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Bioware caved in to the forum whines, prepare for the start of a doomed pvp game.


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Cant wait for some forum-bound armory system to get implemented in the near future so that 99% of you scrubs will be exposed for the scrubs you are.


But no worries, im sure youll still be rage quitting as often as ever regardlkess of these nerfs.

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They really needed an adjustment from being 100% frontloaded guarantee kill to something a little more sensible.


This nerf actually makes healers useful and able to counter operatives that try to murder people, unlike before where you were dead before their CDs refreshed. Tanks can now Guard you or taunt the operative before you die, this nerf is absolutely amazing and makes the game so much more team orientated.


Your role as an assassin is to finish people off that your team are already engaging, like when your DPS is on their healer and needs to finish them off quickly before he's focused down.

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Cant wait for some forum-bound armory system to get implemented in the near future so that 99% of you scrubs will be exposed for the scrubs you are.


But no worries, im sure youll still be rage quitting as often as ever regardlkess of these nerfs.


What would that kind of armory system actually do in a game where gear is distributed solely by random?

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The game is doomed because of people like you who are upset because you rerolled an FOTM class and are now butthurt it got brought in line with other classes.


So now you want to give the appearance that you not being able to kill people in 3 seconds while they can't fight back somehow equals the game being doomed.




Oh, and you're full of **** in your quote, there were no dedicated healer classes in UO. Because of how skills worked, every class could sustain itself and was far more efficient than having one guy In Vas Mani all day.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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The nerf isn't that much.


-Ops/Scoundrels were not supposed to have sustained damage

-Bioware has said for a long time that combat was intended to last a long time. (not stun 7k crit, 3k, 2k... stun again 2k 1k 2k win)

-The damage reduction is only 20%. Maths tells us this is basically 2k (average) taken from an opener.


You should be happy they aren't hitting op/scoundrel with the nerf bat really hard like other companies do in their MMOs. They are taking it slowly and adjusting to the perfect level. If it is too much (unlikely) they will rebuff the class slightly. No big deal. So stop overreacting/crying about nothing.

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If you start listening to the forums then you start going down a slippery path everyone has a story about how certain classes are just so OP and need to be nerfed but the truth is always better found out by data mining and making your decisions on hard facts not whiney posts about a class...
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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.



When is the nerf happening?

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(not stun 7k crit, 3k, 2k... stun again 2k 1k 2k win)



Here is a simple lesson in what you all understand about Ops...



Our opener...the 3 second stun....give you FULL IMMUNITY....there is no 2nd stun...unless you are still alive 8.5 secs later ...and if you are and still just standing there...you deserve all you get.


Ok, nerf us...now take out sprint ....take out the aoe punts...take out the pulls...what no? why not?? they arent pvp solutions as they are used to put people in fire.



Heres a simple lesson, Ops are one of the harder classes to play...jugs, sins and other melee...all can hit from any angle any time...sorcs and bh's can range you down any how...Ops...we HAVE to start from behind you.


Learn some **** and stop ************ coz you got owned...

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So ops/scound gets nerfed. So, can someone explain their crucial roll in a huttball game? They can't speed, knockback off of bridges, leap, pull, push, etc. All ops/scound had was heavy single target damage and a lot of cc options. That was their roll. Just like a jugg/guard's was being a great ball carrier having 3 leaps. Stop qq'ing because you can't hit like a truck- that's not our class' roll.
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I still say that the masses who always seem to get the last laugh in these MMOs are ALWAYS WRONG.

I play an Operative and just reading though these comments with people screaming things like ''they open up on me with 13k and i die'' or ''they stun me 3 times in a row'' just makes me cringe. It shows how little you people actually know about the class.


''The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence''

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Cant wait for some forum-bound armory system to get implemented in the near future so that 99% of you scrubs will be exposed for the scrubs you are.


But no worries, im sure youll still be rage quitting as often as ever regardlkess of these nerfs.

I can't wait either so that all these claimers can be exposed.. All these people claiming to play x class will be exposed for the fakes that they are.

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Funny thing is I don't even play a dps scoundrel, the one that needs to l2p is you. I've seen these trends in MMOs since UO, it's never a good thing when developers start the nerfing train. Your class will come up eventually and you will despise it, that I can guarantee you.


LOL @ 'The Nerfing Train' they nerf one classes damage by 20% (which it needed) and you say Bioware have started a 'nerfing train' you my friend are delusional. I don't care how many MMO's you have played

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Heres a simple lesson, Ops are one of the harder classes to play...jugs, sins and other melee...all can hit from any angle any time...sorcs and bh's can range you down any how...Ops...we HAVE to start from behind you.


This made me laugh. When every person on the forum agrees that Marauders/Sentinels are underpowered, you can't say that Ops are one of the harder classes to play. When Ops abilities were not balanced with Scoundrels, you can't say Ops are a harder class to play. When my Infiltration Shadow can't match an Ops burst, you can't say that Ops are harder to play.


So right there, that's 5 classes harder to play than Ops. Soooo I think you lose this round. And let's all be honest with ourselves here, Ops burst is still gonna mess people up. Now you'll just have to learn how to do more than one thing at a time.


Or, as I said earlier, quit QQing about Ops and l2p. :D

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I have to call BS on most of the posts here. Smuggler Scrapper and it's Imperial equivalent were never OP. It was the buff stacking that was the problem. Sure, they can hit you for 40% of your HP, but what do they have after that? If their DA ability is on cooldown, they have absolutely nothing. They are squishy. They die fast. This class didn't need nerfed. I don't play one, but I know they didn't need a nerf. If any class needs a nerf it's Mercenary and Sorcerer.
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The title says it all, Bioware like every other developer caved in to the very vocal forum minority which also usually tends to be some of the very worse MMO players in MMOs. This is the beginning of the end. Scoundrels/Operatives did not need a nerf Bioware, as a healer I say this. You need to test your game and use your own metrics before implementing any class changes in game. Do not go by made up scenarios and imaginary numbers that forum posters use to try to make a point. That's the mistake of past mmo devs that has caused their subscriptions to dwindle in the past and I say that as an MMO veteran since 1997 UO, that has played nearly every MMO since then. You should, if possible release surveys in game to also see how players feel about x and x changes before implementing them. You can also use surveys to see if players think some classes are over the top, currently. You will see that the majority of people that actually play the game at 50, don't feel like the random forum whiners/posers that aren't even 50 yet.


and what evidence do you have that BW did not go test out the burst dmg of OP?

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this got a chuckle out of me. I am sure you have detailed in house emails from MMO devs explaining in great detail how they just blindly nurf things based on forums.


Happened in EQ2,a developer also played a SK and guess what? he buffed those SK's to obscene levels and it lasted for years,he even played with a guild and gave inside info on raid strats until they fired him and he confessed it all on a blog he made.


So yah dont put it past some people working in house to not look at people posting bogus stuff about a class and asking for nerfs constantly and then someone in a meeting throwing the idea out there,it has happened.

Edited by Sathid
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What are people complaining about? This isn't gonna stop my Scoundrel at all, my highest crit was 6780. So im pretty sure my dmg output will still be high, almost certain i can still 1 shot some people ;D thats how much confidence i have. I do believe the damage was kinda ridiculous tbh with you although i kept my mouth shut.
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Except in PVE you also have Juggs and other classes that can already stack damage reduction skills onto a mob. Perhaps it was the combo of Class A, B and C all stacking AC reduction that made them decide that 50% was a bit much so they reduced it to 30%.


So instead of balancing the interaction of those abilities they nerf one class that actually uses the armor penetration all the time in order to have competitive sustained dps. Yeah that seems completely logical.

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