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Let's compare early WoW with early TOR


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In EQ 1 there were those people who were very computer savy and used parser's. Hell, 486 computers could run EQ1 so..that said the mmo market was in it's infancy then. Eq was very graphically advanced for it's time. WoW made parsers/addons mainstream <so to speak>


I don't remember using parsers with DAOC. Now that was a PVP game and the PVE was alright too! The expansion ruined it for me. NEVER make PVP dependant on PVE it just doesn't seem to work. As for TOR and WoW I can say with all honesty there is room for both and people should have a little patience.

Edited by Aaluria
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It's a difference. It's a minor difference.




There were more than a few gaps at release. DAoC still had a lot of quests. WoW didn't have 50x the number of DAoC quests at release. I doubt it had 50x that of EQ.




As another poster pointed out, LDoN predates WoW. Additionally, Plane of Time was instanced. You know how I know you didn't play EQ?




Disagree. Their talent trees increased functionality and abilities were granted largely on talent point spending.




Who said I didn't like it? I really liked WoW. I probably have a whole lot more time logged in than it than you do. It was a great game. That's not the same as innovating.

-Instances - taken from other games

-The original LFG at vanilla- taken from other games, the LFG finder is pretty innovative (I don't like it but I see why others do)

-Arena- I hated arenas, I see why people like them, you know how I know you didn't play Guild Wars?

-Tier'd loot- defintiely taken from other games


Vanilla WoW didn't innovate much in my opinion at all. They brought together everything that was good in other games and didn't bring much of the bad. That's not really innovation in my opinion. It can, and did for WoW, make an fantastic game. I've seen some people say that everyone is getting burned out on the genre. I had played MMOs for about as long before WoW as I have now. Playing WoW was the same awe struck feeling I had when I played EQ for the first time. It's not the genre, it's the games.


Then why did it take the business away (not entirely, cause EQ1 is still going :eek: ) from every MMO? Cause it had problems? Yes, it took from a lot of games, but it took out those annoying little things that drove you crazy, but were also nice nostalgia. (Unrest train to zones... good times good times..)


SWToR is a good game in it's own right, but the thing is it feels a lot like WoW and not quite as epic as WoW was when it first launched. I dunno what it's missing, but there's that element that I can't quite put my finger on that made you go "O.M.G. this is amazing" in both EQ1 and WoW.


And please don't start pointing out DAoC, I never played it... :(

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Then why did it take the business away (not entirely, cause EQ1 is still going :eek: ) from every MMO? Cause it had problems? Yes, it took from a lot of games, but it took out those annoying little things that drove you crazy, but were also nice nostalgia. (Unrest train to zones... good times good times..)


SWToR is a good game in it's own right, but the thing is it feels a lot like WoW and not quite as epic as WoW was when it first launched. I dunno what it's missing, but there's that element that I can't quite put my finger on that made you go "O.M.G. this is amazing" in both EQ1 and WoW.


And please don't start pointing out DAoC, I never played it... :(


Too bad you didn't play DAoC, it truly was a great game, it was pve until 20 then you could go out and world pvp. It was a way to introduce people who never pvp'ed before to that type of play style and you know what it worked! I played with so many people who tried pvp for the first time. I love pvp, but I like fair fights, no ganking just pure skill. My exposure to pvp started in Old NWN on AOL, you had time to think of what pvp move you would use when group pvp'ing. I know turn based right, but man it was fun.

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Let's compare:


SWTOR: Voice Acted out beautiful scenes where YOU get more immersion and YOU are the main focus of your own personal story


SWTOR: Choices which effect what npcs you can talk with later on down the line, what light side dark side points you get, what affection gains you get and so on


SWTOR: Companions that fight with you and do the work for you so you can continue to level, explore, do whatever without worrying about how many stims or pieces of armor you have to make.


SWTOR: Crew Skills. This is possibly the best thing that has touched an mmo since forever. Having your own personal crew that you can boss around to do w/e you want. Make you armor, make you stims, go on missions, get you stuff, get you credits, sell all your gray stuff.


SWTOR: More than one planet at launch, and it will continue to grow MASSIVELY


SWTOR: Map is better with everything you need right there...no need for addons for it like questhelper or carbonite


SWTOR: Quick Travel system. This is a GREAT idea! BioWare should be applauded for a lot of things they have put into the mmo genre to improve it. You can unlock a bindpoint then teleport to ANY of them you have unlocked within the cooldown period...amazing feature


SWTOR: Newbie zones are very interesting and instructing and have you doing fun things, not just "go get me 12 tongues of a wolf" what? that's no story.


SWTOR: NO grind..at all. and if there is one...the xp gain is PERFECT It is fun and addictive. Simple as that.


SWTOR: It was made by BioWare. BioWare is known for good games and to listen to the community and get to responses very quickly. If you see in the patch notes for TOR, a lot of things have been addressed and they are making everyone, especially me, continue to be happy. BioWare is golden



That said...at launch SWTOR is just the better game! and even a lot of things now A LOT of things, its just...better than WoW. WoW guys...you can deny this all you want.


But I don't see choices in WoW...


I don't see companions that can help you take down mobs or bosses in WoW....


I don't see points based on what you have just chosen to choose what gear you can get in WoW...


I don't see a quick travel system you can instantly teleport to any of the unlocked areas that you have chosen in WoW...


I don't see more than one world in WoW...


I don't see you being able to expand your inventory with one click in WoW...


I don't see full voice acting which immerses you even MORE in an mmo in WoW...


I don't see a challenge in WoW....


I don't see a crew that you can order or boss around to make you equipment while you are out leveling and having fun in WoW...


I don't see where you can simply click shift right click on some things in WoW and have you mod what you just got in WoW....


I don't see BioWare being the company who made WoW...rather I see a company who is greedy, arrogant, ignorant, dishonorable and doesnt listen to it's player base



SWTOR is just the better game at launch and will CONTINUE to improve upon features, get stronger, get more planets, get more implementations to it, more leveling, the planets will be expanded upon, the guilds will have guild vs guild battlegrounds, guild ships will be fighting on top of planets, space pvp will come.


It's like this....


Right now TOR is the turtle and WoW is the hare. SWTOR is slowly, slowly, trotting along...and it's pace it will go the whole time, keep updating it's content, keep adding new things, keep listening to the players, all while building its community.....while WoW is rushing to try and get new things out to keep players from leaving/quitting/going to other games. they will try desperately to get them back but will not do it.


No matter how fast WoW goes at releasing things, it had already burned the victims of it that used to play it and believe in the game. WoW will keep on trying to rush things out at a high rate..all while..keep in mind...SWTOR will just keep turtling, chugging along...keeping everyone happy for the most part, and doing its thing. While WoW will continue to go very fast...then take breaks...go very fast...then take breaks


In the end


SWTOR will cross the finish line in FRONT of WoW.


The finish line represents who is number one in the mmo world ...in time this will happen.


The point is consistency. BioWare WILL BE consistent with SWTOR and keep chugging along releasing things all the time, fixing lots. Blizzard..is losing all consistency with WoW. They are rushing too much and don't listen to people anymore.

Edited by Sarfux
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WoWs launch was full of bugs, SWTORs launch is full of bugs, SWTOR has more bugs then WoW did ok great but lets look at the facts.


ToR is a more complex game, with more game factors then WoW. Also Blizzard has previous knowledge of MMO development, where SWTOR is Bio-Wares first MMO.


Do I forgive the development team for all the current bugs and issues within the game? Of course I do, I know with out a doubt they will fix everything in time and countine to deliver epic Star Wars content. People need to stop with all the negative comments and leave comments that will be useful for the games advancement.

Edited by Scorpid
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WoW during tBC was so epic... Best game i ever played.


It's quite good now also, it just has this parallel game that's designed for people that do not want to put any kind of effort while gaming. You can ignore that :D


I just use it as a sort of amusement, ending up grouping with a random and seeing how they fail at basic movement while at the same time, with all the extra time he gains by not avoiding any of the dangers, failing to do anywhere near potential damage.


Let's not even begin to talk about interrupts. Being off the global cooldown in wow, rift and swtor, it should be used on anything with a cast bar, no using it is the 1st sign you should avoid that player like the plague the next time you see them. It's like nobody bothers, or tries, or remembers they have such a button. It's the most important damage reduction skill in this game, when used properly and 9/10 people avoid using it ... Makes the game so much easier. Even specced as dps you can solo so much more stuff (good especially when you're the only person on that planet while leveling).

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Let's compare:


SWTOR: Voice Acted out beautiful scenes where YOU get more immersion and YOU are the main focus of your own personal story


SWTOR: Choices which effect what npcs you can talk with later on down the line, what light side dark side points you get, what affection gains you get and so on


SWTOR: Companions that fight with you and do the work for you so you can continue to level, explore, do whatever without worrying about how many stims or pieces of armor you have to make.


SWTOR: Crew Skills. This is possibly the best thing that has touched an mmo since forever. Having your own personal crew that you can boss around to do w/e you want. Make you armor, make you stims, go on missions, get you stuff, get you credits, sell all your gray stuff.


SWTOR: More than one planet at launch, and it will continue to grow MASSIVELY


SWTOR: Map is better with everything you need right there...no need for addons for it like questhelper or carbonite


SWTOR: Quick Travel system. This is a GREAT idea! BioWare should be applauded for a lot of things they have put into the mmo genre to improve it. You can unlock a bindpoint then teleport to ANY of them you have unlocked within the cooldown period...amazing feature


SWTOR: Newbie zones are very interesting and instructing and have you doing fun things, not just "go get me 12 tongues of a wolf" what? that's no story.


SWTOR: NO grind..at all. and if there is one...the xp gain is PERFECT It is fun and addictive. Simple as that.


SWTOR: It was made by BioWare. BioWare is known for good games and to listen to the community and get to responses very quickly. If you see in the patch notes for TOR, a lot of things have been addressed and they are making everyone, especially me, continue to be happy. BioWare is golden



That said...at launch SWTOR is just the better game! and even a lot of things now A LOT of things, its just...better than WoW. WoW guys...you can deny this all you want.


But I don't see choices in WoW...


I don't see companions that can help you take down mobs or bosses in WoW....


I don't see points based on what you have just chosen to choose what gear you can get in WoW...


I don't see a quick travel system you can instantly teleport to any of the unlocked areas that you have chosen in WoW...


I don't see more than one world in WoW...


I don't see you being able to expand your inventory with one click in WoW...


I don't see full voice acting which immerses you even MORE in an mmo in WoW...


I don't see a challenge in WoW....


I don't see a crew that you can order or boss around to make you equipment while you are out leveling and having fun in WoW...


I don't see where you can simply click shift right click on some things in WoW and have you mod what you just got in WoW....


I don't see BioWare being the company who made WoW...rather I see a company who is greedy, arrogant, ignorant, dishonorable and doesnt listen to it's player base



SWTOR is just the better game at launch and will CONTINUE to improve upon features, get stronger, get more planets, get more implementations to it, more leveling, the planets will be expanded upon, the guilds will have guild vs guild battlegrounds, guild ships will be fighting on top of planets, space pvp will come.


It's like this....


Right now TOR is the turtle and WoW is the hare. SWTOR is slowly, slowly, trotting along...and it's pace it will go the whole time, keep updating it's content, keep adding new things, keep listening to the players, all while building its community.....while WoW is rushing to try and get new things out to keep players from leaving/quitting/going to other games. they will try desperately to get them back but will not do it.


No matter how fast WoW goes at releasing things, it had already burned the victims of it that used to play it and believe in the game. WoW will keep on trying to rush things out at a high rate..all while..keep in mind...SWTOR will just keep turtling, chugging along...keeping everyone happy for the most part, and doing its thing. While WoW will continue to go very fast...then take breaks...go very fast...then take breaks


In the end


SWTOR will cross the finish line in FRONT of WoW.


The finish line represents who is number one in the mmo world ...in time this will happen.


The point is consistency. BioWare WILL BE consistent with SWTOR and keep chugging along releasing things all the time, fixing lots. Blizzard..is losing all consistency with WoW. They are rushing too much and don't listen to people anymore.


Not bias nor one-sided at all. lol

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Also Blizzard has previous knowledge of MMO development, where SWTOR is Bio-Wares first MMO.


Umm... what?


Holy crap! Blizzard made a mysterious MMO that NOBODY knows about! But it's out there guys! It's out there, somewhere, far into the deep reaches of Best Buy. In the darkest corners of Steam. Hiding from the search light in Gamestop. It's out there...

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Then why did it take the business away (not entirely, cause EQ1 is still going :eek: ) from every MMO? Cause it had problems? Yes, it took from a lot of games, but it took out those annoying little things that drove you crazy, but were also nice nostalgia. (Unrest train to zones... good times good times..)(


Because Blizzard know how to develop addictive games. Every single game they've made is insanely addictive. Starting from lost vikings. If you like addictive games - damn you can't do any better than choose a blizzard game. Personally I prefer immersive games with strong story. Oh I've spent hundreds of hours playing each of their games but I've never had as much fun as I had with Black Isle's and Bioware's games despite the hundreds of bugs they've had on release. But for people that don't care as much about story, atmosphere and graphics Blizzard's games rule.

Edited by Safiir
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Let's compare:


SWTOR: Voice Acted out beautiful scenes where YOU get more immersion and YOU are the main focus of your own personal story


SWTOR: Choices which effect what npcs you can talk with later on down the line, what light side dark side points you get, what affection gains you get and so on


SWTOR: Companions that fight with you and do the work for you so you can continue to level, explore, do whatever without worrying about how many stims or pieces of armor you have to make.


SWTOR: Crew Skills. This is possibly the best thing that has touched an mmo since forever. Having your own personal crew that you can boss around to do w/e you want. Make you armor, make you stims, go on missions, get you stuff, get you credits, sell all your gray stuff.


SWTOR: More than one planet at launch, and it will continue to grow MASSIVELY


SWTOR: Map is better with everything you need right there...no need for addons for it like questhelper or carbonite


SWTOR: Quick Travel system. This is a GREAT idea! BioWare should be applauded for a lot of things they have put into the mmo genre to improve it. You can unlock a bindpoint then teleport to ANY of them you have unlocked within the cooldown period...amazing feature


SWTOR: Newbie zones are very interesting and instructing and have you doing fun things, not just "go get me 12 tongues of a wolf" what? that's no story.


SWTOR: NO grind..at all. and if there is one...the xp gain is PERFECT It is fun and addictive. Simple as that.


SWTOR: It was made by BioWare. BioWare is known for good games and to listen to the community and get to responses very quickly. If you see in the patch notes for TOR, a lot of things have been addressed and they are making everyone, especially me, continue to be happy. BioWare is golden



That said...at launch SWTOR is just the better game! and even a lot of things now A LOT of things, its just...better than WoW. WoW guys...you can deny this all you want.


But I don't see choices in WoW...


I don't see companions that can help you take down mobs or bosses in WoW....


I don't see points based on what you have just chosen to choose what gear you can get in WoW...


I don't see a quick travel system you can instantly teleport to any of the unlocked areas that you have chosen in WoW...


I don't see more than one world in WoW...


I don't see you being able to expand your inventory with one click in WoW...


I don't see full voice acting which immerses you even MORE in an mmo in WoW...


I don't see a challenge in WoW....


I don't see a crew that you can order or boss around to make you equipment while you are out leveling and having fun in WoW...


I don't see where you can simply click shift right click on some things in WoW and have you mod what you just got in WoW....


I don't see BioWare being the company who made WoW...rather I see a company who is greedy, arrogant, ignorant, dishonorable and doesnt listen to it's player base



SWTOR is just the better game at launch and will CONTINUE to improve upon features, get stronger, get more planets, get more implementations to it, more leveling, the planets will be expanded upon, the guilds will have guild vs guild battlegrounds, guild ships will be fighting on top of planets, space pvp will come.


It's like this....


Right now TOR is the turtle and WoW is the hare. SWTOR is slowly, slowly, trotting along...and it's pace it will go the whole time, keep updating it's content, keep adding new things, keep listening to the players, all while building its community.....while WoW is rushing to try and get new things out to keep players from leaving/quitting/going to other games. they will try desperately to get them back but will not do it.


No matter how fast WoW goes at releasing things, it had already burned the victims of it that used to play it and believe in the game. WoW will keep on trying to rush things out at a high rate..all while..keep in mind...SWTOR will just keep turtling, chugging along...keeping everyone happy for the most part, and doing its thing. While WoW will continue to go very fast...then take breaks...go very fast...then take breaks


In the end


SWTOR will cross the finish line in FRONT of WoW.


The finish line represents who is number one in the mmo world ...in time this will happen.


The point is consistency. BioWare WILL BE consistent with SWTOR and keep chugging along releasing things all the time, fixing lots. Blizzard..is losing all consistency with WoW. They are rushing too much and don't listen to people anymore.


Hahahahahahahaha I almost fell for it

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I think you'd be hard-pressed to find an opinion on this issue that no-one would call biased.


Yeah, but that was extremely biased. O_O


I like how he compared the features this game has to WoW's and predicts the inevitablity that this game will surpass WoW in all factors. Except, ya know... TOR doesn't have anything original in it...


And that LS/DS point system sucks. You don't even see repurcussions for your actions! Come now... Go play DA1 and THEN we can have a nice chat about what a game SHOULD do with story.


And just implement the repurcussions to class quests, not the side quests.

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KT was a fun fight, second best in BC after Vashj.


KJ was the best fight in TBC tbh. 250 wipes and one of the few times we stayed till 3 AM were fully worth it. Sunwell overall had very very well done boss fights. I miss that when seeing Dragon Soul now, it's possibly the worst they're done overall, except for a couple of bosses. As a player you literally have nothing to do but press your buttons, no real responsibilities.

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I think you'd be hard-pressed to find an opinion on this issue that no-one would call biased.


I'm a pretty objective guy and when someone states that TOR will end up being #1 in the MMO world that fails at face value. There will not be 'another WOW' anytime soon. TOR will not approach 12 million subs, nor should it have to to be considered a success. This forum is hilarious. It is the most fanboy filled forum I have ever seen. I guess we shouldn't be surprised since it is the SW IP after all. Seth Rogen's 'Fanboys' should, unfortunately, be required viewing here.

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No offense, but comparing a game released in 2012 to a game released 8 years ago, when its main competition was ever quest '1', is not a comparison. This is like looking at your internet provider today and expecting the same speeds you did off dial up.



The excuses some games use to make themselves feel good about themselves is silly. Look at Rift.


Flawless launch.


Has had massive content patches every two months, their first came out within a month of release. Much more balanced pvp, etc.


Despite that, its still a dying game.


Players now adays demand more; they demand perfection. Illum, missing massive feature sets and more prove to me that this game was released far to early.

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Then why did it take the business away (not entirely, cause EQ1 is still going :eek: ) from every MMO? Cause it had problems? Yes, it took from a lot of games, but it took out those annoying little things that drove you crazy, but were also nice nostalgia. (Unrest train to zones... good times good times..)


SWToR is a good game in it's own right, but the thing is it feels a lot like WoW and not quite as epic as WoW was when it first launched. I dunno what it's missing, but there's that element that I can't quite put my finger on that made you go "O.M.G. this is amazing" in both EQ1 and WoW.


And please don't start pointing out DAoC, I never played it... :(


As I said, WoW took everything that was good and didn't bring much of the bad with it. They PvP probably better than any game before at release- pre-BGs. The open world PvP was awesome. BGs didn't really take away from it or didn't initially. Shadowbane and DAoC showed that there was a large player base interested in PvP. Their PvE was great. This was nothing we hadn't seen before. The PvE was great. Again, nothing we hadn't seen before. There were few things in WoW that we hadn't seen before in other games; however, I don't think players had ever seen them all together before. That was a tremendous accomplishment.

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It's a difference. It's a minor difference.




There were more than a few gaps at release. DAoC still had a lot of quests. WoW didn't have 50x the number of DAoC quests at release. I doubt it had 50x that of EQ.




As another poster pointed out, LDoN predates WoW. Additionally, Plane of Time was instanced. You know how I know you didn't play EQ?




Disagree. Their talent trees increased functionality and abilities were granted largely on talent point spending.




Who said I didn't like it? I really liked WoW. I probably have a whole lot more time logged in than it than you do. It was a great game. That's not the same as innovating.

-Instances - taken from other games

-The original LFG at vanilla- taken from other games, the LFG finder is pretty innovative (I don't like it but I see why others do)

-Arena- I hated arenas, I see why people like them, you know how I know you didn't play Guild Wars?

-Tier'd loot- defintiely taken from other games


Vanilla WoW didn't innovate much in my opinion at all. They brought together everything that was good in other games and didn't bring much of the bad. That's not really innovation in my opinion. It can, and did for WoW, make an fantastic game. I've seen some people say that everyone is getting burned out on the genre. I had played MMOs for about as long before WoW as I have now. Playing WoW was the same awe struck feeling I had when I played EQ for the first time. It's not the genre, it's the games.


Excuse me? Didn't play EQ?


Here's me posting about DAoC in 2001



Here's me arguing about MMO's in general in 2005


(put full comments on if you don't see it on /.)


Here's me arguing about EQ/GW/WoW back in 2009


(same thing with comments)


Here's me talking about EQ/DAoC/WoW from 2004, talking about being in closed beta in EQ, etc...



For someone that didn't play crap I've sure been holding the same story for a long time.

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Why are we comparing two games again?


Bottom line: Either you have money to play both games or you don't. If you do, you either like SWTOR or you don't. If you don't, you either have logical and concrete reasons to dislike it or you don't. If you don't, then you are asking for a reason to like a game that


1) you can't really afford to play

2) you don't like

3) you define solely through how it stacks up against another game


Judge SWTOR on it's own merits or not at all. Granted, judging on it's own merits brings a lot of really good points and a lot of really bad points.


But these endless "WOW had / EQ had / Meridan59 had / Yar's Revenge had" threads are rehashing garbage arguments that solve nothing, and tell us nothing.

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I think comparing something new to something already existing is a very important step if you want to improve. How would you make something new better than its predecessors without comparing?


Let me put it straight:

WoW has some cool features SWTOR does not have.

Aion has some cool features ...

Rift ...



The list goes on and Bioware, if they want to compete, will have to look for stuff they missed and add it. Period.


However I don't judge BW for not adding all of that stuff to the game from the beginning. They focused on giving us awesome stories most of us enjoyed fully. I'll spend some time rolling other classes besides my sorc (plan roling a sith warrior next month and maybe a jedi at some point of time) waiting for improvements. Fact is: If Bioware does not improve the game SWTOR won't be a topic by next christmas.

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Ok. I can't help it. I've got time to burn.


I want to state for the record, I was not a WoW player during the times discussed below- Vanilla WoW. I starting playing WoW sometime after the release of tBC. I stopped shortly after Cataclysm.


According to wikipedia,



According to wikipedia,




According to WoWwiki, the first patch AFTER the official release date was patch 1.1.2 release on December 6 2004.

Which only removed time zone tabs. (Big fat hairy deal). I'm going to skip this one.

The next one however was significant. 18 December 2004



According to my math that is 26 days between release and first major post release date patch. It looks to me like there were a bunch of patches before the official release date. I'm assuming that these were patches found between the time the release to manufacture RTM and the release date. Maybe someone that remembers could fill us in


Look at the huge list of bug fixes.



Now lets look at SWTOR


According to http://www.wikiswtor.com/Patch_1.0.1


The first major patch was Patch 1.0.1 released on 27 December 2011


According to my math that is 15 days between release and first major post release patch.

Admittedly that does not include some of the small post release patches.


Lets not compare an ancient game release to a current release. There is no valid comparison between a game of then to now. It's like comparing an old car to a modern car.

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I think comparing something new to something already existing is a very important step if you want to improve. How would you make something new better than its predecessors without comparing?


Let me put it straight:

WoW has some cool features SWTOR does not have.

Aion has some cool features ...

Rift ...



The list goes on and Bioware, if they want to compete, will have to look for stuff they missed and add it. Period.


However I don't judge BW for not adding all of that stuff to the game from the beginning. They focused on giving us awesome stories most of us enjoyed fully. I'll spend some time rolling other classes besides my sorc (plan roling a sith warrior next month and maybe a jedi at some point of time) waiting for improvements. Fact is: If Bioware does not improve the game SWTOR won't be a topic by next christmas.




your idea of games goes as far as only newer games. I have been playing since Asheron's call and EQ... SWG and shadowbane. What WOW has is not the "standard" We are talking about 12 to 13 years of gaming with tons of experience. Blizzard does not have all the answers because if it did.. it wouldnt be losing subs now would it?


bottom line.. you are focusing only on WOW for all your comments. When some great OLDER games then WOW had brilliant ideas that could be implemented and compared much BETTER then WOW.


I got an idea. Instead of trying to change this game into WOW.. why dont you actually use your noggin to come up with something different. I didnt like Dungeon finder in WOW... yet some love it. Most people in these forums do NOT constitute all of the playerbase.


So because some of you cry and moan for things does not mean that "everybody" wants it.


the people actually playign the game and not posting here are obviously content with the game the way it is. Which would be the most of the population of the game. YOU who post are the MINORITY.


at least recognize that.

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Let's not.




Might as well compare ToR with EQ at launch - what would be the point?


For me, key question is, what do I get for my money in any game - same amount of fun or not. Then I decide what to play. Some months nothing suits and it is LOTRO (FtP and I have a lifetime anyway). Next month will be ToR - still having fun. Month after - not sure yet.


Why the bleep bleep would I waste time comparing?

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