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You are going to lose subs if u don't incentivise republic.


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This isn't a threat for me to quit, or my guildies to quit or any such thing. I plan to keep playing my Empire... but I see this happening already and have seen it happen before.


You made Ilum a central part of PvP servers but right not it is either a "search for people to fight" or zergs camping people in the enemy base. Sure some will reroll and slightly change the balance. But many many people will quit.


This is on both sides. People get tired of being the underdog and of having nobody to fight.




One solution is simple. Simply incentive people to play republic. Give increased valor and exp to republic on empire outnumbered servers. At least DO SOMETHING to fight faction imbalance. You can't control who people play... but you don't have to sit by idle while it happens either. Do you even care? Why has no word about this been mentioned by any dev?


That's only one idea and one step of what should be done.

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Make Jawa Republic only and I'll reroll and sub for a year in advance. Just give me something that is not a different color human to play.


twi'lek are pretty different. either way it's the same on the empire and im pretty the race choices have little to do with faction imbalance.

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twi'lek are pretty different. either way it's the same on the empire and im pretty the race choices have little to do with faction imbalance.


I disagree, get some unique races that people want to play and they will try them. That could be one thing among others.

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the OP seems to be the inpatient type...


there is always someone griping about faction inbalance in any game...it happens, the problems always exist at one point or another.


eventually it all evens out in time for a certain time period..and then it may be unbalanced again, then will even out again.....its something that will be an ongoing thing..so jus sit back, enjoy the ride and wait...

Edited by displaynamee
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the OP seems to be the inpatient type...


there is always somoene griping about fatction inbalance in any game...it happens, the problems always exist at one point or another.


eventually it all evens out in time for a certain time period..and then it may be unbalanced again, then will even out again.....its something that will be an ongoing thing..so jus sit back, enjoy the ride and wait...


It does suck for me. And yes I am impatient... but so are so many people. This will and already has caused a problem.


Intolerance for problems and will to change it are different.

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Loads of empire players who complain about few republic players....there's an easy solution for that.

I for one started as Empire but noticed quickly how imbalanced my server was. So i switched to Empire.


Now im a 50 with 6 hours queue cause there are no republic players. Sweet.

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Loads of empire players who complain about few republic players....there's an easy solution for that.

I for one started as Empire but noticed quickly how imbalanced my server was. So i switched to Empire.


Now im a 50 with 6 hours queue cause there are no republic players. Sweet.


they need more incentives for republic. it hurts both sides and "lol reroll" isn't a good solution if many people don't do it

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they need more incentives for republic. it hurts both sides and "lol reroll" isn't a good solution if many people don't do it


Then convince people to do it. I can see why someone wouldn't want to once they hit that lvl 25-45 range but there are plenty of people below and above this point that you can get to reroll. Just a thought though.

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Then convince people to do it. I can see why someone wouldn't want to once they hit that lvl 25-45 range but there are plenty of people below and above this point that you can get to reroll. Just a thought though.


There's no way you can convince me to reroll. I just deleted my Republic alts.


The Republic side, on two servers I played, is immature, rude, and uncoordinated. Most of them can't even bother to coordinate themselves in PvP.


The storylines are...febrile. They lack a certain epic nature to them. The JK one is good, but the Trooper has literally been done before and better (the journey to repay traitors and save the world, really?) Smuggler couldn't engage me at any point from 1 to 25, and Consular was so riduculous I couldn't get past 10. The Empire stories , on the other hand, all are interesting, well written, engaging and mostly original.


The Republic has inferior metrics and animations with delays, mismatches against their mirrors and generally ugly playstyles. I understand some of this is being addressed in the next patch, but MIRRORING is not something that is that hard to get right at launch. If they can make a JK a perfect mirror of a class in WoW, they should be able to mirror a class in their own game.


Frankly, when I play Empire, I am happier. I encounter less bugs, less rude people, smoother storyline, better looking gear, more engaging quests, and all round happier experiences. I am happy with my SWTOR purchas.


When I play Republic, bugs grate, PvP annoys, some moron ninja-loots my chest while I'm fighting two elites, I wait for hours for heroics and no one even bothers to say Hi in party chat, and Ilum is a disaster.

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Well they will most likely add togruta to the republic and then i will have to play it , i find this a stupid way since they are giving one side a bonus so people join it "by their will" , if you can still say that.


But if they want to make reps number grow at all cost this is a path , ofc , then if they do this wrong we will see a rep > empire population.

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Oh yes, I do so enjoy my big butted, hooded robe. Nothing fills my heart with gladness knowing that my next big upgrade is a recolour of what I already had for the last 40 levels. Thanks for removing visual progression for us Jedi, as if we needed anymore reason to dump the Jedi classes and the Republic.


The only reason I stay Republic is so I don't have to que long for PvP. And avoid Huttball!


Everything about the Republic is sub-par and we've all pretty much worked out which faction the Devs play, the quality difference and the blatant favouritism is glaring.


Better Ships

Better Animations

Larger Race Selection

No Ability Delay

Damage applied instantly (unlike so many Rep skills)

Gear Progression

Gear Variety

Better Class quest

English Accents!


The list could go on, Bioware messed up bigtime and I don't think they could do enough for the Republic to ever lure anyone away from Empire.

Edited by spacemonkey
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So, I started out on Repbulic side because I have family that plays there and I wanted to hang with them. They started before me, so I'm still playing catch up, since I have limited play time.


However, I live in Tokyo (they are in the U.S.) and the game gets really dead when I can play, which is generally when U.S. peeps are sleeping, except mornings on weekends, when I can play prime time in the U.S.. I would log in and go to the fleet hoping to find a flashpoint, and there would be maybe 12-20 people on many times. I would try for a half hour to an hour to get a group, then give up and go solo. Forget trying to get groups for heroics on a planet.


So, I made an alt on Empire. Usually about 3x as many people on even during my odd hours and I've had no problem running flashpoints. So, now I play my republic toon on weekends, and my Imperial the rest of the time. But apart from the time issue that hits me, I see a lot of reasons why Empire outnumbers Republic.


1) Ability delay - mortar volley vs. death from above. Instant lightning, or delayed tossing big rock, etc. I can see the arguments that since it is less than a GCD, it doesn't matter so much, but it sure feels like it does. Seems to me in playing that if I get off my attack instantly, often mob is dead sooner, and saves me from at least some damage. PvP can be even bigger. Putting every single delay on the Republic side was just a glaring miss.


2) Gear/Fashion. Yes, I understand there are lore issues, but a poo brown robe vs. some of the cool sith outfits? Game, set, match to the Sith! Ok, the smuggler has a really cool look if you can ever find the hat and duster, but the rest, all fashion points go to the empire.


3) Story: Ok, I am enjoying the story with my jedi shadow and my low level smuggler and trooper, but the story on Empire just seems to be more dramatic. I like my Empire side companions better, too, mostly. For example, not sure why I get stuck with a healer that hates the force on my jedi shadow tank. Tell him to go heal a freaking trooper, or something.




Bottom line - there are more people on Empire side because its just done better. It looks, feels, and plays better than Repbulic, and now it just perpetuates the imbalance because people flock to the side where they can get groups more easily (well, apart from PvP, anyway).


Gimmicks aren't going to fix the problem - the designers have to pay some attention to the above points - though I'm sure there are others - if they want to fix the imbalance.

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the OP seems to be the inpatient type...


there is always someone griping about faction inbalance in any game...it happens, the problems always exist at one point or another.


eventually it all evens out in time for a certain time period..and then it may be unbalanced again, then will even out again.....its something that will be an ongoing thing..so jus sit back, enjoy the ride and wait...


Im afraid it doesnt balance out. Go and ask the alliance on thaurissan. As soon as you make one of the key aspects of the game an open pvp objective whihc depends on brute numbers, it wont ever balance out.


In wow at least they had the battleground queue incentive (it didnt work, all pvp oceanics were heavy horde and continued to be so despite the disincentive of queue times). In this game, rather ironically, if you roll republic you actually have WORSE queue times (at level 50).


You see empire players can fight each other in huttball (hence the endless huttball) but very few republic players are even queueing on low/medium pop servers. So eventually when they do pop they also pop with less players and so get creamed causing of course players to stop wasting their time sat in queues waiting for a mere 7 other players, just to be farmed.


And part of the future plan, to alleviate the misery of empire players constantly playing huttball, is to add a second non faction specific warzone. Thus empire players have even less cause to reroll (and republic players have even more reason).


This as you know is just the tip of the iceberg. Throw in fewer tanks and healers because people end up rolling "PVP" classes (DPS), or classes with stealth so they can quest in peace. Compound this with a lack of depth in raid rosters leading to guild poaching and the destruction of smaller more casual guilds. Might as well spice it up with an economy with few resources and higher prices, and less means to make money outside of rolling pure money making gathering skills to sell to the fewer and fewer crafters that are dropping out because it costs a fortune to level and yet only pays off at the higher tiers because questing gear is usually fine.


Man, theres just so many reasons why it wont balance out. The incentives just arent there. People may reroll, they may switch to republiuc to be part of the solution, but after an hour spamming in teh fleet for an esseles run (or worse ANY OTHER FP AFTER ESSELES), theyll realise theyre just wasting their time.


And then theyll go into a warzone and get steamrollered because they have so many more lower levels queueing as people try and work out if they like teh taste of republic.


They might stick with it to see the story, but by the time they start running those planets outside the starter zone, (not even mentioning coruscant fatigue), the initial surge will wear off.


On the other hand, your republic dude who switches to empire will be amazed by the number of people looking for groups and an economy that has all the nice gear youll need to progress and build your character around. You might get sick of huttball, but well, at least youre probably winning. Its a wonderfully warm and cuddly welcome. Things will annoy you of course, and maybe youll feel icky that you switched because you couldnt hack the hardship on republic side... but in 2 years when everyone but the most hardcore solo players are playing empire, youll be too busy shouting "for the empire!" or some other crap with your 6 or 7 single faction warzones and guild based world pvp objectives (once they realise that the only solution to no opposite factions coming to get farmed are open world/open faction pvp rather than solving the problem at the source - why are the few people who rolled republic leaving in droves?)


Its way past the point of no return. If left to its own devices, the republic will go the way of the dodo. We may actually see the last remaining Jedi just like in the movies!!! We're already mirroring the power difference between the two at the start of a new hope, so why not? :)

Edited by ippollite
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There's no way you can convince me to reroll. I just deleted my Republic alts.


The Republic side, on two servers I played, is immature, rude, and uncoordinated. Most of them can't even bother to coordinate themselves in PvP.


The storylines are...febrile. They lack a certain epic nature to them. The JK one is good, but the Trooper has literally been done before and better (the journey to repay traitors and save the world, really?) Smuggler couldn't engage me at any point from 1 to 25, and Consular was so riduculous I couldn't get past 10. The Empire stories , on the other hand, all are interesting, well written, engaging and mostly original.


The Republic has inferior metrics and animations with delays, mismatches against their mirrors and generally ugly playstyles. I understand some of this is being addressed in the next patch, but MIRRORING is not something that is that hard to get right at launch. If they can make a JK a perfect mirror of a class in WoW, they should be able to mirror a class in their own game.


Frankly, when I play Empire, I am happier. I encounter less bugs, less rude people, smoother storyline, better looking gear, more engaging quests, and all round happier experiences. I am happy with my SWTOR purchas.


When I play Republic, bugs grate, PvP annoys, some moron ninja-loots my chest while I'm fighting two elites, I wait for hours for heroics and no one even bothers to say Hi in party chat, and Ilum is a disaster.

And what is the point of typing all that? The whole point of this thread is the fact Empire in general is better made and Bioware needs to do something about it. Which means change the current state which you are trying to describe. In PvE it will not matter but faction imbalance will hurt Bioware. Some people just dont want to play Empire same as some people do not want to play the Republic. If those who can only accept Republic will find their side broken, they will leave (at least some of them).


The current state of Republic is a good enough incentive for me becouse I for one like to play a side/class which is rare. You would not force me now for example to roll a Sith Sorc. Sorcs must be now like 50% of ENTIRE PvP community lol. I started to level a Mercenary in December but once I realized how many Mercs there are in PvP (2nd most popular class after Sorcs) I suddenly felt repelled from them and didnt logged on my Merc since few weeks.


But many people like to play FotM. Instead of rolling smth more unique and help the overall game balance they rather become Sith Sorc #345789. For them Bioware needs to add some sort of incentive. Not gamebraking but something that will scream "you only get this goodie if you roll the Republic".

Edited by Aweus
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