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My Video on Ability Delay


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OP... You've had your 15 minutes of fame already, and another thread wasn't necessary. Get over yourself.


Excuse me Mr. 2012? You have NO RIGHT dictating what ANYONE posts. That is the job of Bioware and their CS team.


I swear

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It has been acknowledged and is being addressed. How is "and continue to make stink about it" going to help? Sounds childish.


I would understand where you are coming from if the developers denied or ignored the problem.


Because I doubt the fix they have for it is actually going to 'fix' it.


Look at their first patch broke ilum, now there is how many battlemasters running around? And they don't have the ability to 'roll them back'? Whose in control of the game here?

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Good job. It's apparent that Bioware won't fix something until not only we do their job and test the game, but provide video evidence of what they screwed up.


But even though PVP is a pathetic joke, bugs cripple many aspects of the single player game, crew skills are a waste of time, and population imbalance is making the game irrelevant, at least we have Rahkghouls...

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Making a 50 min. video but didnt take the time to read the newsarticles.


What are you talking about? This video was in the making before the sticky post... why is everyone being so defensive? Of course, I've read the Bioware response within minutes of it being posted...


Do you guys think just because Bioware says "Thanks all, we're working on it!" that we should all just stop talking about it let it go? Every little bit of footage and feedback, discussion and posts on this topic serve a purpose of bringing it further to their attention forefront and identify the core problems.


You are the same person who said three weeks ago "Its all fine, I have no issues... go back to WoW"... now you've gone into "Gruging Acceptance Mode" - "Ok, they're on it SHUT UP ALREADY!"... with this line of thought the game will forever remain below its potential and in the dark ages.



Why are there some people who are so contrarian and so ultra defensive of Bioware? I am not even "offending" Bioware or SW:TOR with anything here AND this is HARDLY like "beating a dead horse" as this entire issue is still incredibly hot UNTIL FIXED COMPLETELY...


No, threads on this issue, posts, videos will not stop until the very day its 100% done and smooth on live... and it shouldn't be any other way. How about you actually help and get off of Bioware's Bandwagon and be a little more critical for the sake of the future of SW:TOR?


Some of you are unbelievable...

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OP read this http://www.swtor.com/blog/georg-zoeller-gives-update-ability-delay


and go to the pretest server


I have read it of course... this video has been in the making for a lot longer than "yesterday"... I apologize if its offensive to point out the flaws after Bioware comments on the issue at hand that the community brought forth in the first place...


Yes, of course I'll be testing it...

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Very good work. I'd like to hear your impressions on what they're doing about it. And if you get a chance to test on PTS I'd like to know what you think on whether it has improved any.


Well they're not doing anything about it but they've put forth their analysis of the several problems contributing to it all... which I am very happy with and I believe they're on the right track.


I will be play testing on PTS and I can report back if you'd like of course :)

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What are you talking about? This video was in the making before the sticky post... why is everyone being so defensive? Of course, I've read the Bioware response within minutes of it being posted...


Do you guys think just because Bioware says "Thanks all, we're working on it!" that we should all just stop talking about it let it go? Every little bit of footage and feedback, discussion and posts on this topic serve a purpose of bringing it further to their attention forefront and identify the core problems.


You are the same person who said three weeks ago "Its all fine, I have no issues... go back to WoW"... now you've gone into "Gruging Acceptance Mode" - "Ok, they're on it SHUT UP ALREADY!"... with this line of thought the game will forever remain below its potential and in the dark ages.



Why are there some people who are so contrarian and so ultra defensive of Bioware? I am not even "offending" Bioware or SW:TOR with anything here AND this is HARDLY like "beating a dead horse" as this entire issue is still incredibly hot UNTIL FIXED COMPLETELY...


No, threads on this issue, posts, videos will not stop until the very day its 100% done and smooth on live... and it shouldn't be any other way. How about you actually help and get off of Bioware's Bandwagon and be a little more critical for the sake of the future of SW:TOR?


Some of you are unbelievable...


Is it better to find out what they fixed and bring up what they did not fix then keep talking about what they are fixing ????

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