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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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how about incentivizing more open world pvp at all places and all levels, instead of creating more fake, structured pvp? as it is right now, players do not fear death anywhere, nor are players incentivized to kill anyone anywhere except level 50 in illum and warzones.
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Why not just put arenas in just for the people that want to play them? It's not like you HAVE to do them if you think it's unbalanced or unfair anyway, plus if they did the game would appeal to a bigger client base...seems like the best choice for everyone. Arenas may have sucked in WoW at times but if you can't win then just change up teams or strategies until you can, that's what pvp is about: Skills to win it and a strategy to beat everyone elses.
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Only one way to implement Arenas and not alienate 80% of the players.


Arena is a stand alone mini game. No arena character can play ANYWHERE except in the arena.


That way they can whiplash nerfs and buffs all day long and not impact other players game.


Any arena BS that would cause balance to change all characters in the game is why WOW is sucking so hard these days.

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ill /sign 3 times and considering im not a noobish qqer like most of the people replying to this thread my opinion will actually count.


if you dont like arenas there is this crazy thing called not fighting in them.


as for a lot of people we like to be able to prove ourselves in single combat or small team fights.


and yes i agree that using a system unlike WoWs would be best.

make an entire zone where that is mutual no attacking opposing factions.

let us converse there, its not a big deal.

make different arenas in this zone that are completely visible to other players so we can watch.

make a betting droid so we can bet on fights.

DONT GIVE US ANYTHING FOR WINNING/LOSING unless its something small and unimportant like merc comms or titles.

allow us to random que fights in this place or set up a fight kind of similar to using /duel

give us a ladder ranking system with nothing as a bonus for being top just bragging rights.


honestly i would love it.

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I played for 6 years and was a 3 time gladiator. Arena was the most fun I had in the game by far


must be great running around the same pole over and over again while the other team does the same on the other side waiting for one side to make one simple mistake that only slightly throws the balance in the other teams favor because both teams are exactly the same comp doing the exact same moves over and over again to the point where I can sit there and predict what move each person is going to do. Fun times yeah.


I am for arena btw, just not wow arena, no gear reward, no epeen flex, if anything you get a title and that is all, maybe a mount. If you want gear from arena you don't want arena you just want ez gear.

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ill /sign 3 times and considering im not a noobish qqer like most of the people replying to this thread my opinion will actually count.


if you dont like arenas there is this crazy thing called not fighting in them.


as for a lot of people we like to be able to prove ourselves in single combat or small team fights.


and yes i agree that using a system unlike WoWs would be best.

make an entire zone where that is mutual no attacking opposing factions.

let us converse there, its not a big deal.

make different arenas in this zone that are completely visible to other players so we can watch.

make a betting droid so we can bet on fights.

DONT GIVE US ANYTHING FOR WINNING/LOSING unless its something small and unimportant like merc comms or titles.

allow us to random que fights in this place or set up a fight kind of similar to using /duel

give us a ladder ranking system with nothing as a bonus for being top just bragging rights.


honestly i would love it.


While i agree with your points....your first sentace put me way off and actually made me just want to ignore you. Drop the whole elitist attitude bub.

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Arenas destroyed wow pvp so definitely no, keep that garbage far away from this game.



well, luckily pvp cant get any worse in this game. ilum is a joke, faction imbalance (gear and number-wise) and WZs getting boring




pvp will die

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NOT Signed.


a warzone where the objective is just to kill the opposite team without other objectives is just plain boring.


Actualy most objectives are broken right now, and some classes are WAY better at it than others. 8 Seconds cap alderan vs instant spawn nearby on the side is broken. Dots breaking caps is broken, charging / being pulled with the huttball is broken and the list goes on and on. Ilum is a joke, zergfest camping for the dailly then leaving until the dailly reset. I'm saying that and I do play on a overpopulated imperial server as a Sith sorcerer. I even got my battlemaster. People just join a warzone, if they arent winning or losing first cap they just leave because there is no point in staying. You get 3 wins, turn in the dailly and bam PVP is useless after that for the day.


If only we could 8v8 ranked Warzone that would be a good step, but right now its all about who get lucky getting the good/geared players on their side. I'm top healing or dmg ( depending on my spec ) and I get 10+ medals every single game, but even with that its all about luck and I can lose most of my games if I just get the new/baddly geared players all on my side.


4v4 arena or at least ranked full organised team pvp would be the only way to keep me in the PvP and subbed to the game.


Setting up a 4v4 team deathmatch would be the only thing i could actualy call actual PVP.





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If that doesn't look challenging and fun, I don't know what to say. I got so much enjoyment from wow arena and it really sharpened my game.


The only downside was not arena's fault, class balance issues made it difficult at times to play the comp you want vs. play what is viable. That is a problem that plagues every mmo that lasts very long, swtor will go through the same thing if it is around long enough to have several expansions. Given the balance issues the game has right now there is no reason to believe it won't have essentially the same problem.


I accept that a lot of people who claim to enjoy pvp really don't want a challenge, and don't want to face opponents of equal gear and skill. Another fairly large group is those that just prefer battlegrounds which I enjoy also.


Swtor could do some really interesting with the mechanics used for huttball. Just throwing around ideas, but a handful of maps with hazards and incorporating the pass mechanic could be really awesome for rated games. I think this might even be as exciting as high level wow arena if enough good players/teams are participating.


Biggest obstacle to rated pvp right now is the game has a lot of quality issues to sort through. Not going to bash it too hard as the game is still new. Given enough time to mature the pvp could be really good in this game if they stay away fom the designs like alderran.

Edited by Kolbenito
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Yes to arena. Keep gear the same as bg gear. No pve gear in arena. Allow a ablities to function differently in pve/pvp. Control the number of abilities usable.


They should put in 3v3 and 4v4. They need to just make certain abilities scale differently and have different effects on non player entities. No pve gear above greens should be allowed in arena. They also have to limit the ammount of abilities in some way.


The reason wow arena is problematic is that blizz refuses to make abilities effect pve different from pve. Allowing pve gear also screws things up. Lastly adding cool new abilities expansion after expansion makes arena balancing almost impossible and problematic, they need to look out for this in Swotr pvp. There currently are way to many abilities in WOW.

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1. Make arena 4v4 so it wont screw up balance in the rest of the game which is already balanced around groups of 4.


2. The commendations/rewards for arena should be the same as warzones, which of course means the gear is the same.


3. The titles/ranks for arena should allow access to unique items, but they should be purely cosmetic, such as unique mounts, vanity pets, social gear, etc.


3a. The items from #3 should only be purchasable in one place, an unkillable, faction neutral vendor that wanders outlaws den (this is not that big a deal, but I thought I'd add some incentive to go to outlaws den, and something to fight over while you're there, while we're at it) If/when more FFA areas like outlaws den are added to game, similar vendors could be there too.


4. Titles/ranks should reset every "season" which means you'll no longer be able to purchase the unique items, but any you already have, you'll still have. There should be new items regularly added, perhaps even some that are season specific, so that if you want the latest mount, you'll have to get that title back. And two years from now, when people see that one particular mount or vanity pet you have they'll know you were a "gladiator" in season X or Y or whatever, even if you haven't arena'd since.


5. Profit $$$

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So by " we " you mean yourself and the 6 others that disagree with the OP, or are you "speaking on behalf of the community", as many others claim to in these threads. Either way rated warzones are an innevitability, and where there are rated warzones arena will soon follow. Sorry doubt I'll be going anywhere but you on the other hand might have to put your money where your mouth is and cancel that sub of yours when they roll out the arenas.


Wow, you only saw 6 others that said no in this thread? You better check your eyes man. Arenas wont come, but rated warzones will, thats fine. But Arena isnt.

Edited by Vordy
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If they reward the same gear for arena as they do for warzones, then I'm all for. What I'm not for is the rewards for arena vastly overshadowing warzone rewards.


As in; arena and warzones just being two different means to obtain the same gear.

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arenas NEED to be implemented. i want to play 2v2 3v3 with friends instead of playing zergball 24/7....just make arena rewards on par and not better than the current pvp gear and it wont **** up anything. that way, scrubs can stick with random gear bags by playing zergball and the actual good players can 2v2 or 3v3 for points or something




just because you want something, does not mean it needs to be in the game. Seems the majority in this thread do not want arena in the game.

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