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Darth title problem (minior spoilers)


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Not the one people are talking about, I think. It appeared in my Codex. What's wrong is I received 'Imperius' when my alignment meter read LS IV and DS 100 points. Seems a bit skewed to receive the neutral name.


Part of the same issue, a different issue, or really a condition of the programming? I think there won't be many Darth Oculus's if the standard is that high for LS.

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From day one I wanted my Sith to be Darth Occulus. I ran into this cut scene where I was named Darth Imperious. I quickly escaped out and went to Black Talon and spent the next 4 hours there farming my alignment up to LS 5 with 0 DS points.


I went back to complete the quest, but it appeared to save my alignment meter at the start, so I got Darth Imperius anyway.


I was very sad.

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So you need to be LS V to get Oculus? That seems a bit strict.


As long as it doesn't change how people react to me (except by title), I won't be too bothered. I don't want it obtruding on my LS RP.


It doesn't matter right now since it happens at the end of the story. But, in expansions, NPCs will likely refer to you by your title occasionally; Oculus, Imperius, Nox.

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Referring to me by the title 'Imperius' is fine, as long as they don't make assumptions about my moral character based on my title, but only on my points. I don't want people in the expansions thinking of me as a loyal servant of the Empire instead of the philosophically subversive Darth I was throughout the game.


I would have preferred Oculus, but the neutral Imperius is acceptable. Truth be told, I often thought that my Inquisitor was a moral and disciplined person, but not a strict practitioner of the Light Side -- the narrative didn't really support it, what with all the Dark Side rituals and techniques Inquisitors of every alignment were compelled to learn.

Edited by DarthCraeth
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Referring to me by the title 'Imperius' is fine, as long as they don't make assumptions about my moral character based on my title, but only on my points. I don't want people in the expansions thinking of me as a loyal servant of the Empire instead of the philosophically subversive Darth I was throughout the game.


I would have preferred Oculus, but the neutral Imperius is acceptable. Truth be told, I often thought that my Inquisitor was a moral and disciplined person, but not a strict practitioner of the Light Side -- the narrative didn't really support it, what with all the Dark Side rituals and techniques Inquisitors of every alignment were compelled to learn.


I think you're over-thinking how some online dollies in the future may or may not refer to your personal online dolly.

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I was always under the impression that the Darth title you receive is based on *all* conversation options you have chosen, not just the dark side/light side ones.


So, for example, it is *more likely* that you will become "Darth Nox" by choosing Dark Side options, as it means you are also likely to choose similar options in regular non DS/LS conversations, if you choose different options in non DS/LS conversations you can still sway the overall outcome.

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Sigh, i was:


LS: 4880

DS: 4870

(Neutral +10)


I thought i had everything balanced out perfectly.. and as i was doing the final mission (rubbing my hands together and staring at the screen in anticipation) then the *** goes ahead and dubs me "Darth Occulus".. jaw-dropping, and ridiculously disappointing.

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I am Protocol Droid XX-XX of Human-Cyborg Relations...


Thank you for contacting us regarding the name issue your experiencing.


Your report has been forwarded to the relevant department, who will investigate further. We regret we will be unable to provide you with further updates on this issue, but recommend checking future patch notes for any up to date information.


For your inquiry about the differences between Nox, Imperius, and Occulus. If your Light side points is higher than the Dark side, your Darth name will be Darth Occulus. If your Dark side points and your Light side points is neutral, your Darth name will be Darth Imperius. If your Dark side points is higher than your Light side points, your Darth name will be Darth Nox.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing the game.


Thank you for helping us to test Star Wars: The Old Republic!


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...





Protocol Droid XX-XX


Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service

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There's a debate in the comments of my youtube video about this. I received Imperius. Had Light V, and the only dark options I chose were to romance Rylee, and to kill the Sith who killed my two apprentices on Quesh.


I'm fine with Imperius. If the council refers to me as Imperius, I won't be offended. If they assume I'm neutral, then I have my head above water. After all, being a Light Inquisitor is all about deceiving the higher ups.


I predict that those with the "Occulus" name will have some conflicts with Darth Ravage. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm... When I first did the final bit for that where they give your Darth name, I got Nox (due to being dark side V) I dropped out cause I actually wanted to be unique and go with the Neutral name, which I learned about from wiki. Of course wiki info is based off of fan submission so most likely whoever posted it had Imperius and Occlus mixed up.


When I went and did BT to get my LS points to 10000 and was set on dead neutral (Alignment: 0, Light: 10000, Dark: 10000) I got Occlus


seeing as everyone who was going for LS name on this thread got Imperius I think that proves that the issue wasnt with the game, it was with the idiot who posted the info in the first place

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  • 4 months later...



My Inquisitor has been fairly neutral. I think I just tipped over to DS Level 1 before finishing Act III. I got the "Nox" title and didn't think anything of it until I came across this thread.


This is a little perplexing to me because it is hardly noticeable. Similar to the title "Hand of Jadus" with the Imperial Inquisitor that gets mentioned two or three times after you get it, but not something you can ever smack onto your character to let other people see. I'm not sure I understand the point of either.


While, to be honest, I'd prefer the "Imperius", this is such a minor issue to me as the title that players see is "Darth Ord'os", not "Darth Nox".


Interesting thread guys, thanks.


- Arcada

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  • 2 weeks later...
So you need to be LS V to get Oculus? That seems a bit strict.


That sounds weird considering I wasn't dark V at the end of storyline and I received Nox :confused:


On the other hand, this title is barely used at all. Kind of like your ships callsign in space combat.

Edited by Karkais
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  • 4 months later...

I'm fairly certain I was neutral when I finished and I definitely got imperious. Didn't even know there were other possibilities for titles.

It's entirely possible I may have been light 1 so if you're certain light 1 can get imperious then it makes sense. I never once ventured into a 2 category in either alignment

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Pardon my stupidity but what the hell are you guys talking about? My Sith Sorc is 50 and has finished the class story, and has a Darth title. But I don't remember anything about this. Can someone refresh my memory?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Pardon my stupidity but what the hell are you guys talking about? My Sith Sorc is 50 and has finished the class story, and has a Darth title. But I don't remember anything about this. Can someone refresh my memory?


It's purely cosmetic dialog.


When you finish your class story and defeat Thanaton in your duel of fates, the Dark Council bestows you with one of three titles in which you are recognized by in the epilogue. The title cannot be switched to like character titles, it's purely based on spoken or written dialog.


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