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5 People in Imperial Fleet (including me)


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Republic Fleet almost reached 200 last night. Also when I mad ea empire BH alt, the starting planet had over 60, so there is alot of people making alts and such, so I wouldn't be concerned about population on Alderaan, as everyone is just moving off before the planet explodes.
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This is why I always stick through with the high pop server until the end of the first month, because a lot of people always leave. Usually, the devs rarely plan for server transfers. In fact, Rift was the only responsive to it that I can remember. War made you go to specific servers, which didn't really help that much.
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Easy to do when it's not you who has to do it, right?


Asking people to transfer to another server is punishing--whether it's to be expected in MMOs or not.


I, personally, have no issue with the pop on my server. But I understand what the OP is trying to say, and cannot believe the response he's getting.


If you ask everyone who's on a low-pop server to reroll on another, you're in for a lot of unhappy gamers.


Thank you for understanding.


I've actually recommended the game to a number of my friends, of course telling them the server that I am playing on. I fear I may have misled them. I'm hoping that the population will pick up as the game becomes more popular, but if it doesn't I hope Bioware considers merging us with another 'low' population server to enhance the experience for everyone involved.

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Hate to break it to ya but even during launch week, on the rebel side the zones were barelyt populated. Just face it the game is going down the tubes as we speak.


The magic was short lived. It has worn off, and is starting to go stale. Much quicker than I expected TBH.


right on....

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Welp that sucks man. Time to reroll. twin spears had 280 as the most i saw tonight at the fleet and 220 currently.


I've thought about that, but at the moment I feel I have too much invested in my many alts with their associated crew skills and story progress. Plus, even though there aren't many here I've grouped with some nice people that I wouldn't want to bail on. A shame those people aren't always on 24/7 or I might have a group at times. :)


I suppose I'll stay where I am and try to tough it out, but I really hope Bioware is keeping an eye on the situation because it has the potential to negatively impact those of us still left on the server. The worse it gets, the more people will reroll and/or quit the game entirely, and the situation will spiral out of control until the game really does become just a single player game (on this server at least).

Edited by Wizzrobe
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6:48PM EST and 10 people in the Imperial Fleet (this is an east coast server). I hope someone at Bioware is paying attention.


Welcome to what happens when you over hype and release a game in a unfinished state. Add on strict moderating and ignoring people's concerns even if there is no fix right away. People felt that their input carried zero weight and the developers didn't care about what they thought.


I don't even know what they could possibly do to fix it. Server merges asap and an apology for knowingly releasing a game still in beta would be a good start though. It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if we get a announcement in the near future about people being replaced.

Edited by Skaara
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I think they will bring down the server number as that huge list was meant to handle the launch load.


They really need to. They had an absurd number of servers at launch, and the throttling didnt help much either. I rolled on 2 of the higher load servers (Mind Trick, Hyperspace Cannon) knowing this would come sooner or later. Glad I did, but I feel bad for anyone else who actually wants the massive multiplayer in their MMO.

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You have the power to change it.


i haven't seen less that a hundred people in any zone on my server ever.


Oh yeah, screenshots please.


Hi, ty for posting how your server has so many people! I'm sure that totally negates any negative experiences other people are having!


I'm not the OP but I play Republic on The Courageous server. There are hardly ever any 50's on so end game content is out of the question, leaving me with nothing more to do than abandon my Republic legacy and reroll on a different server or just make alts!


Here are a few screenshots of my situation very similar to OP's!





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I'm not the OP but I play Republic on The Courageous server. There are hardly ever any 50's on so end game content is out of the question, leaving me with nothing more to do than abandon my Republic legacy and reroll on a different server or just make alts!




I would feel sorry for you if i haven't rerolled in almost every MMO i've played in due to similiar issues.

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Server transfers would be okay, but server mergers are something that happens only when a game is dying, and SWTOR is not, at least not yet anyway, many of the servers have quite a healthy population including the one i'm on (Twin Spears) so i suggest re-rolling on one of the more populated servers until Bioware starts offering server transfers.
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Hi, ty for posting how your server has so many people! I'm sure that totally negates any negative experiences other people are having!


I'm not the OP but I play Republic on The Courageous server. There are hardly ever any 50's on so end game content is out of the question, leaving me with nothing more to do than abandon my Republic legacy and reroll on a different server or just make alts!


Here are a few screenshots of my situation very similar to OP's!






why do people assume everyone is where they are?

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You have the power to change it.


i haven't seen less that a hundred people in any zone on my server ever.


Oh yeah, screenshots please.


How do I have the power to change it? By leaving? If I left the server will still be there, but instead of 10 there would be 9 people in the fleet. Closing your eyes to the problem does not make it go away.


My server is the Defenestrator, I invite anybody to log on and do a /who if you want to see for yourself.


It's ridiculous that people think I have to do this, but here you go. All I did was cut out names to respect people who might not want their character's names posted on the forums.



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Please consider server mergers. I had originally made characters on one of the populated long queue servers, but I decided to move and start over again to help balance out the population a bit.


Most of my characters are now on 'The Defenestrator' server which is an east coast PvE server (great server name btw). It is now 12:30PM and there are 5 people in the imperial fleet, including me.


I have many characters in the level 20-30 range and I really do not feel like leveling them all up again on a more populated server, as I feel I was attempting to alleviate Bioware's queue problem at launch by starting on another server. At the time I had no way of knowing that this server would not become popular.


As a point of reference, during primetime I typically see between 15-30 people in the fleet. This population density is drastically affecting my gameplay as there is little activity on the trade network and it can be very difficult getting flashpoint groups together. I shudder to think what it is like for the 50s.


The defenstrator is one of the low pop servers, unfortunately for you. Most servers have standard population, only 1-2 have heavy. Too bad you chose a low pop server. I'm on whitebeam and it was low pop when I rolled to avoid queues. Now it's standard.

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I never said i suffered. Please read the words i type and don't make up your own to pretend you are making a point that isn't there.


You were offering up how you would have gave me some form of pity if you had not been forced to reroll in previous games.


Not quite sure what good that has to do with the problem at hand, the problem being there are servers with unhealthy populations.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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The defenstrator is one of the low pop servers, unfortunately for you. Most servers have standard population, only 1-2 have heavy. Too bad you chose a low pop server. I'm on whitebeam and it was low pop when I rolled to avoid queues. Now it's standard.


Saying "too bad" is nice and all but doesn't solve the problem. If he rerolls then the server will still have a lackluster population. If everyone rerolls off of it the server would be dead. Maybe it would be best to merge or offer transfers?


FYI: The screenshots I linked are from 20 minutes ago, my server reads as "Standard" on status screen.

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How do I have the power to change it? By leaving? If I left the server will still be there, but instead of 10 there would be 9 people in the fleet. Closing your eyes to the problem does not make it go away.


My server is the Defenestrator, I invite anybody to log on and do a /who if you want to see for yourself.


It's ridiculous that people think I have to do this, but here you go. All I did was cut out names to respect people who might not want their character's names posted on the forums.




not everyone hangs out in the imperial fleet. enter "1-50"

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