Ilum as a level 7 because you can't even get off the starting planet till level 10. You cannot travel on someone elses ship until you have your own at lvl 16.


Bad troll bad.


You were stepping all over yourself to call someone a troll you forgot to use common sense and read the thread before you posted.


Try and keep up, it's not rocket science! Wear a helmet next time if it helps! :)

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Bioware is just failing horribly at fixing this problem. If they aren't going to fix the problem, I'm going to stop giving them my money.


This is a problem I agree but I see only one fix add a block to all planets that have a level requirement. You can only access that planet if you meet that requirement. Could be tough to implement.

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This is rubbish. You can't possibly get to Ilum as a level 7 because you can't even get off the starting planet till level 10. You cannot travel on someone elses ship until you have your own at lvl 16.

Bad troll bad.

I got my shiny new JC to the fleet at level 6 last week. Ignoring everything except the class quest chain, I managed to get through everything except for one cave full of groups of level 9s I couldn't hit properly (at level 4-5). Guildy came down and threw pebbles at them for me.

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Honestly, if Bioware is smart, they'll let these handful of exploiters exploit the chests and watch them, track what they do with their millions and put the screws to whatever probably-RMT-oriented interests they're exploit farming for.


It is, in any case, what I'd do. It's kind've like leaving a few deliberate holes that you know about in something as bait and making your opposition show you how they work before you even let on that you know they're there.


It's what I'd be thinking in terms of anyway for getting a jump on dealing with RMT.

Edited by Uruare
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I was really angry when I saw it happen.


I was facing a group of hostile mobs when all of a sudden, a level 7 character appeared in the middle of them, a chest spawned, they opened the chest, obtained the chest contents and then disappeared. There was no chance I could get the contents, and they did not aggro the mobs.


I hate cheaters and exploiters.

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Allowing level 7's to go to Ilum-not a great idea


Allowing level 7's to loot chests on Ilum-not a great idea.


Allowing level 7's to stand next to a mob of the same faction while they use an autoclicker to loot chests 24/7-/facepalm


And ignoring hundreds of reports (over 17 days) of this behavior and the guy only ever logs off during maintenance-/facepalm



They don't care about end-game issues.


It would take all but 5 minutes to place a mob next to the chest, but they simply do not care.

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Chest respawn every 7 min, 2-4k inside it, 600-800k per 24 hours. Lvl 50 player can make that in 2 hours.


I doubt this may ruin economy which already ruined (there are lvl49 crap augments which cost 100k on my server)


There is waaay more inside of it then just money, there are also items in it.

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a chest destroying a whole server economy, hyperbole much.


Troll much?


Blizzard had the same problem with farmers using hacks to get to chests and nodes which did impact the in-game economy as well as giving the farmers in-game currency to re-sell for cash.


It does add up over time, and it does need to be dealt with.


Honestly, if Bioware is smart, they'll let these handful of exploiters exploit the chests and watch them, track what they do with their millions and put the screws to whatever probably-RMT-oriented interests they're exploit farming for.


It is, in any case, what I'd do. It's kind've like leaving a few deliberate holes that you know about in something as bait and making your opposition show you how they work before you even let on that you know they're there.


It's what I'd be thinking in terms of anyway for getting a jump on dealing with RMT.


Sounds like what Blizzard does.

Edited by terminova
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I am seeing a lot of "Blizz always fixes exploits/hacks/bots" in this thread and I would like to educate those that are WAY off on that fact.



Blizz had this exact same problem back in vanilla and early TBC.


The problem was world chests, that dropped epics, being farmed NON STOP by bots destroying the economy and crafting markets. Most notably were the plethora of chests in Shadowmoon Valley and Eastern Plaguelands. When blizz FINALLY decided to do something about this (a year after it became a problem) They banned all botters and level capped chests...




They removed 99% of all outdoor chests and 100% of ouotdoor chests that contained epics and epic patterns.


Have patience young ones. Crying over and over is silly. They know about the problem and have posted on it. However, at the current time, you NOT getting a chest is not "game breaking" so its on the back burner. Nerd-Raging won't fix it any faster.

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I am seeing a lot of "Blizz always fixes exploits/hacks/bots" in this thread and I would like to educate those that are WAY off on that fact.



Blizz had this exact same problem back in vanilla and early TBC.


The problem was world chests, that dropped epics, being farmed NON STOP by bots destroying the economy and crafting markets. Most notably were the plethora of chests in Shadowmoon Valley and Eastern Plaguelands. When blizz FINALLY decided to do something about this (a year after it became a problem) They banned all botters and level capped chests...




They removed 99% of all outdoor chests and 100% of ouotdoor chests that contained epics and epic patterns.


Have patience young ones. Crying over and over is silly. They know about the problem and have posted on it. However, at the current time, you NOT getting a chest is not "game breaking" so its on the back burner. Nerd-Raging won't fix it any faster.


Uhh okay?

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honestly, who really cares if lvl 7's or 20's go and farm the chests on Ilum? It's not messing up my day. Just shows they're thinking outside the box. Oh wait, the BW jail wardens don't want you to think for yourselves and have you locked up on your starter world. And when you do try to make some extra money to get some good gear, BW says nope, sorry can't do that. What a load of crap really? I'm not talking about the hacks and bots either. If you're low lvl and get to Ilum and survive, welll kudos to you and you do deserve to get those chests. BW just needs to sit down, shut up, mind their business and fix this broken game already and not worry about if jedi johny is getting some extra money to buy that speeder - pathetic...


Sometimes I think people see one line, and react to it based upon that one line.


No one is upset over level 7's being in Ilum. (Okay, maybe a few but I digress...) This thread is about people basically making a brand new character, hacking, and making just as much if not more credits in a short time frame.


Personally I hate it. It's one of the main reasons I left Aion and will never go back. And for any of you that don't know about Aion, it was a beautiful game. Probably one of the smoothest running games, that had amazing graphics. Could even run on my old turd of a machine. But you couldn't step 5 steps without running into a botter. Once you got to certain zones it was literally impossible to quest because they would just set their character on auto pilot for days. Many of these botters were reported, recorded on video, and straight up called out in the gaming community, and weeks after everything was said and done, nothing had happened to them.


I can handle bugs and glitches. I can understand rocky game mechanics. But I will not tolerate hacking and cheating, and if it gets to the point that it adversely affects my gameplay (i.e. credit inflation, not being able to get nodes/mobs/chests...) then I will leave, and so will many others.

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So they are now getting sneaky. Rather than sit/stand and wait for the chest to respawn [which makes it easier for us to report them]:


log into the character next to the chest

loot the chest

log out of the character next to the chest



[and I can only assume log into another character where a high level chest is located].

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a chest destroying a whole server economy, hyperbole much.


This is one method Gold Sellers use to get credits to sell for the game. If you can't see how that is an issue, I won't bother to try to explain it to you.


However, one thing I have found in my many years of experience with MMO's, usually (not always... but more often than not) when someone is supportive of this kind of exploitive behavior, it is because they are using it themselves.


If I were the Mods, I'd be flagging your account to watch for activity of this kind, or any infusions of cash into your account from accounts with activity of this kind, and then perma ban with no option of reversal.


But then... I am all for banning cheaters/exploiters permanently. Warn once, perma account ban after that.



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To quote someone alot more knowledgable then us ..........



Greetings All,


If you have reason to believe a player is using an automated process i.e. botting to repeatedly loot a chest then this should be reported.

If a player is sitting at his/her keyboard and manually looting a chest then no rules are being broken.


Thank You for playing Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


Report their butts and let BW sort them out...

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