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Server population is getting ridicolous down by 70%


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doesnt help that the gear progression is just .. wonky. rakata is only slightly worse than columni, while being much easier to get than either columni OR tionese, which is just weird.


same goes for pvp ... randomly easy to get champion, tedious and often pointless to get centurion, and mindless grind to battle master for a minimal stat gain unless you are empire and ilum it up.


i think bioware may have overestimated the lengths that players will grind for a 3% stat increase

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Why when someone post something you don't like it makes them a troll?


I think this game is pathetic. Based on that statement I am now a troll. Lol even the fan base is pathetic. Seems like the perfect crowd for a game like this.


Rofl, everyone is a potential troll. Just post negative and the fanboi's bring the troll card out. Rofl, too funny!


Why is everyone that enjoys a game you don't a fan boy? You're a troll because you're wasting your time posting on a game website that you think is pathetic. That's pathetic.


People who say this game has 0 content, welcome to modern mmos where this IS content. Look at WoW and rift, they have the exact same **** yet they're the 3 biggest MMOs.


If you don't like it, don't play. You don't need to be here constantly making up random stuff looking like an idiot.


If you haven't noticed, all games are taking a very casual route because that is where the money is. You may not enjoy it but there is 10 people that do. Deal with it.


Long gone are the days of grinding gear for 10 months so you can feel better than somebody, maybe you should go achieve something in the real world to make yourself feel good and leave gaming to fun.

Edited by KhealThar
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Why is everyone that enjoys a game you don't a fan boy? You're a troll because you're wasting your time posting on a game website that you think is pathetic. That's pathetic.


People who say this game has 0 content, welcome to modern mmos where this IS content. Look at WoW and rift, they have the exact same **** yet they're the 3 biggest MMOs.


If you don't like it, don't play. You don't need to be here constantly making up random stuff looking like an idiot.


If you haven't noticed, all games are taking a very casual route because that is where the money is. You may not enjoy it but there is 10 people that do. Deal with it.


Long gone are the days of grinding gear for 10 months so you can feel better than somebody, maybe you should go achieve something in the real world to make yourself feel good and leave gaming to fun.


Actually this post is the very definition of trolling.

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Today at some point everyone who played from launch will be required to resubscribe in order to keep on playing. So lets all wait and see how busy the serves are on Sunday as that day is the most popular day for gamers. In essence if this game is not heaving with people tomorrow then I would be very worried.


People say "It's only a month old" Well all the more reason for it to be packed out, hell even STO was busy for 2 months and that is the worst MMO I have ever played.


I personally have noticed over a 50% drop in population from my own server, I had to re-roll 2 days ago and that is before the free month expires. Many thousands more will leave today and not return, now you can call me a troll all you want but you all know it's a fact. Not a fact I have plucked out the air but a fact based on observing the server populations.


I fully expect some propaganda from EA stating that the vast majority have resubscribed but the server populations don't lie.


So lets watch and see what happens tomorrow.

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Due to recent days horrible design decisions my server is pretty much dead on the republic side and I can almost guarantee it is a huge drop on the imperial side as well.


Some statistics that i gathered now for my server on the republic side:


Republic fleet

Now: 21 players

A week ago: 97


Total level 50 players:

Now: 43 players

A week ago: 238


Is this acceptable? What is going to happen in a months time?


Bioware you failed with a lot of things, now it is time to clean up this mess and keep the last few subscribers you have happy. You need to start developing a cross realm tool so we can interact with multiple realms for PVE and PVP.



You rant yet you provide no empirical evidence.


Ok let me try


SWTOR has just sold 500 million boxes and 99% of those people are extremely happy.



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