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There's too much cc.

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It's funny really seeing this topic again, it's almost like the launch of Rift again. After they placed forum boards QQ into consideration and came up with their whack job of a DR system guess what the next complaint was?


**** I CAN'T CC ANYMORE, EVERYONE IS ALWAYS IMMUNE AND I CAN'T GET THEM OFF ME. The majority of the population complaining about CCs in PvP are going to be the same ones crying about dying in PvP for any reason whatsoever.


The resolve system is not perfect, it does not work all the time (I'm looking at you glitchy sorc stuns). But that should be all the complaints you have about the system. Most classes do not have an on demand CC like some classes in WoW. Most classes have access to more than one that's for sure but they all have a cool down attached to it.


CC is a necessary evil, it's not cool to see your character getting zapped as you're hopeless to help the situation but when 3-4 people focus fire you, CC or not, you need to die otherwise that's just bad design. With the current system in place, clutch saves and overcoming huge odds are still possible, but you really got to make it happen.


Without CC's, PvP will degrade into mindless spamming of skills. Also have fun killing a fully expertise geared healer with just an interrupt. ATM against one with a slight clue of what he/she is doing, you'll need to rotate interrupts and maybe a stun with an ally, anything short is not going to have an effect.


TLDR: Fix resolve's immunity so it's consistent with its intended purposes, CC's are otherwise fine. If you still have issues with resolve, stop wasting your CC break in situations that do not call for it.

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