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Is it time for everyone to reroll as a sorc/sage?


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wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. On both accounts. number 1, it does absorb a tick of fire damage...which is about it.


Number 2, even full epic gear, and talented, the shield absorbs somewhere around 3k. No more.


Simply no more. I dont understand where all these figures of 6-9k protection are coming from. maybe you guys just arent hitting the shields for as much as you think you are? Did an hour of duel testing to figure out how much damge the shield absorbs...and let me tell you know, it really is only 3 - 3.5k


Get real guys and L2P


3-3.5k is a lot so :D going to love my new sorc

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Haha, I'm going to laugh so hard, when you quit the game in rage when you realise you've just wasted 8 days trying to prove how good you are when leveling a sorc.


3k sounds alot, but on a class which gets hit for 3k+ consistently it really isn't.

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Haha, I'm going to laugh so hard, when you quit the game in rage when you realise you've just wasted 8 days trying to prove how good you are when leveling a sorc.


3k sounds alot, but on a class which gets hit for 3k+ consistently it really isn't.


im already loving it much powerful than any class ive played so far :cool:

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im already loving it much powerful than any class ive played so far :cool:


Cool post some ss's of you dominating. If not we're just going to classify you as another troll.


But I agree the Sage is a wonderful and complete class. Definitely OP if played well (like most callings). On my server there are maybe two or three people that I consider good players playing the class well.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Actually commandos and bounty hunters out number sorcerer/sages by a bit. Your point should be ranged classes in pvp dominate melee. Which is the way it's always been in MMO pvp.

No it was not. WoW had several periods when warriors and/or rogues were destroying ranged and people refered to it as World of Meleecraft.


Also I dont want to say what I see is a fact becouse I do not have all the data but from my Warzone experience there are way more Sorcs than Bounty Hunters. I had a laugh one day on TS with a friend when on a warzone summary screen we got 8 Sith Inquisitors (some of them could be assassins but all I recall from that match was a massive lightning spam everywhere).

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Actually commandos and bounty hunters out number sorcerer/sages by a bit. Your point should be ranged classes in pvp dominate melee. Which is the way it's always been in MMO pvp.


Actually they don't, not on my server, and not on any other server I have checked....you can check with a level 1 character using the Who command.


Sorcerer is the most played class on the Imperial side from my observations, no I didn't check all servers I don't have that sort of time, but when it is consistently the most played you can take that sample as a given for the rest.


The problem is extrapolating from that this means the class is overpowered.


No, the Sith Sorcerer is a direct reflection of the Sith as seen in the movies, it is not surprising that it is played by a lot of people. In the same way that the Bounty Hunter is a direct reflection of Boba Fett and is therefore played by a lot of people, but the Sniper that isn't a reflection of anything from any of the movies is hardly played at all.


Their popularity, or lack thereof, may have nothing to do with their abilities in the game.

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Actually they don't, not on my server, and not on any other server I have checked....you can check with a level 1 character using the Who command.


Sorcerer is the most played class on the Imperial side from my observations, no I didn't check all servers I don't have that sort of time, but when it is consistently the most played you can take that sample as a given for the rest.


The problem is extrapolating from that this means the class is overpowered.


No, the Sith Sorcerer is a direct reflection of the Sith as seen in the movies, it is not surprising that it is played by a lot of people. In the same way that the Bounty Hunter is a direct reflection of Boba Fett and is therefore played by a lot of people, but the Sniper that isn't a reflection of anything from any of the movies is hardly played at all.


Their popularity, or lack thereof, may have nothing to do with their abilities in the game.


I notice the trend to while im leveling that everyone I meet is either a merc or sorcs i rarely see other classes now

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is it time to reroll sorc/sage? Now?


dude you're late already!


It has been that time since official launch. On most servers there are twice as many sorc/sage running around than the entire population of Agents or Smugglers of both advanced classes.

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is it time to reroll sorc/sage? Now?


dude you're late already!


It has been that time since official launch. On most servers there are twice as many sorc/sage running around than the entire population of Agents or Smugglers of both advanced classes.


yeah when the server started I dont want to roll a inqui since I know almost everyone will roll one but now without a counter and almost all classes are gimped I dont see why i wont roll one :D

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Sorcs, Sages, Commandos, and Mercenaries need to have their knock backs nerfed into the GD ground.


THAT, or fix the GD resolve bar bioware. People are being cc'd to GD much for this BS to keep going on.


Hey bro I got yo, knock back.


No worries I'll come around and, knock back.


**** their gonna score I'll force leap and, knock back.


Hurry, knock back.


I, knock back.


knock back.



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Its always the same thing on the forums. People whining about a class they lose to, and the class in question defending there class in saying they are fine and balanced.


let me tell you whats wrong with sorcs:

1. Shields

Problem: There shield is fine, except reuse time. They can basicly preshield, and when that shield is done, they can shield themselves again.

Solution: Make it so when your shield ends you get a debuff lasting for like 20seconds, in which you cant be shielded again.


2. Shields p2

Problem: While there shield is active they can't be rooted/slowed from any ability that does damage (like force charge), since the damage gets absorbed and because of that the additional effect (in force charge's case, a root) gets negated.

Solution: Change the way absorbs work, so that the effect still get applied, lets be honest isnt a ..sec insane speed boost enought?


3. Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw

Problem: perma slow???

Solution: Either remove it, or let it build up resolve as it slows, this is such a retarded skill, and talking with multiple sorcs from my guild, also find it laughable how much it slows, and how they wreck melee with it.


Now these are actually the only 3 real concerns that seriously need to be looked at, because at this moment this is what makes the sorc so overpowered vs melee and most other ranged classes.

So sorcs/Sage's i expect nothing else then you guys defending your class here, but these are real issues, and even if they get fixed your class will still be awesome to play, just a litle more vulnable for CC, you guys just dont realise how frustrating it is to fully unload on you and not even see your health drop, and when it does your out in 2secs without any chance of us responding.


And yes i play a marauder, and its frustrating to play at this state of the game.


So true.


I don't think Sorc/Sages are blatantly overwered, but they have very obvious advantages over melee classes. My main concern is, for a ranged class they have far too much cc which you mentioned in your post. Permaslow on force lightning which doesn't touch the resolve bar? Now that is overpowered and very annoying considering that most of the time half of the enemy team is sorc/sages. It makes pvp for melee realy boring.


If the issues you mentioned are resolved, I'm sure sorc/sages will be in line with other classes. Please Bioware, already half of the playerbase of Swtor are Sorc/Sages, don't add new people to this by making them overpowered.

Edited by Requimo
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The only groups I really fear are those with multiple sorcs.


On my server there are way more sorcs than sages and we usually get crushed when they have 3-4 sorcs + other classes.


They may be squishy, but multiple ppl using bubble -- cc -- healing will crush groups that cant do the same thing.


I wouldn't call them OP, but they are very hard to deal with if your WZ group is all dps and no support which is common on republic.

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The only groups I really fear are those with multiple sorcs.


On my server there are way more sorcs than sages and we usually get crushed when they have 3-4 sorcs + other classes.


They may be squishy, but multiple ppl using bubble -- cc -- healing will crush groups that cant do the same thing.


I wouldn't call them OP, but they are very hard to deal with if your WZ group is all dps and no support which is common on republic.


This is quite true. one sorc is bad enough but 2-5 sorcs T_T :eek:

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allways the same threads.... nerf OP! ... done ... nerg Sorc! ... done ... nerf Bounty! ... done ... just the way to make players lose their fun by playing .... instead of trying to get them on the same lvl its just a nerf vs nerf war ... who got the most threads gets the next nerf? (:


Just play the game and learn every specc of your class - I think we have a good balancing if you know how to counter.

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allways the same threads.... nerf OP! ... done ... nerg Sorc! ... done ... nerf Bounty! ... done ... just the way to make players lose their fun by playing .... instead of trying to get them on the same lvl its just a nerf vs nerf war ... who got the most threads gets the next nerf? (:


Just play the game and learn every specc of your class - I think we have a good balancing if you know how to counter.


According to you nothing should ever be nerfed so matter how gamebreaking and we should be happy to let fotm classes walk all over us because obviously its our fault and we're just bad, it can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that sorcs are so broken its laughable.

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allways the same threads.... nerf OP! ... done ... nerg Sorc! ... done ... nerf Bounty! ... done ... just the way to make players lose their fun by playing .... instead of trying to get them on the same lvl its just a nerf vs nerf war ... who got the most threads gets the next nerf? (:


Just play the game and learn every specc of your class - I think we have a good balancing if you know how to counter.


also this thread isnt about qqing or nerf cry its about encouraging people to roll sorc/sages more so that we can have a 8 vs 8 sorc/sages battle on wz's that would be fun :D

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According to you nothing should ever be nerfed so matter how gamebreaking and we should be happy to let fotm classes walk all over us because obviously its our fault and we're just bad, it can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that sorcs are so broken its laughable.


listen up : "good balancing" ... sure their should be done some changes, but I dont think we need a thousand of whine threads for a faster nerf... BW should be able to see whats going on in bg's and on illum as well and they should test things like that on the PTS, so they are the ones who should decide what needs to be fixed and they shouldnt be told to fix this or that just because sometimes - not allways - stupidness.

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