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Suggestion: Different colour for Heroic Quest-givers


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This is a tiny suggestion in the grand scheme of things, hardly game-breaking but might make a nice change at some point in the future once the important stuff gets fixed/implemented.


Would it be possible to change the colour of the icon over the heads of quest-givers who give out heroic quests?


As the sort of player who enjoys getting immersed in the storyline, and rarely groups up (I know, I'm one of those anti-social types), it can be a little jarring to listen to an NPC's tale of woe, agree to run off and save his/her/its farm/speeder/teddybear only to get to the end of the conversation and find "Heroic (+4)" next to the quest info.


While most of the time I'll just wait until the quest is grey then attempt to solo it, it would be nice to know before I hear the poor guy/girl/Jawa's sob story that I'll need to get over my groupaphobia or make the teddybear wait in the toxic sludge a few hours or more before I can solo-save his furry behind.


Tl:dr version - please change the colour of the icon above the heads of heroic quest givers -(after the bug fixes and sgras of course) thanks muchly :D

Edited by MoogleNut
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This would be helpful to me as well. I pretty much only do solo quests when I pve and watching all the cut scenes for heroic quests is wasting my time. Either put a clearly different icon over their head or text "Heroic Quest Giver" under their names.
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Don't heroic quest givers have the "strong" tag, where as normal quest givers don't i could be wrong but that seems to be the way it is.


Haven't noticed this in relation to quest-givers. am away from my gaming laptop till the end of the week so will have a look.


As I said, is not a major concern, just a little thing that might make things clearer for players who don't particularly like or have the time to find groups :cool:

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This is something a few people in my guild have mentioned aswell, bit of a pain when you are soloing and go through a load of chat only to find the quest is a heroic2 or 4 which you cna't do and so cancel.


Making some way for us to determine this before engaging in chat would be great.

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