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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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arenas NEED to be implemented. i want to play 2v2 3v3 with friends instead of playing zergball 24/7....just make arena rewards on par and not better than the current pvp gear and it wont **** up anything. that way, scrubs can stick with random gear bags by playing zergball and the actual good players can 2v2 or 3v3 for points or something




There's nothing skilled about Tab target long GCD mmo combat.

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Lol, NOBODY on this thread that is against arena has given a good reason, or even correct reason. There are tons of assumptions going around that are just wrong and really Arena does not hinder PvP in any fashion.


"Arena destroys MMORPGs"...uhh no it doesn't. An "Arena" is just the idea that players battle to the death xVx (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc). It is NOTHING MORE THAN THAT, so stop assuming it is and saying no. Just be smart about it and it'll be fine, like most people have said, don't force players to do Arena. Just let Arena be another way to get valor/commendations other than Warzones. Let it be another option among several that equally give you an opportunity to PvP.


"Stop copying WoW". This is the dumbest thing I keep hearing people say. WoW is the most successful game ever, ever, evar, period. They have the most experience with do's and dont's for MMOs. BW is definitely going to copy everything GOOD about WoW, and learn from WoW's mistakes. WoW was a good game and made a gajillion dollars, which is realistically what this is all about. BW should be taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is WoW and improving upon it. To go a completely separate direction would be retarded.


The goal of BW is to appeal to the most amount of players simultaneously, therefore gaining the most amount of subscribers and making the most amount of money. It is for that reason that Arena WILL BE implemented at some point. I doubt it will be much like WoW's version, but it will be some sort of Arena system.


Additionally, if ANY MMO wants to be successful for an extended period of time, they have to implement a ladder type arena system. The reason for this is PvE has an "end". You beat the last boss of the last operation, and you pretty much "finished" the game. Additionally, that only appeals to a portion of a player base. PvP and arena add a human element, which makes each match "different" and unique, thus giving a different experience each round, and as such a "never ending" game. This random human element and the idea of competition is much more of an appeal to a player. The issue here is that "baddie" players get discouraged and won't want to play anymore. Thus the trick becomes making a system that appeals to both "good" and "bad" players (or "hardcore" and "Casual" players) so that everyone is happy. To NOT have an Arena system would pretty much doom this game at an early stage. My guess would be that they milk it for what it's worth and then release Arena when it's dying or to compete against a competitor's release (like GW2).





Everything about pvp in WoW is balanced around 3v3 Arena. There is absolutely nothing similar about any class compared to how they were before arenas.


I'll give an example:


Feral Druid:


Before: Did great burst damage, had to be behind the target and skilled to take people down.

After: Overpowered damage esp. Bleeds, resulting in nerfing Root-break. Is now a 3 button class that takes no skill or thought whatsoever. Class: dead.



^ this happened to every class. Change Change Change to balance arena, ruining the specialties and fun of the class. Feral used to counter Frost Mage. Now Frost Mage counters everything.

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+1 for Arenas


There are ways to successfully implement them and if you don't enjoy Arena style PvP, no one is forcing you to do it. But I speak on behalf of my group of friends who came from WoW when I say Arenas were always a blast on a good weekday night-didn't have to worry about the russian roulette game we play in BGs (WZs)

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I only say yes if the minimum bracket is 4v4


2v2 and 3v3 do not work and only make OP combos of classes - 4v4 or even 5v5 would be nice


Agreed with this, anything less than 4v4 would induce class changing/nerfing to keep overpowered combo's in check

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Arena ruins games.


Now let me explain why:


You take what is fundamentally a massively multi-player undertaking and reduce the group of individual contact to a half a dozen individuals. I realize most people who play MMOs are anti-social introverts but that is not something BW should be encouraging if they want to maintain the game. Ultimately community (and the sense thereof) determines success.


When I was doing arenas I talked to my guild only during raids. Even then it was rare...I'd point out how we were doing it wrong or something and then go back to being silent king of the number-o-meter. My 2v2 and 3v3 partners were the only people I talked to with any regularity and one was a coke addict and the other was that dude. You know the one. The one you instinctively recoil from because something about the lingering scent of Bengay and cheap vodka says this person is a danger to themselves and others.


Why did I hang out with them? Because we were damn good in the arena. 2500+ every season from 2 on. We transferred across servers and battlegroups together (I typically paid) and I usually ended up bringing them both with me into whatever raiding guild I was in as a condition of getting me, one of the best tanks and DPS in the game. Not ego, just what I have been told many many times.


I maintained two characters: my Paladin for raiding and my Rogue for PvP. Because like the poor, poor Scoundrel my Rogue was basically doomed to raiding mediocrity (and thus not being an A-team raider). It was generally a constant source of angst for whomever the raid's Rogue (post slaptotheface nerfs most raids normally only carried one Rogue) was that my Rogue got gear drops on farm runs (and that I routinely out-DPSed him even though I was generally far less geared).


We logged in before raids, after raids, at 4am because Kimantha and Ken (not their real names obviously) were drunk/*****/stoned/whatever and called me up to come "do sooooome matchessssssss."


I quit arena in S9. Kimantha and Ken tried to keep it going with a replacement Rogue but the magic just wasn't there any more. Kimantha recently completed 180 days in rehab and is on her way to actually living a life. I haven't heard from Ken and I assume that's because he either dove deeper into that cesspool or walked away entirely. As for me? I much prefer objective-based team PvP to arenas. Less stressful, less socially crippling, and more fulfilling.


If you guys "gotta have" your arenas, by all means. But you're going to want to keep doing warzones for gear. Any kind of gear. Arenas should not even offer publicly visible ranking ladders.

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All the people saying Arena was horrible... lets face it are Carebear MMO players who need to stick the RP PVE servers.


I am soo sick of people hating on Arena's just because they have the reaction time of a 2 year old down syndrome baby.


Yes in 2vs2 and 3vs3 Arena there will be FOTM classes and OP combos... but that does not mean you can not still do well with the non FOTM classes.


An Example of this is I remember getting 2k+ in 2vs2 doing double DPS Ret Pali & Warlock which at the time was not a very powerful combo.


For the players who dont want Arena, the good news is there will still be plenty of other things for you to do. For the people who do lets get it on!

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Arenas destroyed wow pvp so definitely no, keep that garbage far away from this game.

Yeah wow is so destroyed, look at how it is barely keeping afloat and has such a small subscribership, i'm sure there millions who disagree with you ;)

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I love how everyone says this game isnt wow so don't do this blah blah. But just because one game has a feature doesn't mean another game can't. That's like saying don't let people raid because people raid in wow. That just sounds stupid. If BW would make skills and abilities have a different set number and such for pvp gameplay separate from what they do in pve(like eq2) they could balance easily without disrupting pve one bit. All of you anti wow fanboys are so against arena because of wow and won't even give it a chance. For us players who played arena alot in wow and love to compete really don't have a way as of right now to show our skill or a way to rank amongst other fellow players. So I think arena would be a great implementation if they would balance pve and pvp seperately.



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I am soo sick of people hating on Arena's just because they have the reaction time of a 2 year old down syndrome baby.


I think the majority of people against arenas never even played them. They are primarily concerned with the effects to the other parts of the game which they do play..ie class nerfing. If Bioware could totally separate the balancing effects needed to make arenas successful from the other parts of the game, then I do not think there would be nearly as much resistance to arenas being in the game.

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I'll make you serious pvpers a deal. Get Bioware to give me friendly pug pvp without premades to wreck it, and I'll convince them to give you arenas if I have to slaughter a goat, two chickens, and six cabbages in ritual sacrifice to do it.


Although I think I might have mixed my ritual sacrifice recipe up with my grandmother's stew recipe.

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Arenas affect everyone in the game because of the balancing issues they introduce.


EVERYTHING in a game affects balancing issues. Are they nerfing scoundrel/ops? Because of arena? OH NO!!! ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME RESULTS IN BALANCING! WE NEED TO STOP PLAYING THE GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE BALANCING THINGS!!! You have helped me see the light.

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Yes in 2vs2 and 3vs3 Arena there will be FOTM classes and OP combos... but that does not mean you can not still do well with the non FOTM classes.



I'm not even going to quote the offensive part of your post. You need to grow up and understand that if you have to use comments like this to make your point, you don't have a point worth making. If you had a decent argument, it would stand on its own.


Look, the fact that OP FOTM comps exist is not the problem. Look at what goes on in WoW because of them though. It seems like the whole game is balanced around them, and that is what sucks. You can't take arenas and just toss them into a game that wasn't designed from the ground up to support them.

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Had tons of fun in arenas. Was hardcore PvE since BC and only entered arenas at S8. Got 'round 2350 in a DK/Marksman/HolyPal and got bored with WoW.

Would be fun playing arenas in SWTOR since I like it so much more than WoW.

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Nobody responds to my logic.




Not logic so much as typical "but think of the community" nonsense that eschews logic for emotional pleas of hyperbole. I was going to break it down but didn't feel like it was worth my time. Make an actual case and maybe I'll get back to you?

Edited by raidyr
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