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So does Jarring Strike become a glorified interrupt?


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I mean you can't perform any other actions by the time it wears off and your opponent gets a full resolve bar making debilitate unusable.



So they only thing it's good for would be for is knocking someone out of a cast.




Hell, it might be better to not spec it and catch people sleeping when you pop out of stealth.

Edited by GeoLager
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Jarring Strike to me becomes 2 free talent points to put somewhere else, like Slip Away (debilitate talent). At least we will be able to hidden strike > debilitate > have 4 seconds of free time that still doesn't fill resolve unlike the 3s jarring strike which does.


30 Second cooldown debilitate and 30% movement speed increase > 1.5s faceplant that we won't even be able to get off a second attack with.

Edited by Kieran
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it wil have it uses but i wont get it. Why ? i have already been forced to open wiith backstab as its better for someone else to use stun that goes 4s or knockback with just 1/3 resolve bar then 3s with full resolve.


1.5s is soemthing you can live without when solo and you just dont want to have that rseolve buffer in team fights.

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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!


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It won't. 1.5s KD is not a viable 2 skill points. End of story. It is absolutely meaningless.


do i really need to say it out loud?


ok due to all the game mechancis and ability delays its like this.

You use ability and its registered as valid - GCD is triggered .

then your stealth is dispelled and acid blade applied.

when your GCD is done about 0.8s-1s jarring strike is applied.

so 0.5s of jarring strike is done when you can do your first ability.

when 2s of your jarring strike stun is done you can use your second ability.

Now 0.5s after jarrign strike stun is done you are able to queue third ability that due to the get-up animation and ability delay will still land no matter if enemy uses some ability of their own - i had my situations against other ops when they got opener on me that i was able to stun them after jarrign strike eneded with debilitate but i still died due to that third ability.


with 1.5s jarrign strike you will be abel to use 1 less ability.


now why 1.5s is so bad then ? well thats because during this you only actually enemy from doing 1 ability. as In between our HS being accepted and jarring strike being applied enemy can use ability. And after jarring strike stun ends and during the get up abimation then can do another.


obviously if delays gonna get fixed thats another -1 ability.


@mod you trolling us or smth ?

Edited by Crawler
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A 1.5s jarring strike is so bad because instead of spending 2 talent points on something that requires stealth, being behind a target, and hoping you don't lag you can invest 2 points in the debilitate talent in lethality taking it down to a 30 second cooldown and increased 30% movement speed. It's clear which the better talent is, which is sad considering how high up jarring strike is in the tree and how low down the debilitate talent is.
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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



Nice offtopic post, going to report... oh wait your a mod, carry on.




I do honestly believe the nerf to the knockdown was unneeded, the issue was the initial burst an operative can do, why on earth did they nerf the knockdown?

Edited by Upperfoot
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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



Got to laugh at a mod basically saying this is a learn.to play issue.

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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



There's also this great guide on common sense online. Just google: "common sense"...


It talks about how putting a 1.5 sec stun on full resolve will make exactly 0 people take the jarring strike talent.

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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



Nice on-topic post.

Good staff here guys.

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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



Here's a constructive guide....reroll...you bombed the class. **** you and your guide

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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



LoL did this guy even read the post

Edited by Jivefenix
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While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!


I see nothing in this guide that pertains to the topic.


On topic, if I were speccing Concealment I would absolutely not take Jarring Strike nor Acid Blade. Put those points elsewhere.


Honestly though I would advise leveling an alt. Let people who say the class is fine deal with the frustration. If by summer the class is still not viable at least you have a class that is (well, that is unless you roll Smuggler).

Edited by heiamll
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Got to laugh at a mod basically saying this is a learn.to play issue.


I learned to play through a class nerf in about 01-02 when I choose a DAOC scout on release. /reroll. I didn't then I should have.


I'm not saying changes in either case didn't need to be made, I simply recognize that the changes are always made in a way that cripples a class archetype for extended periods of time and fixing the damage done and getting the class back on track doesn't happen for another 6-9 mos.


I've seen it since then, I'll see it again, but my time is to precious to waste. I refuse to play a healer with no respec for DPS option for 6-9 months. TIme to level up a viable release the stress kill class.

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