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to those qqers qqing over the OP nerf..


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I can stack buffs and hit that high on light armor targets with no expertise. Almost full champion. Most classes can actually do that with the proper buffs. They didn't truly fix buff stacking yet. My average is closer to 4k though, when playing equally geared folks.
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202k dmg on your sorc? You gotta teach me how to be afk 75% of the fight and not get booted.


i spent most my time trying to run away and not be nuked by that op :p + it was a real fast huttball game. hence the low dmg.. also at poster abover you. im not on about total dmg.. look at highest hit.


btw im not qqing at his dmg.. just poiting out that OP have no right to complain about being nerfed

Edited by Tsubodia
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yeh the nerf really hit you guys hard right..


Sorry but those numbers are far from impressive. I've seen ranged classes do 400k game and other classes hit just as hard.


Your putting a lot of working into gloating over the nerf but it hasn't taken place yet. We will still have burst because that's how the class is designed. You do realize Operatives will still kill you, and I'm sure once that happens you wont be gloating but crying with nerf demands.

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Sorry but those numbers are far from impressive. I've seen ranged classes do 400k game and other classes hit just as hard.


Your putting a lot of working into gloating over the nerf but it hasn't taken place yet. We will still have burst because that's how the class is designed. You do realize Operatives will still kill you, and I'm sure once that happens you wont be gloating but crying with nerf demands.


incorrect. so 6k crit through 550 expertise isnt impressive? hmm ok then. Also im not gloating at all. but your too pompus to actually see that.


oh also.. most operatives are too bad to actually kill me and unlike 90% of this forum population i don't jump crying for nerfs every 3 seconds.

Edited by Tsubodia
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in correct. so 6k crit through 550 expertise isnt impressive? hmm ok then. Also im not gloating at all. but your too pompus to actually see that.


oh also.. most operatives are too bad to actually kill me and unlike 90% of this forum population i don't jump crying for nerfs every 3 seconds.


Yes, I've been hit for 8k through my expertise. Next excuse.

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