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Server population is getting ridicolous down by 70%


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Bugs / overused voices aside.


This game has no endgame content.


No crafting insentive


Pvp is flawed due to game engine and other class imbalances.


The game is a levelling portal from 1-50, If only it had another universe to go to at 50 with open worlds, flying and neutral cities.


But this wasn't in the 150 million budget.


2 raids and 12 hardmode instances is no endgame content?

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BW will eventually recognize that the release of the game was hasty and timeless. They tought that the hardcore SW fans will be enough for them to roll the game forever. Even tough there will be a lot of drop offs, people will be going one step back wait for the problems to be solved. The drop offs are not bec. of the hate to SW but the SWTOR experience. They will be watching, waiting untill they have the game they deserve.


But this way or another there will be enough players to let the game go. The problem is that it won't be of a quality what it should be for a long time. This is not a failure but this is not a victory either.

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Server population isn't your issue, what we are talking about here is faction balance. Republic is ghost town in most servers (for a reason that i don't quite understand).


Go to the imperial side, things havn't change much. Server population runs around 70-90 on most large planets.


Republic side was underpopulated from the start. The only issue with this, is Ilium.

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2 raids and 12 hardmode instances is no endgame content?


... which are all pointless to run, because pvp gear is so easy to get and outperforms pve gear in pvp by a light year, while still being completely viable in NM ops.


There's also the fact that minesweeper requires more intellect, while being more challenging than the pve in this game. The only actual difficulty in pve comes from bugged content (lol).


Credits = even less use than pve gear.


Players have zero influence on the world. It's just 100% predetermined, static, lifeless box corridor, where the only end game content is 3x miniature warzones, doing pvp where skill is largely irrelevant.


So where did you get the 4-5k players from? Another statistic?


Someone doesn't know how to use the /who panel.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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I switched to Imperial because Republic is so dead.



I'll say it again, let Republic players play for free and we'll probably see an even ratio. It really would be F2P at that point. Republic is no frills bland and Empire is hella fun bad assery you pay to play on. I guess there might be some appeal for those who like to roleplay hobos.


I've played 2/3rds of the way through the Jedi knight story line. Other than the disconcerting sudden cut off between chapter 1 and 2 the storyline has been great and engaging and getting to play a Jedi knight has been one of those 'childhood dream' sort of things, even if it's taken 20 years for it to come about!


So, don't speak for everyone, not everyone enjoys mass murder.

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I've played 2/3rds of the way through the Jedi knight story line. Other than the disconcerting sudden cut off between chapter 1 and 2 the storyline has been great and engaging and getting to play a Jedi knight has been one of those 'childhood dream' sort of things, even if it's taken 20 years for it to come about!


So, don't speak for everyone, not everyone enjoys mass murder.


What have you been doing for 20 years?


Do you have any idea of the massive amount of games that let you play a jedi knight?

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What have you been doing for 20 years?


Do you have any idea of the massive amount of games that let you play a jedi knight?


Not like this. They were all single player games and at the end you get called a master and there is this big ceremony and, oh, that's it, game finishes. Whereas here, you carry on!


And that abortion that was called swg doesn't count.

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I dont believe you have done any endgame raids.


I think you just read this on another post.


That is a pretty baseless claim for no other reason then to argue, classless man.



I finished them in mostly lvl 58 blues and some odds and ends, some legacy fitted stuff from taris.


The rest of the raid was mostly wearing pvp gear and greens.


The hardest part was looting. (nah I joke end boss was tricky, but only took a few hours)


Far cry from some other mmo's vanilla raids I wont mention.









No hardmodes don't = new content we aren't even debating that here.

Edited by Harower
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yep, credits are useless in this game, which is amazing.


Now i dont have to worry about getting out dpsed by a guy in purples he bought with Cash from his wallet.


Yep, now you don't have to do any pve/crafting/play the economy because it's 100% useless to do so.




Especially considering your own argument just wasted 95% of the so called end-game in this game.


I dont believe you have done any endgame raids.


I think you just read this on another post.


I don't believe you have hit 50, or you've never stepped in a warzone.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Last night at @9pm est...Every single server was Heavy...Including Euro.


I don't quite see how heavy servers induce a panic but, the statistics surrounding this issue are very wrong.


You need glasses, badly. All EU servers on Heavy?? Has not happened since BEFORE launch when there were too few servers. I've played almost every day, usually prime time (which is 19.00 to 23.00, I'd say)


Why would you claim something that everybody on EU know is wrong? Pretty stupid.

Edited by DashFiss
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Server population isn't your issue, what we are talking about here is faction balance. Republic is ghost town in most servers (for a reason that i don't quite understand).


Go to the imperial side, things havn't change much. Server population runs around 70-90 on most large planets.


Republic side was underpopulated from the start. The only issue with this, is Ilium.


I rolled a BH at launch. It was the story I wanted to play the most and my friend that was coming to play wanted to be a SI, so Empire was the natural choice. I wanted to be Republic for PvP, but the situation just didn't permit it at the time.


Now I've finished the story and my friend just left because of RL reasons, so I saw this as an opportunity for reroll Republic. I knew it probably wouldn't be balanced, but I didn't know it was going to get so bad. The thing is though, right now I just don't want to have to level another 50 again.


As it stands I'm letting my sub run out until they do something to make the current state of end game world pvp more attractive, or the next stage of the legacy system that may make my leveling experience a little more attractive.


I'm more than willing to switch sides and help out the Republic, but I'm not interested in rushing through 1-50 just to do it.

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Not like this. They were all single player games and at the end you get called a master and there is this big ceremony and, oh, that's it, game finishes. Whereas here, you carry on!


And that abortion that was called swg doesn't count.



SWG an abortion(I trust you meant aberration)? Which was 1000x the MMO this is.



This is like Kotor with online chat functionality, arcade games and some pvp.



There are plenty of games like this one, heck even made by the same company.

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people are actually arguing that there hasn't been a significant drop in players??? On Sith Mediation, the republic side normally by about 2am cst has under 100 players TOTAL on, past week. but back in December at 2am there would be 100 people on the main fleet station at that hour. At the start of January i chalked it up to people getting back to work/school, but now this are just looking pretty bleak on republic side, i know empire on my server has about 3X the population (i know this because i have a level 1 there i check /who with on different planets just to compare with republic)....


I dunno if we just have a lot of casual republic players, but honestly it seems a LOT less busy than it was when the game 1st opened, i hope things pick back up though, but i will say starting the 1st paid month with a ruinous pvp "patch" (i would call it more of a cluster F) and now the next patch introduces nerfs on one of the least played classes, yet most complained about... i dunno.. things just aren't looking very pretty.


You would think some of the guys from mythic that are working with bioware on this would realize, complaints are one thing, every class complains when they die to another, but really should never balance a class by pvp alone or you will end up ruining their pve ability too...

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You need glasses, badly. All EU servers on Heavy?? Has not happened since launch when there were too few servers, I've played almost every day, usually prime time (which is 19.00 to 23.00, I'd say)


Why would you claim something that everybody on EU know is wrong? Pretty stupid.


Dash your right i am on Hidden Beks one of the heaviest populated server in the game in Europe atm and its 1 of only 2 servers which has been heavily populated all week during prime times all this week. And i should know i have been off work all week.


Population is down anyone who denies this is deluded or works for Bioware. Most EU servers during our prime time which is from 4pm-11pm GMT appear normal or light. Which is great for me as no more waiting to get in but bad for the game in general.

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... which are all pointless to run, because pvp gear is so easy to get and outperforms pve gear in pvp by a light year, while still being completely viable in NM ops.


There's also the fact that minesweeper requires more intellect, while being more challenging than the pve in this game. The only actual difficulty in pve comes from bugged content (lol).


Credits = even less use than pve gear.


Players have zero influence on the world. It's just 100% predetermined, static, lifeless box corridor, where the only end game content is 3x miniature warzones, doing pvp where skill is largely irrelevant.




Someone doesn't know how to use the /who panel.


Then leave already its obviously not the game for you


Server both sides has been chocka since day 1 wz popping at 3am ftw

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SWG an abortion(I trust you meant aberration)? Which was 1000x the MMO this is.



This is like Kotor with online chat functionality, arcade games and some pvp.



There are plenty of games like this one, heck even made by the same company.


No, I was looking for abortion.


As in, aborted, cut loose, rejected.


Pre the first major patch the game was good, being a Jedi meant something, but afterwards. Meh...


And it wasn't 10x the game this is. Swg and eve are both sandbox, they are what you and your friends make of them, but they don't have their own story, not like this game does.


Eve is my second job, this game is my relaxation.

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Have a look at this data, someone has recorded server status over time.




Population semms to be going down continously. In Europe we got the same problem.

The game starts to feel like a real single player game.


Doh... that... does not look pretty, i figure they must be making assumption based on the "text" indication the server's population???


All that is gonna happen is bioware is gonna change that text to normal or full, just watch it happen :)

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