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Tracer missile


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And that's the problem. Having 1 skill that does solid damage, debuffs the target, and buffs several other abilities, doesn't make sense--especially when you can spam it. That is the problem. It's a bad design because the class only really needs to use 1 skill to be on par with others who have to use much more complicated setups and have much more limited benefits. Tracer spam is a problem of design, and that's what people want fixed, the design.


Anyone who just uses tracer isn't doing it right and are not going to be as effective if they threw in a railshot, heatseeker or unload. It obvious you don't understand the class along with everyone else that's complaining. We have to spam it for buffs/de-buffs and procs but it far from a 1 button smashing class. to keep out own buffs up we have to shoot one tracer off every 15 seconds if not it 5 more shots before being re-buffed.

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A geared 50 beating none 50's, undergeared 50's and scrubs, shocking...


I'd be more surprised if he didn't beat them, complain when spamming tracer missile actually works against non *******.


does any of that really matter when he is only using 1 key.

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I recently respec'd to tracer spam from healing spec because my guild needed a dps for EV. After that i played a few WF's, and honestly i for got what an easy mode spec this is. Its quite a joke actually. They need to change the whole mechanic of BH's and Troopers.


Funny, I played arsenal from start and recently respeced to pyro and find it much more enjoyable and effective.

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Incendiary round, los, assault plastique, los, high impact bolt, los, instant plasma nade, los.


Tracer missle noob is now at 40% (lower with crits) health or lower and has only gotten off one tracer missle (if lucky).


Get better.


You should really start the rotation with assault plastique

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grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round grav round



no not yet


Actually, its not the same. If you do the math of how much Ammo a trooper has and the cost of grav round VS the amount of heat a BH has and the cost of tracer missile, you can spam missile more.

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Actually, its not the same. If you do the math of how much Ammo a trooper has and the cost of grav round VS the amount of heat a BH has and the cost of tracer missile, you can spam missile more.


not calling you a liar but whats the math? [i am asuming you have already done it]


I have yet to play any trooper

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I know how to los of sight and use it whenever possible. However when there are three Mercs spamming this from multiple angles I can choose to A) LOS and be worthless due to avoiding triangulation of fire or B) hammer and interrupt one taking two tracers to the rear end. I'm wanting to see this notorious Tracer Missile only BH video where he wins WZ and tops damage charts. L2P is said by people exclusively sporting BH/Trooper avatars coincidence? I think not, maybe Ya'll need to l2p and play a class that isn't a faceroll class wearing heavy armor, with range and self heals eg ANY other class. If you're so leet roll a sorc who wears light armor or better yet if you have man parts, roll a sent like I have. Then you will understand skill being required to get high damage and kills. I have excellent commando's in my guild but most spam grav round like noobs and are easily the most face roll class in the game.



crazy thing is i did roll a sorc... i don't play an arsenal BH so i don't tracer spam but i wanted to test out the 1 button win theory.


If an arsenal BH wants to be effective in WZ's he can't JUST use tracer missile he has to use heatseaker(lvl 40 btw), railshot, and unload for the minimum offensive viabiltiy. The merc also doesn't have a way to break contact and can only mitigate 25% of incoming damage for 12 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown...BUT on the sorc side you ABSOLUTELY can be amazingly effective with just force lightning.


For this situation though the sorc is going to use a total of 3 abilities(to show i'm not THAT biased).


Madness spec no CD forcelightning spam, is 100% snare for a 50% speed reduction constantly spammed, meaning whoever you are shooting is moving as slow as a snail and takes 3k damage in 3 seconds(without crits) over and over and over and over.


I know what your thinking just LOS the sorc and you win. Well he has force speed so where ever you try to run off to he'll be right in your *** spamming his lightning again. Whats that you say...."shoot him back"??? What a great idea!!!


At this time the sorc who has been attacking you for all of 8 seconds has gotten bored with the fight and decided to pop Recklessness increasing his crit chance by 60% for TWO force lightning spams meaning you have officially gone to the respawner.


OH and as a sorc you can have ALL of those amazing abilites at lvl TWENTY!!! lol


OH and if you think i'm crying for a Sorc nerf then you are SOOOOo wrong lol. Like i said i rolled a sorc alt to try it and i will NEVER go back to my merc for the simple fact that sorcs are stupid OP for no reason and i LOVE dominating 10-49 WZ's at lvl 21 lol!!!

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crazy thing is i did roll a sorc... i don't play an arsenal BH so i don't tracer spam but i wanted to test out the 1 button win theory.


If an arsenal BH wants to be effective in WZ's he can't JUST use tracer missile he has to use heatseaker(lvl 40 btw), railshot, and unload for the minimum offensive viabiltiy. The merc also doesn't have a way to break contact and can only mitigate 25% of incoming damage for 12 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown...BUT on the sorc side you ABSOLUTELY can be amazingly effective with just force lightning.


For this situation though the sorc is going to use a total of 3 abilities(to show i'm not THAT biased).


Madness spec no CD forcelightning spam, is 100% snare for a 50% speed reduction constantly spammed, meaning whoever you are shooting is moving as slow as a snail and takes 3k damage in 3 seconds(without crits) over and over and over and over.


I know what your thinking just LOS the sorc and you win. Well he has force speed so where ever you try to run off to he'll be right in your *** spamming his lightning again. Whats that you say...."shoot him back"??? What a great idea!!!


At this time the sorc who has been attacking you for all of 8 seconds has gotten bored with the fight and decided to pop Recklessness increasing his crit chance by 60% for TWO force lightning spams meaning you have officially gone to the respawner.


OH and as a sorc you can have ALL of those amazing abilites at lvl TWENTY!!! lol


OH and if you think i'm crying for a Sorc nerf then you are SOOOOo wrong lol. Like i said i rolled a sorc alt to try it and i will NEVER go back to my merc for the simple fact that sorcs are stupid OP for no reason and i LOVE dominating 10-49 WZ's at lvl 21 lol!!!


first off thats a flat out LIE that force lightning does 3k dmg in 3 seconds without crits. Im in Champion/BM gear and my non crit force lightning on 500+ exp people hits for about 400-450.


secondly, its not 100% snare because there is a downtime between the end of the first force lightning and the beginning of the 2nd. so the person does have about a 1 second window of normal movement which is big in pvp.


congrats on beating noobs in the lowbie brackets where pvp is not balanced. Come try the 50s bracket and see how well your sorc does.

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first off thats a flat out LIE that force lightning does 3k dmg in 3 seconds without crits. Im in Champion/BM gear and my non crit force lightning on 500+ exp people hits for about 400-450.


secondly, its not 100% snare because there is a downtime between the end of the first force lightning and the beginning of the 2nd. so the person does have about a 1 second window of normal movement which is big in pvp.


congrats on beating noobs in the lowbie brackets where pvp is not balanced. Come try the 50s bracket and see how well your sorc does.


I will as soon as my sorc is 50 and has at least 1/2 champ gear i'll make a video where i remove everthing from my quickslots except force ligtning like someone else did with tracer missile lol.


OH and i wasn't going off how much damage ticked i was going off what the tooltip said which is 3k and its channeled for 3 seconds. And if you're in champ/BM gear and fighting people at 500+ exp than you should be doing more damage than me in a boosted 10-49 wz per tick since you actually DO get a % bonus damage over thier damage reduction since 500xp is easily done with cent/champ.


At level 21 in the WZ's mine tick for 500+/- of course depending on persons actual resistance/defense CD's.


In the 3 seconds it takes to cast the global CD has come and gone making your next force lightning cast immediately now that they have adjusted the ability delay making it an effective 100% snare/high damage dot for minimal to no force usage.

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tracer/grav spamming players are amongst the easiest to defeat, interrupts confuse the hell out of them and they lack an interupt of their own which is actually a huge deal but people will only ever fixate on what other people have not what others are missing
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Have any of you actualy played the Aresenal Specced Bounty Hunter or a Gunnery Specced Commando? My Guess Probably not.


Tracer Missle Stacks heat up to 5 times and leave the target vulnerable to Rail Shot and up the damage on unload and several other of the BH's Abilites


Grav Round stacks 5 gravity vortexes on you and increases the damage of Demo Round and High impact bolt and a few others.


So what I am trying to figure out is why the hell are you letting a Stationary target hit you 5 times with and Attack when you could umm lets see I know someone else said it ....Interupt them or LoS them The two specs are built around Proc and Debuff Damage. and Both of which take 5 hits of the Grav/Tracer to be the most effective...


I have played every class in the game almost with the exception of the flashlight weilding tanks and the Imperial and their Republic Counter part the Operative or Scoundrel which at some point I plan to try. This way I can see for myself which classes are truly Overpowered if any at all.


Only Class I hate Right now is the Bubble Sorc. as I call them. but are they Over powered No just a Royal Pain in the *** when your shield specced Vanguard.

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Not asking for complete equality here, just the lack of an easy mode.


Sorry pal but some people need an easy mode and BW wants their money too. Just go out and play a difficult class because you can, and thus derive your sense of self-worth from a mere video game.

Edited by Tirithius
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I'm a sentinel with a reduced cooldown on my interrupt and when I interrupt their tracer missile it's hilarious how bad they become. I'm not even kidding when I say this, but I really think they don't keybind anything else. When I interrupt them they pop their carbonize and then just backpedal away from me whilst using their ranged attack, it's just... sad.
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I'm a sentinel with a reduced cooldown on my interrupt and when I interrupt their tracer missile it's hilarious how bad they become. I'm not even kidding when I say this, but I really think they don't keybind anything else. When I interrupt them they pop their carbonize and then just backpedal away from me whilst using their ranged attack, it's just... sad.


This is the reason i don't understand why people are whining so much.

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Have any of you actualy played the Aresenal Specced Bounty Hunter or a Gunnery Specced Commando? My Guess Probably not.


Tracer Missle Stacks heat up to 5 times and leave the target vulnerable to Rail Shot and up the damage on unload and several other of the BH's Abilites


Grav Round stacks 5 gravity vortexes on you and increases the damage of Demo Round and High impact bolt and a few others.


So what I am trying to figure out is why the hell are you letting a Stationary target hit you 5 times with and Attack when you could umm lets see I know someone else said it ....Interupt them or LoS them The two specs are built around Proc and Debuff Damage. and Both of which take 5 hits of the Grav/Tracer to be the most effective...


3 times, not 5 times, there's such a thing as a skill tree ye who claims others haven't played the class, from the time the first one hits to max signatures/vortexes, is 3 seconds give or take alacrity. that same 3 second window can see up to 17000 damage done by people donning battlemaster proccing relics.


whether that's op or not, who knows, bioware's decision, but that's the potential and time window.

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3 times, not 5 times, there's such a thing as a skill tree ye who claims others haven't played the class, from the time the first one hits to max signatures/vortexes, is 3 seconds give or take alacrity. that same 3 second window can see up to 17000 damage done by people donning battlemaster proccing relics.


whether that's op or not, who knows, bioware's decision, but that's the potential and time window.


3 casts for 5 vortexes for demo round. Another 2 casts for 5 stack for high impact.


In full champ gear grav hits for 1600. Unless bm gear combined with relics and biochem gives you 200% surge and 100% crit 17000 is not possible in 3 seconds.

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3 casts for 5 vortexes for demo round. Another 2 casts for 5 stack for high impact.


In full champ gear grav hits for 1600. Unless bm gear combined with relics and biochem gives you 200% surge and 100% crit 17000 is not possible in 3 seconds.



im running 580 expertise and get gravround derped for min 2.6k per hit. so your clearly doing it wrong

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You'll be good when it goes:

Tracer Missile. Tracer-Interrupted. Six seconds of no Tracer Missile.


Love interrupting that spam, because it causes them so much confusion while they stab the hotkey "WHERE IS MY MISSLE *** stupid BROKEN GAME"

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