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You are going to lose subs if u don't incentivise republic.


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And what is the point of typing all that? The whole point of this thread is the fact Empire in general is better made and Bioware needs to do something about it. Which means change the current state which you are trying to describe. In PvE it will not matter but faction imbalance will hurt Bioware. Some people just dont want to play Empire same as some people do not want to play the Republic. If those who can only accept Republic will find their side broken, they will leave (at least some of them).


The current state of Republic is a good enough incentive for me becouse I for one like to play a side/class which is rare. You would not force me now for example to roll a Sith Sorc. Sorcs must be now like 50% of ENTIRE PvP community lol. I started to level a Mercenary in December but once I realized how many Mercs there are in PvP (2nd most popular class after Sorcs) I suddenly felt repelled from them and didnt logged on my Merc since few weeks.


But many people like to play FotM. Instead of rolling smth more unique and help the overall game balance they rather become Sith Sorc #345789. For them Bioware needs to add some sort of incentive. Not gamebraking but something that will scream "you only get this goodie if you roll the Republic".


so you say... so do thousands say... but no one actually does it beyond teh starting worlds... hence the issue.


Please do be a part of teh solution. But until you start partaking in operations on republic and helping coordinate multiple guild zergs of ilum, ill wait with baited breath.

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And what is the point of typing all that? The whole point of this thread is the fact Empire in general is better made and Bioware needs to do something about it. Which means change the current state which you are trying to describe. In PvE it will not matter but faction imbalance will hurt Bioware. Some people just dont want to play Empire same as some people do not want to play the Republic. If those who can only accept Republic will find their side broken, they will leave (at least some of them).


The current state of Republic is a good enough incentive for me becouse I for one like to play a side/class which is rare. You would not force me now for example to roll a Sith Sorc. Sorcs must be now like 50% of ENTIRE PvP community lol. I started to level a Mercenary in December but once I realized how many Mercs there are in PvP (2nd most popular class after Sorcs) I suddenly felt repelled from them and didnt logged on my Merc since few weeks.


But many people like to play FotM. Instead of rolling smth more unique and help the overall game balance they rather become Sith Sorc #345789. For them Bioware needs to add some sort of incentive. Not gamebraking but something that will scream "you only get this goodie if you roll the Republic".


The point was to amuse those of us who haven't had our senses of humor surgically removed (i.e. non-biodrones).


Humorous post, some levity in an otherwise unfortunatle situation that will deteriorate unless BW makes changes. My guess is that they will take baby steps at first, maybe rolling some incentives into the Legacy package, just hope it happens sooner rather than later as faction imbalance could cause sub loss (which noone wants).

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so you say... so do thousands say... but no one actually does it beyond teh starting worlds... hence the issue.


Please do be a part of teh solution. But until you start partaking in operations on republic and helping coordinate multiple guild zergs of ilum, ill wait with baited breath.


My main is 50 Gunslinger. My class choice was also based on fact that nobody in my guild wanted to roll that. I do FP, OPs and Warzones since few weeks. I am part of the solution. If I would not I would keep my mouth shut. I just wish there were more. I dont want everyone to roll Republic. No way, that would be horrible. But there are many people who do not care and they can play both Empire and Republic. And they can go/reroll Republic if some fat loot or whatever will be standing behind it.

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Well therein lies the issue that both you and i face. We are staunchly determined to stick with republic. Ive never played on the majority faction. I am Thaurissan alliance since year dot.

But i know first hand what happens to the economy, and i know from this exact experience what happens when the trumpets of whinging start blaring.


Its not just the actual disincentives from numbers (and everything that comes from them), its the prognosis of the future as well. Not only IS the republic losing numbers, but every day a thread is started about faction imbalance more republic will be jumping ship to not become the rare spawn for empire dudes to farm (ever been bounced from group to group getting farmed when youre just trying to complete a few quests? Youre beiong camped in a way, but its completely different people/groups - i used to get that a lot on thaurissan on my poor shammy).


I dont want to be a prophet of doom, but the clarion call is deafening, theres no way around it now. Either bioware do something, or the vicious cycle is going to do what a vicious cycle always does. Soon itll be me, you, and a few scattered idiots with minimal access to end game progression determined to gank empire while leveling up yet another alt in a pointless act of revenge and (misplaced) pride...

Edited by ippollite
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Stay on your own side of the universe imperial pig dogs.


The Republic doesn't need to bribe it's members and Jedi are above any sort of material or emotional needs that can be remedied by incentives.


Just leave us be while we wear our goofy looking Shadow hats that look like mushrooms and transvestite wigs and are quickly becoming all the rage in an evermore fashion conscious galaxy.

Edited by racsofp
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I think that once a server faction outnumbers the other side by XX% (TBD), then the lower faction is given a 10% EXP bonus and Valor bonus in WZs.


You can play with the numbers. I don't know if 10% would work. It would at least be something to get people to play the weaker side.

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the OP seems to be the inpatient type...


there is always someone griping about faction inbalance in any game...it happens, the problems always exist at one point or another.


eventually it all evens out in time for a certain time period..and then it may be unbalanced again, then will even out again.....its something that will be an ongoing thing..so jus sit back, enjoy the ride and wait...


People said the same thing in wow when the faction transfer was released.


The easiest way to control population imbalance is when a game is new and everyone is leveling, if they don't do something soon they will miss their chance.

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Republic needs better looking gear for starters.


More races (and unique races...) would help too. Something cooler than Purebloods.


A percentage bonus to all credits, xp, and valor earned would also be helpful.

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Republic needs better looking gear for starters.


More races (and unique races...) would help too. Something cooler than Purebloods.


A percentage bonus to all credits, xp, and valor earned would also be helpful.


I personally prefer the trooper/smuggler armor over the agent/BH >.>


The sith warriors however definitely curb stomp JK in the fashion department tho.

Edited by nabrass
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I'm not entirely in agreement with the OP's post, and the structure of it. He does come off a bit whiney.


However, I agree as far as adding incentives. I remember the very short time I played Warhammer (lol, oh boy), and I recall the incentive for leveling as either Order or Destruction was buffed based on server population/alignment imbalances.


I enjoy leveling toons largely in MMO's. Feels like I'm constantly progressing and keeps me busy. I'm not gonna lie, I dont really have much desire to roll republic. I have three 50's right now, and plan to roll more in the distant future. Would be nice to have experienced both sides, but as of right now.. nothing jumps out at me for Republic.


Since every empire class mirrors every republic class, its another reason not to roll cross faction. I woudnt mind seeing faction only classes, with no mirror.


All in All... I dont see it as destructive to the game, just a little annoying.

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I dont want to be a prophet of doom, but the clarion call is deafening, theres no way around it now. Either bioware do something, or the vicious cycle is going to do what a vicious cycle always does. Soon itll be me, you, and a few scattered idiots with minimal access to end game progression determined to gank empire while leveling up yet another alt in a pointless act of revenge and (misplaced) pride...

Perhaps. But it is in Bioware's best interest to do something about that and they are the ones who CAN do something about that. If people who spent hours grinding their Republic characters gear and accomplishments will realize that their side is forever broken. Will they reroll Empire or leave? Speaking for myself, I would leave.


I dont know, perhaps server transfers would solve the issue. In this way Republic players would band together and we would create few realms where sides would be balanced leaving another 60% realms completly dead Republic-side and condemning Empire to play Huttball against each other for eternity. Maybe some of them would reconsider to switch sides?


Speaking of which. I dont know why but I have a feeling at least on my realm the PvP quality of Empire is going downhill recently. My avarage Warzone win ratio is rising. This week I won like 90% of them. Us being few (at late hours its pretty much same 10 people in queue constantly) made us work together. We form premades, know each other. Empire premades are busy fighting against Empire pugs on Huttball and Empire pugs are being steamrolled by our avarage skilled premade unless we start 6 vs 8 and even then we can often go for the win. Even today I was in Civil War, we was in 6 people and 2 bases. Empire had 8 people and 1 base and 4 of them constantly camping their base, defending it from imaginary Republic while we easy held off the other 4 trying to storm one of our 2 bases. I have a feeling Empire rerollers are starting to hit 50.

Edited by Aweus
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Meh. Me, my husband, and a good guild on my server all put our Empire 50s on the back burner and re-rolled republic. We're still leveling, so it's going to take time. However, I noticed in our 1-49 bracket, Republic are less pathetic and we've been dominating the Empire. In turn, maybe we'll leave an impression on some lowbie Empire and he'll want to roll Repub (using the "emps are full of noobs" mentality to our advantage by winning one huttball at a time). Unfortunately though, there's not enough people willing to take that dive (especially if they do it alone). I think adding an awesome/popular race would be good for Republic (sorry to reference this, but in essence the "Blood Elves" of SWTOR). Regardless of what they decide to do, it will be a slow process - unless they decide to do server merges / transfers / faction transfers. I don't know if this "core" can do that yet.


Personally, I wish I started out with the under dogs to begin with. I like a challenge.


PS: Vote Togruta's! D:

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The reason why people play Imp is simple, the majority always chooses the evil side!


I believe you to an extent. I think that with the seemingly inherent desire to anonymously be "bad" on the internet feeds that as well. That certainly does not speak to everyone who chooses the Empire, but I think that many of the folks who take on the "anonymous" attitude tend to also lean to the side of the bad guys.


Unfortunately, it is the majority of the competitive PVPers as well.

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It's not BioWare's fault Empire pwns however it is the community's problem that there aren't enough people playing Republic in some instances and up to the community to remedy that by getting friends to roll Republic. Sure BioWare could close temporarily creation of Empire on a server but then that tends to create the problem of Empire being unable to roll a different class and having to wait.
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I think some of it is as simple as lightning is cooler than rock throw and force choke is cooler than force stasis and sith armor is more varied in appearance than jedi versions people like to look cool. Also maybe we should be talking about adding medium and heavy social gear so it's useful to more than just Inq/Con.
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And what is the point of typing all that? The whole point of this thread is the fact Empire in general is better made and Bioware needs to do something about it.


The point?


There's nothing Bioware can *do* to fix the problem at this point, aside from redesign 85% of the armorsets, 50% of the skills, numerous bugs, redesign whole quest lines, etc.


Incentives like "cooler mounts" or a 5% bonus or whatever half-donkey measures people are going to come up with aren't going to cut it.


Yeah, I'm aware that some people are "Sith = llollolcolroxxor" and will never play Empire. But what I'm saying is that reasonable people won't play either unless , like you, they like being unique or the underdog or some other phylum of Special Snowflake Syndrome.

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The point?


There's nothing Bioware can *do* to fix the problem at this point, aside from redesign 85% of the armorsets, 50% of the skills, numerous bugs, redesign whole quest lines, etc.

Those numbers dont need to be that high. Making incoming future Republic armor set to be more in touch with reality would be OK. The skills differences are also not that numerous. The mere fact that they exist at all is a subject of mockery and I still believe that Bioware knows they MUST fix this. Not as in "maybe" but as in "certainly".


Quest lines are a matter of personal taste. You dont have to be a "there is no emotion" Jedi. That is one path but you are not forced to take it. You can be a Dark Jedi or a Light/Grey Jedi who serves the Republic but believes that sometimes more strict actions needs to be taken. Again, it is a matter of preference but for example for me Mace Windu was way cooler from Palpatine. Palpatine was a bland "rawr, i am evil and ugly becouse i am! unlimited power!". Windu was a Jedi but he was balancing close to the Dark Side on occasion. Also not affraid to be that "bad***" which so many people likes to portray these days. Another example is a Smuggler who can be role-played as a greedy backstabbing d***. Your choice.


Incentives like "cooler mounts" or a 5% bonus or whatever half-donkey measures people are going to come up with aren't going to cut it.

Yet for some (some? lol, half of the population?) people mere fact that they shoot thunder lasers from their hands is enough to roll a Sith Sorc.


Yeah, I'm aware that some people are "Sith = llollolcolroxxor" and will never play Empire. But what I'm saying is that reasonable people won't play either unless , like you, they like being unique or the underdog or some other phylum of Special Snowflake Syndrome.

Being "special snowflake" is what majority of people would like to be in an online game. Most of them understands that this is impossible in a game with thousands or millions of players. Yet you can still help yourself by going less mainstream. I surely already often felt good becouse there are not many 50 Gunslingers on my server. I get invited to groups by random people who added me to friends lists after pugging, also I tend to be recognized more by some PvP folks. People prefer to take me to flashpoint or operation becouse there is already like 6 Jedi in there and me instead of another Sage = more chance for loot for them. Also they like the Smuggler buff in flashpoints. Another Jedi = 5% less crit. That is part of benefits you get from being more rare in an online game. My point is, this sort of small benefits for Republic could encourage SOME people to come Republic instead of Empire. I am not saying most or all. In fact I do not believe that this is possible. But 1 vs 3 still sounds better from 1 vs 6 and that is what I am fighting for.

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It's not BioWare's fault Empire pwns however it is the community's problem that there aren't enough people playing Republic in some instances and up to the community to remedy that by getting friends to roll Republic. Sure BioWare could close temporarily creation of Empire on a server but then that tends to create the problem of Empire being unable to roll a different class and having to wait.


It's not their fault(fully) that it happened. But no sort of control or incentive in this situation only leads to making it worse.

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