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Suggestion: pvp match quiters


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I've haven't had a game where so many people quit due to a loss, usually just one maybe two people drop out, everyone else stays till the end, regardless of outcome.


This was the 1-49 bracket. Once I hit the 50 bracket, most PUG players won't stay for more than 30 seconds if the rest of the team isn't mostly a premade.

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For those who make us lose before we start, congrats on being incapable in a video game. Goes both ways. If it's so simple, and not real, why get so offended that we don't want to waste our time losing because of you? Get good and people won't bail because of you.




If you were good you'd be in a premade that didn't lose, and wouldn't be quitting matches. You being a skirt doesn't offend me, I'd just rather not carry the quitting kind when I run in my premade.

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My amusement with this whole argument is that you can't argue against leaving without debasing your own "point".


Generally, people will say "It's just a game, who cares if you lose!". Well, it's just a game, so who cares if me leaving makes you lose? Certainly not you, right? Or are you just saying that?


Oh, I know, you're good, but me bailing at the start and someone else queueing in 10 seconds after me dooms you, right? Well, I guess I was critical to your success, right? But still nowhere near as pro as you, even though you couldn't swing the tide so critically.


There's leaving, and there's rage quits. Rage quits are only hurting themselves in the current flow of things. If you come back and win, they didn't hurt you, just themselves. If you didn't come back and win, they lost their medals and valor, and you didn't. They only hurt you.


So leavers are the only ones that could theoretically really affect the outcome significantly. And those guys are doing it because they don't feel like putting out their A game just to lose anyways, because they ended up on a team with a bunch of people who are lazy about some aspect of their game, be it gear, spec, or skill.


So, you're telling them they have to carry you, for no discernible reason, in their free time, and most likely still suffer a loss. That's ridiculous. It's pure entitlement. And yes, I know. Every time somebody says "entitled", somebody comes back and says "elitist". Well, if wanting to spend my free time having fun my way, without getting subjected to lazy play and other people's expectations is elitism, then I guess I'm happy to acknowledge it.


But tell me, why should I work so hard so you can have a better chance at winning, when you don't make an effort to begin with? I shouldn't. You won't live up to MY standard, why should I do you any favors?


If you were good you'd be in a premade that didn't lose, and wouldn't be quitting matches. You being a skirt doesn't offend me, I'd just rather not carry the quitting kind when I run in my premade.


Well, I'm sure you're looking at my schedule compared to all the people I PvP with, and seeing that we're all on for the same amount of time, between the same times, every day, right? Or are you just popping off and sounding completely ignorant? I play a fair chunk during off-peak hours, not just when people are around for pre-mades.

Edited by JingleHell
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I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.


This is a major problem Pub-side on my Server. It's happening less in the 50s only bracket, but it still happens frequently enough to be extremely annoying. I've actually resorted to whispering peeps whom I've seen quit regularly to give them a piece of my mind. Since I lead Ops in Ilum, you can guess who doesn't get an invite to groups out there when I see their request in General chat (I've snubbed numerous players for invites due to this very reason).


The problem is bad enough when you start a match and these players bail when things go a bit sideways. Often, the players coming in are better anyway and you can occasionally salvage a victory.


The worst is being the new recruit into a WZ that is pretty much already over by the time you log in. This happened to me yesterday at the start of my WZ daily day. I got plugged into two WZs in a row where the match was pretty much already over. So not only is it not fair to the teammates you initially start out with, but it's also not fair to the new people that get pulled in from the queue.


My suggestion; implement a WZ cooldown timer for quitters that scales over a period of time. So if someone joins a WZ and quits they are hit with a +5 minute cooldown (relative to their normal time in the queue) on their next match. If they quit again within a 6-hour time frame, that cooldown increases to +15 minutes, and escalates from there.


If you are disconnected from a WZ, sorry, but you are subject to the cooldown. However, DCs are rare and you should only be hit with the initial penalty. If you are dcing often enough to kick in the extra penalty, then you aren't helping your team anyway and shouldn't be WZing it up until you get your con figured out.


Edit: I do agree, however, that a penalty system like that described above shouldn't be implemented until a filter is available that allows players to avoid WZs they don't like.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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i am so tired of carrying teams that i need to quit before i go insane. and having to lead people over n over with basic tactics like not chasing n defending gets tiring...


i am valor 62 n only PVP in SWOTR.... so i am not just talking sh*t.

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all they need to do is give a medal for those who come in late. so if someone leaves the person that takes their spot gets an extra medal.


BAM! A good idea! The gem amongst the refuse.


+1 internets to Padgemoe

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They need a penalty for the quiter's.


Remove 300 points of Valor and make them go 1 hour before being able to que up again and they have to actually be in game for the time to count down.


Make them play 3 game in their entirety before letting them acquire more valor or commendations again.


And have a title over their head for 3 days that says deserter. During this time they only get half valor.


Maybe then they will actually come to play no matter what they think or think twice about leaving as soon as the other team scores.

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i like darth's suggestion... it penalizes people who abuse quitting.


while i will quit, it is not often.... so this sounds fair in theory.^^


The whole reason I quit is to not have my time wasted by a bad team. If quitting results in my time being wasted because I got a bad team, that becomes a serious design flaw. All you need is a premade queue and a solo queue, separate, preferably with a sorting algorithm that fleshes out partial premades with higher item level players out of the solo queue. No idea how complicated that is to code, but it beats wasting my free time as a penalty for not wanting to waste my free time.


Bioware, being the ones who want me to continue paying them, have no right to tell me I can't quit a match. If there's going to be a quitting penalty, it should at LEAST be based on WZ completion. In other words, if you quit during the pre-match, no penalty. Prior to first objective, 1 minute, then scale up. Something like that. A system like THAT would be fair and even handed, penalizing people who leave in a way that can actually "hurt" the team (which is likely already losing, so that's debatable), and not hurting people who leave so the team can't hurt them.

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Often times when we get a slew of "quitters" in a round we'll get some new blood in and turn things around.


Most of the ones that drop are under the illusion that they are better than they actually are. When faced with opposing players that are better than they are, the illusion falters. They then blame the "team" and quit... which helps preserve the illusion.


I don't mind the whiners bailing... what I do mind is the afk idiots.


Nailed it...

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What about the people who join a wz and don't participate? :rolleyes:


If they put in a penalty for quitting, they'll need a good way to separate getting wrecked from active non-contribution, or I'll be the dancing king so that the 11k HP scrubs can wish I could just quit again. At least with me leaving they have somebody who doesn't /dance or run in circles emoting at the other team. Give me a penalty, and I'll just take off half my gear, /dance, and shout bad advice to be like the people that make me want to quit.

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I quit if I am down 1-0. I respect your PoV and you should respect mine. Generally after I quit being down 1-0 the team loses more people and the replacement comes in and quits because he is a replacement. This causes them to lose more.


The good news is that this happens on the other side too. So if I go up 1-0 I will generally win 6-0. People who quit, like me, have much more valor/commendations. Me and Nocorras just differ on when to quit.


Thank God everyone is not as smart as me because if everyone quit there would be no PvP.

Do teams in the NFL quit when they are down 7-0?


One score is nothing.

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Nope. Should not and will not until premades are in their own queue and only play vs other premades. Sorry I don't find being down 5-0 in huttball and being farmed for kills 5 mins fun.


You need to be banned.


People like you have ruined the entire warzone system. Not premades. Bad players rage quitting because you can't compete are much more game breaking than an organized team.


Please... Please get banned.

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Allow a way for people to see they're up against a premade prior to the match starting. This might solve some of this.


I love the interpretation of SELFISH! by some posters here. Some people who quit are taking action! Its their way of saying the status quo is not ok.


Oh and forcing people to compete vs. premades is "SELFISH". Enjoy.

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Chicken quitters should not be penalized directly, let them quit so the group has a chance of getting a good replacement.


However, I would like a Social option to never queue with quitters. If enough people use it, quitters will eventually only queue with their like, which is what they deserve really.


I was all against this thread till this comment !



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Well, Bioware has announced more than once that they will be implementing stat tracking on a grand scale...so maybe if we're lucky, one of the stats tracked will be how many times you quit a Warzone.


That would deter a good group of people, as for the rest of the sad players that qive up when an easy win isnt on their side...well...we'll all be able to see how sad they really are at PvP and keep them out of our premades.

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Nope. Should not and will not until premades are in their own queue and only play vs other premades. Sorry I don't find being down 5-0 in huttball and being farmed for kills 5 mins fun.


This. I'm not quick to quit, and I rarely do but I won't be in favor of punishing people for leaving until premades have their own ques.

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lol you quit if they score 1 point on your team? what a loser. This is exactly why they should have deserter penalties, because of selfish, no-talent shmucks like you.


Maybe they are why we shouldn't have a penalty. With that attitude, are you sure you actually want give to give these sorts of people an incentive to hang around? They are just going to focus on farming medals...assuming they don't just auto-run into a wall and surf the web. I'd actually prefer these people leave immediately and take my chance with some random guy from the queue.


And unless the queues are insta-popping, I also doubt its a particularly effective method for maximizing valor/commendation gain. The time for queue + match start + first score/lead is is completely wasted. And even if the odds of dropping into a "win" match are 50-50, on average they are going to waste just as much time again looking for one.


Even when the queues are instant, any difference from sticking it out and eating a loss is probably pretty marginal, and not necessarily to the "loser's" disadvantage. Think about it. Are the rewards from one win + multiple drops really going to be better than those from just eating 2-3 losses?

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Maybe they are why we shouldn't have a penalty. With that attitude, are you sure you actually want give to give these sorts of people an incentive to hang around? They are just going to focus on farming medals...assuming they don't just auto-run into a wall and surf the web. I'd actually prefer these people leave immediately and take my chance with some random guy from the queue.


And unless the queues are insta-popping, I also doubt its a particularly effective method for maximizing valor/commendation gain. The time for queue + match start + first score/lead is is completely wasted. And even if the odds of dropping into a "win" match are 50-50, on average they are going to waste just as much time again looking for one.


Even when the queues are instant, any difference from sticking it out and eating a loss is probably pretty marginal, and not necessarily to the "loser's" disadvantage. Think about it. Are the rewards from one win + multiple drops really going to be better than those from just eating 2-3 losses?


That's why I almost never drop once it's started. But, most people wanting a penalty want it to apply even to people who leave during the pre-match. If I'd prefer to deal with another 5 minute queue than a 10-15 minute loss because I queued onto a team who, judging by their gear, doesn't care that they're guaranteed to lose, that should be my prerogative. I shouldn't be expected to stay and suffer a loss when I'm the only person who put any effort in. Yes, I know I'm fairly decent, but I can't carry a team of 7 people wearing greens from Hoth at 50.

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