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You are going to lose subs if u don't incentivise republic.


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Agree with OP.


BioWare should do as Mythic has done with Warhammer Online - give increased xp/valor gain for the lacking faction.





that is one thing they can do. they should do more but at least do thig

Edited by VoidSpectre
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This isn't a threat for me to quit, or my guildies to quit or any such thing. I plan to keep playing my Empire... but I see this happening already and have seen it happen before.


You made Ilum a central part of PvP servers but right not it is either a "search for people to fight" or zergs camping people in the enemy base. Sure some will reroll and slightly change the balance. But many many people will quit.


This is on both sides. People get tired of being the underdog and of having nobody to fight.




One solution is simple. Simply incentive people to play republic. Give increased valor and exp to republic on empire outnumbered servers. At least DO SOMETHING to fight faction imbalance. You can't control who people play... but you don't have to sit by idle while it happens either. Do you even care? Why has no word about this been mentioned by any dev?


That's only one idea and one step of what should be done.


Are you kidding me? It's been out for a month. Most people aren't a level 50. In fact, most are in their 30s-40s because not everyone is a hardcore gamer like you. For now, most people are doing WZ's which I think is their primary focus.


And as for the complaining on warzones, the only thing devs should do is make a 10-19 bracket. I'm tired of hearing republic guys whine about they cant win. I have a 33 commando and made a group with random people that were in their 30s or 40s and we ran house 10 games straight.


People on these forums are so hypocritical. They say they want a nice open world game where they can make their own decisions and not have the devs give them a game where decisions are made. Yet they look to the devs to make PvP changes that suit their play style. Make up your damn mind.

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Between thelines:

"Please, BW, encourage people roll Republic so we can gank them for valor".


This game is not mainly PvP. BW wants to develop its PvP aspect but it will take a lot of time for them to figure out how to do it properly. Blizz still is struggling with PvP issues mainly because of arena.

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Between thelines:

"Please, BW, encourage people roll Republic so we can gank them for valor".


This game is not mainly PvP. BW wants to develop its PvP aspect but it will take a lot of time for them to figure out how to do it properly. Blizz still is struggling with PvP issues mainly because of arena.



what does this have anything to do with my post? Are you upset people want PvP in this game to be good? Sure people struggle with PvP all the time... striving to make it better is what a good MMO does.




Also it's not mainly PvE. It's mainly story. Something that PvP has too in this game.


Stop derailing my post with anti-PvP

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The "issue" as I see it, is just that "The Republic" overall is pretty well..dull.. Watching the old films "The Empire" for sure always were the impressive/imposing side :cool: So really my choice of faction have nothing to do with "gameplay", which is the dominating faction/which has the biggest-playerbase etc.


Anyway, hail to Empire & the Emperor, have fun in-game folks! :sy_empire:

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The "issue" as I see it, is just that "The Republic" overall is pretty well..dull.. Watching the old films "The Empire" for sure always were the impressive/imposing side :cool: So really my choice of faction have nothing to do with "gameplay", which is the dominating faction/which has the biggest-playerbase etc.


Anyway, hail to Empire & the Emperor, have fun in-game folks! :sy_empire:



something we can not change.


what can be added is other incentives for players to play republic

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There's no way you can convince me to reroll. I just deleted my Republic alts.


The Republic side, on two servers I played, is immature, rude, and uncoordinated. Most of them can't even bother to coordinate themselves in PvP. [....]


The Republic has inferior metrics and animations with delays, mismatches against their mirrors and generally ugly playstyles. I understand some of this is being addressed in the next patch, but MIRRORING is not something that is that hard to get right at launch. If they can make a JK a perfect mirror of a class in WoW, they should be able to mirror a class in their own game.


Frankly, when I play Empire, I am happier. I encounter less bugs, less rude people, smoother storyline, better looking gear, more engaging quests, and all round happier experiences. I am happy with my SWTOR purchas.


When I play Republic, bugs grate, PvP annoys, some moron ninja-loots my chest while I'm fighting two elites, I wait for hours for heroics and no one even bothers to say Hi in party chat, and Ilum is a disaster.


I got the same feeling in regards of maturity as well until I a Republic alt on my own server which is PVE (Hidden Beks).

At first I was invited to join a friend levelling on Ahto City (PVP). In that short time I've encountered people with absolutely no patience, people who would come over and spam the chat with spoilers in caps and how much they are going to dominate, they would namecall eachother worse than what I have seen in any MMO at primetimes and at most times you couldn't even read the chat because it was Hungarian all the time and it seemed the Hungarians treated General chat like a guild chat.


Since so far I could not reproduce it on my PVE realm I found it's not got something to do with Republic itself but merely the PVP mindset. Some people found out that Republic is the underdog so they come over and spam the chat with how cool they are and how much they are going to pwnzor the other side now. They think they are the best of the best and act like they are untouchable gods. I have witnessed that kind of behaviour before in another MMO in similar circumstances that's why I decided to stick to my PVE realm now. At least there people greet, help and don't act like being a dick is just the modern form of courtesy.


Anyways, the animation bugs are which are annoying me as well. Stopped counting the times where my trooper got stuck in a firing animation without firing while I was pressing button. Or how animation and reaction are completely desync'd it's indeed worse than anything on Empire side.

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The faction imbalance has killed pvp on The Maw. Other than during prime time Republic players can expect to sit in 1-2 hour queues because there's not enough players to form a team while on the imperial side there's 40 players in Huttball.
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The faction imbalance has killed pvp on The Maw. Other than during prime time Republic players can expect to sit in 1-2 hour queues because there's not enough players to form a team while on the imperial side there's 40 players in Huttball.



all huttball on our server with people roaming around searching for anybody to fight in ilum.




this. is. bad.

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It's quite simple imo. Jedi's are way too peaceful and here is some other reasons.



Lightning vs Stone/Debris Throwing


Having inferor abilities compared to Sith's.



Sith Sorcerer being the MOST OP class of em all and obviously only for Imp's.



And then we got Smuggler which is meh compared to IA.



The only one that interests me atm and that i got chars with is Troopers.

Got a lvl 32 Trooper alt atm but haven't played in a while because that serv there's way more Imp's than Republics.




Also support Jawa Republic! ''WOOTINI!''

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Only thing the shold do is make world PvP (outside Ilum )more rewarding meaning that the fraction that is overpopulated will have harder time then the underdog.


WoW is a perfect example Alliance had at the most 80 vs 20% aliance horde in the start.


After awhile they implemented honor suddenly Alliance became a bad choice for PvP basicly forced alliance people to gank some places "Bulwark" for example to get honor.

While Horde got it easier basicly quick pick all you can eat buff'e

This resulted in that people that enjoy PvP rerolled need something like that for this aswell

Edited by Varghjerta
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Well worded OP.


I actually believe this will equal out over time. Personally I find the PvE and stories on the Republic side just a tang better than on the Imperial.


And that aside: The Republic is the side for heroes of the galaxies - we might be less in number, but we make up for it in virtue!



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As a player that has tested both Imperial and Republic characters to 50, I know a big part of the problem is with the characters themselves.


They made Jedi boring in this game. Plain and simple. They didn't have to but they did.


Most dialogue responses are something like,


"I don't understand"

"It's a pleasure to meet you"

"Jedi don't take orders from you!"

"I'm a boring piece of cardboard"


While Sith have choices that involve shocking or choking people. Even the Sith lightside choices are leagues more entertaining than anything a Jedi says in this game.


I know I sound paranoid but it's almost like Bioware just hates the Republic side. Smugglers are funny but it doesn't compensate for the rest of the Republic classes.

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I've noticed many of the same issues with republic as others are bringing up. It's a lot of little things combined that make the republic less fun to play. Things as seemingly innocuous as the color schemes and armor appearance, to big issues I've run into regarding gameplay, and player maturity. (I have general chat switched off on the majority of my republic characters.)


And even things like class stories - consular and knight are very impersonal and generic compared to warrior and inquisitor. They aren't bad, by any stretch, but I feel like my sage could really be substituted with any other sage and still tell the same story, while my jugg or sorc's journey to Darth were very personal ones.


I love the game, and I hope the devs regard threads like these as constructive.

Edited by grania
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First of all, give the game some more time, many people are still searching for their favorite faction and change sides all the time.


Secondly, couldn't help but laugh at this signature:


* Illegitimate casual gamer scum

* Those who can, do...those who can't, call everyone else baddies and demand crutches

I can't figure out rotations, or spells to use/not use because there is no target dummy, and there is no Recount.


Fail. That's all I can say.

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I have to agree with this. I played rep the entire last month and have rerolled Empire 3 days ago because forming up a group for flashpoints on rep side is an epic quest in its own right.


Started a sith warrior. The 1st thing I noticed was the class story was...amazing compared to jedi. Seriously, the jedi story is Little Red Riding Hood and the sith warrior story is Game of Thrones. Huge difference.


Another thing is the gear design. The Republic seems to be stuck with the clothing and variations of clothing seen in the SW movies and are not allowed to go off-course, while the Empire gear design is where the dev team in charge of fashion just really unleashed the awesomeness.


Coruscant vs. Dromund Kaas.


Coruscant. Several areas. Kill bandits, move to next big sector and kill some more bandits. Oh, and kill some rogue robots and a handful of imperials in the last part.

I swear, I think most of Coruscant's population is made up of bandits. Extremely boring and extremely predictable.


Dromund Kaas. No quest is like the other, and no way you can predict where this or that is going. Intrigues, politics and backstabbing between the sith lords, all made parts of quests or group quests.


Overall, it is clear that the Empire side is the one the devs started working on, and the Republic is a victim of the deadline coming up, so pretty much everything was wrapped up fast.


I thought only evil wannabe kids would want to play Empire but I was wrong. I play a full light side sith warrior and I'm having way more fun on empire side.

Edited by Chomag
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Personally , I like being the unpopular choice (hence why I rolled ally in WoW) and I like being the underdog so I don't mind that the Imps out number the Pubs, makes it more fun for me


Now here's the issue: allies on most servers in WoW were the popular side. Sometimes more, sometimes less, often by a large margin. The only exceptions to this were the servers with world's best Horde guilds. I played on many different servers, and allies were always more popular. Go chech WoWCensus if you don't believe this.

Edited by Couac
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Lets see; what might be an incentive for playing Republic?


Five films and loads of animated series and no pointy shoulder pads.


Now playing Empire.


One film and no nuns hats. A rumour they are op based on 2 animation delays and the old flashbang cd. Oh and the herd mentality of wanting to hide in the zerg.


Fairly sure that the Republic wont be lacking players, even if some super hardcore pvp realms will be one sided catering for the players who hate the prospect of actually pvping.

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Lets see; what might be an incentive for playing Republic?


Five films and loads of animated series and no pointy shoulder pads.


Now playing Empire.


One film and no nuns hats. A rumour they are op based on 2 animation delays and the old flashbang cd. Oh and the herd mentality of wanting to hide in the zerg.


Fairly sure that the Republic wont be lacking players, even if some super hardcore pvp realms will be one sided catering for the players who hate the prospect of actually pvping.


Perhaps you heard of Popularity Implosion. When something considered popular is appearing everywhere and ends up becoming boring/annoying.

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