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STOP copying WoW and start copying DAoC


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Daoc pvp was a mess. Stop holding it up as something awesome. 100k people played a game where at one point a single player could lock down an opposing army.


Anyone proclaiming daocs greatness just exposes themselves as living in the pvp dark ages.





Exaggeration at it's best.



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What I think is funny is that whenever an MMO launches you have have dozens of threads of the forums about DAoC. There is such a large community of old DAoC players out there that agree that it is the best PVP in the world and I would have to agree.


Having played DAoC, WoW, AC, UO, WAR, etc. etc. it is the most fun PVP I have played. I still don't get why it isn't free to play though with TOA and other gear purchaseable, everyone would play it! The people who bash it probably haven't played it and if they did, not extensively. Everything in the game is just fun, though at this point it has shrunk down, it used to be so awesome :(


DAoC is a PVP game though, WoW and SWTOR and any other game modeled after them is a PVE game. In DAoC you could take down any mob, you just had to have enough players, whereas these games go for the more specific encounters that challenge tanks, dps, and healers to be on their top game. In PVP in DAoC it was a challenge to fight other players, you had to assist to kill, interrupt the healer, use CC, use items, abilities, instants, EVERYTHING just to win a challenging fight. In this game 4v2 will almost always go to the 4 with all things being equal, but in DAoC a 4v2 was more like PVE in this game, 2 good players can prevail in that type of situation.


I understand wanting the best of both worlds, but as a PVPer I will always be partial to that...I don't care about high end raid content or any of that. If DAOC had tons of people playing and wasn't 10 years old with graphics that reflect that, I could get my friends to play it, but it just won't happen. In the same way this game turning into DAoC in space won't happen :(

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I support meaningful pvp in SWTOR. The WoW bg model was terrible and got real boring real fast: a sham that didnt try to hide a terrible equipment grind.


My only question to the op is how do I join the pvp society online? Is it akin to freemasons?

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Give us RvR, give us castle/fortress fights so guilds can own them...give us good things daoc had for pvp and the game will lost FOR SO LONG YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!


This! turn Ilum into a frontier, add in outposts that guilds can control and upgrade. In the future maybe possibly add 2 other warzone planets one Republic, one Imperial that we fight for control of outposts on and control of them gives faction wide bonuses.


If you give people something beneficial to fight for, they will do it. Even with some of the faction imbalance problems i think it will still work, i played Midgard in DAOC and we were ALWAYS the least populated to Hibs and Albs, yet we still kicked alot of ***!

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If you give people something beneficial to fight for, they will do it.


10000000000000000x this!!!!!! Please give us keeps/bases/towers to fight over with choke points. Give us a relic type system that provides a realm bonus of some type, it doesn't even have to be something big. A 5-10% bonus to xp, credits, valor, or damage for controlling the other sides relic and it would be something both sides would fight for all the time. Some type of attrition system to get to it would work. Put 4 keeps in a zone, with each side owning 2. You have to take keep A to take keep B, to have a shot at the relic and it has to be carried back on foot to your sides relic base. Would LOVE this system. You could even turn Ilum into this, would just need to be tweaked a bit.



Also would love to see a realm rank style system implemented as well.

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Can honestly see todays gamers playing something as diverse an in-depth as DAOC ? HAHHAHA man they would quit in the first day!. The second they lost even 1 exp because they got stupid an died, or the instant they were killed by a class that can so many things they cant do, not to mention the fact having 47 classes with ZERO cross overs, would just confuse them.


It's sad to say it, but the days of true MMO's are dead, it's all about "MMO-lite" now....

Give em shallow empty hand holding an shiny grabbing quota's for the day, an they will run round like scrabbling children after lollies on floor.... :(


In saying that, at least GW2 is "trying" to bring back the good old days, with an MMO that is centered around pvp an diversity, as they used to be.


GW2 won't be a hardcore game by any stretch.

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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)


this. *********** hell this and only this. except for one part OF >>>>>> NF :)

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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)


Yeah. Let's copy an outdated, 11 year old MMO that 3 people total play.

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Mythic really blew it with WAR, the game never picked up. Is SWTOR offering us the worst of WAR with the worst of WoW?


Where is meaningful world PvP? What is the deal with the worthless, no-fun stun mechanics? Why the emphasis on anonymous warzone zerg? Are we gonna see AoE stuns next?


It´s fun for some now because it´s new, but it´s getting old real quick.




I think that's the most accurate assessment I've seen. And there was plenty bad about WAR.

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First off let me state that I'm a huge fan of daoc and played it for years.


To call WoW a failure is just plain stupid. My favorite part is the people like you who call is the worse MMO in history probably played it for years before quitting.


WoW changed MMO's for the better despite what 99% of the people on these forums say otherwise.


yeah dont equate being bored with wow to it being a bad game. i played for seven years it was time to move on, but it was fun as hell wile i played.


it was also the most popular mmo by far which has to mean something.

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I don't think WoW pvp was bad. Actually it was damn good in multiple ways. And I'm not talking about arena. I can understand why some people didn't like and wanted more complex/varied way of doing pvp.


But way I see pvp is not so different than ice hockey, soccer or baseball. One could complain about all them they are predictable since they have ready set of rules, standard setup players and simple objectives.


Still no game is never same. Infact many professional games run with athletes are far more predictable than average battleground or war zone I'd argue. Good thing with PVP in games like these is that most of groups are pugs and players amatereus. It creates chaos and keeps thing interesting as anything is possible.


It gets really dull if you got static setup like WoW arena where people can optimize easily and practice together using calculus. Then it gets predictable and some combinations or tactics are only ones that work.


So I'd argue Swtor has had best parts of pvp not worst.

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wow have been the best mmo of all times , doesnt matter if you liked it or not , doesnt matter if you played it for long or not , star craft 2 is awsome pretty balanced and i never played it,and i dont like it , cause is not my type of game , so if you are saying wow is bad cause you dont like it , then your state is just invalid.


when i started playing swtor i didint expect it to be better than wow , cause that is something really hard to reach to be serious , but i expected it to be in pair with ACTUAL WOW , and not in pair with wow 5 years ago , and that disappointed me , i ll keep playing , and i ll not unscribe for now , cause bioware need time to fix the bugs , and to improve the game. Now if i expect they do it fast, ofc not , it take time to do it , the things doesnt appear done just because community QQ all the time , BUT i think this game born too early , it needed 1year more of work until come out , and that premature born is the same as in real life , the chance to survive is kinda smaller :)

Edited by akunamatata
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wow have been the best mmo of all times , doesnt matter if you liked it or not , doesnt matter if you played it for long or not , star craft 2 is awsome pretty balanced and i never played it,and i dont like it , cause is not my type of game , so if you are saying wow is bad cause you dont like it , then your state is just invalid.


WoW featured **** pvp and since you haven't played other games who are you to even TALK About it?. WoW was NOT the best mmo of all times and it never will be, DAoC was by FAR a thousand times better, it had flawless PvE and the perfect PvP/RvR made it the game it was, DAoC started up with no money to speak of and so thus never had much commercial advertisement, yet it grew into a big game on its own merits, if it had the same commercial advertisement as WoW or SWTOR i believe it would beat both the games even now 11 years after it was released. The game is simply THAT good

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I don't think WoW pvp was bad. Actually it was damn good in multiple ways. And I'm not talking about arena. I can understand why some people didn't like and wanted more complex/varied way of doing pvp.


But way I see pvp is not so different than ice hockey, soccer or baseball. One could complain about all them they are predictable since they have ready set of rules, standard setup players and simple objectives.


Still no game is never same. Infact many professional games run with athletes are far more predictable than average battleground or war zone I'd argue. Good thing with PVP in games like these is that most of groups are pugs and players amatereus. It creates chaos and keeps thing interesting as anything is possible.


It gets really dull if you got static setup like WoW arena where people can optimize easily and practice together using calculus. Then it gets predictable and some combinations or tactics are only ones that work.


So I'd argue Swtor has had best parts of pvp not worst.




And that leaves you at zero understanding of how a MMORPG works, No Offense, but you don't , This game features the worst elements ever created in mmorpgs allowing solo qued players to fight vs premades is stupid pure and simple, they get crushed to the point of where its not even fun to try, then theres the huge que time which again by definition is stupid waiting 10 min in que as a premade sucks too, simply because they dont want a cross server que system, but all of this pale in comparrison with the fact that its a stupid mindless repeatative task whether you go to Illum or whether you do Warzones , and till you've reached atleast rank 60 you shouldnt even be talking, because its that simple.

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And that leaves you at zero understanding of how a MMORPG works, No Offense, but you don't , This game features the worst elements ever created in mmorpgs allowing solo qued players to fight vs premades is stupid pure and simple, they get crushed to the point of where its not even fun to try, then theres the huge que time which again by definition is stupid waiting 10 min in que as a premade sucks too, simply because they dont want a cross server que system, but all of this pale in comparrison with the fact that its a stupid mindless repeatative task whether you go to Illum or whether you do Warzones , and till you've reached atleast rank 60 you shouldnt even be talking, because its that simple.


Rose colored glasses are fun. I think swtor should have the vanilla wow pvp rank grind. That way only one person per faction each week gets to complete their gear, and only after being in the top 5 for honor ("valor") earned for a month or two at the end of a 6 month long grind.


It just might be that nobody copied DAoC for a reason. Really expect a game company to drop 130-300 million depending in who you ask on developing a game and model it on one with 300k subscribers and dated mmo mechanics? Not even one of the korean hardcore mmos copied it. It was probably a great game, but times have changed. Same will be said of wow someday.

Edited by Kolbenito
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