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Server population is getting ridicolous down by 70%


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Doh... that... does not look pretty, i figure they must be making assumption based on the "text" indication the server's population???


All that is gonna happen is bioware is gonna change that text to normal or full, just watch it happen :)


daym im dumb can you explain the graphs to me! :D

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Not like this. They were all single player games and at the end you get called a master and there is this big ceremony and, oh, that's it, game finishes. Whereas here, you carry on!


And that abortion that was called swg doesn't count.


This guy is in for a rude awakening when he hits 50...


Ive played MANY SINGLE PLAYER GAMES with more content available than this MMO once you 'beat it'. Its pretty friggin sad.

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No, I was looking for abortion.


As in, aborted, cut loose, rejected.


Pre the first major patch the game was good, being a Jedi meant something, but afterwards. Meh...


And it wasn't 10x the game this is. Swg and eve are both sandbox, they are what you and your friends make of them, but they don't have their own story, not like this game does.


Eve is my second job, this game is my relaxation.





There is a reason they are calling this the sequel to these games. It is because it is extremely close to it.


after all you have been waiting for, was it 10 years? or 20.

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Im shamed to say iv bailed to the evil side, when such a huge % of player go to one said I keep thinking theres got to be something in it.


Also I like BH


heheh Im doing both!


This past week I worked Rep side just to get legacy name there and get some crafting to level (as well as start 3 more crafter characters there)


Next week ill be back to Imp characters


Ive talked to a number of people and a person even came from my imp server to join a buddy and my group (well she started 2 character to catch up but thats stalled now).


ALLOT of feedback I hear from players (and my own as well) is Republic side is sop depressing to play because Bioware made it more corrupt and slimy and sleezy then the Imperials!


Yes the imps have slavery and Sith absolutes.

But once your past that, every imperial person you meet isnt looking to screw the empire.


In fact at the Droid Factory on Balmorra, the Empire has one of the best storylines showing a wounded soldier who beleives in his culture and government so much he refuses to let his fellow soldiers death be in vain!


Flip to Republic and on a planet (to avoid spoilers) you have a republic officer stealing life giving supplies (and needed repairs) from his troops to buy wines and luxery cloths for himself. And this is followed up by a squad of so called loyal soldiers going AWOL because the republic treats them so badly and has lied to them so often!


Anouther planet has a highly decorated group switching sides.


Another planet has local magistrate dealing with underground and then betraying the underground and using republic forces/personal to bail him/her out


On another planet...


Well you get the idea


The Republic is suppose to be the good guys and yet they are protrayed as the most corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, abussive side of the 2.


Bioware went to far trying to make the Imps not Evil and the Republic not good for the vocal minority that was moaning about that!


Its depressing and I honestly find myself not able to handle long periods of Republic storylines as its just filled with corruption and slime.


I mean, compared to the Republic in this game, the HUTTS ARE LOYAL AND HONEST.


I wont lie, I entered TOR thinking id play a jedi knight and fight the empire and the sith.


By the end of Coruscant and first area of Taris I found myself wanting to go darkside and start murdering all political figures and all republic soldiers. So I stopped playing that character in beta and rolled a Sith Inq and played it full on darkside/evil. And other then my inq trainer (do the storyline and see) I never really felt the desire to kill my fellow sith and imperials like I constantly did as a Jedi Knight.


I know Im not alone in this and I know a fair number of people that went empire because of this.


Yes the game is well written and interesting

But many of us just come to conclussion that we really dont want to support the republic storywise with how its been protrayed.


Seriously Bioware? Would it have been so bad to have the empire as our mortal enemies rather then the local mayor or administrator or senator?

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If the single player story of this game was actually even 50% as good compared to RPGs like Baldur's Gate 2, System Shock 2, Deus Ex etc... I would have zero complaints.


But it's not.


It's "go to an instanced zone to kill x mobs". Run around, and do it again. Repeat. That, and 97% of the actual pve content is non-class related, of which 99% is kill x mobs in location y.


Even the main story follows a complete grind mechanism (complete 2 planets to actually advance in your class story in any meaningful way). Every planet is structured in the exact same way. Once you've done balmorra, you've done every planet in the game. Only the meaningless clutter changes. Content stays exactly the same.


Companions are a joke.


If you've played a sith inquisitor, and then play a bounty hunter, you can see how the stories advance exactly in the same way, in the same areas (with almost zero deviation), with the same objectives.


There is ZERO innovation, inspiration, or real effort on the class quests. The story is just completely hollow, and it basically shines through how the people working on this game were just doing it for the money, instead of actually doing a good game/story.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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This guy is in for a rude awakening when he hits 50...


Ive played MANY SINGLE PLAYER GAMES with more content available than this MMO once you 'beat it'. Its pretty friggin sad.




Not likely. I know exactly what I am getting at lvl 50, however I don't plan on playing there that long. Maybe a week or two and them I'm starting my second character. I'll be waiting more more content in later patches. I knew exactly what this game was before I started.

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There are a few really high population servers out there and the people playing on them are generally clueless about how bad it is out there for the 'once highly populated servers'.


You are going to get the "I play on Swiftsure and there are no problems with populations in the game," kind of responses which are just ignorant and uninformed.


My server pop is way down on both sides (have a Consular and a BH on the same server). It makes the game feel completely lifeless to play on a server like the one I am on. I started going around to all the planets taking screenshots but got tired of the load screens to do so and no matter what people are going to try and dismiss your claims...even if you intent is just to ask for server mergers or transfers.


I might (as in really big maybe) reroll my consular on a pvp because getting ganked by Imps with nothing to do is better than playing the game on a completely dead server. Then again, I don't know if I am willing to waste my time rerolling....



When there are more people standing in front of the AH in WoW at 3am then there are people on all the planets combined in TOR at peak hours...that server has a problem.

Edited by Scopian
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If the single player story of this game was actually even 50% as good compared to RPGs like Baldur's Gate 2, System Shock 2, Deus Ex etc... I would have zero complaints.


But it's not.


It's "go to an instanced zone to kill x mobs". Run around, and do it again. Repeat. That, and 97% of the actual pve content is non-class related, kill x mobs in location y.


Even the main story follows a complete grind mechanism (complete 2 planets to actually advance in your class story in any meaningful way).


Companions are a joke.


If you've played a sith inquisitor, and then play a bounty hunter, you can see how the stories advance exactly in the same way, in the same areas (with almost zero deviation), with the same objectives.


Honestly the idea is to be able to play KOTOR with your friends in your group.


IDK if you meet the requirements to experience that.

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There is a reason they are calling this the sequel to these games. It is because it is extremely close to it.


after all you have been waiting for, was it 10 years? or 20.


What part of your post relates to my post? I know about those SINGLE PLAYER games. Heck, I've even got the audiobooks!


Not interested in single player (well not all the time, sometimes it's nice to he on your own, but knowing that there are other REAL people around.)

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There are a few really high population servers out there and they are generally clueless about how bad are out there for the 'once highly populated servers'.


You are going to get the "I play on Swiftsure and there are no problems with populations in the game," kind of responses which are just ignorant and uninformed.


My server pop is way down on both sides (have a Consular and a BH on the same server). It makes the game feel completely lifeless to play on a server like the one I am on. I started going around to all the planets taking screenshots but got tired of the load screens to do so and no matter what people are going to try and dismiss your claims...even if you intent is just to ask for server mergers or transfers.


I might (as in really big maybe) reroll my consular on a pvp because getting ganked by Imps with nothing to do is better than playing the game on a completely dead server. Then again, I don't know if I am willing to waste my time rerolling....



When there are more people standing in front of the AH in WoW at 3am then there are people on all the planets combined in TOR at peak hours...that server has a problem.


215 servers.


two hundred and fifteen.


If they merge this games servers there will still be more servers here than any other mmo, except for wow.

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What part of your post relates to my post? I know about those SINGLE PLAYER games. Heck, I've even got the audiobooks!



kotor is too single player


and swg is too MMO?




yup you have been waiting 20 years to finnaly play as a jedi knight /rolls eyes.


Not interested in single player (well not all the time, sometimes it's nice to he on your own, but knowing that there are other REAL people around.)

News flash, this is kotor with online features strapped on. Well it is more single player then multi-player.


If you are still gonna fight it, you have only been waiting sooo long to play a jedi knight due to yourself.

Edited by Harower
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There are a few really high population servers out there and the people playing on them are generally clueless about how bad it is out there for the 'once highly populated servers'.


You are going to get the "I play on Swiftsure and there are no problems with populations in the game," kind of responses which are just ignorant and uninformed.


My server pop is way down on both sides (have a Consular and a BH on the same server). It makes the game feel completely lifeless to play on a server like the one I am on. I started going around to all the planets taking screenshots but got tired of the load screens to do so and no matter what people are going to try and dismiss your claims...even if you intent is just to ask for server mergers or transfers.


I might (as in really big maybe) reroll my consular on a pvp because getting ganked by Imps with nothing to do is better than playing the game on a completely dead server. Then again, I don't know if I am willing to waste my time rerolling....



When there are more people standing in front of the AH in WoW at 3am then there are people on all the planets combined in TOR at peak hours...that server has a problem.


I think they need to merge a few servers.


I just went ahead and rerolled. I figured that I had one character in the 40s and another in the 20s I might as well do it now before I get deeper into that server.


I am actually enjoying the game even more now. It was nice to call once for a heroic 4man and get a group within 5 mins.

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When there are more people standing in front of the AH in WoW at 3am then there are people on all the planets combined in TOR at peak hours...that server has a problem.


Ok, on my (currently) 'light' server in the middle of offpeak I see 27 people in Ord Mantell, 26 people in Tython and 51 people in Coruscant. On the Republic Side. Of an RP server.


You owe me a picture of a WoW AH with at least 100 people in it at 3AM PST. For fun lets make it a 'light' populated RP server as well.


Oh, and it has to be a horde auction house.

Edited by Heliotic
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Honestly the idea is to be able to play KOTOR with your friends in your group.


IDK if you meet the requirements to experience that.


Kotor 1 was crap (besides one great plot twist).


Kotor 2 was awesome (excluding rushed ending), and this game doesn't even come close to that.


SWTOR is basically a lesser single player version of Kotor 1 (a game released almost a decade ago), and a complete failure of an MMO.


A person wanting a game for the story, is WAY better of buying Kotor 1, than swtor.


A person wanting an MMO, is WAY better of with practically anything else.


And FYI, I practically played this game as co-op.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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I began my life in SWTOR as a Republic Trooper, on a server that during the X-mas vacation was categorized as "Heavy".

But soon the server began to feel empty, as it dropped down the population list to "Standard", with the ocational bump to "Heavy" on Sunday nights.

I rerolled as a Sith Inquisitor for the Empire, on the most populated EU server at the moment, and I am happy I did, beacuse the difference is just staggering. The GTM is full of items, I can get a group when I want to, etc. etc.


At least I am glad I "only" got to level 30'ish with my Trooper before making the decision to move to another server, but I do feel for all the lvel 50's out there who is now stuck on a low population server.

Edited by Raigirin
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kotor is too single player


and swg is too MMO?




yup you have been waiting 20 years to finnaly play as a jedi knight /rolls eyes.



News flash, this is kotor with online features strapped on. Well it is more single player then multi-player.


If you are still gonna fight it, you have only been waiting sooo long to play a jedi knight due to yourself.


Oh god, sorry are you being intentionally dumb or just trolling me?


1) I have played all of those games.

2) swg isn't 'too much' of an mmo, just that I don't want 2 sandbox games and also, frankly, the game just wasn't that good. The community was fantastic (like eve) but the game was meh.

3) I play eve, have done since 2004. It's basically a 'life' simulator in space ships, it's like a job. This game is FUN. I don't expect anything else from it.

4) I don't expect a massive 'community' here, I don't want guild/corp/clan mates constantly bugging me. I just want a fun game where my characters persist and will have additional content released for them to do every so often.

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There are a few really high population servers out there and the people playing on them are generally clueless about how bad it is out there for the 'once highly populated servers'.


You are going to get the "I play on Swiftsure and there are no problems with populations in the game," kind of responses which are just ignorant and uninformed.



just an FYI, i would consider helm of graush as a healthy heavy pop server... sorry to hear your server is "dead"...


anecdotal evidence:

monday night during primetime, imp fleet had 2 shards, usually around 350ish people on it


graphical evidence:


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Raids = WoW

PvP = Wait for GW2

Story + SW = SWTOR


Except the story in SWTOR reminds me more of Dragon Age II, where I couldn't care less about the ****** plot and shallow characters, than any of Bioware's other games.


Just wait till the infamous 3rd month of MMORPGs - I think the drop in sub numbers will turn EAware's head so fast that they will get desperate. It will feed my dark side. ;)

Edited by Cicatrize
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On wednesday my guild had 30 ppl online.


Yesterday we had 8, just saying


A week ago my guild had two people on, today it had eight. (Out of eight actual bodies).


Of course, those were at different times of the day entirely, but does that actually matter to anyone?

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Raids = WoW

PvP = Wait for GW2

Story + SW = SWTOR


Except the story in SWTOR reminds me more of Dragon Age II, where I couldn't care less about the ****** plot and shallow characters, than any of Bioware's other games.


Just wait till the infamous 3rd month of MMORPGs. I think the drop in sub numbers will turn EAware's head so fast that they will get desperate. It will feed my dark side. ;)


When the third month comes and Bioware releases their second Content patch, what milestone will i be waiting for next?

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