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Tracer missile


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Actually pyro mercs arent tougher or better imo, but you do tag more people easily and thus get credit when they die :p i been doing this.


I have the Powertech though. The advanced tank class, not one of the other dps trees on a Merc. Heat management right now is a serious issue.

Edited by maradigamer
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I know how to los of sight and use it whenever possible. However when there are three Mercs spamming this from multiple angles I can choose to A) LOS and be worthless due to avoiding triangulation of fire or B) hammer and interrupt one taking two tracers to the rear end. I'm wanting to see this notorious Tracer Missile only BH video where he wins WZ and tops damage charts. L2P is said by people exclusively sporting BH/Trooper avatars coincidence? I think not, maybe Ya'll need to l2p and play a class that isn't a faceroll class wearing heavy armor, with range and self heals eg ANY other class. If you're so leet roll a sorc who wears light armor or better yet if you have man parts, roll a sent like I have. Then you will understand skill being required to get high damage and kills. I have excellent commando's in my guild but most spam grav round like noobs and are easily the most face roll class in the game.


If there are three people on you? you should die.

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I had a guy last night try the tracer missile fighting style..and it didn't go well.


Force leap and kick keep interupting him.


Not to mention he just stood there in plain sight for us to wail on, what a tool.


Save your interrupts for those spamming scrubs and have a good time playing pinata with them.

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Yeah what do people recommend for healers who are targeted by tracermissle? I mean seriously if I have force armor up I'm still 3 shotted. And they seem to find me even faster when I interupt that. I also don't think it helps that often times pvp players i'm with are all attacking different targets. But looking for advice


Okay I get that 3 shotted is probably exagerating, but if I can't interupt I try to force speed away to get distance or line of sight and almost never make it. Granted I understand I may be getting hit by other things or a 2nd bounty hunter.

Edited by Anrew
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Tracer targets me, leap, derp stun, watch bounty hunter derp for a second... then he bends over to tracer again, so i force kick him, now i've had at least two attacks, and in 1v1 he's still not resolved... so I force choke him, when he bends over again, then I buttcheck for the 3rd interrupt. and force kick again for another 6 seconds of pointing and laughing... sometimes I even say tracer tracer tracer
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Ok, it's clear you're just very bad at PvP. This forum is littered with complain posts by you, and in some instances multiple identical topics to gain attention. You now qualify for the L2P award.


He's just playing around dog. And it is annoying that they get kills just hitting the same key over and over where many of us use a wide variety of skills.

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Imo buff tracer to pierce sorc shields.


Buff sorc shields to compensate.




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In all honesty LOS and interrupts work fine for the tracer missle scrubs, mostly. They will still catch you in the open or out of LOS range a good amount because you actually have to do things besides hump pillars and be in interrupt range of them to win WZ's.



Against any decent non-idiot playing a tracer/grav round spammer? They have to do 1 thing to make that derp mode succeed. Choose a proper target. Period. There will always be targets out in the open because you have to do alot of things out in the open to win a WZ.



Also, Woe betide you if people on the other team are somewhat intelligent and use their kb's or grapple type abilities to chunk you out from behind LOS. Woe betide you as well if the spammer isn't just passably decent but actually knows how to play and DFA's you when you LOS them or heals themselves when you LOS them. Chances are YOU cannot heal yourself and in the words of Will Farrel "You'll lose that battle, you'll lose that battle 9 times out of 10.".

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has this been posted to this thread yet -


2nd damage overall, highest damage on his team, 8 medals, 1 key on his hotbar, teehee. working as intended.


A geared 50 beating none 50's, undergeared 50's and scrubs, shocking...


I'd be more surprised if he didn't beat them, complain when spamming tracer missile actually works against non *******.

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Im so sick of this topic. The class was made to spam Grav round/Tracer missle. Get over it. If you spec in this tree and don't spam 5 Grav Rounds then you aren't making the most of your class. Learn the class and then spend time L2P. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800ZMfkrRrdRkfz.1 5 Grav Rounds grant 10% less damage received, 20% more armor penetration, next demolition round does 25% more damage, next high impact bolt does 30% more damage, next full auto has 30% chance to do 25% more damage, so this is how bioware intended the class to be played. so yes for my main rotation I will use 5 Grav Rounds, Pop my Relic, Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto, Pop my med pac, Rinse and repeat as needed. If my Grav Round gets interrupted I usually throw in a heal before continuing my 5 Grav rounds. I also will unload all my aoe if their is a group of imps together. But for the love of god stop whining about me playing my class the way bioware intended. Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Im so sick of this topic. The class was made to spam Grav round/Tracer missle. Get over it. If you spec in this tree and don't spam 5 Grav Rounds then you aren't making the most of your class. Learn the class and then spend time L2P. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800ZMfkrRrdRkfz.1 5 Grav Rounds grant 10% less damage received, 20% more armor penetration, next demolition round does 25% more damage, next high impact bolt does 30% more damage, next full auto has 30% chance to do 25% more damage, so this is how bioware intended the class to be played. so yes for my main rotation I will use 5 Grav Rounds, Pop my Relic, Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto, Pop my med pac, Rinse and repeat as needed. If my Grav Round gets interrupted I usually throw in a heal before continuing my 5 Grav rounds. I also will unload all my aoe if their is a group of imps together. But for the love of god stop whining about me playing my class the way bioware intended.


That doesn't stop it from being bad design where even skilless scrubs can get a fair amount of kills even though many other classes would do jack diddly all if played with a similar amount of skill.


Not asking for complete equality here, just the lack of an easy mode. At least sorc's take some modicum of skill to do really well at unless stacked (which they usually are lol).

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That doesn't stop it from being bad design where even skilless scrubs can get a fair amount of kills even though many other classes would do jack diddly all if played with a similar amount of skill.


Not asking for complete equality here, just the lack of an easy mode. At least sorc's take some modicum of skill to do really well at unless stacked (which they usually are lol).


weather its good design or not, it's how bioware made the class. So it's how I play the class. Just so sick of hearing people cry about how we are all bads cause we play are characters to get the most out of them. Seriously it isn't hard to stop through LOS & Interrupts. Their is no need to nerf Grav Round as it isnt even my best attack. And I highly doubt they are going to completely re-do the tree to make Grav Round not used as much. It benefits me for spamming it to stack the bonuses. When choosing this class in early access I didn't know that Grav Round would work like that. It be like telling sorcerer's not to use their bubble or to use their dots and forced lightning.

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I recently respec'd to tracer spam from healing spec because my guild needed a dps for EV. After that i played a few WF's, and honestly i for got what an easy mode spec this is. Its quite a joke actually. They need to change the whole mechanic of BH's and Troopers.
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If three of any class are attacking you... you should be dying... even if they're healers. Three powertechs that rocket-punch you then railshot you would burn you down just as fast.


Arsenal mercs are forced to spam tracer missile because all of their skills in the tree revolve around it, you aren't seeing the instant cast rail shots and other crap that you're getting hit with, just the tracer cast bar. The big hits don't come until the 5 stacks of heat signature are on the target, then rail shot hits, and they follow up with heatseeker or unload.


I play a powertech. Interrupting the merc's cast pretty much gimps them. All the other abilities and their defensive procs can't activate, and there are plenty of interrupts that every other class gets. If they can't build those stacks on you, they're dead pretty quick since they also can't build up their power barrier.


Tracer missile spam is a weakness because they can't do anything without it. Seriously, has anyone looked at the merc arsenal tree before complaining?


PS: The

of the one-button tracer missile is rather disappointing. The video is old, and the BH is a 50 and the republic team has non-50s (some in the teens). He loses all his 1v1 fights, typically has a group with him that just overpowers the enemy, and they still end up losing the warzone. The funny thing is that most of the time he's just ignored and allowed to spam the tracer missile.


I got home from the bar. Saw this post. I didn't want to disappoint so I logged on que for 1 PvP match and made a video for you. Just for you dear sir.


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Mostly because our rotation requires Grav/Tracer in order to make our other abilities useful. Oh, and because getting interrupted isn't super obvious with the terrible UI in this game.


If you get owned by Tracer spam, then learn to LOS. If you get caught in the open by a Merc/Commando, and can't interrupt him, then you deserve to die.


Shush, these people don't want to understand the mechanics of how a class works. It's not like merc's are required to fire tracer to keep buffs up or make the best use of other abilities that we don't use.

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weather its good design or not, it's how bioware made the class. So it's how I play the class.


And that's the problem. Having 1 skill that does solid damage, debuffs the target, and buffs several other abilities, doesn't make sense--especially when you can spam it. That is the problem. It's a bad design because the class only really needs to use 1 skill to be on par with others who have to use much more complicated setups and have much more limited benefits. Tracer spam is a problem of design, and that's what people want fixed, the design.

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