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Why not look back on SWG and learn :)


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Pls kill this thread if one already is up, otherwise plz give it a thought and then write down what we want in swtor from swg.


For me its the Crafting system, plz bring back the great way to get to know a game by getting to learn a grea crafting profession, and to sell your stuff to other players.


Coop spaceships and space battles have never been better than in SWG, swtors are like playing some kiddie game from amiga or c-64.


Give the players more freedom to do what they want, dont lock us upp in small worlds based on travelling from one spot to another, give us a universe filled with life not scripted crap :).


thx for a great game anyway, will play for a long time if at least some changes comes :)

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Pls kill this thread if one already is up, otherwise plz give it a thought and then write down what we want in swtor from swg.


For me its the Crafting system, plz bring back the great way to get to know a game by getting to learn a grea crafting profession, and to sell your stuff to other players.


Coop spaceships and space battles have never been better than in SWG, swtors are like playing some kiddie game from amiga or c-64.


Give the players more freedom to do what they want, dont lock us upp in small worlds based on travelling from one spot to another, give us a universe filled with life not scripted crap :).


thx for a great game anyway, will play for a long time if at least some changes comes :)



rose colored glasses



SWG is not as great as you think it is. If you really want to play SWG then go play SWG EMU.


As for the planets beign small? You clearly haven't been to the later planets. Tatoinie, Hoth, and others are freaking HUGE and there is a TON of freedom on them.


Not sure if you have been listening but they have stated they are adding Guild Capital Ships as well as making changes to Space Combat.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Pls kill this thread if one already is up, otherwise plz give it a thought and then write down what we want in swtor from swg.


For me its the Crafting system, plz bring back the great way to get to know a game by getting to learn a grea crafting profession, and to sell your stuff to other players.


Coop spaceships and space battles have never been better than in SWG, swtors are like playing some kiddie game from amiga or c-64.


Give the players more freedom to do what they want, dont lock us upp in small worlds based on travelling from one spot to another, give us a universe filled with life not scripted crap :).


thx for a great game anyway, will play for a long time if at least some changes comes :)


I can't speak to the first two points, having not played SWG. I enjoy both the crafting and space battles here, however. I'm looking forward to seeing them expanded on.


I have to disagree with the final point, though. The "scripted crap" is one of the major reasons I'm loving this game. Running through the story lines as a group with my friends is amazing; The choices for some of the story branches are the most compelling I've had to make in any video game, single player or otherwise (especially in the Imperial Agent story).


If Bioware were to go for more of a sandbox game (which it sounds like you're asking for), it would be virtually impossible to keep the sense of story they've created here. All respect, OP, but I like my themepark MMO just fine as is. Sandboxes are great, but I prefer this style.

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Resource gathering was amazingly epic in SWG. I'd personally love to see a more complex gathering mechanic with materials that had random resistances.


Unfortunately,none of that stuff would matter with the generic armor stat that we have now.


The crafting system in SWG was one of the main reasons people would experience lag in cities. All those random/customized stats of resources and gear that had to be loaded from the database servers ate up a sizeable amount of bandwidth.

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  • 2 months later...

SWG's crafting system was seriously overcomplicated, because of the amount of resources everywhere you'd get harvesters popping up all over the land, when harvesters just wouldn't work in TOR's environments, especially on PvP servers where people would go round blowing them up.


Also I could never get into the crafting system there because it was just a huge grind that always got boring for me, i'd much rather keep the system as it is because I can enjoy my crafting.

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SWG's crafting system was seriously overcomplicated, because of the amount of resources everywhere you'd get harvesters popping up all over the land, when harvesters just wouldn't work in TOR's environments, especially on PvP servers where people would go round blowing them up.


Also I could never get into the crafting system there because it was just a huge grind that always got boring for me, i'd much rather keep the system as it is because I can enjoy my crafting.


It wasn't even close to over complicated, It just took someone who was not to lazy to gather the materials needed. I myself thought the crafting in SWG was amazing and gave people something to do that had meaning.

Crafting in SWG was actually high quality items if done properly, not this cookie cutter crap we get in modern mmos.

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It wasn't even close to over complicated, It just took someone who was not to lazy to gather the materials needed. I myself thought the crafting in SWG was amazing and gave people something to do that had meaning.

Crafting in SWG was actually high quality items if done properly, not this cookie cutter crap we get in modern mmos.


Gathering the materials was definately overcomplicated, I spent a long time gathering materials just to allow me to level up on my trader, going all the way to level 90 I probably would have died of boredom.

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Pls kill this thread if one already is up, otherwise plz give it a thought and then write down what we want in swtor from swg.


For me its the Crafting system, plz bring back the great way to get to know a game by getting to learn a grea crafting profession, and to sell your stuff to other players.


Coop spaceships and space battles have never been better than in SWG, swtors are like playing some kiddie game from amiga or c-64.


Give the players more freedom to do what they want, dont lock us upp in small worlds based on travelling from one spot to another, give us a universe filled with life not scripted crap :).


thx for a great game anyway, will play for a long time if at least some changes comes :)




Not taking the best bits of SWG is madness, if they can, then they should.

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This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is a whole new game. No elements from SWG were adapted to this, because this game has new developers and a new focus. It doesn't look the same, it doesn't play the same, and it never will, because it is not SWG2.


People really need to understand that. And what's more, people need to understand that both pre-CU and post-CU SWG were terrible games. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Combat did not work. Ever. The "freedom" you remember was a lie, because all we did with said freedom was build a house and some harvesters, then threw a vendor inside for good measure and called it "sandbox"... then we went off to grind Krayts for hours on end because there was literally nothing else to do (assuming you played pre-CU). As for the post-CU people, I barely have a clue what you did with your space missions and whatnot, because I wasn't there, because the game was broken and I refused to waste one more microsecond on it after a brief attempt to understand the insanity.


For well over a year I hammered my way through 8 classes and built up a collection of creatures that would have made your head spin. Then one day it was all gone, and in its place stood a drooling, mindless, useless level 1 Jedi with a sly smirk on his face as if to say "LOL! teh company u pay jus fuxed u! TROLOLOLOLOLOLO!", so frankly, I'd be perfectly happy to never hear or see "SWG" again.

Edited by Blistrich
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This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is a whole new game. No elements from SWG were adapted to this, because this game has new developers and a new focus. It doesn't look the same, it doesn't play the same, and it never will, because it is not SWG2.


People really need to understand that. And what's more, people need to understand that both pre-CU and post-CU SWG were terrible games. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Combat did not work. Ever. The "freedom" you remember was a lie, because all we did with said freedom was build a house and some harvesters, then threw a vendor inside for good measure and called it "sandbox"... then we went off to grind Krayts for hours on end because there was literally nothing else to do (assuming you played pre-CU). As for the post-CU people, I have no clue what you did with your space missions and whatnot, because I wasn't there, because the game was broken and I refused to waste one more microsecond on it.


For well over a year I hammered my way through 8 classes and built up a collection of creatures that would have made your head spin. Then one day it was all gone, and in its place stood a drooling, mindless, useless level 1 Jedi with a sly smirk on his face as if to say "LOL! teh company u pay jus fuxed u! TROLOLOLOLOLOLO!", so frankly, I'd be perfectly happy to never hear or see "SWG" again.


Then you should probably leave the forums, because the subject will always come up for pretty much the entire lifespan of TOR.


And I believe the crafting system WAS top notch, because it required thought. Leveling a crafter was a formality. Nothing more. After that you had to do your research, know your materials, and design your product. It wasn't just "Monkey push button, Monkey get sword."


That's just one element, though. There are many elements of SWG that were good and should be brought over, just as there are many elements that should not be put in because they wouldn't fit TOR.

Edited by Bluerodian
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SWG's crafting system was the best Ive ever seen. I was an armorsmith. I could actually provide a guild a custom look and colors based on their wishes. I could make wild looks or give people an awesome dark look. I could make epic, VERY rare gear and yet put someone for a reasonable price into gear that kept them competitive.


The better crafters on SWG were just that....better crafters. They were students or their craft.


We will always compare the two and find each lacking.


Combined they would be perfect for me. But they aren't. Nor will they be.


But the feeling I get in this game from start to present is not nearly as "epic" as what I felt on SWG. I miss that. And had hoped for that here because I love the genre.

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But the feeling I get in this game from start to present is not nearly as "epic" as what I felt on SWG. I miss that. And had hoped for that here because I love the genre.

SWG felt "epic" because you were much younger than you are now. That's about it.


Honestly, think back to everything that was wrong with that game and tell me straight that it was a solid mmo. Chances are, if you really draw on your memories, you won't be able to. And as for the crafting system, does anyone remember what happened to Architects? That's right - the profession died because the supply grossly outpaced the demand, and what we ended up with was highly skilled people who couldn't even get their money back with high-end products. Other crafting professions suffered the same fate.


In the end, the Architects were just building homes and bases for themselves and their friends without ever expecting to make any money on it, and it was that kind of shortsightedness that plagued SWG from start to finish. It had grand notions, none of which were executed properly, and this is coming from someone who (like you) was drawn to the game for its "epic" feel.


All that said, we are playing a vanilla game right now, and perhaps some of SWG's novel concept will find a home here in the future, but for now space is a side-game and what you see is what you get.

Edited by Blistrich
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With the exception of a better space experience, which they are currently working on, what you suggest would require the shut down the game and start over. This is not a sandbox game, and it cannot support those elements without being built that way from the ground up. Edited by HeavensAgent
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It's just a different game. It was never built to do all the things you're asking for. Some of them might be implemented over time, like the space missions and more Co-Op. But if you think it will be like SWG where everything had to be crafted, then you're going to be disappointed.
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I played SWG for 8 years and I partialy agree with what OP say, BUT, as stated many times before SWG and SWTOR are two completly diferent games.

Since now is only SWTOR it is logical that in near future once developers polish their original product SWTOR will start to add quality systems that we have seen and enjoyed in SWG.


MMO games are not sprints and things can not be done quickly just because there is so much variables in order to preserve game balance.


I hope to see in near future those systems that where succesful in SWG:

- Galactic scale conflict - meaningful PvP global dominance game and open world PvP

- Space expansion - with freedom to explore and enjoy coolest part of SW saga.

- Role playing - chat bubbles are must and advanced chat options like SWG had. (many people forget that in the end most people you could find on any SWG server was actualy "unoficial RP server")

- Planets expansions - great thing about SWG was that planets had their importance even after players finished Legacy and leveled their characters. Yes we want meaningful planets not just A to Z story streak.


Well I could go on and on but I will leave this for another topic.

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Are you kidding me? SWG's crafting system had more depth then this entire game. There is no chance of BioWare making anything remotely close to it. And with the short attention span of most gamers these days I'm not sure there would be much interest in it either. This game is aimed at casuals because that's where the moneys at. Hard core gamers are stuck with Eve for the SciFi genre for now.
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Here is my conclusion on the SWTOR vs SWG debate. Having played SWG for the life of that game.


SWG was a virtual world set in the starwars universe, your main toon lived there, ran a business or mayored a town, had friends there, watched the sun rise and fall over your own piece of property that you personally decorated to fit yourself.


SWTOR is a video game, its about questing and gear. Its fun to look at but you dont impact the world around you. You just log in and play.


Both games were fun but they are so vastly different its pointless to compare them.

Edited by kirorx
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