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Game suffer strong from bad PR in Russia


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I want to bring to Bioware a very very bad situation with PR in Russian segment of players. We have now only one russian language forum on Goha.ru, where the players from WoW and LA2 spoiles communication between SWTOR players. The administrators don't take any actions against trolls and abusers.


I suggest to open Russian language segment of official forum, or Russia and xUSSR will be lost for SWTOR.

Edited by Crosswinder
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I see no reaction on this post so I put an examples - the themes that the admins of the biggest russian MMO forum started last 3 days:


SWTOR is the game of choice for invalids - 30 pages of trololo posts

6 years old child make an a SWTOR gameplay formula - 15 pages


I predict if the situation will not change SWTOR will loose russian segmen t of community forever.

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I see no reaction on this post so I put an examples - the themes that the admins of the biggest russian MMO forum started last 3 days:


SWTOR is the game of choice for invalids - 30 pages of trololo posts

6 years old child make an a SWTOR gameplay formula - 15 pages


I predict if the situation will not change SWTOR will loose russian segmen t of community forever.


Hmm... They feel threatened, why else would they do it?

No one can stop the force!

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I want to bring to Bioware a very very bad situation with PR in Russian segment of players. We have now only one russian language forum on Goha.ru, where the players from WoW and LA2 spoiles communication between SWTOR players. The administrators don't take any actions against trolls and abusers.


I suggest to open Russian language segment of official forum, or Russia and xUSSR will be lost for SWTOR.

I appreciate that developers have to channel resources into translation expenses that they think will yield sufficient profits to warrant the effort, but it is a pity that the language specific sub-forums aren’t more diverse in such a globalised consumer society.

Edited by Sufran
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I want to bring to Bioware a very very bad situation with PR in Russian segment of players. We have now only one russian language forum on Goha.ru, where the players from WoW and LA2 spoiles communication between SWTOR players. The administrators don't take any actions against trolls and abusers.


I suggest to open Russian language segment of official forum, or Russia and xUSSR will be lost for SWTOR.

And also Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese etc?


Speak for youself. And probably, SWToR will just win on losing all those you mentioned. At least they wont make another ru-wow here. Really, those ru-servers were (and are) worst thing I've ever seen. That kept me on EU-wow till the very end.


I think thats no problem to find a moderator from far provinces of Russia for 100 bucks per month.

Dobrovoltsem budesh? (just asked if the guy is volunteering for that job or not)


If you need a separate ru-RP-TOR community - go build one, a lot of web-freeware today, that allow to build and keep sites, forums etc. Some even still have free hosting. And also there are already tons of places where we can communicate in our native language. If you need RP - you'll get your RP anyway. Level of RP does not depend on a spoken language. A goha slilos uje davnym davno (just telilng him that site he mentioned is no longer nice).


ps: sorry for using couple of russian phrases, no disrespect meant, brackets show the proper translation). I'm a russian also, yet I have no problems with using English for RP or anything else.

Edited by NRieh
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It's not the problem of the language of comminication - it's more the problem of PLACE of communication. We need a russian segment of forum, because it's MMO game, where the community means a lot.


I can't be a moderator of forum for 100 bucks, because I live in megapolis and need at least 3000 per month to pay my bills, but I know a lot of russian language players from Sibir, Ukraine or Belarus, who will be happy for 100 greens job.

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As mentioned, you can't expect Bioware to set up forums with moderators on SWTOR.com for every language in the world. It'd cost far more than they'd ever learn. And you certainly can't blame them for the quality of a fan forum.


(Also, Lineage 2 still has fans?)

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it's the question of hostile enviroment for players from Russia in a most popular MMO site.

I'm from Russia and I'm ok with enviroment. Am I doing something wrong? :D


We want a place to discuss a game between us.

Go and build one, whom are you waiting for? Putin?


I can compare WoW Goha forums and WoW russian official forum. It's like hell and paradise.

RuWOW seems to miss you same hard as you miss it....


This situation is hard to explain to outsiders...

I don't wanna spoil your day, but it's also impossible to explain for "insiders". You won't name me a single reason for staying on that ugly goha instead of creating your own private board and having your happy everafter there.



BW did not promise you anything. You pay them for a game and support (yeah I know, we all have some troubles about that one). You dont pay them for creating local services for you.

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> You dont pay them for creating local services for you.


When the understanding of importance of such thing become obvious it will be to late for SWTOR in xUSSR, I'm afraid only this situation. I don't clame a "local service" - just ONE forum folder and one part-time paid student from Belarus. Is it much?

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Also I want to explain tha position of NReih. It's difficult but I'll try.


We have another group of players from xUSSR. They know english well, has more money in terms of plus/minus 10 bucks for their entertaiment and they more... "westernized". They fill like an elite group and will always against any ideas to bring more gamers to comminicate and play, because they are... elite :)

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> You dont pay them for creating local services for you.


When the understanding of importance of such thing become obvious it will be to late for SWTOR in xUSSR, I'm afraid only this situation. I don't clame a "local service" - just ONE forum folder and one part-time paid student from Belarus. Is it much?


Cool. First you represent yourself as ruWOW speaker from the name of 200k players, and now you go on with exUSSR. I'll drop a msg for my ukr friends just to make sure if they approved you or not. :cool:


What you actually say is "we got a bad forum - give us a good forum". But BW has nothing to do with both. And, as I mentioned above, if you need forum - you make it. Or callling for help. Something like "oh I'd like to set up a forum, I need it badly, but I dont know how". Just because it IS a productive way of getting a forum. We're not in 90th, you don't even need to know web-coding for it nowdays.



We have another group of players from xUSSR. They know english well, has more money in terms of plus/minus 10 bucks for their entertaiment and they more... "westernized". They fill like an elite group and will always against any ideas to bring more gamers to comminicate and play, because they are... elite :)


Wow. No one ever called me ELITE. Even husband did not...I guess... Should I ask for a * next to my av? :D


And I'm absolutely non-against anything, esecially - communication of any kind. I even told you 3 times (minimum) the way you can have it. But you very likely prefer not to have your chance.


ps: And counting money in others pockets is pretty unpolite, you know.

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> Cool. First you represent yourself as ruWOW speaker from the name of 200k players, and now you go on with exUSSR. I'll drop a msg for my ukr friends just to make sure if they approved you or not.


Ok, I've got that you don't have any idea about the situation in russian speaking MMO community, no offence, sorry but this is a fact if you don't know such basics about ruWOW.

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