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WalMart PreOrder Troubles


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After ordering from Newegg thursday after getting tired of Wal-Mart's crap, I sent an e-mail to Newegg asking for confirmation that they actually had CE's and were not in fact just overselling ( since as soon as I order the CE, Newegg immediately changed the order page to "out of stock" and had my pre-order listed as "on hold" ). I waited until today, and after having received NO response from Newegg, I called SEARS.


I asked the lady on the phone at SEARS order support point blank "If I order this right now, this minute, am I going to actually get one? Do you in fact have them in stock, or are you just hoping to fill my order if/when you maybe get some product in?"


She asked me to hold for a couple minutes, then came back and said "I can confirm that we do indeed have the CE's in stock ready to be shipped tomorrow, on the 20th of December."


Unfortunately, she also said the expected delivery date would be between Dec 29th and Jan 5th ( I refuse to pay for "expedited" shipping because I'm a cheap bastard.).:p


So I ordered it from SEARS now, and it is processing.


Guess the grace period ain't helping me on this one. lol


Hi if newegg say ON HOLD thats what it says till they charge and then ship

i got charged and the game shipped yesterday for me

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Walmart is now telling me my CE won't arrive until January 11th despite the fact I ordered and PAID FOR MY CE ON JULY 22 BY PAYPAL. Now other people have their CE and I am going to get locked out.




The long lag time on the pre order apparently caused the "glitch" in Walmart's order processing system and BIOWARE/EA originally told them not to ship until the 20th. The entire combination of EA/BIOWARE/WALMART screw ups is going to cause a lot of us to get locked out after Thursday.

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If your thinking about trying to reorder from Sears don't bother. It says its in stock before you add it to cart. Then view the cart and it still says its in stock. You then click proceed to checkout and boom it says its out of stock. So Sears website is lieing, it is out of stock since you can't checkout.


Same for Newegg, the moment you add it to the cart they remove it from the cart saying its out of stock. Why can't these companies either remove it from their site (like Wal-Idiot-Mart did), or gray out the button, or something. So that people don't mistakenly think they have it in stock.


Edit: Weird first time they removed it saying it was out of stock. The next time I tried it wasn't removed. Just weird. I wonder if I will get it if I go ahead and submit an order.

Edited by APhantasm
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Walmart is now telling me my CE won't arrive until January 11th despite the fact I ordered and PAID FOR MY CE ON JULY 22 BY PAYPAL. Now other people have their CE and I am going to get locked out.




The long lag time on the pre order apparently caused the "glitch" in Walmart's order processing system and BIOWARE/EA originally told them not to ship until the 20th. The entire combination of EA/BIOWARE/WALMART screw ups is going to cause a lot of us to get locked out after Thursday.


BW never told them not to ship before the 20th. Wal-Idiot-Mart lied there, yeah they actually lied. BW confirmed that some time ago. BW/EA is not to blame here they did their best to try and get Wal-Idiot-Mart to give it to us on time. Just happens that Wal-Idiot-Mart is screwing us over. I expect them to cancel the order soon.


If its not shipped today I will call and ask for an update, if they tell me the same thing they told you then I will cancel. I'm through dealing with them. They have lost all my online business.

Edited by APhantasm
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Same here. I can't buy anything from a vendor that ships my product when the mood suits them.


As far as Walmart lying, Amazon was set to ship today too and changed their plans after BW/EA called them. I don't know what happened at walmart, but all indications are that all the retailers were originally told to ship today. Some were nimble enough to make adjustments.


Walmart is not nimble. I still think this is caused by a confluence of events caused by EA/BW and Walmart. The net effect of their combined mistakes is that I and many others will get locked out.


They would all rather point fingers and act stupid than keep my business.


I've had good luck buying from Walmart online in the past, but I will NEVER buy from them again.

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Same here. I can't buy anything from a vendor that ships my product when the mood suits them.


As far as Walmart lying, Amazon was set to ship today too and changed their plans after BW/EA called them. I don't know what happened at walmart, but all indications are that all the retailers were originally told to ship today. Some were nimble enough to make adjustments.


Walmart is not nimble. I still think this is caused by a confluence of events caused by EA/BW and Walmart. The net effect of their combined mistakes is that I and many others will get locked out.


They would all rather point fingers and act stupid than keep my business.


I've had good luck buying from Walmart online in the past, but I will NEVER buy from them again.


Well they were nimble to the Credit Card payers, since the CC payers had theirs shipped out last week. They just weren't nimble to the Paypal payers.

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Not sure what you all are talking about... Mine arrives this morning purchased from WalMart online. The only issue that occurred was the incorrect 'your order has been cancelled' e-mail, but it was followed up by a 'we messed up, your order was never cancelled' e-mail.


I got my preorder code on time, and I will get my CE on time. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Yeah. Some of the CC customers purchased in Sept and Oct, while I paid back in July.


This is just so screwed up.



UPDATE: We got another email from Walmart. They now say my CE will be delivered by the 23rd.

Edited by ThorienM
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Not sure what you all are talking about... Mine arrives this morning purchased from WalMart online. The only issue that occurred was the incorrect 'your order has been cancelled' e-mail, but it was followed up by a 'we messed up, your order was never cancelled' e-mail.


I got my preorder code on time, and I will get my CE on time. Nothing to see here. Move along.


I am very happy for you!

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Yeah. Some of the CC customers purchased in Sept and Oct, while I paid back in July.


This is just so screwed up.



UPDATE: We got another email from Walmart. They now say my CE will be delivered by the 23rd.


I bought it via PayPal back in July as well. Was told over the phone it will be shipped out the 23rd, arrive on the 29th

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I just drove to the local Best Buy and bought one off the shelf. They have two more unclaimed as yet.


If I was close to a Brick and Mortar store that had one I would have done the same thing. Best Buy for me is 50 miles away. And I don't see the point driving 2 hours round trip for just that.

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I dont blame you. I just couldnt stand it. The Best buy up the street from where I work claimed they had them in the store, so I drove over.

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I wish I had known about Sears back when this whole thing started! I would've ordered from them! But I found out too late and Walmart took the money out of my Paypal, so now I don't even have other ONLINE options that were limited to begin with!


I don't have ANY options!


I don't have any more money to throw at this!


I've called EVERY number I can find and even the customer service IN CORPORATE just tells me they can't view or change ANYTHING.


Really good system you've got going for you Walmart.


Really good.


And the fact that things are screwing up THIS BADLY and all Bioware and EA will tell me is "it's up to the retailer" is BS!! Their companies should have been in contact with Walmart JUST AS MUCH as they were with Amazon, Gamestop, Newegg, etc...


Why are the people that HAD to order through Walmart second class citizens?!


Why aren't we getting any official help FROM ANYONE?




I can't even coherently arrange sentences anymore.



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Executive Email Carpet Bomb? Yes, Yes I think I will


To All It May Concern,


My name is ----.


On 11/15/2011

I preordered the Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition game from your online store. ( Order Number )


On 12/4/2011

I was sent an email that stated my order would appear cancelled because of a system glitch, but was not actually cancelled.


Since this day, I have routinely called in to Customer Service, spoken with many associates and their supervisors, called into the corporate customer service numbers and their supervisors and gotten a LOT of completely different answers about what has been going on with my order.


To summarize: My order has been cancelled, but not, then placed in processing, then partially refunded, then discontinued, then re-ordered, then the funds were reauthorized, but no shipment has been made and the ship date that I was told over and over again has been changed and shifted from 12/20 (which was late to begin with, many people who also ordered from you already have this product in their hands) to 12/23.


I have been told that there is no way to change this ship date (either of them) and there is no way to change the shipping even as a customer service issue for no one being able to tell me why you have my money and I have yet to even see my product SHIPPED, a month after I ordered it and five days after the manufacture claims you received the product.


There is a thread on the SWTOR forums addressing this - in fact there are two.


There are MANY people who have been through the same problems as I have. A lot of them have chosen to cancel their orders with Walmart and order from another company instead. Frankly, I would have by now as well except that you've already charged me again and, as I don't make a lot of money, I don't have the funds to shop with someone else while you still have the money I originally saved up for.


This is completely unacceptable. Being told by your customer service representatives that they cannot figure out what is wrong with my order and they cannot fix it is unacceptable. Being told to wait 3 business days for someone I cannot get in contact with to "get back to me" about my order with no guarantees it'll even be fixed is unacceptable.


Taking my money and not giving me a product or service in return is called THEFT.


And I am making sure the over 1 million people that pre ordered this game and have access to those forums knows this. I am not the only one and I won't be the last.


All I am asking you to do is ensure that the one present I will be getting this year actually gets to me this year. That I get what I paid for. I really don't think it's too much to ask.


Looking Forward To Your Reply,

Name and Contact Info

Don't Forget To Link Back To This Thread.


Walmart Executive Emails To The Best Of My Knowledge:


To: michael.duke@wal-mart.com,




















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My copy was sent thru fedex

fedex site says it was loaded onto the truck for delivery at 6:47 AM

that was almost 9 hours ago

how many hours do those drivers work?


It's like UPS.


Order from a business in the same town or very close to where you live.


Do not pay for anything other than "standard 3-5 days" shipping.


When you get tracking number, follow the shipment.


Watch as item is placed on truck and then sits for days until the delivery day.


What's funny is, I can go to the UPS center near me and ship a package standard rate to my sister in Westchester, CA. from here in Fresno, CA and it will be there the next day without fail.


But if I order from a company based in San Diego, CA and pay standard shipping, UPS will take that entire 3-5 days to get it to me.


Delivery services like UPS, FedEx, etc, have agreements with their business clients to basically screw you over unless you pay the outrageous 2 day or next day shipping.

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