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Bioware Insulting Bias


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We've been doing fine against the Imperials on Anchorhead in Ilum, and they definitely outnumber us. Just get organized and stop complaining about "its not fair!!!QQ". Its not up to BW to hold your hand and take you on a tour of Ilum. Go make some friends, get a few guilds talking and get organized, its not hard.


We died and got rushed a few times, but we beat them back just as hard. Ilum is fun if you can stop complaining for a minute and figure it out. Theyre camping your base? Get one Op's group to go out and start capping nodes, then hit them from behind while the other team at base pushes from the other side. It works, trust me because we've done it even outnumbered. And with the zone cap, you cant complain, nor blame Bioware, if the republic is too lazy/stupid to organize a Op's group or two. Communicate between the two groups on General chat.


TL;DR Stop complaining, organize! The zone cap stops imbalanced sides.

Edited by Shumney
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Yes I said the Test server is for testing, is that really that much of a surprise? Do you actually think that everything on the test server is permanent and destined for the real game? Also do you not know that that once a Sage even begins to pull that rock outta the ground it's still gonna come no matter what, we hit it at the same time, we had a laugh about on Tattoine in /say about it after we went right back to what we were doing and ended up crossing each others paths again. I shocked him he died, his rock still finished coming up and then flew at me. killing me. so either way we would've died at the same time. Seriously all I'm hearing is a bunch of whining from some one who has nothing better to do than try and prove points that mean nothing. Animations are delayed, but they still hit, perhaps you believe that a rock should instantly materialize out of thin air and fly towards the enemy at the speed of light (like lightning should do).


Again as always, none of this is Biowares fault, they made a Star Wars game, to make a Star Wars game you have to abide by certain rules. If not, it can be instantly scrapped cause it didn't follow lore. And if lore is not followed, no fan of the whole IP will not touch it. If you want a game where both sides are eaxtly move fore move, go play some other MMO where the only difference in faction, is looks.



Once again every single point has managed to miss your incredibly dense head. Must be the wall of ignorance deflecting it all. The pointless long winded story doesn't help either.


You're either intentionally ignorant or I'm overestimating your intelligence. If it's the former, good grief whatever go and stick your head into the ground if you want doesn't change anything. If it's the latter. ... ...well, boy do I not envy your circumstances, I'll just leave you there to ramble on while I speak to others who can intelligently debate.


Either way, there's no point in communicating with a wall of ignorance.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Heck even in WoW, Horde is more favoured then the Alliance. Thats because the racial abilities are far better for PvP and the Horde mentality appeals to players. Only time ive seen people play alliance is due to looks and cosmetics. But do I hear people complain on the WoW forums, or Blizzard take any action to change it? NO, because they know good players adapt.


The same might be applied here. Empire (Horde) is the bad guy and power hungry folks while most Republic players are like the alliance. Its based on looks and what most kiddies who saw the movies wanted to be: Jedi.


But that doesnt have to say that playing competence are equally distributed.


Offcourse this is just my 2 pennies.


i have to say almost everything you said was wrong.....


your first para: allaince out numbered the horde and were favored a $%&& of a lot more both by players and even the game design in early WoW. and yes Blizz changed a buttload since the beginning to try and balance everything out over factions and classes. case and point racials have been tweeked multiple times and Blizz gave everyone the same classes to balance out both pvp and pve. Horde never really appealed to players till later on, they were actually like the jedi in the fact that they were underdogs in the begining of WoW/end of WC3 with fewer in number and Thrall was trying to rebuild his people after escaping the grasp of the Legion. I could go on but i feel like most people dont want to see a para of lore comparision. This also applies to the comparision between Horde and Sith...... while actually the allaince was the ones who wanted to wipe the horde out even though they tried to make peace.

Gonna end my rant here and go on to what the problem comes down to:


The reason the majority of people choose Allaince, Sith, ect ect right away is all about looks. Who looks the best, has the best animations, seems like the coolest to play at the time. With this game you have an even extra push towards this since people LOVE force lightning (and yes that is what the 12yrs play, not the jedi).


also the Trooper class for Rep has almost no real appeal off the bat since when you think of a trooper its all cannon fooder and no real hero class just normal army troops. While all the other classes are individual and they are always protraited as being few but strong and stand out.




Take a look back at the Rep animations, gear, ect and see what the art team can come up with to make them more appealing (look cooler) to the masses and SHOW IT!!! in almost all the previews the jedi are all wearing the brown robes and that is it, no real look of customization like the sith have shown.


Personally i think the Trooper class needs to be renamed to something more promising, such as an elite squad name like the NAVY Seals and Green Berets to give it a better feel then just cannon fooder for the jedi.

Edited by AngelicFrosty
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Well, you just have to take my word for it, but I am telling you, it has happened a few times to me already, and it does look kinda hilarious with the object hanging in midair. By the way, I am not whining, I just think that in PvP there should be equal ground from the start, meaning mirror classes and abilities should indeed be identical mirrors, so not the ability decides your wins, but your ability to use them.


Mind you, it's not that I use my dps stuff that often as a pvp healer, but I had a few close situations when it came to interrupt someone capping a door/turret where I noticed the slight delay in project. I think its barely 1 second that it takes the animation to pull up the object from the ground, my char raisinghis arm and hand and then doing a push motion towards the enemy propelling that object. It is not even 1 second, but it is enough for someone to finish capping, and it is certainly far from being instant hit.


I just hope they gonna fix this at some point.


I'll believe you, in fact I think you've made the only decent argument about the whole delay complaint. so I commend you sir, for simply not stating "Delay sucks, bioware only cares about Empire, I quit sub now." I can't completely agree, cause as I've said, I'm doing fine on Republic alts just as well as I do on my Imps. Maybe I don't see it having a big enough impact on my gameplay, or maybe I'm super 1337 and can make up for it. (I really doubt it), but either way, you've shown me something I didn't consider (stopping the cap). But I use my stun, or my slow for those. But in plain combat, I'm just not convinced, I cast, it hits, they die, I'm happy.

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We're blaming Bioware for making one faction choice bland and boring.


I see this as a valid criticism.



Imo, BW should have taken into consideration that the 'bad guys' tend to be more attractive to gamers, and thus put in some greater effort to make the Republic have some strong appeal.


This has been a problem since development, so BW should have considered some things to help make the Republic more attractive than they currently are.


I personally like the Trooper class, so that was my 'carrot' to join the Republic -- but other people need something different.



Imo, BW are supposed to be the professionals, so it is their burden to figure something out to make the appeal of both factions relatively 'equal' to their customer market.



However, as I am not impressed with how they treat their customers, I would not be surprised to see a BW dev come in and blame the customers for not picking the Republic faction, and thus it is the customers' fault there is an imbalance.
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I see this as a valid criticism.



Imo, BW should have taken into consideration that the 'bad guys' tend to be more attractive to gamers, and thus put in some greater effort to make the Republic have some strong appeal.


This has been a problem since development, so BW should have considered some things to help make the Republic more attractive than they currently are.


I personally like the Trooper class, so that was my 'carrot' to join the Republic -- but other people need something different.



Imo, BW are supposed to be the professionals, so it is their burden to figure something out to make the appeal of both factions relatively 'equal' to their customer market.



However, as I am not impressed with how they treat their customers, I would not be surprised to see a BW dev come in and blame the customers for not picking the Republic faction, and thus it is the customers' fault there is an imbalance.


It is the customers fault, we picked what we wanted to play, I wanted to spew lightning from my finger tips since before they even announced SI's, My friend wanted to be an agent since they announced it with just a picture and a rough idea of what it would actually be, simply because it was a class that was intriguing, Everything on the republic side is easy to guess, troopers: yes sir, no sir, right away sir. Smugglers: "look out, trouble, [insert witty comment here], Jedi:...Watch the movies. So the people went with what they haven't seen in the movies. Bioware made trailers that fit the theme of Star Wars, Galaxy in turmoil, Republic on the verge of collapse. They did nothing to entice people to the Empire other than stating the obvious, We made a game were you can play with the Sith Empire and have an experience never seen in the movies.

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However, as I am not impressed with how they treat their customers, I would not be surprised to see a BW dev come in and blame the customers for not picking the Republic faction, and thus it is the customers' fault there is an imbalance.


I agree with this, thier customer support is a LOT less then in any other mmo I have played (WoW, Aion, Rift and a couple others for a short time).


there is a lot less communication on forums; their in-game help is horrible, i had an issue where i was kicked off the ledge in teh final boss fight of Red Reaper right before he died, my group finished it and clicked the consoule before i got back in and i didnt get credit for the FP. when i reported this in a ticket all i got was the automated response that they use when we report a bug, not even a dev coming to say "sorry but there is nothing we can do," made me feel like im not even a customer at that point just a lump of cash to them, if an issue like that doesnt even get a human response.

Edited by AngelicFrosty
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ok IF BW reads this, here is a possible solution to how to attract ppls to Republic :

1st : I tought certain powers come from your side choice , meaning, jedi could also use lighting if they are dark side - ISNT THAT THE LORE ? Dark Side giving chokes and lightning, Light Side using envirormental "help" .. If this gets implemented there will be a HUGE chunk of people who will go to Republic and still fire off Lighting and choke people.. I know that kinda destroys the whole idea of different factions having different looks and feel, but so far its not working well...+ its weird for me seeing pure evil jedis with red eyes and dark skin using rocks instead of lighting, cuz i tought thats what dark side is all about - having new powers..


2nd Give the option for a player to buy ships, not use the default class one, cuz ive seen people going to Empire only because that IA ship looks AWESUUM


3rd Please create some new designs for Republic Armor , esp for Consulars, our robes look ridiculous, even Queen Amidala's weird dresses look more attractive than our banana,table,spoon,bed sheet stuff on our heads and bodies. + there could also be the idea of player choosing sith armor if they are Dark Side, you know, evil looks, evil powers and evil clothes.. Ive seen Light Side Sith running around with those black robes with red tatoos and dreadful looks, which is kinda ridiculous, same goes for the opposite, Dark Side Jedi who kill innocents running around in Prince Charming's white clothes and happy face..


4rth In your expansion, please create a trailer which makes the republicans seen as the tougher ones, since many players new to SW Universe , who havent seen the movies, will think the Empire is the better , stronger choice, only based on the in-game "Empire doesnt have weak points" and shiny trailers, where a Jedi can barely hold her own against a Sith, where a thermal detonator explodes in his face and he still has his evil smile..



Back to OP - Yes i aggree, many people here said , just stop posting **** and have fun with the game etc - HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN, when we are totally "blocked out" from the PvP content ? For my part, its not funny trying to complete a Flashpoint several days needed to find a group only because there arent enough Rep players, or takign a walk on Illum, ganked by 10 starved for Valor Imps who totally stalked on the 1st player to leave the Rep base... I have nothing against the imps, this is just a game and players are free to choose what they want to play and play the game as they want, but there are just some rules that are badly needed, cuz so far its not that enjoyable ^^

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No I'm perfectly aware, but blaming Bioware for portraying the Empire as it actually is, therefore worth playing, makes no sense what so ever. Everyone is blaming Bioware for the imbalance, when really they should stop to think "hmm, it's a rare thing to find anything about the Sith other than a handful of novels. I can understand the imbalance, people are interested in seeing the other side." I'm Empire, and not very happy with the imbalance either. Kills in Illum go fast unless your right there with the zerg group, and while I don't mind Huttball, it gets annoying after the fifth straight match.


Basically, I'm saying it'll even out...in time, maybe a month, maybe two.


They have a month at best to fix it. The longer it goes unaddressed, the more subs will drop from people rage quitting in disgust. SWTOR has some serious balance issues that need to be addressed ASAP or the Imps will be enjoying single faction servers. Then what? FlashPoints? Oh boy what fun. I'm bored to death with them after the 3rd time through. Flashpoints are the real 'grind' of SWTOR, not the leveling.

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They have a month at best to fix it. The longer it goes unaddressed, the more subs will drop from people rage quitting in disgust. SWTOR has some serious balance issues that need to be addressed ASAP or the Imps will be enjoying single faction servers. Then what? FlashPoints? Oh boy what fun. I'm bored to death with them after the 3rd time through. Flashpoints are the real 'grind' of SWTOR, not the leveling.


How can you rage quit out of disgust? Shouldn't it be like..disgust quitting then? ;)


Class wise they haven't got much balance issues. Population wise it's the worst I've ever seen in a game! WAR's was close, but their population imbalance pretty much killed the game.

And it's not simply the numbers that makes the problem, exclusively all MMO's have population imbalances. A server is Very rarely balanced between the factions. What seems to be the biggest issue with swtor (and was with WAR) is that they let the population imbalance ruin the gameplay. The design relies Too heavily on player population.


Anyone else starting to see a pattern here? Mythic=population imbalance=bad gameplay?

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1. Learn to rally your ops groups and have your healers stack area heals.


2. Get more friends that are either good or atleast know how to click buttons so you have trustworthy team mates.


3. Use the turret that can pushback over 40 people (not big turret)


4. Get better gear.


5. Use chokeholds.



If you can't do any of those than you deserve to lose

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How can you rage quit out of disgust? Shouldn't it be like..disgust quitting then? ;)


Class wise they haven't got much balance issues. Population wise it's the worst I've ever seen in a game! WAR's was close, but their population imbalance pretty much killed the game.

And it's not simply the numbers that makes the problem, exclusively all MMO's have population imbalances. A server is Very rarely balanced between the factions. What seems to be the biggest issue with swtor (and was with WAR) is that they let the population imbalance ruin the gameplay. The design relies Too heavily on player population.


Anyone else starting to see a pattern here? Mythic=population imbalance=bad gameplay?


Gimme some of what you're smokin

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Its hard to try an organize any meaningfull pvp in ILLUM when your fps drops to 2.

No amount of skill or organization can overcome this.


I agree to a point.


The text (blank is in the area, completed quest central assault ect) seems to be the issue. I get low fps (around 10) but that isn't the issue. It's the amount of spam from valor, quest log updated, and fly text that makes the most lag.

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I wonder if the anti Empire folks have any evidence whatsoever that BW is giving Empire an upper hand then the republic. As i can tell both factions are mirrored and have the same tools.


Or maybe it is just easier to blame BW since the players themselves have L2P issues.


Wrong. There are dozens of small things.

I played my Commando to 44 and rerolled a Juggernaut

With a friend to 43 before I quit my friends guild and went back.


As sith my quest rarely brought me back to sith starter city yet

My commando always needed to Goto a senate meeting or see the general in person

Instead Darth Barras would accept a holdall.


Sith marauders knock down vs sentinel get a mez both disable but

The sith version leaves you unable to move until your animation stands up!

Sith sorcs get a normal cast vs sage channel! There are lots of little things that make sith

A little easier none are game breaking but if I had it all todo over again, my friend would all have went sith with me, not because of story or class reasons but because it's easier

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  • 3 weeks later...
Heck even in WoW, Horde is more favoured then the Alliance. Thats because the racial abilities are far better for PvP and the Horde mentality appeals to players. Only time ive seen people play alliance is due to looks and cosmetics. But do I hear people complain on the WoW forums, or Blizzard take any action to change it? NO, because they know good players adapt.


The same might be applied here. Empire (Horde) is the bad guy and power hungry folks while most Republic players are like the alliance. Its based on looks and what most kiddies who saw the movies wanted to be: Jedi.


But that doesnt have to say that playing competence are equally distributed.


Offcourse this is just my 2 pennies.


I'm assuming you're being sarcastic and have never actually seen, heard of, or played WoW. As everything you said is such a blatant, bold faced lie, it can't even be ignorance.


Even Blizzon has become a pinnacle of unprofessional developer bias and has even become a hostile place to be to alliance players. Resulting in woman being assaulted at Blizzon.



They even made a rock band based on the Horde to further show how awesome that faction is to the developers with nothing to promote the Alliance.


Their latest Blizzon featured a video of an unofficial spokesperson calling alliance players homophobic slurs and telling them to commit suicide.


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