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Slicing rewards need another adjustment


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Yes this old topic....


Slicing rewards need to be adjusted upwards a touch. No I'm not talking slicing 1.0 but a slight boost to what it is now.


The problem is that right now, you can successfully complete a mission and actually lose credits. A successful completion should always have a gain of some kind, 100, 200, heck 10 but something.


All I know is completing a mission and losing 500 credits or more feels a bit silly.

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Yes this old topic....


Slicing rewards need to be adjusted upwards a touch. No I'm not talking slicing 1.0 but a slight boost to what it is now.


The problem is that right now, you can successfully complete a mission and actually lose credits. A successful completion should always have a gain of some kind, 100, 200, heck 10 but something.


All I know is completing a mission and losing 500 credits or more feels a bit silly.


If you successfully completed a mission, then you shouldn't be losing credits. Doing badly on a mission but still bringing in some money but a net decrease in credits is just the risk you take sending out people to go for credits.


This doesn't make sense.

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Is this only at level cap? I'm doing Slicing 41-48 and always getting positive yield.


That statement right there is a sign that Slicing still needs a nerf.. Most other crew skills never see a positive return on the spoils of their quests..


What they need to do is have the other gathering skills give out something that that is worth some credits.. Treasure hunting can get misc. grey items that are worth a fair amount of credits.. Archeology can have you find junk crystals, that we can sell to vendors.. Again some worth a fair amount of credits..


The issue with Slicing is that just about everything you do is a money maker.. Be it gathering a slicing node or doing quests.. Even the Schematics can be sold on the GTN for profit.. Not all the gathering crew skills can make that claim..


So they either need to nerf slicing again, or they need to look for ways to make the others more profitable..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Slicing missions shouldn't be guaranteed profit on individual missions, but should produce a slight average upward trend over time. Slicing is the only crew mission that can be maxed out without requiring a large investment of credits or selling items over the GTN.


Imagine if the other crew skills had a mission option where the player spends 1000 credits and in return gets those 1100 credits back on success plus the mission xp. They'd love it, because they'd get to max out their skill bar at a bargain price. It wouldn't be about the credits for them but the "free" xp.


Slicing missions aren't supposed to be 100% free money, otherwise there'd be no cost. The cost is there because there is risk involved. Some of that risk is mission failure, some of that risk is not making enough money to cover the initial investment.

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if people think its unfair that slicing gets a nice reward, why dont you just have a slicer instead of complaining and trying to make them destroy slicing. I lose credits on missions nearly 40% of the time, and i dont mean a little, i mean like 400 or even higher with the higher missions. And even when i do succeed sometimes i get a gain of like 5 credits, its pathetic, your giving up a crew skill which you could use, so it better be worth giving up some other crew skill, its the only logical conclusion someone can make. I would much rather have them up other skills rather than nerf it again, then it will be useless and nobody would use it, does it make much sense to you to do something if its not gaining you anything ever and only hindering you? how would you like it if i complained that some of the stuff from treasure hunting sells for insane prices, if you ask me, that can be almost better than slicing!
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