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Suggestion: pvp match quiters


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Just posting this to see what the masses opinion is:


I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.




to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out. I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


I mean if you're going to quit and leave in the middle of a Pvp match....maybe you just need a time out :)


Any input?

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This issue is a matter of perspective. I never rely on any teamate that I didnt queue with to win a match for me.


If I queue solo I play as well as I can and try to do as much carrying as I can. You win some and you lose some. Dont get mad because your teamates keep leaving so they cant carry you.


There are some obvious flaws in the system, like when they same person leaves and joins the entire match. Which effectively locks that spot up and makes it so your down a person the whole WZ. Again the best thing for anyone to do is pay no mind to people that are leaving, your job is to keep trying to win and to keep trying to kill the other team.

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Nope. Should not and will not until premades are in their own queue and only play vs other premades. Sorry I don't find being down 5-0 in huttball and being farmed for kills 5 mins fun.


I quit if I am down 1-0. I respect your PoV and you should respect mine. Generally after I quit being down 1-0 the team loses more people and the replacement comes in and quits because he is a replacement. This causes them to lose more.


The good news is that this happens on the other side too. So if I go up 1-0 I will generally win 6-0. People who quit, like me, have much more valor/commendations. Me and Nocorras just differ on when to quit.


Thank God everyone is not as smart as me because if everyone quit there would be no PvP.

Edited by richardya
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I quit if I am down 1-0. I respect your PoV and you should respect mine. Generally after I quit being down 1-0 the team loses more people and the replacement comes in and quits because he is a replacement. This causes them to lose more.


The good news is that this happens on the other side too. So if I go up 1-0 I will generally win 6-0. People who quit, like me, have much more valor/commendations. Me and Nocorras just differ on when to quit.


Thank God everyone is not as smart as me because if everyone quit there would be no PvP.




The people with the most commendation are the ones that always win and dont have to quit.

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I quit if I am down 1-0. I respect your PoV and you should respect mine. Generally after I quit being down 1-0 the team loses more people and the replacement comes in and quits because he is a replacement. This causes them to lose more.


The good news is that this happens on the other side too. So if I go up 1-0 I will generally win 6-0. People who quit, like me, have much more valor/commendations. Me and Nocorras just differ on when to quit.


Thank God everyone is not as smart as me because if everyone quit there would be no PvP.


Thank gawd, everyone is not like you.




which gawd btw.. just want to know how smart you really are...

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Often times when we get a slew of "quitters" in a round we'll get some new blood in and turn things around.


Most of the ones that drop are under the illusion that they are better than they actually are. When faced with opposing players that are better than they are, the illusion falters. They then blame the "team" and quit... which helps preserve the illusion.


I don't mind the whiners bailing... what I do mind is the afk idiots.

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lol you quit if they score 1 point on your team? what a loser. This is exactly why they should have deserter penalties, because of selfish, no-talent shmucks like you.


Thank God everyone isn't as intelligent as you?


I agree, because if that was true we wouldn't have electricity, or medicine, or fire....

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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I was being sarcastic. My point was that one person saying it's ok to leave at 5-0 means someone else can say it's ok to leave at 4-0 and another ....1-0.


It is never "OK" to quit. You kill the match for the 15 other people. I don't care about playing against premades or if your teammates stink, it's pure selfishness. This thread will be full of "reasons" why it's ok. Premades,imbalance, their gear is better etc



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Just posting this to see what the masses opinion is:


I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.




to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out. I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


I mean if you're going to quit and leave in the middle of a Pvp match....maybe you just need a time out :)


Any input?


no penatly should be even considerd untill the class's are balanced and things are sorted out.


you enter the warzone to an oposing team of nothing but troopers for example, your like eeerr im outa here.

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Chicken quitters should not be penalized directly, let them quit so the group has a chance of getting a good replacement.


However, I would like a Social option to never queue with quitters. If enough people use it, quitters will eventually only queue with their like, which is what they deserve really.

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Nope. Should not and will not until premades are in their own queue and only play vs other premades. Sorry I don't find being down 5-0 in huttball and being farmed for kills 5 mins fun.




If players can't go afk or quit when they're getting farmed queue times will be longer and there will be more botters in every match.


Me, I don't bot. I lurk or quit. One of my favorite things to do in a losing Huttball match on my brand new jedi shadow is to stealth over on our side near the goal and then run out and stun the ball carrier as they're coming across fire. Then I throw the ball away if there is no one to pass it to. I always end up dead about two seconds later thanks to the carrier's enraged teammates, but it's worth it.


People are now crying in ten threads a day about not only players who leave, but players who stay but aren't actively fighting the entire match. If I get a You will be removed from the warzone in one minute message while I'm waiting to do the one thing I can do to annoy the other side in a horribly lost match, then I just won't queue.

Edited by maradigamer
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Nope. Should not and will not until premades are in their own queue and only play vs other premades. Sorry I don't find being down 5-0 in huttball and being farmed for kills 5 mins fun.



Honestly there are just not alot of good people >_>..


I have rolled solo, vs a premade actually (and my team was ALL PUGS) And we rolled them 6-0 lol..


That happens alot.. However I'm a fully geared tank that can grab the ball and /lol at everyone else.. and can easily carry a team of huttball alone, the other games however, i cannot. lol. :D

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Well I can say that I have quit my fair share of WZ's. But it's not always because of a losing group.....

Lets talk about ability delay....


Lets talk about, unplayable, outright lag.....


Freezing up....?(game prolly will view it as quitting)

Losing internet connection....(game prolly views this as quitting too)

anyways....stop worring about others quitting. They can quit when and if they want to. Stop trying to force things on others.

I'll quit when I want to, bottom line.

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there should be a penalty :


  • Quitters cripple their team for several reason
  • Quitters encourage quitting
  • Quitters ruin team/faction/game "spirit" (yes there's still a social aspect in this game..)
  • Quitters need to learn manners because they are not playing with bots.
  • Most of the people hate to join an on-going game for several reason.


Also, the penalty can be "soft" but discouraging.


I'm sure there are plenty of solutions. We just need ONE.


PS : sorry for my bad english, I'm french.

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I like the people making the excuses for being a quitter. Reality they think that losing jut shouldn't happen. The real reality ontop of that reality is, they are the weakest link when it comes to a team.


Of course, my favorite are the people that quit before a match even starts. Which is hilarious because those tend to be wins, 90% of the time. And it isn't someone escaping Ilum, not in a level 10 to 49 bracket.

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Honestly there are just not alot of good people >_>..


I have rolled solo, vs a premade actually (and my team was ALL PUGS) And we rolled them 6-0 lol..


That happens alot.. However I'm a fully geared tank that can grab the ball and /lol at everyone else.. and can easily carry a team of huttball alone, the other games however, i cannot. lol. :D


PUGs can be good.

My issue with pvp are all those who just farm stats to get more medals and not helping to win.

If some one comes up strat, like go to their goal line and catch and I'll run up left side or such. Im all for helping them out.

Or if they listen when I suggest something of the like.

Problem is most wont listen, Im not even sure they even read the chat.

Even really bad players can win matches if team works together.

In case of good team work, the match is worth the time.

But I will not under any circumstances stick it out with farmers and help them get scores.

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Well when you are getting rolled by a premade of 50s with leet heals who are dance clitching and the only 2 50s on my team are afk or bots, it's real hard not to rage quit.




Aonther strange thing is it's always the same premade who has bots on the other team that seem to que up at the same time. :confused:

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The only time I quit is Civil War.


When I see herp a derps immediately try and capture both sides it is a guaranteed loss.

Seriously , it is basic strategy. Controlling nodes on OPPOSITE sides of the *********** map is

much harder than controlling mid and one side. Use your brains and think about it for a second.


Republics understand this concept. I guess I should of known that imperial side would be idiot side.

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The core issue isn't people who leave when their team can't win, it's the fact that they're in a warzone they can't win to begin with. Yes, some games start badly but are winnable. Yet many are simply not.


Change the matching system so that both teams have roughly similar gear level, and you've solved both problems at once.

And no, I don't care if premade teams need to wait for a few more minutes in the queue. Anyone who thinks it's ok for a battlemaster premade group to steamroll a rank 20 pickup group does not understand what a video game is about.

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