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Red Sabers.....


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I get all that... but it doesn't mean it fits the lore of Star Wars to let a bunch of MMO players decide that this one time in history red is cool for Jedi.


They CAN let players decide, obviously they think that's more important for their game, but why act like it fits in Star Wars? It just doesn't.


There are a lot of things that this game does that doesn't fit "Star Wars" like not being able to switch sides from Jedi->Sith or Sith->Jedi for one.


Get over it.

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There are a lot of things that this game does that doesn't fit "Star Wars" like not being able to switch sides from Jedi->Sith or Sith->Jedi for one.


Get over it.


I've been "over it".... my problem now are people trying to pretend it fits the story when it (as you say) does not.

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No, most game mechaincs (PvP included) are in the game because people enjoy them, not because the main reason is to annoy others. This is on page one, where that part of the discussion came from.


Ah, and so is allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers, because PEOPLE ENJOY USING THEM.


Oh, and the main reason in allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers wasn't to annoy people. Dude to think it was is just stupid.


One more thing, NONE of our Characters are even going to be in the Lore.

Edited by Altyrell
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Because Jedi DID use red, and CAN use red... it's just rare. That's the problem. This isn't about one or two guys using red, the problem is a large number of republic Jedi using red. It just doesn't happen, ever, in any other time period in Star Wars.


Again... if it's just a matter of "they broke the lore to make some extra money by caving in to people who don't care about the lore.".. ok fine, I can see they want to make money... but it does NOT fit the lore for THIS many Jedi to have red sabers. It's just a fact.


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Sith Marauder, I decided to go down the path of light, which seems pretty rare on my server, so I'm running around with blue sabers, well one purple, and one blue (so I'm told, I can't actually tell the difference since I'm colour-blind!)


That said, I've been called a dick and a loser etc a couple of times leveling with blue sabers! Exactly what does it have to do with anyone else what I choose to do on my character?



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Sith Marauder, I decided to go down the path of light, which seems pretty rare on my server, so I'm running around with blue sabers, well one purple, and one blue (so I'm told, I can't actually tell the difference since I'm colour-blind!)


That said, I've been called a dick and a loser etc a couple of times leveling with blue sabers! Exactly what does it have to do with anyone else what I choose to do on my character?




People just like to judge harshly. It's sad.

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Ah, and so is allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers, because PEOPLE ENJOY USING THEM.


Ok. But now you've changed the argument. The guy didn't say he used red becuase he liked red, he used it to annoy people. If that's the reason it's in game (not saying it is, just following his logic) it's a bad mechanic.


You can't use some other guy's twisted logic and pretend it was somthing I said. That's your twisted logic.

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I've been "over it".... my problem now are people trying to pretend it fits the story when it (as you say) does not.


You mean to sat that it does not fit YOUR version of the story; there is nothing in story that says Jedi should have color X, Sith should have color Y.

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Ok. But now you've changed the argument. The guy didn't say he used red becuase he liked red, he used it to annoy people. If that's the reason it's in game (not saying it is, just following his logic) it's a bad mechanic.


You can't use some other guy's twisted logic and pretend it was somthing I said. That's your twisted logic.


This reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman becomes the morning announcer.




I'm sorry red lightsabers annoy you so much OP. I think I can safely say though the majority of Republic players don't notice it or care about it very much when they do.

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You mean to sat that it does not fit YOUR version of the story; there is nothing in story that says Jedi should have color X, Sith should have color Y.


Ummm what? I don't have a version of the story. I have THE story. They don't use red, but for a very limited numer of times. THAT'S the story. So yeah, there is something that say what they SHOULD have to fit the story. THE ACTUAL STORY.

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I have a question. Completely relevant to the problem in this thread.


Why can't good people use red blasters, then? Red is the "classic" Rebel blaster color - hell, the classic blaster color of both sides. Yet, in this game, "red" can only be used by non-Light people - Jedi, Sith, troopers, smugglers, agents, whoever. If you're good, you're using blue, green, or yellow, while if you're bad, you're using red or yellow. Were the Rebels bad guys? Was the Empire good guys, since their tie fighters had green blasters? Does it matter to anyone else what color that guy's sword is?

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Go join the other side.


Dark Jedi are not Sith.




Read your fracken lore kiddo. You know nothing of the dark side.


Dooku: "A bold claim, but you are not Sith. You wear the trappings of the Sith, you fight like the Sith… but this can be imitated, however. You lack a vital quality found in all Sith. Sith have no fear, and I sense much fear in you."

Asajj Ventress: "You are a foolish old man who knows nothing of the dark side!"

Dooku: "Indeed?"

―Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress[src]

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I'm going along with the film's lore, so pretty much sticking with red for my sith. Tbh i am a bit disapointed that sith get to choose any colour other than red, it kind of ruins the imersive feeling of star wars, i've never seen a sith in the films using any light saber that wasn't red (anakin doesn't count at the end of III, he's only just fallen), so that's what i'd like my game experience to be.


Also, the sight of all the red lightsabers in the back of the transport that crashes into the temple in the opening cinematic is awesome.

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Ok. But now you've changed the argument. The guy didn't say he used red becuase he liked red, he used it to annoy people. If that's the reason it's in game (not saying it is, just following his logic) it's a bad mechanic.


You can't use some other guy's twisted logic and pretend it was somthing I said. That's your twisted logic.


And some people PvP to annoy people, see what I did there :p Does THAT mean because of those people PvP is a bad mechanic?


You are saying that allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers is a Bad Mechanic because it annoys people. That is actually FALSE. It might annoy you but not everyone therefore it is not a BAD MECHANIC.

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If they don't care, then they should stop comming in here and arguing lore as if they understand it.


The people in here arguing aren't the 'majority.'




The greater number: "in the majority of cases"; "a majority decision".




The smaller number or part, esp. a number that is less than half the whole number.

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And some people PvP to annoy people, see what I did there .


Yeah. you twisted logic to make a silly argument.


You are saying that allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers is a Bad Mechanic because it annoys people.


Wrong. Not what I said.


Try reading again.

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You are saying that allowing Jedi to wield Red Lightsabers is a Bad Mechanic because it annoys people. That is actually FALSE. It might annoy you but not everyone therefore it is not a BAD MECHANIC.


Not taking sides here but just to correct you, he said that if having jedi be able to use red sabers is only in the game because it allows people to annoy others then its a bad mechanic. Not that it's a bad mechanic because it annoys others.

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The people in here arguing aren't the 'majority.'


Totally missed the point ^


Not taking sides here but just to correct you, he said that if having jedi be able to use red sabers is only in the game because it allows people to annoy others then its a bad mechanic. Not that it's a bad mechanic because it annoys others.


Thank you!! reading comp for the win!!

Edited by Spymaster
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Didn't say they are, but they're no longer Jedi and now fight for everything the Sith stands for, so yeah.... having them fight with Jedi, for the republic, against the Sith, using sith colors.... lore breaking.


No, not every Dark Jedi fight for what the Sith Stands for -_-


And Red is not a bloody Sith Color :rolleyes:

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