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Is anyone else tired of Bioware pissing on Sentinels?


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I like that gunslinger guy coming into the sentinel forums and telling us what we have and to stop crying. A big fat thankyou to that guy because it's obvious I have no clue on how my class works.



There are issues with pvp certainly and that's why I don't bother with it currently. I am slightly frustrated with my class as well but I will just hope for the best in the future with adjustments. Getting punted around is quite annoying. But we have a gap closer!!! Fantastic! While it's on cooldown, love getting punted again! One thing is for sure though, the class is difficult to learn and play effectively. A ton of skills to juggle and manage properly. We do have a ton of great skills to use, the key is stay within melee range. Centering skills are great, as long as you can stay alive long enough to build 30 stacks of it! :D



Also on getting our healing companion late in the game. I wish we got him a lot sooner because I started struggling leveling uising Kira. Downtime was starting to become an issue and some fights were getting nasty.

Running the last class quest and being forced to use T7 was extremely frustrating. Even in the tanking stance, he was going down faster than a crack whore given a 5 dollar bill. Some of those fights with three silver mobs plus adds and no way to CC all of them equals a butt whupping for a healerless sentinel.


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What DO you have?


Instead of focusing on the DON'T, focus on the DO.



Force Exhaustion - slow with a DOT and an explode at the end of it.

Precision Slash - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds.

Zealous Leap - gap closer.

Rebuke - damage mitigation.

Leg Slash - a second slow.

Crippling Throw - mortal strike (-20% healing for 15 seconds).

Transcendence - 10 second party +50% move speed (a second gap closer).

Pacify - -90% accuracy for 6 seconds to target.

Force Camoflauge - +30% movement speed for 4 seconds.

Guarded by the Force - -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.


Awe - 6 second disorient.

Dispatch - a nice damage execute.

Force Kick - interrupt on a short CD.

Force Leap - short CD leap that also stuns and interrupts.

Force Stasis - channeled stun that does nice damage.

Force Sweep - we've all seen the video of this skill in action .......

Opportune Strike - does great damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets.

Saber Ward - 12 second damage mitigation.

Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken.


Now, you don't look so bad off. As a Gunslinger, I'm locked down due to Cover. Instead of crying about what I DON'T have, I instead learn what I DO have and how best to enter/exit Cover.


Heres a typical example of someone not knowing what they are talking about. Unless you play the class your opinions dont matter.


This list is assuming you have 120 talent points spent to purchase every talent in every tree.


Play the class, do better research or keep your ignorance to yourself please.

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Anyone else tired of people who dont know how to play Sentinels pissing on sentinels?


We have all the abilities needed.


squishy and die fast?

- rebuke lasts 30 seconds (if used in correct situation) with a 1 min CD which means that 50% of the time you could be running around with same mitigation as a tank.

- Saber ward, 12 seconds of greatly reduced damage.

- guarded by the force, Invunerability for 6 seconds, great for finishing off enemies when your low on health.

- force camoflague - when used properly you can escape basically any situation.

- pacify, makes your targets do virtually no damage for 6 secs, how much damage can a sent do in 6 secs? A LOT.


Not enough gapclosers/hard to stay in melee range?

- force leap, has low CD and comes with an interrupt + root.

Did you get knocked back and rooted by that sorc? - force camoflague removes the root and gives you 4 secs of invisibility to run back to your target. More than enough.

- (Zealous leap if speccing focus)

- Leg slash for making you target move RLY slow, many dont even use this ability, USE IT.


Not very useful with objectives?

- learn when and how to use awe in combination with force camoflague to be a real ***** in voidstar and alderaan.

- Transendance (or w/e) for moving along the huttball faster.


Not enough cc?

- Ye we have no CC.. with our damage capabilities it would be ridicoulus even imaganing major CC for this class.


Not topping damage a.k.a we dont deal enough damage?

- Seriously learn to play the class properly.. if your not dealing tons of damage youre doing many things wrong and thats YOUR fault.. not the class.


lvl 50 Combat spec btw, topping damage in warzones since 2k11

Edited by gunte
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*insert above post*

See, without playing the class and merely looking at the trees, this is what I envisioned as a team player.


With those few skills that are focus specs, they seem to be really great for PvP. The rest of the complaints seem to be only complaining and lack of foresight.



Let me fix that post for you...



Force Exhaustion - Focus tree

Precision Slash - Combat tree

Zealous Leap - Focus tree

Rebuke - damage mitigation.

Leg Slash - a slow.

Crippling Throw - mortal strike (-20% healing for 15 seconds).

Transcendence - when it works

Pacify - -90% accuracy for 6 seconds to target.

Force Camoflauge - +30% movement speed for 4 seconds.

Guarded by the Force - when it works


Awe - 6 second disorient. with a 2 sec animation

Dispatch - a mediocre damage execute.

Force Kick - interrupt on a short CD.

Force Leap - short CD leap that also stuns and interrupts. (if it lands near the target)

Force Stasis - channeled stun that does nice damage. ( if it works and target isn't running off laughing at you)

Force Sweep - only of any real use if focus, otherwise in pvp it's little more then interupt

Opportune Strike - does some damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets.

Saber Ward - 12 second damage mitigation. (**** long CD )

Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken. (only useful for some classes)

  • The when it works comments are snarky and every class has moments of "when it works." Cover is a giant "when it works" moment, oftentimes we can't even drop down into it (using Crouch instead of Find Cover even).
  • Force Leap lands ON targets, not NEAR targets, this is complaining to complain.
  • Force Stasis can be used from range and if you couple abilities together how are they running off laughing at you? This is a play smarter issue.
  • Force Sweep being "little more then interupt" is still an interrupt.
  • Saber Ward being a "**** long CD" is why EVERY class has CDs. It's about learning when to use them.
  • Shii-Cho Form being "only useful for some classes" is a farce and you know it. Part of being a melee class in ANY game that involves stances, involves stance-dancing. It's a form that allows +given|-taken at the same time .. 0 trade-off. You get damage AND damage reduction in the SAME form.

Again, complaining to complain without any foresight.

Edited by TrashMinky
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Not topping damage a.k.a we dont deal enough damage?

- Seriously learn to play the class properly.. if your not dealing tons of damage youre doing many things wrong and thats YOUR fault.. not the class.


lvl 50 Combat spec btw, topping damage in warzones since 2k11


The damage stat is the most useless in a Warzone. Dont rate a player by it, read the other stats.


Theres many screens of people topping 500k damage and not having more then a dozen kills.


Im with the above poster, I average around 100-200k damage a warzone but 30-50 kills. That is the power of a Sentinel. Their damage is meaninful since it kills players not races with healing.

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See, without playing the class and merely looking at the trees, this is what I envisioned as a team player.


With those few skills that are focus specs, they seem to be really great for PvP. The rest of the complaints seem to be only complaining and lack of foresight.




  • Shii-Cho Form being "only useful for some classes" is a farce and you know it. Part of being a melee class in ANY game that involves stances, involves stance-dancing. It's a form that allows +given|-taken at the same time .. 0 trade-off. You get damage AND damage reduction in the SAME form.

Again, complaining to complain without any foresight.



Why the hell do I want to stance dance on a Sent?

If I'm watchman, I'll lose the Juyo stacks, which greatly increase damage, and effectiveness of burns.

As Combat, I'll not get Ataru procs, the basis of the tree. And thus no combat trance/insta crit BS.

As Shii-cho, I lose 3% damage increase/ 5% decrease for myself, along with 20% armor pen, just to use skills that are useless to me because I don't have them talented, like the trees that use them do.


So how about you do your homework too mate. And don't harp on someone when you haven't played the class.

Edited by Sprgmr
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If you're being focused, that 3% helps tremendously while a healer is focusing you. It's all about team interaction. Learn how your skills can benefit the team.


As for stance dancing, that's the difference between being a Sentinel and being a Sentinel who knows their class, uses their abilities to the best of their ability, and knows that going 31-deep isn't always the best option.

Edited by TrashMinky
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If I'm being focused, I'll use a defensive CD, or my 4 sec combat stealth (45s CD). Or pop a health pot. Or hit Awe and run. I have many more options that are better than 3% dmg reduction in a useless stance (assuming not Focus tree).
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If I'm being focused, I'll use a defensive CD, or my 4 sec combat stealth (45s CD). Or pop a health pot. Or hit Awe and run. I have many more options that are better than 3% dmg reduction in a useless stance (assuming not Focus tree).

And coming full-circle, this counteracts:

So, now are we not only useless in Huttball, but we are also useless on Ilum (thanks!). So what is our role on Ilum when its zerg vs zerg? Aoe fodder?


We(Marauders included), are the only class without a pull or knockback, so while we have to be the victim of all sorts of uncontrolled character movement, we cannot do this to other people. Fun.


Our endgame pvp armor looks horrid, and even then, we share it with another class (guardians). Even Juggs and Maras have different armor.


Leveling up sucked, diddn't get our healing companion till the late 30s.


The only way we can truly fulfill our role of face metlers is if we have a pocket healer, and even then, any class can rack up high dps numbers if they have a premade.


Am I the only one that feels this way?


Seems to me, complaining just to complain. This seems to be an L2P issue really.

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Off the topic of stance dancing...

If you are Combat tree, you can talent Force Camo to remove all roots, snares, slows. Hell, Transcendence alone is amazing for Huttball. Try and plan it so you have a transcendence up to use, then as soon as its down, use Valorous call to get another. That's a full 20s of at least 50% increased MS 65-80% (for yourself) if you talent it.

Edited by Sprgmr
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No not ^This^ in company to customer relationship if said problem isn't taken care of in the appropriate manner then your fired and replaced by the better company.I don't know what world you live in if this doesn't happen,but i would like to live near you if its picture perfect like the way you described, but I'm sure its not.


Thank you for backing up my point. What have you read from the dev teams that the bugs and delays will not be fixed? Is that what I said or did I say that for it to be done right it won't be done instantly? Business or customers don't just fire people when something doesn't work. When you grow up and get a big boy job you will understand.

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This. We make super good ball carriers when needed with all our defensive cool downs. Guarded by force to get through fire and away is quite nice. And transendance is HUGE omg lol.


Yeah esp Watchman Spec, Forced Pursuit, Transcendence 80% speed... and other abilities great - as for Ilum atm I think it's not specifically Sents it's a lot with Republic. Certainly for a lot of this ability delay dampers things a lot.

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Did you read and not comprehend that those are Jedi Sentinel skills at the top, and Jedi Knight skills at the bottom?


You have several gap closers, slows, stuns, and damage mitigation. I don't see what the problem is really.


I want you to take your time and think about it, Awe is O.K. at best. It's not a real CC for PVP because people AoE too much for it to actually work. We do have an in-combat vanish, but that only lasts 4 seconds, and with a ton of lag, good luck getting away. Pacify doesn't work in PVP, it hasn't and probably never will, it's a PVE technique. Our 1 stun, and let me say it again; OUR 1 STUN practically stuns our self because we have to channel it. Compare that stun, to someone else's 4-6 second stun that's instant.


You're combining all the specs really, Force kick only has a fast cool down if talented into it (Watchman).


Picked a couple out:

Force Exhaustion - slow with a DOT and an explode at the end of it. (Focus)

Precision Slash - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds. (Combat)

Zealous Leap - gap closer. (Focus, 10 Meter Range)

Opportune Strike - does great damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets. (Yet again, another PVE only technique)

Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken. (Every spec uses a different stance)


We don't have A lot of viability compared to other classes is what he's trying to say really, when you play a sentinel in PVP, you'll soon begin to learn that it's more difficult to play a sentinel with ease than it is any other class.

Edited by Deivii
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I have a 44 operative, 45 socerer and 50 marauder, and I can say that the mara\sentinel most ridiculous and useless classes in this game.


Just here to agree with this guy, it's been a mixed experience with the sent as my main, sometimes I feel strong sometimes weak ect, no doubt it's a hard class to play, BUT...


Rerolled sorc and my endgame T3 geared sent is nearly outdamaged at lvl 10-20 sorc, I can survive longer as sorc, I contribute CONSIDERABLY more to the team as a sorc and it is much more fun to play. It is basically godmode in comparison.


Operatives are another good example, they are basically MDPS that work, unlike the infinity+1 bundle of hotkeys that is the sentinel. Not even a pure dps class either so you can try healing or ranged when bored.


It really is the worst class in the game atm, viable? sure it is when conditions are met, best at what it does/worth the effort? Nope, enjoy your group buffs at the expense of being a hollow mdps that is barely a class in comparison to everything else in the game.


I doubt bioware will buff them either, I would guess they will add on stuff based around the newer "zen" styles and buffs while assassins and operatives remain as the real mdps.


On the plus side, we make a great PvE class! :) (ignoring that we are melee ofc)

Edited by DoomedtoDie
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PvE wise sent storyline is v.hard.


PvP as a sent i feel like im doing badly because its so hard to get medals than it is to get them with my commando/mercenary (only other class i rolled).


a sent doing its job has a hard time doin well medals wise i think. as a BH/Trooper, piece of p***.

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So, now are we not only useless in Huttball, but we are also useless on Ilum (thanks!). So what is our role on Ilum when its zerg vs zerg? Aoe fodder?


We(Marauders included), are the only class without a pull or knockback, so while we have to be the victim of all sorts of uncontrolled character movement, we cannot do this to other people. Fun.


Our endgame pvp armor looks horrid, and even then, we share it with another class (guardians). Even Juggs and Maras have different armor.


Leveling up sucked, diddn't get our healing companion till the late 30s.


The only way we can truly fulfill our role of face metlers is if we have a pocket healer, and even then, any class can rack up high dps numbers if they have a premade.


Am I the only one that feels this way?


I don't know what you mean, I found this an easy class to level. I constantly solo'ed Elite NPC's with ease and even Champions. My self healing worked great and used Kira for leveling up until 50th, no real need for Doc.


As for PvP I've found a comfortable niche against classes that require "cast" times. I tear through casters with ease, meaning I put a lot of effort focusing on casters. I also find that I'm highly effective against most every classes, save those that know how to kite. When I'm "pulled" to another player (and normally a massive group) I use force camouflage and escape with ease.


In any case, what is your build? I"m guessing your combat. Don't play combat, it is worthless for PvP unless you have a pocket healer. Rebuild your self in watchman and you will find the game play improves a lot for you.


Heck you can even get a 30% reduction in AoE damage with the right build for any sentinel template you decide to use... just have to go a few points in combat.


Oh as far as the looks of the armor... ya it it sucks.

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I do agree with the OP well to a certain degree. Ever since I hit 40 and went back into the focus spec , I aoe somewhere between 2700-3100. That's far from being underpowered, the main issue is that frankly other classes don't have to work nearly as hard as we do for the same pay off, and with ability delay causing more issues it makes our class in pvp even more difficult. I'll keep saying this over and over. " You are not allowed to lag as a sentinel, every attack that you press must land in order to be successful ." Oh and for those who disagree and say l2p or get better



When other classes are allowed to do that, we should be allowed to complain.

Edited by Mujen
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See, without playing the class and merely looking at the trees, this is what I envisioned as a team player.


With those few skills that are focus specs, they seem to be really great for PvP. The rest of the complaints seem to be only complaining and lack of foresight.




  • The when it works comments are snarky and every class has moments of "when it works." Cover is a giant "when it works" moment, oftentimes we can't even drop down into it (using Crouch instead of Find Cover even).
  • Force Leap lands ON targets, not NEAR targets, this is complaining to complain.
  • Force Stasis can be used from range and if you couple abilities together how are they running off laughing at you? This is a play smarter issue.
  • Force Sweep being "little more then interupt" is still an interrupt.
  • Saber Ward being a "**** long CD" is why EVERY class has CDs. It's about learning when to use them.
  • Shii-Cho Form being "only useful for some classes" is a farce and you know it. Part of being a melee class in ANY game that involves stances, involves stance-dancing. It's a form that allows +given|-taken at the same time .. 0 trade-off. You get damage AND damage reduction in the SAME form.

Again, complaining to complain without any foresight.


No foresight? I say how it is within the class I play, but have no foresight? thats laughable to say the least. you may want to go back to your own class section before you embarrace yourself more then you already have.

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I absolutely love my sentinel in both PvE and PvP, feels very well balanced. In PvE I have mind boggling amounts of survivability with proper use of my plethora of borderline OP defensive cooldowns. My previous character was my 50 operative which I leveled 10-50 as pure healing w/ tank companion and despite that I couldnt even dream about taking on a gold star mob plus others which I can do relatively easily on my Sentinel.


I read a lot of people crying that Sentinel leveling is hard, but gets easier with Doc. I personally dislike Doc, I have used T7 since I got him and it's incredibly easy and fast. He does solid damage and tanks like a champ, dies sometimes on big pulls but lasts long enough for me to kill the big threats then pop CDs and finish the rest. Most fights end with me at 100% him at 30-60% and I just despawn and resummon for a whopping 1.5 seconds of downtime. If you're having a hard time, I bet you're leveling with Kira which is retarded IMO. Giving up an amazing pocket tank that pulls solid damage to do DPS with DPS companion is questionable to say the least.


I am loving my Sentinel in PVP as well. I primarily played healing on my operative in PvP and the only class that posed a remotely serious threat was Sent/Maurs and I definitely know why playing one. I play watchman and I can shut down a healer SO easily. Two interrupts, one on a 6 second cd and the other 12, coupled with a 20% healing reduction and the ability to force statis while rolling full dots as a pseudo interrupt/finisher. Healers and casters are an utter joke. Sorcs and BHs are really easy, interrupt everything important and use force camouflage as a pseudo interrupt and/or gap closer, amazing.


I played concealment on my operative a little bit, and while I may not have been the absolute best I am a very good pvper, and I will gladly say my Sentinel is way more powerful than my operative while concealment. Concealment burst is heavy, but once its done you can shut them down by kiting so easily, I have zero issues with them while healing. Having force leap, especially with such a short cooldown is godsend, and that's not counting zealous leap. Very few players can kite me on my Sentinel, whereas even crappy players could escape my operative.


P.S, you're complaining about no knockbacks/pulls? Play an operative, no knockbacks no gap closets only a 3 min CD vanish that's easy to counter with a single dot or AoE.



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Seen as there are, what appears to be, a large number of Sentinel players who are struggling; in particular those with the Combat tree, may I be so bold as to create a forum thread offering a guide to aid these players as opposed to being rather unhelpful by just stating "you're doing it wrong".


I don't play a Sentinel, but several guild members do. I've noticed that the Watchman tree seems to perform reasonably well where as the Combat tree tends to fair far less favourably. My knowledge of the Sentinel is lacking, however, I'd love to be able to point my members in the direction of this forum for help.


I view all the class forums just from the stand point of reinforcing my knowledge and I've noticed that other class forums seem alot quicker to rally round and assist new players.


I realise I won't win any contests for this post but I'd recommend members of this forum sit back and take a breath. MMO's are meant to be largely about community and it does no damage to offer to lend some insight and wisdom as opposed to making an unhelpful and unwelcoming response along the line of "learn to play" or other similar comments.


Another thing to bear in mind is that there are new people entering the MMO genre all the time as well as PC Gaming. When a big power house of a franchise comes along like Star Wars it will draw in alot of new people who are picking up an MMO or even a PC Game for the first time.


My 2 pence.




Edited by Zacheria
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What DO you have?


Instead of focusing on the DON'T, focus on the DO.



Force Exhaustion - slow with a DOT and an explode at the end of it.

Precision Slash - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds.

Zealous Leap - gap closer.

Rebuke - damage mitigation.

Leg Slash - a second slow.

Crippling Throw - mortal strike (-20% healing for 15 seconds).

Transcendence - 10 second party +50% move speed (a second gap closer).

Pacify - -90% accuracy for 6 seconds to target.

Force Camoflauge - +30% movement speed for 4 seconds.

Guarded by the Force - -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.


Awe - 6 second disorient.

Dispatch - a nice damage execute.

Force Kick - interrupt on a short CD.

Force Leap - short CD leap that also stuns and interrupts.

Force Stasis - channeled stun that does nice damage.

Force Sweep - we've all seen the video of this skill in action .......

Opportune Strike - does great damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets.

Saber Ward - 12 second damage mitigation.

Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken.


Now, you don't look so bad off. As a Gunslinger, I'm locked down due to Cover. Instead of crying about what I DON'T have, I instead learn what I DO have and how best to enter/exit Cover.


Lemme fix that for you:


Force Exhaustion - slow with a DOT and an explode at the end of it.


Only one spec. You can't get this if you are Combat or Watchman.


Precision Slash - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds.


Only one spec. You can't get this is you aren't Combat.


Zealous Leap - gap closer.


Only one spec.


Rebuke - damage mitigation.




Leg Slash - a second slow.


Yes, this is very nice. It is our first slow by the way and the only slow all Sentinels can get.


Crippling Throw - mortal strike (-20% healing for 15 seconds).


Eh. -20% healing is barely noticed. I have seen healers still heal through my damage with ease.


Transcendence - 10 second party +50% move speed (a second gap closer).


Nice try but this can only reliably be used once every 3 minutes. Otherwise you need 30 stacks of centering.


Pacify - -90% accuracy for 6 seconds to target.


Doesn't work in PVP.


Force Camoflauge - +30% movement speed for 4 seconds.


Is crap compared to Consulars, Inquisitors, Smugglers, and Agents.


Guarded by the Force - -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.


Which still isn't good enough to save you when they simply stun you for 5 seconds and LOL until it goes away.


Awe - 6 second disorient.


On a long cool down that breaks on damage.


Dispatch - a nice damage execute.


That uses a ton of focus.


Force Kick - interrupt on a short CD.


That would be nice if most of our enemies weren't immune to interrupts. *Glare at Agents*


Force Leap - short CD leap that also stuns and interrupts.


It doesn't stun. It roots. It only stuns if you are high in the Focus tree. It also cannot target 25% of the classes in the game. It provides no resistance to being knocked back either.


Force Stasis - channeled stun that does nice damage.


It does poor damage. What are you talking about? It also stuns us.


Force Sweep - we've all seen the video of this skill in action .......


Only focus spec.


Opportune Strike - does great damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets.


Does less damage than a 100% auto-critical specced Blade Storm and is harder to set up.


Saber Ward - 12 second damage mitigation.


That doesn't work against Force Lightning, or any special attacks.


Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken.


Only viable if you are focus.

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