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Let's compare early WoW with early TOR


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Did you read my post? I did not say I want to turn SWTOR into WoW. Hell I'd quit my sub a second after BW does that. My point is that we need to look at all of older games IN GENERAL not at a single one and use what was good to make something better.


And I do know that I am part of a minority posting here which does not change anything. If the majority does want something different than I do I'm fine with it but there is a lot to be improved and without anyone talking about it improving anything is impossible.

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You cannot say this game is much worse than an other game in general. Its your own opinion and if you think like that fine. But SWTOR has some very nice features WoW did not have and even though comparing SWTOR to something 8 years old instead of comparing it to the current state of other MMOs I think SWTOR would have annihilated WoW if they would've been released in the same year.
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You cannot say this game is much worse than an other game in general. Its your own opinion and if you think like that fine. But SWTOR has some very nice features WoW did not have and even though comparing SWTOR to something 8 years old instead of comparing it to the current state of other MMOs I think SWTOR would have annihilated WoW if they would've been released in the same year.


Judging by the state of it's engine today, if swtor was released in 2004 it would be a top down 2d game on floppies.

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Sorry but you seriously want to compare two products one from 2004 to one in 2011?


Yeh, and if at any poi t during that you see the product did something better 7 years ago, you will instantly realise the product from 2012 has failed from learning from others.


Oh and the major fact, if wow hadn't of been released, there wouldn't be as many playing mmo's today.


Sorry all of those who hate wow need to thank it for what mmo's are today and how many people play because of it.


Wow made playing mmo's a cool thing, not a nerdy thing.


Wow wins sorry.

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how about game graphics dear fanboiiis


let's imagine that for some weird reason it's on 2004 lvl of quality in 2012

and you try to use your sorry excuse like "ohnoes game only one month since release"

and what exactly..IS 2012 graphics for mmos? rift? because this game has FAR better graphics than that!

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I played WoW on release, and although it did have some bugs it didn't have nearly as many problems as SWTOR does. SWTOR problems include everything from light rays shooting through the world, becoming invincible in combat by dancing, glitching mana to have infinite healing, duping items in your mail box, all combat actions delayed by half a second, having high-res textures vanish, etc.


There is a difference between having some bugs and having a BROKEN, UNFINISHED GAME.


Man, now place your hand on your heart and tell me if you truly do not recall the Hogger raids.... The Hogger raids took place because servers were gone for 4 hours every seconds day. If you truly were at the beginning, you would remember that.


Then again. Recall the latency you had when the WoW started. It never went under 300 ms and servers had serious lag-spikes.


I could continue, but you got the point already.

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They had problems managing populations and server loads cause the couldn't anticipate their success lol. Tor on the other hand has horrid combat mechanics.


No they had server stability issues that if you tried to open the AH you would crash the server. and i remember 5-7 hour ques not 1.5 then get in open your spell-book or character screen and crash and back to another 7 hour Que. Then with each release of a expac or content patch there would be huge issues with people not able to patch log in or they had been hacked ,or a complete rework of your classes talent tree. i know for a fact that hackers still run rampant thru WOW as well guilde of mine got hacked 2 weeks later got his acct back then got hacked again and he even had the sec key ,i feel lucky i never got hacked . You also have to remember BW has to code all this from scratch ,they can't just take the code from other games and use it i am no lawyer but I'm pretty sure Bliz would sue there pants off for copyright infringement.

Now I'm not saying there arn't bugs in SWTOR ,there and alot of them but i am still enjoying my play time ,yes i would love to have some of my addons from WOW here ,and i would love to see the way Bliz has done the phasing in area's here ,would be more immerseve to me to see the area that i was just told to help get control of looked like i did something .Now i know I'll get called a fanboi and well guess what i am i love star wars other wise i wouldn't be here .The best way to get the change you want is report the bugs you find with a detailed report time's places(map co-ords if it's a environmental thing) what you were doing either in game or in the CS forum ,or go make a suggestion in the suggestion box.

I am not going to tell someone there opinion is wrong if your saying the game sucks well for you the game sucks nuff said my cup of tea and yours are different. So guys when your trying to tell someone that's raging that there completely wrong remember from there stand point there right.Anyway i'm done with my wall of text. Have fun and see you in game :)

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Man, now place your hand on your heart and tell me if you truly do not recall the Hogger raids.... The Hogger raids took place because servers were gone for 4 hours every seconds day. If you truly were at the beginning, you would remember that.


Then again. Recall the latency you had when the WoW started. It never went under 300 ms and servers had serious lag-spikes.


I could continue, but you got the point already.


This is quite true, wow servers were not entirely stable for a while during vanilla. But you got to understand that this is irrelevant to the quality of the actual game. They just weren't prepared for the success it had, nobody could predict that. The game itself was heads and shoulders above anything that came before it.

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I'm curious. Could any of you wowfanbois please explain this to me.


If WoW is so amazing, why is it you are all HERE?


Surely if Pandaland is that great, then you'd still be there playing, no?


Leaving a game to come play another, then complaining its not like the game you LEFT is kind of, well, illogical.


Why do you want a game to be a carbon copy of a game you left?

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Well, gee whiz. Let's see now . . .


WoW came with 8 dungeons (Blackfathom, Gnomer, Scarlet, RFD, Uldaman, and ST - with Strat and BRS as late-release additions) and 2 late-release addition raids (Onyxia and MC). SWTOR came with 6 flashpoints (Esseles, BT, HS, T5 - plus 2 late-release additions Boarding Party & D7) and 1 operation (Eternity Vault.)


  • Score: WoW 8 & 2 to SWTOR's 6 & 1 = WoW +1.5.

Both came with an AH/GTN. WoW's came with a bidding system which TOR's didn't. TOR's GTN is not linked, while WoW's AHs were not linked until 14 mos after release (patch 1.9 - the same patch that introduced AQ.)


  • Score: WoW +1

SWTOR resolved much of its heavy lag issues associated with large populations in one place (i.e. Fleet stations) and speeder travel. Still a WIP but it's improved greatly and is not crashing. WoW required 3 months (patch 1.2.4) to fix their excess population crashes.


  • Score: SWTOR +1

SWTOR has never had a UI crash problem, and disconnect issues were fixed within 5 weeks (patch 1.1). WoW required 4 months (patch 1.3.1) to fix their UI crashes and teleport crashes, and 6 months (patch 1.4.2) to fix their disconnect issues.


  • Score: SWTOR +1

SWTOR doesn't have battlegrounds yet, while WoW didn't get theirs for 7 months after release (patch 1.5.0.)


  • Score: TBD

SWTOR has high level modable items, while WoW players didn't get theirs until 10 months after release (patch 1.7.0.)


  • Score: SWTOR +1

SWTOR is experiencing ability/combat issues. Patch 1.1 helped considerably but there's still a ways to go. WoW took 3 months to fix theirs with patch 1.2.2.


  • Score: TBD

WoW had queue and login problems that lasted a year until their new launcher (patch 1.8.3) came out. SWTOR has pretty much fixed theirs already.


  • Score SWTOR +1

SWTOR is doing feasibility research regarding addons, particularly the initial additon of a customizable UI. WoW added custom UI scripting after 11 months (patch 1.8.1) and didn't allow open 3rd party API access for 19 months (patch 1.11.)


  • Score: TBD

WoW added weather effects in patch 1.10 - 16 months after release. SWTOR has weather effects already. It's not dynamic or pervasive, but it's there.


  • Score: SWTOR +.5


TOTAL SCORE = who cares!


Because there are a zillion other comparisons that can be made about the condition each game was in at launch. What can't really be compared are the games themselves, because their play styles and progression models are night and day.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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You said that using much nicer words than i would have lol


That's because all my posts where I let rip on them keep getting deleted. I decided as much fun as it is, I wanted at least ONE post where I pointed out their total re-- lack of logic to stay up. ;)

Edited by Davidgemini
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I'm sorry am I the only one who finds it ridiculous that a game gets released and it's compared to titles in years past? So it's fair for me to release a title full of bugs, bad performance and essentials to an MMO but say "No my game will do quite well, you need to observe Pong when it was first released. The Colecovision controls weren't optimized for three months!"
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Kanharn: Clearly new to the MMO world to think that or this is your first MMO from launch.


Then again everyone in the industry also disagrees with you.






Not exactly, Played SWG up til NGE and wow from '04 launch until last year.

So you don't remember how bad the SWG launch was, Rubber banding that pulled you back 15 mins and all the other game breaking bug or WoW with almost 2 weeks of downtime in its first month,


Rose tinted glasses I see.


Like I said SWTOR had a better launch then both of these MMO's. You said it had a terrible launch so I have trouble believing any thing you say.



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I'm sorry am I the only one who finds it ridiculous that a game gets released and it's compared to titles in years past? So it's fair for me to release a title full of bugs, bad performance and essentials to an MMO but say "No my game will do quite well, you need to observe Pong when it was first released. The Colecovision controls weren't optimized for three months!"


Even If you compare SWTOR to any MMO released in the last 5 years it still has more content and less bugs then all of them.


So your comment is moot.

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Even If you compare SWTOR to any MMO released in the last 5 years it still has more content and less bugs then all of them.


So your comment is moot.


No my comment is not moot. Please Mr. Random poster don't try to disregard my post as if this is some sort of debate competition. You seem agitated that SWTOR is having it's flaws pointed out.


RIFT right now is hands down much better than SWTOR, let alone WoW. You do realize RIFT won MMO of the year and actually sports a higher sub base than SWTOR? It does help to view things in an unbiased manner. Also you couldn't be more wrong with your less bugs and more content comment. Bugs doesn't begin to describe what's wrong with this game. The ability delay, TERRIBLE fps, incredibly long load times are just the tip of the iceberg. Fact is SWTOR has a very steep hill to climb with this title. To deny this and praise this game as if it's the second coming of the messiah is just wrong.


I'm beginning to think you're either trolling or just really naive.

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I'll compare early WoW to SWTOR in a different way.


At WoW at level 1 I created a toon and went out and killed some ostrich looking things. Quested onwards, the game brought me to a village where I learned to fish. Quested onwards, made it to a large city. Along the way I found some really "pimp" gear that made me proud. I even had some "greens". Then I was told to travel over yonder to a large barren plain. There was some scary crap there! But I finally made it to the camp I was destined for and quested onwards. I then got wind of a really dangerous place but with great treasure. I got some friends together and looted the freaking Sword of Omens! OK, it was a wingblade from a quest turn in from my first instance. But holy crap it was pimp. I quested onwards and went to a vale full of evil (good?) night elves. I killed them. I was happy. I went and slaughtered some evil fish people with from friends. Awesome! I took their leet wares too. I quested onwards and went to some crazy place with a 1000 foot tall elevator and fell off it. But I was revived and quested onwards. I then got wind of a jungle across the world. I took a blimp to it. I killed crazy crap and looted it.....skipping a bit....We raised haunted towns and took down zealots. I got crazy loot. We killed a dragon and took it's head back to a starter city for all to gawk at.


SWTOR forgot to create a WORLD. I was instantly drawn into a story. That's great. I got to skip the killing ostrich part. Sweet! I'm epic at the start. But I'm playing in a giant corridor. I don't care about any loot when I level. I don't run across crap and go "what's in there?". It's a great game that's horribly designed as it can't suck people in. They give you a 50 level tutorial to play then say "click buttons for end game content" without giving you a reason to want to. Who the hell has any stories about leveling? The time the giant robot wiped the town? Spending an entire Saturday wiping with some friends against the Empire/Republic but in the end you got the Wrists of Wrestling and you wore them forever? Or the time a bunch of level 50's tried to open world pvp your guards cause they were bored and you and 3,432 midgets fought them off?


Such potential. This game would be 1000x better if it took place on one world and was truly a world. You think space combat is on a wire? *** is the rest of the game?

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