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Bioware caved in to the forum whines, prepare for the start of a doomed pvp game.


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If they nerfed based on the number of posts on here, they would have nerfed Sorcerors first, then BH Mercs and then Operatives.


Obviously they are looking at their own metrics and adjusting accordingly.


Have you actually tested how much 20% damage reduction of one skill and 20% reduction in the armor penetration does? Or have you just started this thread with no proof that Operatives are actually useless now?


I would hazard a guess and say that Bioware knows more about where they want the class to be sitting in terms of burst DPS than you do.

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This will start a nerfing trend that will get all dps classes nerfed eventually and then healing will be to high, so they will have to nerf healing and buff dps again. Then the nerfing/buffing cycle will just repeat itself, until the players get tired and the game dies. Good job at killing another game, that is what you forum whiners wanted after all.


thats kind of how balance works.


it is an endless cycle, of nerfs, buffs, and powercreep. no one can possibly get it right.

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So your a healer and you complain the damage was nerfed? Wow, I thought I herd every kind of QQ, but this is a new level of derp. Okay so you go back to healing and stop complaining about damage okay?

Because I know how to deal with scoundrels/operatives, that's why. I also know that a nerf to dps, will start leading to nerfs in healing until the game's pvp becomes so terrible that everyone starts leaving. Nerfs like these always cause a chain reaction of nerfs that will destroy the game over all in the future. I have seen this trend since every MMO since UO, every single one. Bioware will be no different because so far they have shown to not be unique from other game developers. Eventually the nerf bat will swing your way, I just hope you're ready to deal with it because you whiners were the ones to eventually bring it unto yourselves. I will still out dps everyone if I'm dps specced because I'm a good player and still out heal people as a healer, even though scoundrel healers are the worse of the three..

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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Sentinel is the highest pvp dps lol, if you cant kill an Operative out of stealth reroll.


Oh really? I had no idea! What fantastic news!


Any videos of a Sentinel killing a fully PvP geared 50 in a 2 and a half second lag spike floating around? I'd love to show my guildies! They're under the delusion that Sentinels aren't OP... but Operatives are. Something like:



Only with a Sentinel, not an Operative?

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The game is doomed because of people like you who are upset because you rerolled an FOTM class and are now butthurt it got brought in line with other classes.


So now you want to give the appearance that you not being able to kill people in 3 seconds while they can't fight back somehow equals the game being doomed.


Use escape.

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Oh really? I had no idea! What fantastic news!


Any videos of a Sentinel killing a fully PvP geared 50 in a 2 and a half second lag spike floating around? I'd love to show my guildies! They're under the delusion that Sentinels aren't OP... but Operatives are. Something like:



Only with a Sentinel, not an Operative?


Well heres a thread from the first page, of a guy claiming it might be op:




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Come out with a damage meter or combat log first before you start to complain about any class.


While the only thing that should be changed is the amount of time of knockdown.


I don't know how many times I have had a sorc dot me, stun, run away channel lightening, channel lightening, knock back, channel lightening. dead.


If you can't beat an operative that is out of stealth you need to stop PVPing.

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I don't think people know that you get a free cc break at lvl 9 in this game, I really don't.


What's stupider is that I don't think some Operatives know that it has cooldown. Then again, if I could 3 shot anyone I encountered in 2.5 seconds like this guy...



... I wouldn't need to use it ever myself, so I totally get why you might not know that.

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*yawn* Another doom sayer thread because their FOTM class got nerfed. Sorry, almost everyone else agrees that a class that can knock you down for 4 seconds and kill you inside that time frame is straight up OP. Especially when you initiate your combo from stealth, where no one can defend against it. Go reroll Sorc until that gets nerfed, then return here and cry some more. I will revel in your FOTM tears.
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What's stupider is that I don't think some Operatives know that it has cooldown. Then again, if I could 3 shot anyone I encountered in 2.5 seconds like this guy...



... I wouldn't need to use it ever myself, so I totally get why you might not know that.

You ever heard of resolve? It grants cc immunity, an operative opens up on you with their stealth opener, you use your cc break which is on a 2minute CD, that same operative can't stun you again for 8 seconds because you have full resolve from the stealth opener. You can KB, root him, stun him, etc. Then distance yourself from the Operative/Scoundrel and have your team mates anally **** him, that's it. PvP games shouldn't be balanced around 1v1, they should be balanced around teams, it's a hard concept for people like you to comprehend, I know. Classes in MMOs should be balanced in pvp around team play and not 1v1, why players and some devs don't understand this concept still, I do not know..

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First link isn't even Sentinel/Marauder... it's Juggernaut.


Second video (grats on at least finding one of the right class) Please show me the part where the Sentinel kills someone from 100% to 0% in 2.5 seconds. I see a lot of PvP happening... but not a lot of instant gibs.

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People clearly do not know how to pvp. So you're biggest argument now is going to be that your escape is on cooldown and there is nothing I can do about it!!! Same for operatives, oh wait add the fact that it takes about 2 months to restealth.
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*yawn* Another doom sayer thread because their FOTM class got nerfed. Sorry, almost everyone else agrees that a class that can knock you down for 4 seconds and kill you inside that time frame is straight up OP. Especially when you initiate your combo from stealth, where no one can defend against it. Go reroll Sorc until that gets nerfed, then return here and cry some more. I will revel in your FOTM tears.


3 seconds, mr. expert of the game

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First link isn't even Sentinel/Marauder... it's Juggernaut.


Second video (grats on at least finding one of the right class) Please show me the part where the Sentinel kills someone from 100% to 0% in 2.5 seconds. I see a lot of PvP happening... but not a lot of instant gibs.


A very convenient lag spike, plus the operative's gear changes? I smell something fishy.


I am in full cent with some cahmpion gear and with the expertise buff and an adrenal i have yet to crit over 5.5k in the 50 bracket.

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First link isn't even Sentinel/Marauder... it's Juggernaut.


Second video (grats on at least finding one of the right class) Please show me the part where the Sentinel kills someone from 100% to 0% in 2.5 seconds. I see a lot of PvP happening... but not a lot of instant gibs.


Please find me a video of an 50 Operative killing 2 other 50s and staying above 50% health

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You ever heard of resolve? It grants cc immunity, an operative opens up on you with their stealth opener, you use your cc break which is on a 2minute CD, that same operative can't stun you again for 8 seconds because you have full resolve from the stealth opener. You can KB, root him, stun him, etc. Then distance yourself from the Operative/Scoundrel and have your team mates anally **** him, that's it. PvP games shouldn't be balanced around 1v1, they should be balanced around teams, it's a hard concept for people like you to comprehend, I know. Classes in MMOs should be balanced in pvp around team play and not 1v1, why players and some devs don't understand this concept still, I do not know..


I have heard of resolve. It's that thing that instantly makes you immune to all CC when your 2 minute CC break is off cooldown, right? Because otherwise, what you just posted here makes no sense... as my whole point was my PvP trinket isn't always up when an Operative hits me.


Operatives tend to forget its a 2 minute cooldown, not a 20 second one.

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I have heard of resolve. It's that thing that instantly makes you immune to all CC when your 2 minute CC break is off cooldown, right? Because otherwise, what you just posted here makes no sense... as my whole point was my PvP trinket isn't always up when an Operative hits me.


Operatives tend to forget its a 2 minute cooldown, not a 20 second one.

I didn't realize the cc break skill was a trinket, are you sure you're not playing WOW? This is SWTOR btw, this isn't WOW. Are you saying that there's also pvp trinkets that break CC's too, on top of the cc breaking skill (If there is, can you send me one, please.)? What I'm saying is that scoundrels/operatives could easily be countered because you could break their opener stun and not be stunned by dirty kick for another 8 seconds because you have full resolve. More than enough time to deal with the operative/scoundrel or to get away. It's a hard concept for bad players like you to understand though. There's also things like tanks guarding you (As in putting the skill guard on you that reduces the damage you take by 50%.) and taunting operatives/scoundrels that would make their damage a complete joke. But bad players like yourself don't understand the concepts of team pvp or MMO pvp being balanced around team play.

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Please find me a video of an 50 Operative killing 2 other 50s and staying above 50% health


Not until you find me my video. I asked first. But to wet your appetite, here's an Op winning a 3v1... against a 50 sentinel and 2 under levels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy_fhuIwh3U. Now find me something even relatively close to a Sentinel killing someone in 2.5 seconds.


Here's a tip: Sentinels are the ones with the 2 lightsabers. Juggernauts have only 1.

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Not until you find me my video. I asked first. But to wet your appetite, here's an Op winning a 3v1... against a 50 sentinel and 2 under levels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy_fhuIwh3U. Now find me something even relatively close to a Sentinel killing someone in 2.5 seconds.


Looks like 12 minutes of Sentinel running train.


At 00:38 he gets jumped by a Operative and guess what, he beats him.

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