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BioWare should switch to the Unreal Engine!


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Bioware is going to have enough trouble simply keeping up with the demands for new content, new game systems, bug fixes, and polishing existing features even using the full extent of their budget and staff. And even with that it's going to be a struggle to stay successful long term.


To suggest that they simply go and devote a large chunk of their resources to changing the entire game to work with a new game engine just after launch is just about the most ridiculous and unrealistic suggestion I have heard on these forums.

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But you wont believe me because out of the millions that play this game not one could be in a related field to game developement /facepalm.


I don't believe you because this is the internet and everyone on the internet is a filthy liar. Especially people who post such stupid pedantic nonsense in an obvious troll thread.


tl;dr = I hate you all, this thread is stupid, I want the last 10 minutes of my life back :mad::mad::mad:

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Just a little game called Linege 2.




Mortal Online.




And as you mentioned, Vanguard.


I believe there is another upcoming game from the father of the lineage series that uses it, don't remember the name.


Thanks. I was only aware of VG, and it's not a glowing testimonial of the Unreal Engine.

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Guys, just because his idea is not a good one doesn't mean he's not actually a developer. It's just likely he's no project or game manager or else he'd have a better idea of the logistical and business difficulties associated with it, but he could still be a developer.


I mean, I knew a guy who got a huge scholarship to study engineering. Brilliant with math. We went Orienteering one time and it turns out that he couldn't figure out how to read a map.

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Guys, just because his idea is not a good one doesn't mean he's not actually a developer. It's just likely he's no project or game manager or else he'd have a better idea of the logistical and business difficulties associated with it, but he could still be a developer.


I mean, I knew a guy who got a huge scholarship to study engineering. Brilliant with math. We went Orienteering one time and it turns out that he couldn't figure out how to read a map.



That is a fair point indeed. But this is still a troll thread, I feel.

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With all due respect OP, you cannot just assume that the technology to run an MMO will necessarily work well on an engine that was designed for single player games.


Sigil Games tried this using the Unreal 2.5 engine for Vanguard. And they had major performance issues.


My point is, just because a software engine runs really well under certain conditions, it may not transfer over well to others.


Now, as was pointed out, there are other MMO's trying to use the Unreal Engine, e.g. Tera, but that has yet to launch, so we cannot say with any certainty yet that the latest version will perform well. Lineage 2 is old and looks very dated. MO I can't comment on.

Edited by Tarka
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Hello, I am an indie game developer and worked on a couple of indie titles, and would like to give some input to BioWare on how they can improve the game in future expansion. Long story short: It would be very easy and take a short amount of time for BioWare to transfer from the hero engine to something better, lets say the unreal engine; let me put it to you this way, Most of the game is done through coding, 3ds max, and other programs, and there is programs that allows BioWare to take the maps from the Hero Engine and transfer it into another engine.


Why doesn't BioWare do this? Because they would have to relearn the whole engine, however I propose to use the Unreal engine, because it's easy to use, it is very good, and was used on games like Mass Effect 1-3, Batman Arkam City, and many other very popular games. BioWare is familiar with this engine. I would also like to point out the Unreal engine 3 is probably the best engine considering there is a wide variety of tools, and other things that allow the animation to be smoother, less delay, and more variety of graphic options that would scale for low to high end builds!







My brain just sploded...


Wow OP... Just... wow.






And you're a game developer?

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Usually when a company does something like that resources are taken from another department in the games design to compensate. Not to mention the fact that I doubt people would like to practically reinstall the game because the entire engine on which the game runs has been changed heh.
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To OP:

You claim to be a gamedev yet you seem to have forgotten the immense work it'd take to port the content, re-script everything, re-write in the custom features from one engine to another?


No. Just no.


edited, just read the rest of the post and facepalmed.

Why doesn't BioWare do this? Because they would have to relearn the whole engine

The mass effect trilogy would like to have a word with you.

Edited by serpentu
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To OP:

You claim to be a gamedev yet you seem to have forgotten the immense work it'd take to port the content, re-script everything, re-write in the custom features from one engine to another?


No. Just no.


He's not a developer. Read some of his other threads. He's a kid with too much time on his hands.

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Hello, I am an indie game developer and worked on a couple of indie titles, and would like to give some input to BioWare on how they can improve the game in future expansion. Long story short: It would be very easy and take a short amount of time for BioWare to transfer from the hero engine to something better, lets say the unreal engine; let me put it to you this way, Most of the game is done through coding!


*See bolded point... Exactly! Do you know how much time it would take them to recode the entire game to a totally different engine? Lots of time which equals lots of money paying programmers. It would not be easy and it would be time consuming. They'd be better off sticking with their current engine and figuring out how to optimize it.

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Good god, i missed that too.

The 'game' is content. Content is the game. never forget that.

The engine came ready (assumption!) and (assumption again!) only some modifications were needed.


as a sidenote, BW are actually notoriously bad at making game engines, look at aurora.

So i understand why, aside from time constraints, they decided to license one.

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As an indy game developer you do realize that this would take years and would cost millions of dollars if doable at all?


So either you are making joke or your expertise in game development is limited to flash 3 man projects or something smaller along those lines, nothing wrong with that but tbh that is a completely different playground.

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I work as a C / C++ / Java developer and I can assure you that on the face of it that sounds simple, but different engines require different code, it would not transport over that easy.

but taking that you will need to rework virtually every component.

Also, as a developer when your starting off you decide which platform etc you are codeing for very early on, and then you stick with it, The reasons you decide on the platform are too long to list, but include cost, functionality and versititility


you may have heard of all these engines, but I can assure you BW will have evaluated them, and decided which works.


For example some require you to pay a license cost, this means immediatly a % of your income is immediatly sent to a 3rd party. If that % is 10% it could make the difference between profit and loss

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Yes, let's transfer the game in it's entirety from one engine to another.


That is totally feasible and makes sense.


Yes and an indie game maker like the OP would know this, just like anybody else in game development....oh, wait a minute.....

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I won't play wise on the technical detail about how much beter/worse a port would be. But the time spend is taken from somewhere else, which would in the end be a waste of time. BW should consentrate on catching up on bettering the game, as it's lacks essential features.
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There is a reason Unreal engine isnt a popular MMO choice. For that matter many of the games that did indeed do well had nothing to do with the fact that it was running on the unreal engine with its horrible handling of textures (not that hero engine is doing much better)
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I have seen many folks commenting how it could not be done...myself I have no idea...but played AoC for a lot of years and not long ago that very high end graphics game/combat system changed over to a new engine and it did in fact have some bugs but seemed to not be that big of a problem to switch it over...and it runs great and very smooth on this rig i use now.

I understand that AoC has a smaller sub but if the cost is so great why switch if as many have said/will say it is dying...and why did they not need to scrap the game and start over?

I myself have no issues with lag...other than this weekend at the fleet at peak i saw some but was still not bad, and no i do not have a gaming rig

Let the flaming begin as well as the legit responses explaining the Why it worked for AoC but could not here


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